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22943894 No.22943894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Even when looking at through the context of 4channel it still baffles me how many anons have this entire so called perception of black folks. There is plenty to critique blacks about it’s just that none of this drivel is coherent.


>> No.22943906

I am coherently and consistently racist.

>> No.22943938

See, this is something I can somewhat understand. But to make wide sweeping statements on members of a race but have your only evidence for this is social media (discord,4chan,telegram) is pretty retarted to me. I though /lit/ were supppser to be higher level racists this is /pol/ shit

>> No.22943948
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Pattern detection is not racism.

>> No.22943951

Yeah I find it lame too and not just the 4chan comments but modern racism in general. Like pointing out that statistically, nogs do more crime and have low IQ is really boring compared to 18th Century racists who pointed out that nogs and Injuns are incapable of founding and maintaining governments.

>> No.22943970

>have low IQ
>incapable of founding and maintaining governments
But that's the same thing? How are you going to maintain a government with the humongous transaction costs imposed by low intelligence on every attempted act of coordination or bargaining?

>> No.22943975

Ideology is a force to be reckoned with. It sends many otherwise sensible people into all kinds of outrageous behavior.

The wealth that whites enjoy in America was stolen from blacks, and the small gains blacks brilliantly leveraged during the Civil Rights era failed to create the kind of national reckoning with the color problem that is desperately needed. Why?

Whites fought it at every turn, because the human inclines to an us-them mentality where us is good and them is bad. This is not such a big deal if it is a question of who has the coolest architecture. But it brings dire woe into our world when people ask who is the most virtuous race and answer their own kind.

Du Bois and James Baldwin are by far the best explainors of the race problem, for whites and blacks alike. Both of them were proud negroes but both heroically refused to deny the humanity of white people.

Please, please, please read them, or at least listen to lectures/interviews with Baldwin.

>> No.22943981

It gets even worse. Every rigorous comparative analysis of modern, medieval and ancient history finds no evidence of nogs ever having maintained a large and sophisticated state.

>> No.22944003

No, but I am of the belief that stating that black are literally uncapped of sedentary behavior for an hour with focus, is if not racist ignorant and worse than that retarted.

1800s racist scientist and physicians were a lot more colorful and impactful. Serious research was done in order to prove the superiority of the white race.

I’ve read some James Baldwin and think I’m falling into the hope pill, living such a life in which you are completing aware of the obstacles and hatred towards is a little too despondent for me to bear

>> No.22944015

Change the batteries in your smoke detector you dumb nigger

>> No.22944017

> 1800s racist scientist and physicians were a lot more colorful and impactful.
No one went as far as this guy.
> However, this relative superiority is constantly disappearing; the share of Aryan blood, already subdivided so many times, which still exists in our lands, and which alone holds the edifice of our society, is moving every day towards the extreme terms of its absorbtion.
> This result will usher in the era of unity. The white principle, held in check in each particular man, will be I relation to the other two in the ratio of 1 to 2,

>> No.22944020

I don't like people with dark skin. I just don't think it's right to be that way.

>> No.22944022

Go back to pol

>> No.22944024

A "large and sophisticated state" is one of many types of human society. Sophistication is a matter of opinion. One man's cozy cottage is another man's ramshackle shack.

The huts of Africa curated happy life. The heat of the African continent means the granary is of little use. No granary, no city. No city, no walls. No walls, no standing army. No standing army, no "large and sophisticated state."

Have you been in an old cellar? Observed cans of sauerkraut and winter squashes and potatoes? These are for surviving winter. Have you noted the black mold in the corner of your bathroom? Humid climates are impractical for storage of perishables, and also have no need of them.

Africa before colonialism was warm and vivacious. It was deeply connected to its environment. People lived happy lives, buttressed by strong social ties against the challenges of premodern life.

Without a shred of irony, doubt or hyperbole, I would rather be the blackest African under the sun in 1491 than the richest white man in 2024. I promise you that is true, with all my heart. For I understand the joy of intangible culture, I understand the happiness of simpler means, I greatly respect the craft of ancient ways my forefathers took up, I adore the richness of color, the abundance of nature, the easy and natural romantic love of a people free from the madness of class, where the best men take the best women. That is happiness.

And we killed it. For slaves in fucking godforsake Virginia, Powhatan land. We killed the Powhatan and then ripped blacks out of their realities and thrust them into a hell that is, to this day, burning.

>> No.22944027

Do you think it's necessarily bad? Or just that most stereotypes about Blacks are bad?

For example, you are also stereotyped as skilled with music and athletics. And of course the whole BBC thing. Those are all good

>> No.22944031
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The superiority if white societies to brown shitholes is self evident.
Scientists were concerned with understanding where this difference arose from.

