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22948210 No.22948210 [Reply] [Original]

Never ever edition
previous >>22944505

>> No.22948214

I miss Rhodesia, bros...

>> No.22948217

lol, theme inspired by the first post on the last one?

>> No.22948223

I am delusional enough to try to make it into an entertainment industry without nepotism BUT on top of that I worry people could discover I used to basically make deepfake stuff (its similar enough) of related people
Do i believe I have a shot? Hmmmmmmm, yes. a small one but its one.
Though that seems like a super career killer. Do i bet on the few people that know never finding out ot do i change mission? It might or might not be survivable, outside factors but seems like a no

>> No.22948229

why do I find grocery shopping so embarrassing and humiliating? it feels bovine. I'm going to stop eating.

>> No.22948238

fucking idiots always look surprised to see someone inside of the elevator when the doors open. yeah, dumbass, move and let me step out. are you shocked to see another person using an elevator in a hotel? idiots. step aside.

>> No.22948240

it is bovine, everything from the "sales" to the slow way everyone is forced to shuffle so they don't bump into old people. honestly no place seems I go to seems more like hell on earth to me than costco

>> No.22948244

My dad and his wife sat me down in a room with his wife's niece, who is over on a student visa. He then commanded us to exchange phone numbers and go on a date. They want us to marry to give her a green card. It might just well be the most awkward experience of my life

>> No.22948245

she hot?

>> No.22948247

When I'm jerking off, which I rarely do anymore, if I'm also listening to uplifting music or music that has an unusual emotional effect on me, especially a nostalgic effect, the endorphins (?) from the jerking combines with the normal emotional response to the music and I feel the closest thing to euphoria I've ever gotten. It's dim and momentary but it's there. In that moment if I quickly 'bend' my thoughts to other things, I have a much much more optimistic take on them. Suddenly life seems worth living, the world seems beautiful, and the beauty in music and nostalgia seems actually real and tangible. It's like the world is made of light, color, and optimism, instead of the usual dim greyness. It has an uncanny resemblance to rare moments when I've suddenly and briefly remembered what it was like to be a kid, full of optimism, with everything new and buzzing with vivid color and hope. I've experimented with this enough times now to know it's not a fluke.

Makes you wonder what exact chemical process is responsible for this. Do I even want to know? Would I spent the rest of my life chasing it? Is this what SSRIs do to you, or are supposed to do to you? Even worse, is how I feel in those moments how normies feel all the time? Instead of being abnormal, is it the norm and I'm abnormal for living in dim greyness?

>> No.22948248

She's okay

>> No.22948249

Damn I need to cum in someone

>> No.22948250

An okay girl is negotiable. I'd talk to her instantly. This is how 90% of marriages were done throughout human history after all

>> No.22948253

Damn and I larp as a traditionalist

>> No.22948256

It's depressing.

>> No.22948258

wtf are you complaining about then faggot? take her on a date.

>> No.22948260

Ive literally never met her before today and she barely speaks english

>> No.22948262

What country is she from?

>> No.22948263
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>> No.22948265


>> No.22948267

*slaps a big fat tattooed whore with a blown-out pussy and the cum genetics of a thousand niggers stored in her spinal column* This baby speaks GREAT English, I could let you have her for... your house and half your money for the rest of your life, in 7 years? Also, she'll cut your son's cock off or your daughter's tits off

>> No.22948268

I'm gonna have to have surgery on my dick (more specifically my urethra) in the near future. I've got a urethral stricture and it's hell, I fucking hate my life right now, it takes me thirty minutes of forcing and pushing and agony every night before bed just so I can get to a point where I feel confident that I won't piss myself in my sleep. I would with one of these on my worst enemy but no one below that.

>> No.22948270

Satan is our closest friend. He praises us when we seek to follow our hearts, he proclaims that there are no gods nor masters, and takes our souls through a psychological pit of pleasure where we can barely escape from. Satan is known to all and is cherished in this day and age. God by contrast is a stranger. He condemns us when we seek fun, he demands we submit to his complete will, and he subjugates us to a plethora of pain. No one naturally wants to follow God. What man would willingly submit himself to what seems like a tyrant while forcing us to age, die of disease, etc? It hurts to be good. We all want to have an infinite amount of pleasure and this'll come to the detriment of the whole of society. If one man submits himself to his carnal pleasure, he will leave others in pain who may in turn become envious and wreck society. Satan is chaos incarnate. During chaos, Satan revels as everyone is in a state of confusion. That's why you should attempt to prop up order at all times.

Also bros if someone in my uni gets banned from 4chan does that also mean I will too? :(

>> No.22948272

That can't be too bad, in my experience at least, Vietnamese women are very sexual and horny, which could be a potential upside.

>> No.22948277

Good point. She's staying with my step moms brother for a while. I arranged to go over for a movie night with the family. I'll try to make it work

>> No.22948282

Shes actually very shy, awkward, and dorky. Not at all like what Full Metal Jacket led me to believe

>> No.22948283

>Shes actually very shy, awkward, and dorky.
Lucky bastard.

>> No.22948286

Your dad a sexpat?

>> No.22948291

No, he just got the yellow fever about 20 years ago, not long after my white mom divorce raped him

>> No.22948296

Doesn't speak English? That's the dream!

>> No.22948301

Because grocery shopping is for women. It awakens their ancestral gatherer instinct.

>> No.22948303

>sorry, this lane closed
Do Americans really?

>> No.22948307


>> No.22948310

Not just that but women live in the moment. To a man, food is something to be streamlined and established as a routine that supports or MAYBE enriches one's life and forgotten about. Women on the other hand enjoy every single time they get dressed, every single "will I won't I" choice to put on one hat or pair of shoes or another, and likewise every "will I won't I" decision to make this or that meal for dinner or buy this or that avocado. It's literally cruel to force men to shop, because for men avocados are just a universal dead concept, "avocados." For women, it's like an emotional and sensory fantasia every time they go shopping, I think they can feel every bump on the avocado and see the subtle variations in greens in technicolor. Women will literally stop to smell candles for a fucking hour. Shopping was built for women.

>> No.22948325

Gordon Ramsay would snap your neck

>> No.22948333

This anon has met every single woman in the world, he clearly knows what they're all like.

>> No.22948342

The univese depends on me.

>> No.22948363

So, I've been thinking about dying a lot and I've come to the conclusion that it's time. I know for a fact that my life would so much better with me not in it. Like, everything feels better when I'm as further as possibly dissociated from my life. If I wasn't in charge of my life I would be more successful in every way possible. I'm going to get really drunk before I do it because I'm thinking that would numb any pain I would feel in those last moments. I don't really have any idea where I would be going or what is going to happen after death. But, I know I can't keep on living like this. It's too comfortable and almost unbearable. If I kept on living like how I am I would probably die in a a few years anyways. I wanted to share and give myself to the world but I'm actually just a brainlet with nothing of substance to add. Its true I don't have any agency over myself and I should've paid attention in school and made something of myself by this time but everyone on playground and internet were always having so much fun that I thought maybe if enjoy myself a little there is no harm. I've all the time in the world anyways. Turns out that that sort of thinking made me fall behind. Not really, but in the grander scheme of things, maybe. And I realize there are going to be way more paradigm shifts like this and I'm not equipped to handle any of it, or rather I'm just tired and indifferent to it. But pretending that I don't care makes me dumb and slow. I wished I had found this place sooner. And I had wish I had done a lot of things differently. Like, in retrospect, everything that I've done could've been done better. I look at other people's lives and it clicks like oh that's how it is supposed to be lived. But, in making excuses, only thing I'm sure about is I want to die. Because even if I didn't and lived then that feeling is going to come back again in a few days, then few hours and then few minutes and so on. I don't expect anyone to understand or console me. But, yeah that is what is on my mind. Don't come at me for feeling this way

>> No.22948375

Every 27 year old feels this way

>> No.22948377
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blind was the birth
bright was the burn
crashing to earth
taking its turn
taking its toll
wrecking the rest
for the rest of all time
love was the symbol & loss was the sign

>> No.22948380

i dont get it, youre killing yourself because youre comfortable?

