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/lit/ - Literature

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22947018 No.22947018 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone miss the days Guenon was shilled here everyday for what felt like an eternity? Whatever happened to OG Guenon poster?

>> No.22947127

René Guenon good introduction into the Vedic Tradition (Sanātana Dharma) also known as Hinduism. I've found that within the Tradition the role of a teacher holds high prominence, and as such it is almost absolutely necessary to find one. If you can't find one physically, you can manage if you find one thru literature. I have found him to be significantly useful for myself, as a sort of parasocial guru. He is highly technical however I have found it important to not limit myself to only one author, I read the collected works by Swami Vivekananda to orient myself initially, and ISKCON literature has proved invaluable. That being said, there are critiques to be raised about many forms of "Hinduism" as imported in the west, so it is best to proceed with a shrewdness. Guenon posting should be a daily thing, this place is probably experiencing brain drain and considering guenon is a particularly sophisticated and laborious read most of the time he will decline in popularity here as the retarded herd infects this place. Notice that Evola and Nietzsche are discussed less in detail here and that is bad.

>> No.22947194
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Some blog posts

Letters from Guenon to Evola (I)

Letters from Guenon to Evola (II)

Guenon/Evola Letter 7 Introduction

Letters from Guenon to Evola (VII)

Letters from Guenon to Evola (VIII)

Letters from Guenon to Evola (IX)

>> No.22947277


>> No.22947344
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No, I've come to completely reject Tradition™ All of it is utterly impotent LARP. We live in the age of disillusion. Clinging to institutions that failed to defeat the inevitable is folly and I especially resent the notion that there's no authentic Western spiritual outlet and you have to be a weeb for Eastern mysticism.

>> No.22947352

All retard gimmick posters will eventually have to die or move on with their lives, it's just the way it is

>> No.22947370

The thing that always annoyed me about the "retroactively refuted by Parmenides" posts in relation to Guenon is that it should have been "proactively refuted." Refutation is retroactive by default.

>> No.22947386
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Remember Guenonfag? This is him now. Feel old yet?

>> No.22947398
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Reading Charles Upton rn. I thank guenonfag for his efforts, but this board never had the metaphysical chops to into Guenon anyway.

>> No.22948657

the only aspect of guenon i've come to accept is his call for "Gas the Kikes, Race War Now"

>> No.22948736

Is that pic King of the World

>> No.22948761

it wasn't a proactive refutation because there was no explicit intent behind it. proactive means that Parmenides was trying to refute somebody who hadn't even been born yet, which makes no sense.

>> No.22948894

I am the romanian anon who shilled Guénon almost every day from like 2020 I believe. Half a year ago I got into Eastern Orthodoxy and lost my interest for Guénon and perennialism. I was reading a review of some of Guénon's concepts today and it brought some nostalgia, I might reread some of Guénon's works in the future and contrast his ideas with Orthodox theology and a historical critique of modernity from an Eastern Orthodox point of view (which would mostly agree with his but trace it a little bit earlier), seems like an interesting task.

>> No.22948907

this is my discord server btw

>> No.22948913

Romanian? Come of have sworn you were American because I thought you posted a clip of your voice once

>> No.22948923

I am not guenonfag, he is american. Most of those threads weren't done by guenonfag, people just assume so because of his nickname.

>> No.22948928

>he is American
How you know? I remember we figured out he was a pizza delivery driver and then the whole think slowly fizzled out

>> No.22948929

he said that he is american

>> No.22948934

Wonder what happened to him

>> No.22948939

he is most likely still here, you can spot his presence in most advaitin/buddhist threads where they start arguing

>> No.22949087

>I remember we figured out he was a pizza delivery driver
kek qrd?

>> No.22949375
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For me it's Mahakala wrath of Shiva

>> No.22949378

I stopped reading Guenon and started "reading" Andrew Tate equivalents Dr David Buss et al subahana watallah

>> No.22949385

Gut busting funny pic desune

>> No.22949389

For me its BBC Mutt's Law shiva lingam

>> No.22949817

>I remember we figured out he was a pizza delivery driver
the pizza delivery guy who killed his mom/grandma accidentally was a kashmir shaivite, he wasn't guenonfag either but guenonfag's enemies (hylics) thought it was just too funny so they ran with it

>> No.22950015

how did he retroactively refute Whitehead again?