>> No.22944032

ESL thread and not lit related.
Pol whiners are fucking useless.

>> No.22944035

> The huts of Africa curated happy life. The heat of the African continent means the granary is of little use. No granary, no city. No city, no walls. No walls, no standing army. No standing army, no "large and sophisticated state
Yes and all this is true and right but it's not because of the climate it's because the melaninian people of Africa are intrinsically barbarian, people who prefer raw force and violence, cannibalism and superstition to intellectual wisdom, organized religion and governmental thinking, hymens of the white race.
> And we killed it. For slaves in fucking godforsake Virginia, Powhatan land. We killed the Powhatan and then ripped blacks out of their realities and thrust them into a hell that is, to this day, burning.
The Anglo-Saxons were too arrogant to take the Indians into their cities. The Portugeeks and the Spanyards were less hypocrites about it.

>> No.22944038
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>No, but I am of the belief that stating that black are literally uncapped of sedentary behavior for an hour with focus, is if not racist ignorant and worse than that retarted.

I don't believe the majority of them are capable of anything beyond instinctual animal reactions and immediate fulfillment of basic needs. It's wild, I was not originally like this, but having been forced to live and work alongside them and amongst them I can say without reservation I do not consider the majority of them equal to us.

>> No.22944057

It appears you do not have any real knowledge. I have nothing whatsoever to gain from your small mind, and you have only to lose by pretending. Go away for both our sake.

>> No.22944069

> no argument provided
> philanthropic this-thats without any real data shown
I didn't expect more.

>> No.22944071

You used the word hymen incorrectly. Go away.

>> No.22944078

Ok, 'individual liberty and governmental thinking, hymens of the Aryan race', I quoted the author directly now, are you happe?

>> No.22944091

Read more competent writers. A stupidity in print is no less stupid than a stupidity in speech.

>> No.22944098

Wait until you get to the chapter of the Germanics becoming the Romans before the fall of Rome through the Roman decadence of the non-white Romans for Germanics to re-take it from the Germanic Romans again and found medieval Europe.

>> No.22944103

I cannot imagine why anyone would desire to be instructed by a Roman, unless it were Cicero, and they surely killed him dead and good.

>> No.22944118

Weird, most or Europe today fell back to Romanity, including England, one of the more Germanic countries.

>> No.22944124
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>> No.22944133


>> No.22944146

Yes, I am unusually good. This is not because I am a superior soul. It is owed to the comparatively excellent education I received.

>> No.22944361

why are there new videos like this every day?


>> No.22944397


>> No.22944416
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/pol/s will always be /pol/s in any thread and by say /pol/ I mean manlet manchild incel and as pic meetup shows brown.

>> No.22944438
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>> No.22944469

Does your mommy know you have this picture on your computer? She loves you but she is not proud of you. "Something is wrong with him."

>(she's right: a diminished self must have others to hate and assert over. something is oppressing the fuck out of you, don't recoil)

I said, "Don't recoil." Coiling is for foetuses.

>> No.22944486
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>Does your mommy know you have this picture on your computer? She loves you but she is not proud of you. "Something is wrong with him."
>>(she's right: a diminished self must have others to hate and assert over. something is oppressing the fuck out of you, don't recoil)
>I said, "Don't recoil." Coiling is for foetuses.

>> No.22944489

That is more embarrasing than you realize

>> No.22944497

Dude you don't pass plus you're brown lol

>> No.22944499
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>> No.22944516
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>> No.22944620

Most racists live in a cartoon version of real life. They have little sense of nuance and a poor comprehension of history, politics, or any other complex facet of reality. Not only that, but they do not actually know the members of the groups which they hate on a significant basis. They merely hang out in digital echochambers, collecting only those tidbits of information, misinformation, and propaganda which reinforce their existing beliefs.

In other words, they are intellectually lazy, fundamentally dishonest, and cowardly. They build their ideology out of the simplest and most perverse viewpoints available.

>> No.22944924

Niggers either sell crack or become pseuds(You), their cultural IQ prevents anything higher.

>> No.22944991

What has your exceptional education provided you with?

>> No.22945008

On the contrary. The modern idea of tolerance is the bed time story of universalism, lazily adopted by people like you.

Most racism is learned, well learned in fact, by those sensitive to prevailing facts and brave enough to challenge the modern fairy tale that we are all equal.

>> No.22945011

That's a lot of assumptions, half of which could apply to non-racists as well.

>> No.22945016

>If you don't believe my idea, you must believe this other idea I don't like
Nice dishonest intellectual laziness, coward

>> No.22945019

I'm a racist, but I also consider most whites to be inferior, less enlightened.