>> No.22948383


>> No.22948384

I got fixated on an idea today and I’m wondering if I should write something nice with it, please rate/10
>A bandit is getting old and can’t keep up with the young ones of today, thinks they lack respect for the craft and are unnecessarily brutal nowadays - he wants to go straight.
>His old life won’t let him catch a break: a lawman or former associate might clock him any day, used to living in the fringes of society, he finds it hard to trust the cityfolk around him, he can’t resist the urge to steal petty items, he is quick to start fights when disrespected and cheats/cuts corners almost as a reflex.
>This fish out of water that must learn how to behave in polite company, how to make a living with honor, the hard way, and deal with his long repressed emotions and longing for steady company that doesn’t want to rob him as soon as he falls asleep.

>> No.22948401

Who cares man, you don't owe it to your life or life in general to make it better, just do what you want. You could probably achieve something great If you stopped focusing on dumb shit like not being perfect. Good riddance to an npc, I guess

>> No.22948411
File: 25 KB, 894x894, 41l0qIVgfVL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think there's any point in trying to enter into a romantic relationship again after having once already experienced the absolute ecstastic heights of passionate, all-consuming love & had to witness its slow death & collapse into the depths of disaster & despair?

>> No.22948430
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hard to say. i went through two good long relationships that died horrible deaths but still had a lot of confidence in myself and belief in love.then had a short relationship that ended in a dumb way because i was being petty. i cant really imagine myself finding someone like that again (it was honestly like someone created a person based on a questionnaire it was very eerie when i thought about it, as schizo as that sounds) and it hurts that it was mostly my fault whereas in my first two relationships i was more of a victim. i guess id just say who knows, just had to dump that here lmao

>> No.22948439

>and it hurts that it was mostly my fault
what if you sabotaged it because you'd been contaminated by two failed prior relationships? i'm presuming, based on your description, that the third was, in your view, almost supernaturally compatible with you in a way the first two were not, despite those relations surviving for longer periods of time, no?

>> No.22948456

that was definitely part of it, it did feel like self sabotage i even thought how much i would probably regret it while i was doing it (i didnt cheat or anything just started acting petty and stupid), basically just seeing what to me felt like kind of an impossible person and they were in love with me and i definitely felt like okay this is weird and just couldnt play it cool.

it was also self sabotage because she was very artsy and ive always been kind of a stemcel dilettante type so i felt like a bit of a fraud there as well. honestly the whole thing was probably a lesson but some lessons take a long time to swallow

>> No.22948459

Late night high as fuck me orders me such nice things and signs me up for the best experiences, I wish I thanked myself more in the moment
Maybe I can leave out chocolate bars or something for me to find while high at 4am

>> No.22948466

My entire time in this country was bookended by my relationship with my gf (now ex). I met her just as I entered for work, and we broke up just as I were to go abroad again. I miss her. Having her by my side really gave me the strength to go through everyday life. Knowing she would be there at the end of every shitty day really gave me a lot of comfort and helped stave off lots of my depression and anxiety.

I know you aren't reading this, but I want to thank you for everything. You were the absolute world to me, and I'm sorry we couldn't work out. I tried my absolute best but alas. I will always remember and cherish our time together dearly. I love you.

>> No.22948467

Cold air chills water
The water freezes solid
The stream stops flowing

>> No.22948469

wow so many sad mens on the internet

>> No.22948474

Yeah I'm one of them

>> No.22948476

What are they sad about?

>> No.22948480

seems to be mostly women, maybe the women are covering for greater losses or deficiencies, maybe the women really were that special? only david attenborough could tell

>> No.22948483

I'm sad about my broken family, my sad and lonely adolescence, my lack of direction, my personal failures, my insecurities and inadequacies, and my poor social skills

>> No.22948490

Choose not to be sad.

>> No.22948492

you might get cancer if you never masturbate

>> No.22948499

See I have all those issues too but I don't really care and just miss my bitch, crazy how that is, like a reverse jayz

>> No.22948509

Doing my best but everytime I drink alcohol I get sad but everytime I dont drink alcohol I'm extremely bored

>> No.22948514

Why do you drink alcohol instead of a better hobby? I've never been drunk in my life.

>> No.22948517

I've been drinking since I was 14. I'm not ablw to have fun without it

>> No.22948518

I've been drunk several times and I can't imagine a world where I do it regularly

>> No.22948519

I'm going to try to build up an immunity to carbon monoxide poisoning.

>> No.22948521

Sounds like you fucked up. That's too bad. Maybe a miracle will change your life.

>> No.22948529

I miss my gf
She was a sweetie. Unfortunate that her inability to be real impacted her irl. Like we had all the interpersonal stuff to make it really work but her having no job or life skills at 29 made it impossible for us to be together. Life truly is a bitch

>> No.22948533

Why not just have a stay at home waifu whose entire existence revolves around you?

>> No.22948540

Yeah, it kind of feels like I'm trapped

>> No.22948543


>> No.22948544

I'd love to have made her my waifu but she can't cook, doesn't clean, can't drive, has no money herself, has never dealt with her anxiety issues, and has basically never had responsibilities in all her life.

>> No.22948547

How did you even meet such an autistic neet, how were her looks?

>> No.22948551

i love female vocalists

>> No.22948553

You have repressed homosexual urges or traits

>> No.22948554

Yeah she has a cute voice.

>> No.22948560

Yes, what about them

>> No.22948589 [DELETED] 

Here's another

>> No.22948599 [DELETED] 


>> No.22948602

We met on one of those online apps and were online friends for about a year till I moved to her city (not for her but for work). She was hot af (sent great nudes), had such good relationship communication skills, was really sweet and thoughtful, really seemed to want us to make it. Really good 5 years together and i helped her get her shit together (helped her with job stuff, paid for therapy, etc) but i can't do that forever if she doesn't seem to want to get her shit together. I mean wtf am I gonna do

>> No.22948606

she sounds epic, idk id stay with her

>> No.22948609


>> No.22948610

Dude if we lived together, we'd live in literal poverty

>> No.22948614

oh well i have a good job and im pretty minimalist so i was just projecting my life, but yeah eating beans out of a can doesnt sound romantic

>> No.22948619 [DELETED] 
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I almost accidentally posted my nudes of me on all fours, naked except thigh high socks and a wig, and my anus agape. You guys wouldn't have wanted to seen that lol

>> No.22948622

>Work for one maybe two years.
>Save diligently.
>Quit job with over 50k in the bank.
>Finally travel.

How does this idea sound? I'd be able to save heaps of money by living with my mum (I'd of course chip in for rent) and in two years I'm only gonna be 23 so that's the perfect age for travelling. I also grew up super poor so I'm really good at saving since I'm afraid of losing money.

>> No.22948623

Travel where

>> No.22948629

I'd like to go to the US but I wouldn't be going to any crazy expensive states like LA or NYC (despite how much I'd like to go to NYC) and from there, I'd think about going to Switzerland, South Korea or Japan. I also wouldn't mind going to Hong Kong since I have a friend who's from there but if I was ever to go there, I'd want to time it with him going there too so that I have someone to show me around and someone to translate for me. Mainly I just want to go to the US, despite its flaws, it has some very beautiful places.

>> No.22948630

Try investing some of that money if you can (after sorting out your needed expenses and emergency funds and all that). It'll really work for you in the long term.

>> No.22948631

>crazy expensive states like LA
Whoops, my retarded ass called LA a state.

>> No.22948633

I always hear people saying that you should invest money but I feel like that's a blanket term. What sort of investing are you talking about? I'm not smart enough to get anything out of stocks.

