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22943683 No.22943683 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best books to study psyops?

>> No.22943934
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>> No.22943947

study how they invented a western arab spring with G. Floyd

>> No.22943960

>needing a book to teach you psyops
Holy fuck the average person is genuinely retarded

>> No.22944065
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>> No.22944115

What are the tactical benefits, in the context of psychological warfare, of pretending to shoot a man before pretending to throw him out of a plane?

>> No.22944166

>Because physical wounds heal
at first i thought that sounded badass but the more i think about it the more it seems like cope that they dont get to shoot anyone

>> No.22944183 [DELETED] 
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Picrel, and I'm assuming Chaos by Tom O'Neill (since I haven't read it but assume it to be so) are good primers for schizo-core.

>> No.22944198

Take your meds, you ugly BPD whore

>> No.22944213

im gonna read this, its on amazon so i should be fine right

>> No.22944228

Why did my post get deleted lol

>> No.22944245

>The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies
>Deep Politics: Transfer of Files on Psychological Operations
>GCHQ Full-Spectrum Cyber Effects
>GCHQ Online Deception
>GCHQ DISRUPTION Operational Playbook
>GCHQ Squeaky Dolphin Psychological Operations
>The Intercept: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
>OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual 1944

this is just stuff from a link I have. I recommend looking into mkultra, mossad, blackcube, beyond freedom and dignity, and darknet chan sites for more infomation

>> No.22944249
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>> No.22944258

ooohhhh spooky

>> No.22945056
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>> No.22945128

Didn't Jolly West publish scientific journals? You'll be able to find them on the internet quite easily if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.22945338

2nd Part of sefton delmer's memoirs called black Boomerang.

>> No.22946375

Ladislav Bittman: The Deception Game

>> No.22946666
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here is a stack for you

>> No.22946705
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it's not coping it's a psyop l e l

>> No.22946708

what kind of schizo saves these things on their computer

>> No.22946752

Chomsky Manufacturing Consent. Pretty sure that book is a result of a glownigger thinktank.

>> No.22946937

Women aren't going to believe this, but men can have hobbies and interests that don't involve sex

>> No.22946970

You're a big guy

>> No.22947160

the Crying of Lot 49