>> No.22945023

Not all idiots are racist but vice versa, yes.

>> No.22945027

Did you already tell that to your mutt children?

>> No.22945037
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>believes in pure races
You are what you eat

>> No.22945044

I don't believe there are any pure races left today, but a Spanyard can still be told apart from a Congolese. The racial differences between Europeans themselves become even more visible when we compare the differences between their muttifications with the negro race. So is an Italian nigger less vigorous than an English nigger.

>> No.22945051

not racist just dont like them

>> No.22945207

I don't need a bedtime story to inform me. You fools reveal the shallowness of your mind every day without ceasing. One needs only to look in any thread on any board and the braindead echo-chamber of the racist man-children will be found. Comfort yourself with your caricature of life as you please. I am above it.

See above. The day I meet an exception, I'll make note of it. What could apply to non-racists, applies to them in different ways, for different reasons.

Superiority and inferiority are of the individual. When it applies to an entire people, it is of culture. Neither set in stone; neither change easily. Men try and apply analyses on entire ethnos and fail miserably, as the character of an ethnos is an emergent phenomenon of its people, necessarily understood only by grasping the sum of its parts and their placement within the whole--a feat of which no man living or dead has ever been capable, and which scholars spend their entire lives dedicated to the study of for the purpose of understanding a singular subset of an ethnos, much less the totality thereof. Subjectivity and temporality, let alone limitations of the intellect, prevent man this divine viewpoint.

>> No.22945231

>limitations of the intellect prevent man this divine viewpoint
To be racist is to approach divinity, understood.

>> No.22945266

> Neither set in stone; neither change easily
Great summary of your great post. Wine is blue, wine isn't blue. Wine is good. Let's be good.

>> No.22945268


In interracial violent crimes between non hispanic whites and blacks, who is the instigator 90 percent of the time?
How many white women are raped by black men every year? How many black women are raped by white men?
Is rape a socio-economic crime? If so, how little income would you need to make next year before you raped a white woman?

>> No.22945273

This bullshittery about crimes is the fault of leftos anyways. Putting more niggers than whites in jail was too much for their philanthropic ideals. Ewewione is equal!

>> No.22945916

Bullcrap excuse. Nothing to do with skin or color. Quit lying.

Everything to do with reading, writing, arithmetic and manners

>> No.22946001

well for one, he seems to understand what a hymen is, and you do not.

>> No.22946083

>so called perception
Your lifetime of subjective experience is irrelevant.

>> No.22946113

I think telecomm has exacerbated a situation that was better (in terms of social harmony) if not far better 20 years ago. A few ironies: all heads buried in their phones, there's far less irl interchange than there was back then with others in general, a case that has actually rendered all racial parties and their 'powers' more alike than they ever have been before. This last bit makes many nervous fwr across the board, and prompts emphases on actually declining 'differences' in deference to obvious similarities and therefore purposefully forestalls 'social harmony' now that it's so clearly more than just a possibility.
What would be the point of a 'black community' in the face of a racism deficit? for instance. Is 'interracial marriage' really a thing extra plain ol' 'marriage'? Why must OBVIOUS details perpetually be underlined? Is the human race itself autistic? These are askable questions. Why does an almost completely historically illiterate GP CARE about this or that celebrity's 'racial breakdown' as if it actually means something in 2023 when it so obviously doesn't?

>> No.22946260

so /pol/ is a mexican gang xD

>> No.22946276

You're legit stupid if you think one race is inherently inferior to another, in any respect. What most people conflate with racism is cultural dynamics. I HATE black culture: Rap, weed, baggy clothes, gang culture, ebonics, bad manners, generally taking pride in being disrespectful and rude. But I know they are capable of correcting all of those ignorances, but refuse too. As someone who grew up around a lot of poor and uncultured caucasians I am aware white people can be just as bad, unruly, and uncultured. but generally the caucasian culture is derived from European taste and manners, so on the whole we don't have the same issues.

The racism on 4chan is one reason I rarely come here anymore. It's just annoying and childish. Still waiting for this site to grow up, but that will probably never happen, since the influx of ignorants who come here due to /pol/ will never cease.

>> No.22946612

The only issue is not being racist ENOUGH.

>> No.22946649

nogs in the news are about as chimpy as it gets

>> No.22946733


>only evidence for this is social media (di
Why is this assumption made? Race realists can autistically reel off stats better than fucking train autists.