>> No.22948634

Are you Australian

>> No.22948637

Are you Australian

>> No.22948638
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I also called NYC a state. Maybe it's better that I don't travel, lol, I think I might be too stupid.

>> No.22948639
File: 755 KB, 3217x2730, Australia mentioned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, what gave it away?

>> No.22948652

I've been watching Australians and you guys have a unique vibe. I'm not really smart enough to pinpoint it all but I got the feeling.

>> No.22948654

Nah I ain't ozzie or a yank

The point with investing (at least for non-pro traders like us) is to let your money do something for you instead of just sitting gathering dust in your 0 or low interest savings accounts. Invest it in gold or mutual funds or land (if you have time and knowledge) or stocks with solid fundamentals. Youre young so a bit of thoughtful investing could make a world of difference a few decades down the line.

>> No.22948668

holy shit I've watched so much porn today it's insane

>> No.22948676

Any trans

>> No.22948677

I haven't watched porn in 20 years

>> No.22948691

good boy, now go get a cookie

>> No.22948695

How do you feel about index funds?

>> No.22948744
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pleasure is a feeling
but pain is a desire
no feeling is bad
and no desire good

>> No.22948746

Robocop Rogue City is so good

>> No.22948804

Yeah generally a great idea, since they generally beat most mutual funds in most places. I'd suggest to you what i suggested to my younger brother: select an amount your comfortable investing. Then dip a little into gold, a little into some fundamentally strong stocks (needs just a bit of research), and then the rest into index funds. This is a relatively safe start that should help you get your bearings and give you an idea of what you're comfortable with. Just keep in mind that this is all the long game. You can adjust what you invest in later in the future according to your own finances and taste for risk.

>> No.22948898

Anon, from what I understand you seem to lack goals and meaning. You see, when it comes to having a job, you don't need a career in STEM to be happy. In a pet shop you'd unironically be happier, taking care of the cute doggies. In whatever case, make it your goal to have a family, or something like that. It would at least keep you focused. From what I hear, there is no greater joy than having a child, for instance. Dont deprive yourself of that

>> No.22948909

Too much caffeine gives me anxiety, bad thoughts and the need to shit really badly, I need to stop doing this.

>> No.22949208

you should drink wine instead

>> No.22949236

>write what's on your mind
my scalp.

>> No.22949250

Alcohol is fucking disgusting.

>> No.22949298

what a garbage tier opinion

>> No.22949366

Nah it's pretty shit

>> No.22949387

Ooooh, how yummy, rubbing alcohol in different flavours that I drink because I'm too much of a coward to actually face my problems.

>> No.22949416

I barely drink alcohol but I despise the redditors who seethe about it.

>> No.22949438

I never read while under the influence. Can't concentrate.

>> No.22949449 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22949451

I can't do anything worth a damn while I'm high but I only want to do stuff when I'm high, quite the problem

>> No.22949480

I've clicked on this image for the fourth time now thinking it had female skin on it.

>> No.22949511

I really hate being dumb. All my life growing up people preach this modernist feel good garbage about not being judgmental and the value of acceptance but if you're born dumb like me the world fucking sucks. You make shit money, work shittier jobs, get treated like crap, get to enjoy a lower variety of hobbies because of simple lacking competence. I could go on but my point is that being dumb really fucking sucks man.

>> No.22949520

You should become jacked.

>> No.22949530

I keep having to hide doomer threads. Why can’t we just ban them off the forum?

>> No.22949535

Is the Americans in your walls right now?

>> No.22949538

No fault divorce should be illegal

>> No.22949541

He’s right, my mom insists she shops like a man but we all know that’s not true

>> No.22949596

I didnt need to see her. Now the day is ruined.

>> No.22949597

Problem: I have never loved anyone in my life, or at least I don't remember.

Explanation: Upon reflection, I can't recall ever loving anyone in my life. To clarify, I have been loved, but I have never reciprocated that love. I have loved games, series, books, and music, but never a human being. Loved in the sense of wanting to be with someone, wishing them well, or holding them in equal or higher esteem than myself. That's my definition of "love." I'm not referring to an intimate relationship but the simplest form of love towards a friend, family member, or companion, etc.

According to my mom, I loved her when I was a child, but I don't remember. I don't believe I mistreat people (except on the internet), but I don't treat them well either; I remain neutral (except on the internet). This is a problem for two reasons: first, I can't comprehend the true message of the Holy Bible (to love everyone the same or more than yourself) because I can't practice it and experience my relationship with the world and God due to never having loved another person. Second, it's a basic human feeling linked to happiness, and right now, I'm doubting if I'm truly happy.

Root of the problem: I think it could be for two reasons. The first (less likely) is that I may be incapable of love due to a mental disorder or improper brain development. Since childhood, I've been quite different, and my parents always suspected autism, though I've never confirmed it with a psychologist. I do sense some similarities in my thinking with autism, but those similarities are also linked to depression. If happiness is based on love, then I might be an unhappy person who has never discovered happiness and doesn't know the difference between being happy and unhappy.

The second root (more probable) is that I don't love myself. I've heard many times that one must love oneself before loving others, and I despise myself. I'm ashamed of everything I do and say, which is why I hide from others, except for my closest group of friends on the internet, whom I always try to avoid meeting in person. I believe this stems from being bullied in my childhood and adolescence. It makes sense that I need to love myself before others. How could I love someone if I can't even love the connection (myself) with that person? As Jesus said, before trying to remove the speck from someone else's eye, I have to remove the beam from mine. If I can't love myself, then I shouldn't think about loving others.

What do? God I'm such a ratard.

>> No.22949640

Might have to spend more time in places where people are happy with their lives.
Been here since 2010 but you people are so fucking boringly depressing. Same shit every time.
/diy/ is a gem of a board. People make stuff, they know what they're doing and are happy showing off what they made.

>> No.22949646

Man, I really fucked things up. I could go do this but I am really too old at this point. I should’ve done it years ago, but I waited and waited and waited.

>> No.22949657

Young men take advantage of like-mindedness with anonymity. It’s actually not the truth that people are overwhelmingly depressing here. That’s just what you pay attention to, I suspect because you fit the bill yourself. Furthermore, for a man to be overly affected by the lack of optimism in the people around him is a sign of weakness or effeminaty. Men don’t talk like that. They’re not cheerleaders. It’s all either ribbing or pessimism.

>> No.22949665
File: 577 KB, 1140x1378, All time favorite stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22949669

>That’s just what you pay attention to, I suspect because you fit the bill yourself.
Holy pseud
And I never said I was overly affected. I said it was boring. I'm not looking for 'cheeleaders' either.
Just want to be around people who do things rather than whine about things.
Your post is terrible, you just make up strawmen in your mind.

>> No.22949670

If you despise yourself, shouldn't it be easy to hold someone in higher esteem than yourself?

>> No.22949675

Really abysmal taste across the board but props for being true to yourself

>> No.22949677
File: 124 KB, 1002x1920, uy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l have started walking around town picking up weed dogends

>> No.22949685


>> No.22949690

l open them and re-roll them to smoke

>> No.22949697

Disgusting. You have no idea what kind of nasty lips were wrapped around those things, and they have been sitting outside in the dirt and brake dust. WTF is wrong with you? These could be laced with crack and fentanyl for all you know.

>> No.22949699

This world punishes weakness harder than sin. Woe to the one who is weak and sinful

>> No.22949703

I’m not a pseud for pointing out your hypocrisy. Are you not whining right now? Of course you are. There’s a writing general on this board. I bet you never post in it. You don’t post your own work. Tell me I’m wrong if you want, but you know I’m right.

>> No.22949706

Very few good movies have ever been made. I can’t find common ground with someone who likes more than maybe five movies.

>> No.22949716

well what are your 5?