>> No.22950025

i hope he killed himself

>> No.22950992
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>For me its BBC

>> No.22951117

Guenon poster's mother passed away and he had to sort her stuff out and then take over her job. Busy man now.

>> No.22951143

I've had like 7 different arguments with perennialists trying to convince them that their understanding of various religions is incredibly reductive and they just don't understand nuance

>> No.22951227

You’re not looking in the right places

>> No.22951240

Are we going to forget Houellebecq's Submission is a literal Guenonian novel. Some of the interest probably originated from there, other than Dugin shilling Traditionalism and whatnot.

>> No.22951265

Not him, but a lot of us are very busy with our studies.

>> No.22951329
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personally busy scratching my ass

>> No.22952058

What about the green dragon shizo

>> No.22952059

He looks like mark zuckerberg

>> No.22952209

No. Between my grad program and everything, there isn't a lot of time.

>> No.22952240

It was annoying but there were higher quality people in general here then

>> No.22952301

The Trads (Guenon and Evola, the others are lame) provide the best criteria for understanding esoteric material, including secret societies. If you discover an actual esotericist/initiate, the fact that they follow a Trad framework usually confirms that they're high quality and know their stuff, unlike the LARPing frauds or fallen degenerates that constitute the overwhelming amount of "occultists".

Ya, I left lit for a bit, when i come back now it is noticeably lower quality than it was 2 years ago, and even back then it wasn't great. This may as well be tv now, probably about as brown kek

>> No.22952303

Guenon took off as part of the boredape puzzle quest which was inparr inspired by Savitri Devi and Spengler posting during the last gasp of the natsoc faze before they decided to move elsewhere. Now only the occasional /NSG/ general appear every now and then. I miss them too those were omfy days

>> No.22952670
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>Half a year ago I got into Eastern Orthodoxy
it's over.

>> No.22952678

he's wandering the woods of Karelia searching for the lost Aryan tradition while avoiding being detected by S.I.M.P.

>> No.22952698

We should have a Guenon reading general one of these days

RIP to his mom if true

>> No.22952702


>> No.22952712

Didn't Guenon originally try to send Valsan to explore sources of Orthodox tradition, prior to converting to Islam?

How is living in Romania? I was thinking of moving there, is Bucharest safe/nice? Would you recommend somewhere else?

>> No.22952734

No, that was a dark spot on this board.

>> No.22954263

bumping because why not

>> No.22954431

I fell for the Guenon meme and ordered five of his books. I'm planning on reading them over two weeks secluded in a cabin in the woods while fasting. Is this a good idea? I'm having a quarter-life crisis if that wasn't obvious.

>> No.22954443

Something about the idea of buddhists arguing is very funny to me

>> No.22954557

Buddhist debates are a core aspect of the doctrine, check out the tibetan buddhist debates it's a crazy mix of philosophical debate and a freestyle battle

>> No.22954636

That is funny.

>> No.22954665

It gets better. He found out he was being misidentified with Guenon and showed up on /lit/ to talk about Kashmir Shaivism. He was actually a very nice guy and took it all in stride. His story is very interesting, I wish he'd post it here. He was a caretaker for his grandmother who I believe had dementia for a long time, and shoved or hit her during a big altercation and she ended up dying from the injuries. He went to prison for a while and had to meditate on his prison bed sitting on some kind of makeshift level surface, I think he said he used a prison Bible (which I found a bit annoying - no need to disrespect other traditions even if you find them misguided). Anyway his description of his sudden attainment of a higher state while in the prison surrounded by people screaming and assfucking eachother was genuinely interesting. He's out of jail now and no longer working as a pizzaman. I think he said he had started a family, or maybe that one was actually Guenonfag one time.

Guenonfag also seems like a nice guy. I think it's funny that everybody involved in the original shitflinging was so insane and autistic at first and then everybody matured, it was over several years after all, and now whenever I see them posting at eachother they say shit like "I simply don't agree with that notion" instead of YOU'RE WRONG YOU FUCKING RETARD!

>> No.22954862

Yes, sounds like a good idea