>> No.22947768

You're delusional and luckily modern science is leaving you behind. Basically every study conducted in the last two decades has come to the conclusion that environmental factors actually play a much smaller role that previously thought when it comes to determining intelligence. Almost all of it comes down to genetics and a lot of genetic differences are classifiable by commonly acceptable racial categories.

>> No.22947788

This isn’t literature related, you stupid fuck. Why not use the fifth other boards you have to do this? Pol, r9k, b fuck off

>> No.22947809


>> No.22947844

I noticed racists on this site are very emotional and have emotional silly arguments. Also there’s the dumb the belief that some on here have that literally every single blacks person is a violent demon which is just silly and shows they’re not worldly

>> No.22947887

I agree with this. I think ghetto culture is pretty terrible for the black community and almost every black that doesn’t partake in that stuff ends up being more successful and agrees with how stupid it is.

And I don’t mean having a bit of hood in you. I don’t care about Ebonics personally but you can tell when someone is very influenced by it. I think the worst thing about it is the extreme egotism that leads to violent or unnecessary aggressive behavior. Getting mad other relatively innocent and stupid things

>> No.22947900

It's like those people in psychiatry textbooks who refuse to believe that their own arm is theirs; so are these people who just fail to notice any one of the behavioral genetics citations posted in droves in these kind of threads, time and time again. You could take them by back of their head and shove their nose into the exact place on the screen, and still they wouldn't see it. It's honestly disturbing.

>> No.22947922

What’s up with two lefty threads in the catalog?

>> No.22947957

How many hundreds of thousands of years ago precisely did the human brain stop evolving and why did the human body continue to evolve despite this?

>> No.22948399 [DELETED] 

Thanks for affirming my initial assertions. You always do.

>> No.22948408

ok nigger

>> No.22948415

A more accurate understanding would have been: To be racist is to pretend to divinity, and to self-condemn to delusion. The result of such delusion is always, of course, self-annihilation. For every action, an equal and opposite.
As stated--intellectually lazy, fundamentally dishonest. I appreciate the fresh demonstration.

>> No.22948464

This might help:
Stereotype Accuracy: Toward Appreciating Group Differences

>> No.22948694

without having yet posted in this garbage thread, I can confidently say I just noticed you're a newfag and you need to lurk more.

>> No.22949261

But it's possible to weaponise eugenics and dysgenics, mostly through form of genocide, which was more socially acceptable in the past. Though today it's more likely to be social conditioning that could be used to cause reduction in the IQ of future generation.

So I don't see a reason why races with a low IQ should accept inferiority, maybe they should, but that would mean that they would have to engage in imposing dysgenics on other races and eugenics on their own race.

>> No.22949972

Propaganda from birth results in this fearsome wilful ignorance. The western powers are intending this, and it's working.

>> No.22950010

It was an oddly taboo sensation the first few times I've seen genuine schizos on here, now it's just tedious.

Take your meds, since nobody cared to remind you.

>> No.22950013
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>grow up

>> No.22950033
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It's mostly lonely young people looking for a place to belong. Their Internet friends say niggers and jews are bad so they parrot that to feel like they're part of the group.

If sane white pride wasn't taboo, if the media wasn't constantly racebaiting and if feds hadn't been astroturfing /pol/ for years this wouldn't be happening.

>> No.22950038

Why do you care about the cause? Do you think it matters? Do you think that you can ever hope to know it?

>> No.22950045

ideology is the only driving force in humanity. There are no mystical dialectics behind it. Also, the civil rights happened because the regime allowed it to happen. Grass-roots movements do not accomplish anything and people who want grass-roots movements are simply retards who want to lose. America is a progressive country.

>> No.22950049

indeed. Black people do not exist and intersectionalists are all psychopaths

>> No.22950079
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I'm not racist. I just don't want any foreigners in my country.

There is literally nothing you can say against this. If you ask me why, I'll ask you why you want foreigners in my country. And if you explain yourself in any way, you always end up just using racialist talking points but in the foreigner's favor by explaining how they have totally unique experiences inherent not to the fact that they lived in a different environment but due to the fact that they have a different skin color. You then explain how this will totally improve our society because it just will ok, even cob these brownies all think exactly the same, and they all agree with you for some reason or would rather support your party in the next election simply out of self-interest.

There is literally no reason to import foreigners other than to keep alive an inflated industry. All of this is due to the modern human being's obsession with "human liberty" and denial of the fact that he deserves to be subordinated

>> No.22950116

The real argument is that foreigners, in small enough numbers, are forced to assimilate and do not cause trouble. The problems you're thinking of only happen when foreigners are allowed in huge numbers and are allowed to form ethnic enclaves.

>Why do you want foreigners in my country?

What if the foreigners in question are useful to your country? Billionaires, skilled professionals, people like that.