>> No.22949726

>These could be laced with crack and fentanyl for all you know
You're right about it being disgusting, but this isn't very likely

>> No.22949736

Star Wars
Fire Walk With Me
The Land Before Time 3
Austin Powers 2

>> No.22949738

You are wrong and full of assumptions.
Did you feel personally attacked by me? Do you whine every day about your sad life?

>> No.22949755

any guaranteed methods to get rid of dandruff? I've got it bad.

>> No.22949839

Are you 5?

>> No.22949843

I'm pretty happy. Gonna go into the city with my church friends :D

>> No.22949851

Post your five favorite films then

>> No.22949856

Ginger Snaps
Ginger Snaps 2
Ginger Snaps 3
Ginger Snaps 4
No Country For Old Men

>> No.22949868

What a fucking pussy

>> No.22949911

Go bald

>> No.22949925

I'm traveling for work and staying in a hotel for a couple of weeks. I don't watch TV at home, so I never watch commercials. the amount of pharmaceutical ads they cram in between Shark Tank pitches is funny and sad. people just let themselves be bombarded with ads all day long, it's insane. my parents have probably watched thousands of hours of commercials.

>> No.22949926

Its jarring to post 3 weeks straight on /pol/ and then coming back here. There are no flags

>> No.22950008

Flags are annoying

>> No.22950012
File: 1.09 MB, 1068x987, be_terrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something along the horizon. Don't know what it is. But I don't care. Shit's gonna blow up. I like it.

>> No.22950027

I have a rare flag so I get a lot of (You)s
Kind of neat

>> No.22950054

I love my mother but I really dislike the sort of person she’s turned into.

>> No.22950061

Hit it's peak when she broached the topic of flat earth.
Boomers are not made to be on the internet. She's into all kind of whack Telegram groups.

>> No.22950067

>Hit it's peak when she broached the topic of flat earth

What the...?

>> No.22950070

I don’t care about any of the ridiculous stuff my mother believes. I dislike how she’s turned into this very masculine, money-obsessed career woman. She tells herself and her kids that she’s doing it to make some money and leave her kids with something but that’s bullshit. She’s also alienating her kids and doesn’t even realize it.

>> No.22950080

She was full normie before covid.
Me and my brother spoke some sense in her and she became anti- covid vax and mask. Good stuff.
Then she starts believing in Q and every other conspiracy you can find online.
I love talking about politics but not with my mom especially not if it goes into crazytown like that.
Ah that's something else entirely. Sounds annoying as well. Luckily mine used to be a housewife for very long. Not a feminist at all.
But does she have young children? If you're all grown up it's less bad. She has her own life back and if she enjoys it what can you do really?

>> No.22950122
File: 900 KB, 1093x800, ozu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us will never have that, some of us will never experience genuine affection, love and ultimately sex. It is just how the aleatoric things work in this chaotic world, no matter you think you have control or not. Meanwhile there are people hardcore loving each other to the point of being mutually involved in arousal sexual performances like kinky fetishes, oral, anal, all while being completely socially functional and wealthy. On the other side of existence, outside purely formal dialogues, some men will never even experience a genuine hug, going on until the inevitable agony consumes them as they drift into the void more and more.

>> No.22950125

sulfur soap

>> No.22950126

why though. if you know how to cook, it's fun to look at different food items and decide how to combine them and make good food.

>> No.22950128

this isn't worth copying and reposting anon, it's trite.

>> No.22950150

But it's the truth.

>> No.22950162

Yeah, and?

>> No.22950189

No it's not. "Some men will never even experience a genuine hug?" What the fuck are you talking about man. Every day you can see ugly fuckups in relationships

>> No.22950190


>> No.22950197

Rome didn't fall.

>> No.22950198

This board seems to have suffered an an enormous decline in poster quality over the last few years and has a major pseud problem. The way people spout bullshit with such certainty and fail basic reading comprehension is so much worse than it was just a few years ago.

>> No.22950201

I know it's tired but I am so deeply ashamed of how terrible of a person I am. It's gotten so bad I am genuinely uncomfortable with affection or positivity, it causes me extreme discomfort to say thank you or express joy in any context. I feel more comfortable in excessive anger and disgust for others than I do with friendship or romance. I think I'm a spiritual incel. I get laid but solely because I hide this stuff. No real relationship has ever happened to me because I present an entirely fraudulent persona to every person I know. Sometimes the personas vary so greatly that I need to avoid different friend groups meeting one another because my conflicting personas and lies would be exposed.

>> No.22950204

No. All her children are adults now. I agree it would be worse, but she’s been like this for a while. The youngest of her children was a teenager when this started. She doesn’t even enjoy her life. That’s the problem. She hates her job. It’s not even a very good job. She works in a very masculine, blue collar, frankly low brow industry but is totally obsessed with making money within it. It’s all she talks about. I keep trying to push her into a nice little government bureaucrat job with good benefits and an easy schedule but she won’t go for it because it doesn’t pay enough.

>> No.22950233

Its just a bit sad

>> No.22950235

The urban-rural divide precedes almost every other political division.

>> No.22950278

How exactly is she alienating her children? So she works too much, it could be worse.

>> No.22950287

>is fundamentally desirable
>aaaaaa i am so le sad these masks i wear... who is le real me??
It is tired. Wish every one of you yuppie faggots would just jump off a bridge already

>> No.22950297

I'm one of those men, 31 khv here.

>> No.22950309

>Ginger Snaps anon lives

>> No.22950313

it's your fault

>> No.22950314

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.22950326

Not everyone is fuckable even with good diet and exercise.

>> No.22950332

Unless you are handicapped or mentally retarded, yes anyone can get laid

>> No.22950335

I am a good reader. It’s unfortunate how little there is to find value in, nowadays. I’m still an atrocious writer. Things happen too quickly after summation.

>> No.22950343

being sperg is the same as being mentally retarded

>> No.22950349

actual sperg?
awkward guy

>> No.22950351

I become a wizard in a couple months. I can't wait.

>> No.22950354

No it's not

>> No.22950361

My mom gave me a genuine hug when I graduated high school. I didn't hug her back.

>> No.22950368

Cannot fathom people who have kids. Have you lived? Have you experienced the same fucking planet as me? Why on Earth would you WILLINGLY put all your time and resources into inflicting that onto a NEW person? At tremendous personal expense no less. What the fuck man.

>> No.22950371

antinatalism is the gayest ideology in the world
I actually like living and will procreate, faggot

>> No.22950386

>emotional reaction
>no counterargument even attempted
I accept your concession, anon. I hope the Lord is merciful when he brings down judgement on you for inflicting the suffering of being onto your son.

>> No.22950392

When you're arguing with an antinatalist, this is who's on the other side
Fat, ugly, unemployed, unloved disgusting blob
A failed person. Tragic but I wish they'd just crawl in their hole and die without bothering other people.

>> No.22950396

Just because you like living is still no logical reason to have kids
I know it's hard for breeders to understand but your kids are not you
They are completely separate people like the other 8 billion out there

>> No.22950398

Life is good for me. Sounds more like a personal problem for you and you are projecting

>> No.22950400

Skill issue.
I have good genes, you do not.

>> No.22950410

At root it is a pastoral whose burden is that Winter always comes.

>> No.22950430

I was like you and now I'm not.. You can make it better. Once you get out of the habit of drinking your previously boring life slowly becomes more enjoyable in ways you forgot long ago were even possible. The transitory period is tedious to the extreme, I'll give you that.

>> No.22950436

they're not repressed at all if anything i wish they were stronger

>> No.22950458

>stop liking things I don't like

>> No.22950466

The 20th century is basically the century of the left-leaning lawyers and their army of technical experts and activists taking over the world slowly. It’s really hard to overstate just how important the New Deal regime and civil rights law were in this respect.

>> No.22950475

So a continuation of the 1600s?

>> No.22950482

you are now imagining a papercut to the frenulum/clit. that is what is on your mind. go from this place, and be momentarily free.

>> No.22950484

Sometimes when I'm high as shit I have intrusive thoughts about a razor slitting my glans open sideways.

>> No.22950487

You made me start doing kegel exercises

>> No.22950489

grow up chuddy

>> No.22950492

Chud up or shuddup

>> No.22950496

Aaaaah, I say. I am le insane. I am nothing but what others ses when they look at me!! I scream, as I jump in a dirty puddle. Water splash my pants. They are already drenched with piss and shame, but mostly piss. Cars pass me by. People act like they don't notice me, so I disappear. First, my coat turns invisible, then my skin, then my whole body. I become unnoticed by the whole Universe. I walk in a nearly grocery shop and steal food, then shake my head before putting it back. There is nothing worth fighting in this world, I mutter, so I'd rather starve. The smell of piss enters my nose. I've never been one of these people that couldn't smell themselves. Light is waning. Maybe two hours later, I am back home. I am not human anymore, I whisper. I know that already, stupid! I wish she could kill me, but she's moved on. I am still invisible. I think of her as I walk on the pavement. I try to avoid a pothole and stumble on the road. A car approches—and pass right through my midsection. It's phasing this time, not invisibility then. I snicker. I continue walking down the road, as I follow the tugging in my mind. There is something here, something that cannot be seen with eyes. Love maybe, or desperation. I turn and notice everyone has deserted the streets. Where am I? Does it matter? I hear something deaf in the distance, then someone panting and running. I can't help but laugh, because no matter what I do, it seems the Universe will be pulling me along his strings. I run as fast as I can, which isn't really fast, and find myself laughing at the wet sploshing noises my pants make. I'm coming, I cry. Please be a woman!

>> No.22950498

>Tfw high enough to be amorphous blob
>Tfw brain replaced frenulum with Peter Frampton when trying to imagine/read at same time
Can you get paper cuts on calluses? calli?

>> No.22950500

how do I stop using 4chan?

>> No.22950501
File: 253 KB, 1628x1080, Artemisia_Gentileschi_Cleopatra3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love paintings of nekkid women

>> No.22950502

Why would you want to stop?

>> No.22950536

No, because lawyers were used by the state and not synonymous with the state in the 1600s and they certainly weren’t left leaning progressives making use of technicians to make life worse for everyone except their wealthy friends.

The reply only demonstrates just how dumb you really have to be to be a devoted leftist. You really just assumed that civil rights was merely giving equal rights to colored people when in reality it had all kinds of legal implications far above and beyond that which are far reaching and those are the core of the problem. That really should be perfectly obvious both intuitively and intellectually. The failure to parse that because black skin is somewhere in the equation and that triggers the automatic response is really some kind of brain disorder that should be studied by political historians.

>> No.22950537

Oh it feels goooood to be white; at work I bought milk with lactose so my poc coworker have diarrhea when they put some in their coffee. kek but who was in the wrong here?

>> No.22950544

>being white means metabolizing glucose
Even American racism is about food kek

>> No.22950548

>if you're not a racist like me then you must be mentally ill
Ok chudoid

>> No.22950549

>not synonymous with the state in the 1600s
How do you see this system working in the 1600s? Is there a particular country you're thinking of?

>> No.22950564


>> No.22950574

I'm guessing he doesn't mean any ruled by Cromwell or deWitt, so it's probably one where the country wasn't about to take over the known and unknown world for private capitalism.

>> No.22950576

Why do black women have to CACKLE in a way that takes up an entire city block? That's what I don't understand. Why do you have to impose yourself on everybody within a mile?

>> No.22950585
File: 461 KB, 500x351, 90eb8d8e4a9640de98029148d57be2aa[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you like about yourself
I genuinely don't have an answer
It used to be sense of humour but that disappeared a few years ago

>> No.22950602

just found out my 5x great grandfather was a wealthy slave owner in South Carolina during the Civil War, cool.

>> No.22950604
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1705290658515522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for fascist music!


>> No.22950605

They have inferiority complexes or the Napoléon complex because Napoléon was, spiritually, a black woman with a fat ass.

>> No.22950662

Rhodesia was destined to fail because it was built by whites. Whites always spectacularly lose like retards whatever they accomplish. They literally can't preserve it
Cartel presence is increasing
>Why do you have to impose yourself on everybody within a mile?
Will to power, Niggtzsche talks about this

>> No.22950675

Rhodesia had like a 20:1 k:d ratio, check this shit out:

Obligatory music:

Bonus music:

>> No.22950692

Yeah that's my point. Whites always hilariously fail no matter how OP they are, even against niggers with sticks. I don't know why it happens but it eventually does, always
I thought it was closer to 40:1 desu

>> No.22950706

>because lawyers were used by the state and not synonymous with the state in the 1600s
Have you read a single history book about this era? About its society? You'd know just by one book that the lawyers were probably more important in that society that ours. Back then they didn't have professional bureaucracies, but they had many lawyers. The legal regime and the lawyers that enforced it was synonymous with the state. In fact, it always has been.

>> No.22950720

it's a stretch but the more I think about my current and past relstionships this rings true. sadly they obsess about those little things yet I am always the one cooking. women in my experience are the perfect consumers, they get distracted by every single showroom and confuse more often than not anything shiny with gold. I think women nowadays are the demography that supports most of the shittiest business done by men (I tend to believe that 70% of hardcore consumers are women). we complement each other rather well in this regard. If leftards wanted to change capitalism they should teach women and men how to consume, half of the china produced and marketed shit would get discarded and culture would improve.

>> No.22950761
File: 416 KB, 2166x996, 40f289d96bc0df4949d18dbab75a5c6d79d8dcf23a20b9b44465e1a19c7ebc10_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think women nowadays are the demography that supports most of the shittiest business done by men
women are the entire reason civilization is unsustainable currently:
>notoriously unworldly, don't care about history/geography/politics/philosophy at all
>notoriously naive / goofy, weird combination of child emotions/instincts and adult responsibilities
>notoriously sensuous, you can distract them with shiny objects (as you said)
>can't even drive
>25-50% competence level of men even after going into net economic drain just to train them (see any military or business with women)
>require bloated "HR" to manage their work drama
>require entire therapy/pharma industries to manage their life drama
>still end up as childless neurotic alcoholics anyway
>without strong cultural forces mandating it, they WILL NOT get married or have kids, thus leading to isolation/dementia/insanity in old age, burdening the welfare state and just their families and society in general with their bullshit
>they are a net economic drain and net non-producers (pic related)
>notorious consumers, will spend all disposable income on anything shiny or tasty
>notorious non-savers (still expect men to come in and pay)
>notoriously naive about how government functions - assume the welfare state is the "default" (part of their goofiness/lack of knowledge of history and politics)
>notoriously insecure, chip on shoulder syndrome, know they're mentally/physically inferior and thus want to "throw their weight around" (hint: exactly like a teenager between childhood and adulthood - except teenage males grow out of it)
>ditzy/gullible (dilutes democracy by making it more profitable to target them with propaganda than to convince men of reasonable positions - see edward bernays)
>very very susceptible to being pandered to / ass kissed (see above)
>now remember they're 55%+ of the voting population
Women took semi-functional male suffrage states, with political/cultural signal-to-noise ratios of 1:1 and sometimes as good as 2:1 or 4:1 in eras of high cultural/educational excellence, and instantly made the signal-to-noise ratio 1:10 overnight. And it compounds, so now it's like 1:1000.

See pic related. Society is ultimately made up of producers and consumers. If your producers are not rewarded for bearing most of the burden of production, they will be crushed or rebel. If your consumers are told that they are producers just by virtue of lazing about and "having fun," they will aggravate the situation to a breaking point by grinding the producers into dust.