>But it's mean to brain drain poor countries!

Smart people can't thrive in poor countries. Do you really think someone who is into biotechnology could reach their full potential in Somalia? Fuck no. There's no problems with foreigners when they are carefully vetted.

>> No.22950120

>The real argument is that foreigners, in small enough numbers, are forced to assimilate and do not cause trouble.
NTA; so your real argument is to state a lie, I see. http://www.emilkirkegaard.com/p/palestinians-in-your-country-what

>> No.22950172

>The real argument is that foreigners, in small enough numbers, are forced to assimilate and do not cause trouble.

They also don‘t cause me any trouble by staying at home—including the potential trouble that once you permit some degree of immigration its parameters will be unscrupulously expanded.

Also billionaires are evil, and the skilled work necessary would only not go to a native to be trained in because the billionaire doesn‘t want to make that investment in our own people.

>> No.22950175

I make lots of $$ off of the backs of immigrants for dirt cheap

>> No.22950176


I’ve been toying with the idea of a benevolent, humanistic racial realism. That different races and cultures, broadly, do in fact have certain different traits, strengths, and weaknesses/flaws, and this is probably from a combination of nature and nurture (both genetics and environment, and culturally handed down worldviews and socialization).

Two particularly catastrophic worldviews duking out against each other throughout the West and perhaps in other cultures nowadays. are the White-guilt entirely PC/social justice narrative (which at its worst turns into anti-White racism), and the mind-programming people receive on /pol/ and from racial/cultural/political tensions in modern culture as >>22950033 aptly points out. Nuance is increasingly lost, and modern culture in the West, and in America particularly, besides other nations, is increasingly becoming schizophrenic, split right down the middle between the “Woke” and the “Based and Redpilled” factions, each of whom see each other as threats to civilization, enemies, demonic, brainwashed, and wrong/delusional about everything.

>> No.22950241

Not That Anon

Your thoughts are of a very high quality and I respect them a great deal.

I take issue with this:
> (which at its worst turns into anti-White racism)

At worst I think it is actually a subtle ideology that allows individuals who speak in "woke" to feel expunged and guiltless, or even uniquely virtuous, while failing to comprehend the enormous human catastrophe of slavery and its aftermath. It lets liberal whites continue to harbor ideas of intellectual or cultural superiority while loudly proclaiming they are white angels with all the answers. It is merely an odious hypocrisy.

There is no ideologicap substitute for humanity. Since the dawn of time it was only ever necessary to look at a black man's eyes for anyone to see well enough he were a man. Ideology? Yes, but also character.

The whites, with their lined pockets and cake-filled stomachs, have been largely reduced to a gluttonous, ignorant class whose character diminishes with each generation that is nourished by spoils.

>> No.22950296

How much do you think ragebait comes into play? It seems many radical ideologues look for things to get worked up over

>> No.22950303

can't wait for pale "devils" to move out of africa for good and let chinksects handle you like you deserve, whiny and pathetic yet acting high and might(was good brudda, we all same n sheit, one love, lemme live in your neighbor tho) while probably not even putting your money where your mouth is and moving to live in among your kind, but probably posting from some north Eurasian/north American country, parasitising the naive and suicidal good will of people who had it too good and too smooth for too long

>> No.22950319

It is not naive and suicidal, it is reality-denying and self-serving.

>> No.22950334

>The real argument is that foreigners, in small enough numbers, are forced to assimilate and do not cause trouble.
I do not care. That is still not a reason to import them. And who's to say? They might still gain special status, especially in our progressive cultures. Also, they assimilate either way. There is no such thing as "multiculturalism".
>What if the foreigners in question are useful to your country? Billionaires, skilled professionals, people like that.
who gives a fuck? You still haven't given a reason aside from trying to uphold some inflated industry.
>Smart people can't thrive in poor countries.
says who and so? People of quality, especially moral quality, tend not to emigrate. They are like mercenaries.

>> No.22950359
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Good luck finding, or donating plasma and other much needed resources to you biracial, kinky haired ape child.

>> No.22950372

Also, I forgot to add:
aside from these purely utilitarian reasons which you often have people giving at first. You have the lazy moral reasons where you should import foreigners "because you just should, ok?"
But this is indistinguishable from my argument against importing them. In the end, you just want foreigners in your country.
You think that we are obligated to take in refugees. I disagree.
You think everyone has a right to access white people. I disagree.

>> No.22950459

Good luck finding a woman with your internalized racial sex anxieties.

(Yes, it is that obvious)

>> No.22950481
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Im married with a child on the way. Your discutional Freudian armchair psych has never been true.