>> No.22950771

I'm tired of endless reflection. Man, why don't you won't do something?
Get your act together and start taking action.

>> No.22950810

Fucking hell, you are one crazy cookie. I've dated women and some were more responsible than I was. Sure, maybe not all of them, but some. Maybe stop interacting with womenchildren and you will be fine.

>> No.22950829
File: 3.12 MB, 4571x3411, women in military.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a professional misogynist. I am paid by the post (in love, from God).

>> No.22950837

I'm 100% with You. I wasnt defending women, I was just pointing out that they play a role in destroying culture with the way the consume. don't even get me started on politics. I don't think there is a solution though. One can't really blame current women or men for the outcome of something that snowballed way before their birth. I mean, how can we blame young girls and boys when the environment they got raised was already doomed to fail? An external collapse is the only thing that may fix this dilemma, as nature checks in to revert the consecuences of bad technology (bad in the sense that we adapt way too slowly to it's changes). It's a rough road ahead and back.

>> No.22950923
File: 28 KB, 623x492, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a drinking problem

>> No.22950937

Second time in a row I've been at the pub and a girl has hit on me. First time the girl was cute but average looking, this time the girl was actually hot. This has never happened to me in my life before. What's going on? I must be carrying myself differently.

>> No.22950962

Remembering the times when girls mocked me in my school and college years. I wish I could have done something to them...like rape.

>> No.22950987

a good tenth of every post on this board is about women, cumming, masturbating, rape, pornography, sexual fantasies, sexually charged situations, and so on. so fucking sick of it

>> No.22950993

I'm the guy from the post above yours and I will now find you and rape you irrespective of your sex. Bar your windows and try to hide, bitch. I'm cumming.

>> No.22951006

Those who didn't grow up Mormon will never know the unique thrill of drinking tea for the first time.

>> No.22951038

Me too I am cumming for that ass and I ain't getting sloppy second here.

>> No.22951040


>> No.22951090

Pretending to be a woman doesn't make me trans.

>> No.22951109

Thats transphobia and this is UNACCEPTABLE. You are a VALID woman!

>> No.22951120

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

>> No.22951125

Honestly the existence of pretty women makes the world so much more worth living in. Even if I will never have one, just looking at a pretty woman elevates my spirits a bit when I'm too down.

>> No.22951139
File: 446 KB, 1333x2000, 34125342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st day of NoFap because of AGP and Gender Dysphoria CONQUERED

I did edge a little but I didn't cum.

>> No.22951140

Going for a drive to clear your mind always works for me after a few drinks

>> No.22951181
File: 804 KB, 1080x952, Screenshot_20230114-215416-975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worry that its over
>live in le banana republic techno wannabe 1984
>worried false charges might end my kino attempts
>cant even write about it cuz its a free ticket to the same fate
hate this place

>> No.22951184

I should learn some Spanish. I want to be able to flirt with squat, bashful, sparkling eyed cleaning ladies I see in hotels and at work.

>> No.22951270

>live in le banana republic techno wannabe 1984
>worried false charges might end my kino attempts
Why can't you people just use normal words

>> No.22951287

>emotional reaction
No matter how you try to dress it up, the antinatalist position is at its core a completely emotional one, so it's only natural that any "argument" against it will be the same

>> No.22951306

I feel like I wasted my 20's and don't have any strong convictions to help guide my actions, my problems are offensively banal.

>> No.22951454


>> No.22951500

seems like these football players get injured every other play

>> No.22951516

Inceldom offers (rather forces you) to have the most sensitive lifestyle of our times, hedonistic histronity, formerly reserved for aristocratic decadence and later for bourgeois customs, has become totally vulgar and common.
The incel is the melancholic flaneur of the great globalized urbe.

Once upon a time, the turbulent monk was recommended to be confined in the desert, the incel unable to escape the cybernetic leviathan is confined among the crowd. In whose ruminant ruins he can find the solitude necessary to embark on the only revolution that, in times of dissolution, makes sense: the inner revolution.

>> No.22951566

I live vicariously through co-op let's plays.

>> No.22951632

sure, but then romanticizing your alienation is a common cope

>> No.22951638

It's very annoying to powerfully miss someone while also knowing that if you ever told anyone it would just be another mundane fact of reality to them. I wish we could trade feelings to see who really misses who the most

>> No.22951653

I don't want to be a melancholic flaneur anymore bros

>> No.22951684

I wish I could shit faster. I wish I could shit while I eat. I want to feel the food being pulverized and turned into shit faster than I can even chew the next piece of food. I don't want to sit here digesting food for 8 hours like a bitch. I want my digestive system to be like an unsafe log flume ride that eventually kills a kid. I want to have no muscular control over my anus. I want it to slide, nay, shoot right out at a 45 degree angle. I want to be rocked with cramps as my intestines pound the masticated mush of my food into a steel-hard shit at the speed of light, in time for it to rocket out my asshole at a 45 degree angle to my body and leave a dent in the wall behind me.

>> No.22951688

It's getting harder and harder to not jack off my weiner

>> No.22951789
File: 272 KB, 828x1421, 23328B4E-279F-4BEA-A9CA-B37A0A3CD7D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tolstoybros, our response?

>> No.22951802

Well her shitter kids will at least be reading way more than average and if they have a rebellious phase they will probably go read cool shit their mom hates anyways

>> No.22951808

She makes a good point. If Tolstoy really wrote for the sake of art he would give up the right to profit from his works and try to start a movement based around his humanitarian beliefs. I guess he was too busy fucking whores and writing nonsense to do that

>> No.22951815

It’s not a shame that she has an opinion so much as it’s a shame that her shitty opinion will cause her kids to be deprived of a good novel, and no doubt all sorts of other things in life.

>> No.22951828

absolutely nothing is stopping you from shitting while you eat, except for the despotic strangehold germ theory has on you

>> No.22951864

The most absurd thing about the universe is that the universe isn't absurd.

>> No.22951953

They say that with age comes wisdom but I've only grown more unhinged as the years go by. I feel like a pendulum that races higher and higher with each stroke, faster and faster until one day the string keeping me moored will snap and I will fly to the ultimate high.

>> No.22952051

It just hit me what a loser I am. I am 30 years old and living with my parents.

>> No.22952056

Reject the capitalist, embrace the extended family. All you need is a wife and kids

>> No.22952055

I really miss the way those thighs looked in jeans

>> No.22952060

I picked up an executrix fetish recently. I need to stop watching porn.

>> No.22952079

So... snuff + femdom? Concerning.

I lost my femdom fetish a while back but I replaced it with an incest kink (not real mind you, just as a porno fantasy) which may or may not be worse.

>> No.22952084

I was already into vore which is very similar.

>> No.22952088

I don't like violence but I have a cruel dominant giantess fetish, very confusing stuff

>> No.22952108

How do you lose a fetish?

>> No.22952117
File: 360 KB, 2048x1644, GBu59IRWQAESOLn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its always about 2 weeks of not jacking off that I start getting attention from women again. They absolutely must have a sixth sense for that stuff. That or I'm naturally more confident or attractive for abstaining. The 2 week think has happened consistently enough that I can swear on it as gospel.

>> No.22952125

What's that thing to the right? It looks cool.

>> No.22952130

You are human garbage. You know your child will be human garbage. That's why you take this position. You believe everyone else is human garbage. This is where you're wrong.

>> No.22952135

>me walking around in my day to day life
everything sucks, the world is collapsing everything is such an idiot
>me when someone says they don't want to have kids
that's just because you're a failure in this otherwise perfect and beautiful world

>> No.22952136

It just stopped being hot. I don't mind it but I don't search for femdom anymore.

Generally my fetishes are pretty malleable, they fade after like a month of nofap.

>> No.22952137
File: 11 KB, 218x375, images (58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transitor TV. My family used to have one similar and I would watch The Simpsons on it in black and white.

>> No.22952142

actually made me not jack off tonight, will give it a month

>> No.22952144

If I go 24hrs without it it's an achievement. I don't know what to do. Everytime I eat something I must get rid of the excess energy from the food within an hour. On the flip side, I have the strongest urge to read after I fap.

>> No.22952150

Do you lift weights or exercise at all? I used to jack off all time (like multiple a day) but now everytime I do I think of this one chick right before I cum and I was starting to realize that was really unhealthy, I just lift or run now instead

>> No.22952159

I'm actually supportive of people who self select out of the gene pool. Go get a vasectomy.

>> No.22952168
File: 292 KB, 1906x1219, 1663272774785959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I wasn't attracted to women's flatulence. It's not fair. Most guys who get stuck with a fetish just want to lick her armpits or have her dress up a certain way for them. But not me. Noooo. I get stuck with wanting her to sit on my face and rip ass up my nose. And I find it EXTREMELY arousing too, it's not a passive "oh that would be kind of hot" thing, it's basically a requirement for any relationship I enter that she be willing to fart on or at least around me.

Why? I'm not a great person, but I don't think I'm a BAD person either. What did I do to deserve being stuck with such a gross fetish?

>> No.22952175

...Have you ever done it IRL
I feel like this is the sort of kink that only exists in porn, and which you wouldn't enjoy if you actually did it. A lot of fetishes are like that honestly.

>> No.22952177

Man fetishes just make no fucking sense, that is so gross but then again so is a giant lady crushing a tiny man with her toe. At least yours really exists

>> No.22952181

I have with several gfs but don't particularly want to discuss the details.

Yeah. I blame children's animation for a lot of the more "out-there" ones like what you mentioned. Not sure where mine came from.

>> No.22952185

Well considering my parents never told me a single thing about women and sex while children's cartoons took up hours of my day setting up the archetypes and foundations of everything I am inclined to agree, I do wonder what cartoon started it all though. I remember being a little kid in bed and thinking of a giant lady whose eye was so big a helicopter wouldnt even cover the pupil and I've just had it ever since.

>> No.22952245

> find a wife
Girls aren’t exactly attracted to 30-somethings living in their childhood bedroom

>> No.22952257

>I have with several gfs
How do you avoid getting sharted on? I feel like x/100 farts is going to be a shart, especially if she's straining to let out big ones and a lot of them at that.

>> No.22952295

Wtf? They are not??

>> No.22952300

I’ve got to learn to better control my temper and not get baited into debates and passionate replies so often.

>> No.22952304

Without getting into the nitty-gritty of it, it's a combination of preferences and luck. One of them wasn't comfortable with facesitting and would only fart for me while we were having normal sex. Most recent was lactose intolerant so she'd just get super gassy from milk and cheese, no risk of sharts.

>> No.22952305

Never take anything on the internet seriously

>> No.22952334

Thought of something else- It's not super difficult to find girls who are willing to fart for you if you're a good boyfriend, but 99% of women aren't going to be doing the kinds of "braphog" things you see in those videos. Which is fine, of course...

... but all this is kind of getting away from my main question which is WHY does this fetish even exist for me to be cursed with?

>> No.22952335

it's just all so close together down there that it's inevitable the neural pathways and evolution would get confused

>> No.22952337
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I let a "faggot" slip today
I had a few drinks in me and my buddy looked to his girl to make sure it passed the cancel test
She thankfully didn't react or didn't notice
Keeping up this mask is becoming exhausting
I just want someone I can be real with

>> No.22952345

Social etiquette has always been a thing and always will. If you tell a waitress she is fat, that isn’t excused as “keeping it real”

>> No.22952347
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>the kinds of "braphog" things you see in those videos
W..What kinds of things do you see in those videos, anon?

>> No.22952351
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>spend 2 months unemployed
>develop habit of saying "Nigger!" for no reason
>also say "Nigger!" any time something bad or painful happens
>my apartment is the hyperbolic nigger chamber
>starting new job in 2 weeks

>> No.22952361

This whole not jacking off thing is gonna be harder than I thought

>hyperbolic nigger chamber
Lmao anyways assuming you're not retarded you should be able to code switch fine

>> No.22952395

>They say that with age comes wisdom
Who says this?

>> No.22952396

They say that.

>> No.22952405

The switch up effect women do is brutal…everything is good, she promises you she loves you…then next day she starts communicating differently, it goes on…little things…and within sometime the switch up happens. And then they don’t care about you, it’s like you meant nothing to them, and they move on within a month or days. I don’t get the savagery of women bros. I can’t believe in love anymore.

>> No.22952410

It is so hurtful how easily women fall from absolute love with you to despising you. Meanwhile here's my retarded ass carrying around the platonic archetype of every woman who was ever nice to me for an extended period of time.

>> No.22952412

Don't worry! I don't say that lightly.

>> No.22952424

It’s strange too because the connection I had with this girl I thought was as strong of a connection with any girl before. Without getting into the details too much, just want to focus on the savagery of women
>inb4 incel
No I’m serious. Women can, and will absolutely destroy you limb by limb, destroy your mental health like it’s routine for them while within a week they’re with someone else. What gives? What’s wrong with them? I honestly thought this girl had heart and wasn’t a bitch.

>> No.22952437

Nah same, I have been totally crushed for way too long by a relationship where I thought she was the one and I acted careless and she was just so easily able to turn off all the love and emotion, it blew my mind. I guess for your second paragraph, you know the world of the psyche is not always so different from the physical. Maybe it's the psychical equivalent of what a praying mantis does to their mate, maybe on some level we are really being ripped apart and thats just how it is, nothing to be done about it.

>> No.22952438


>> No.22952442

I wanna believe Epictetus, I wanna believe the stoics, but I just can't

>> No.22952448

It's a subconscious shit test and you failed (as evidenced by you getting emotional over it) and she sensed it. The paradoxical thing about women is you need a full and complete life without one, only then will they really want you. Basically you didn't finish your book and you're a loser

>> No.22952450

I truly believe that the attraction to the female booty is solely dependent on the possibility of penetrating her vagina

On 3 seperate occasions (1 ons, 1 fwb, 1 college ex), I had lost complete interest in fat cheeked women solely because I wasn't able to penetrate (either they had vaginismus or were uncomfortable for whatever reason). BOOM i felt zero attraction to their asses

>> No.22952456

The problem with argument is the same as the argument about "dogs can sense bad vibes in people". Just by statistics plenty of women end up with zero ambition men who do nothing and plenty of dogs bite random people who did nothing.

>> No.22952458

Do become reasonable, come to your senses, become sober.

>> No.22952462
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>> No.22952470

Yeah but these zero ambition men have internal self worth, you don't. A woman doesn't really need to 'sense' anything to know, it's obvious you think she is the best you can do if you are so upset over her distance, i dont know the specifics but it probably wasnt hidden at all as to how much you liked her. She knows she is shit inside and this is the best you can do? You must be a fucking loser and lacking inner confidence - her brain.

>> No.22952479

Sheesh I think you have a point there. I am always averse to the idea of women as these ultimate arbiters of what's right or worthy (he ended up with the woman because of the virtue) but honestly what you describe was very much how the situation went down.

>> No.22952482

I’ll admit I was careless too, but not hurtful. I was put in a position by her where she was slowly detaching and I would try to fix things, but she seem disconnected and depressed. I almost felt like there was nothing I could do at a certain point; as if a force greater than my will was taking over. Even worse, there were plenty of moments where things looked on the positive, improving, but then one week she switched hard, snapped and ended things ruthlessly. Left me shattered. They just don’t care. Once they’re done with you, they’re done.

>> No.22952502

There is just some mechanism in them that lets her see you as a 10/10 one day and then the next day views you like you view the fat smelly chick no one talks to, we need to find what it is and make one of our own. We need a subjectivity device

>> No.22952514

I'm never going to find a woman who is interested in medieval Europe am I?
To what extent should my future wifeu like the same hobbies as I do?

>> No.22952520

It's disgusting but it's rational and is what it is. They are just (It's mostly done subconsciously through their nature) trying to find the best man they can, to them they value an emotionally stable man above all else, someone to look up to and worship and feel validated for attaining, they can no longer look up to you (no matter how smart and accomplished you are) if you are worshipping them and breaking down whenever they annoy you or create distance.

I made the same mistake recently, got too lovey dovey and she lost interest. Thankfully when she told me she didn't like me anymore I could sense (based on other things she was saying) that her spite was coming from a place of passion from once loving me. I simply said "ok, bye" since I couldn't be fucked with her games and mixed signals and havnt talked with her since, if she comes back then I'm smarter now, if she doesn't then whatever, I have a book to write.

>> No.22952523

lol be careful if you do this, be ready with the possibility of never talking to them again because these days it do be like that

>> No.22952527

she really shouldn't, women are mostly breeding tools

>> No.22952540

They never come back. Once they’re done they cope by hating everything about you and this gets validated by their friend group

>> No.22952541

>she really shouldn't, women are mostly breeding tools
Be that as it may, I don't want to be breed with a girl lacking in character. Very sad!

>> No.22952555

Yeah, I'm struggling to move on internally but she can't know that, all i know is that her sleep pattern is all fucked up. I figure she is fucked up from my willingness to part as if "wtf were all the nice things he said lies? Wtf he has another girl ready?", it sounds manipulative but it's not, I genuinely have enough in my life to focus on and it's not worth it to rebuild things with her if she lost respect for me, respect is a near impossible thing to reclaim. Not sure if I'm responding to the guy I think I am but basically women mentally leave a relationship long before they actually leave, if she actually leaves then it's beyond reclamation at that point without really rewiring how she sees you and your relationship and you personally really rewiring yourself.

I fucked up, I will learn from it going forward. I'm improving constantly so I trust I can get another girl of her value.

Ok, good riddance.

>> No.22952562

I think we are in a pretty similar position except I cracked and tried to reconnect and learned that she was basically never going to have anything to do with me again. Focusing on yourself is key but if you're the type of woman-motivated guy who mostly does stuff for their "muse" (aka mommy issues) it can all get very muddled and sad and confusing.

>> No.22952564

most of them don't even deeply care about philosophy or serious literature like men do anyways

>> No.22952567


>> No.22952575

I think most guys are like that even the ones 'genuinely interested in their own things', they just reluctantly accept the world for how it is, they want to love someone but they have to settle for being loved instead and turning their love to the next best option, themselves out of pragmatism. It's just the way society functions (not just modern society), women have more options to pursue so they can pick the preferable relationship dynamic (having someone to love rather than having someone to be loved by).

>> No.22952576

>women mentally leave a relationship long before they actually leave
This is true and also frightening to be in the middle of this

>> No.22952577

>most of them don't even deeply care about philosophy or serious literature like men do anyways
Now if I were to attempt to find this golden girl who cares for Jungian psychology, the Akkadians, etc, where should I be looking?

>> No.22952580

>women have more options to pursue so they can pick the preferable relationship dynamic (having someone to love rather than having someone to be loved by).
Impossible not be completely jaded with love knowing this. Knowing she can discard you, and be with someone who views as better or more suitable quickly while you’ll crying and suffering in silence for months. Society is gynocentric shit. No wonder so many men off themselves

>> No.22952581

Never really thought about how much love is about externalization like that, but I also don't really like myself that much.

She will find you when you least expect it and destroy you at your roots

>> No.22952593

>She will find you when you least expect it and destroy you at your roots
What the hell is marriage for then? Just breeding some lifeless girl and having her raise your children? Then when they move, what will you have with her? At this point it'd be better to buy a concubine.

>> No.22952598

Just stop crying man, become too busy to care, get to the point where you can do the same. It sounds hollow but it doesn't mean you both can't have real feelings and a meaningful genuine connection. Just get yourself to a point where there is no one better than you (thankfully looks and status matter little, focus on inner peace and a purpose) and then she can't and won't leave you for someone better. If she is blind to your worth and does leave, appreciate your time together and move on, you didn't lose anything worth keeping anyway, her loss.

>> No.22952602

Been thinking a lot about Generic Subjective Continuity
I'm drunk rn, but hit fuxxs me UPP
We all continue, ya feel mee?

>> No.22952605

I think you're asking the same question boomers have been failing to answer for their entire lives, if they had shown us how to live happy married lives with our spouses well we'd all just be doing that

>> No.22952607

Probably cope honestly, it'd be interesting to me if a guy who hates life and existence immensely tried to prove we have an afterlife, then it'd feel less like begging the question.

>> No.22952613

>We all continue, ya feel mee?
refute this
unironically refute the point I'm making you fucking FAGGOT

>> No.22952621

we've known for years, if your brain gets damaged you get retarded, you also get retarded in a way that correlates to the area damaged. you lose abilities, control and aspects of your memory and personality. while I am perfectly capable of conceptualizing the alternatives it seems pretty straightforward, half of the brain gone = half of you gone, all of the brain gone = all of you gone.

>> No.22952628

Yeah, you sound like a smug retard
FUCK you
dumb faggot
Take the stick out of your ass and live a little

>> No.22952631


>> No.22952717

the girl talk made me feel way better then way worse, ty god for 24 hour gym

>> No.22952873

Ouch! Castration...

>> No.22952956

This is hell. The impossibility of understanding one another is too great for me to cope with. What I want is never able to be met, and being comfortable with not having what I want is hard. Maybe I want impossible things given by conditioning. All I want is to be understood and that's not a thing that happens here. Probably because there is nothing to understand in the first place.

>> No.22952975

tfw no wheezing gf
I actually had the opportunity to get one once, and she was very good looking too. I chose to stay with my ex girlfriend at the time. She left a year later. Should've gone with the wheezing gf.

>> No.22952976

I'm angry at the world. After never being accepted anywhere, I've become extremely disenfranchised and alone. I often imagine intense confrontations with people or things that are easy to vilify. Before, I thought that this was simply me being defensive/apprehensive and anxious after years of isolation and rejection. I realize now that I'm subconsciously searching for someone or something to take out all my anger and sorrow on. I remain angry at the world, and the world remains indifferent. The people in it, by no fault of their own, will never know. So I grasp for straws in my imagination, searching for the final confrontation in which I can communicate all this rage, even though deep down, I know it'd be pointless. I seek to communicate with the intangible and rage against the uncaring ocean. Even knowing this, it feels as though my only options are to let myself be beaten down by the waves until I'm bone and sinew, or walk away in abject defeat, muttering incoherent excuses as I was too cowardly to dash myself against the rocks of a stone fortress, a one man army with no creed or country.

>> No.22953097


>> No.22953137

Any books for overcoming missed opportunities and mistakes? I can rationalize to not offing myself because things can just get better, but not because they can get a good as they should be had certain choices not been made and time invested in other ways. It seems like you just can’t overcome that if it’s true.

>> No.22953141

Can you not afford a prostitute?

>> No.22953163

Just believe in determinism

>> No.22953176

Worst possible reply

>> No.22953303
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 51YRZbC3gKS._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like an album for you

>> No.22953356

I really have to put in some hours until the end of the month jobs wise since I have been procrastinating alot lately
Does any anon know some decent books about the importance of hard work (fiction, non-fiction, philosophy) that might help me to cope with the situation?

>> No.22953485

alright fun is over, make a new thread already

>> No.22953595


>> No.22953694

>Does any anon know some decent books about the importance of hard work
I found parts of American Pastoral by Philip Roth in the vein of what you are looking for. Especially the glove making family business part.

>> No.22953742

Grin because it will happen again