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22943619 No.22943619 [Reply] [Original]

OK but what was the purpose of the actual porn at the beginning of the book?

>> No.22943781

To sell copies?

>> No.22943817

i skipped it, zero regrets

>> No.22943935


Why did he use such a juicy butt image? It's kind of distracting. Is it to appeal to the gays? Why the gays? Are they the key to making his book go viral?

>> No.22943944

>. Is it to appeal to the gays? Why the gays?
who else but fags was reading his drivel?

>> No.22943955

are straights all braindead normies or something?

>> No.22943997

I would get all up in there oh my gad
sit on my face~!

>> No.22944023

It's obviously Michelangelo's David, replacing the figure of Leviathan from Hobbes' famous book, representing how the coercive power of the state has been transferred to cultural institutions, specifically targeting men and informing their self-idealization.

>> No.22944214

>cultural institutions

just cultural? or economic and technological?

>> No.22944244

>If you want to see hypocrisy etched into history the inscription of Demosthenes' statue reads, "If only your power had been equal to your knowledge, never would Greece have been conquered by a warlord", and I have to push my eyes into my skull to hold back a fission reaction, pot/kettle/black--you're blaming Demosthenes? But ti's easier to blame a leader and worship your conqueror, crown the new tyrant a king and pretend he represents you, now and forever you can take credit for his actions and steal a little bit of satisfaction for yourself. That's the past you want, so it will be the future that satisfies you. Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? The great experiment of freedom vs. tyranny deteriorated into knowledge vs. power, then the illusion of omniscience as a defense against impotence, and finally while you're rubbing your genitals to images of other people's actions that you didn't think of and don't even want omnipotence came at you with 16 foot spears after first taking out the Oracle of Delphi. They say ti was close, we can pretend it was close, but we both know you never had a chance. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man will have become king. It is accomplished. It is inevitable.

>> No.22944641
File: 170 KB, 360x346, a20ddd95ed33c6937246c1f37232e519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still cant believe this nigga seriously wrote a 1000 page book to cope with the fact that he has a BBC cuck porn fetish. like bro, its not that serious my guy, everybody has weirdass shit, you should just be thankful you're not a scat or inflation or hyper/micro/macro freak

>> No.22945780

It's only 500 pages and it's about how are desires are created by external forces

>> No.22946458

I mean it's undeniable that the biggest boost he and Christopher Lasch have gotten is Red Scare, which only women and gays listen to

>> No.22947022

If you're jerking to it, it's for you

>> No.22947106


Why did Michelangeo give David such a provocative rear end but a diminutive front side? What did he mean by this?

>> No.22947189

He was a homosexual who sublimated his erotic desires into creating art.

>> No.22947375

anyone know what statue was used for the cover?

>> No.22947942

>implying anyone bought this book

>> No.22948016

Average sized penises are the most aesthetic and anyone with taste agrees

>> No.22948054

You got a taste for dicks, fella?

>> No.22948821

The copes I read on this website, damn.

>> No.22948836

What's your preference?

>> No.22948983

Having a big girthy dick that makes girls start biting their lower lip when they see it and makes it so I don't have to work half as hard to have them cum.
Rating dicks by anything other than sexual performance(like aesthetics lmao) is either gay or a cope from mid-dicks.

>> No.22949562

Writing about dicks for any reason is gay af

>> No.22950192

>be normal person
>book appointment with licensed psychiatrist to talk about your depression and stress
>he starts screaming at you about the Peloponnesian War
What's the right move here?

>> No.22950225

Tell him that starting with the Greeks is a meme and observe him enter an episode, so at least you probably wont have to pay.

>> No.22950231

I have jacked off to that story on ten different occasions, and I haven't even finished the book.

>> No.22951144

target audience

>> No.22951509


I bet this guy writes a lot of romance fiction for Amazon because he displays a certain kind of know-how when it comes to writing this crap. Definitely not his first time.

>> No.22952129

He did spend like ten years writing this book, some research was clearly required

>> No.22952372

Only juvenile puella aeterna like big dicks. Mature women recognize the penis is intended for making babies and prefer them to be average in size.

>> No.22952645

>The copes I read on this website, damn

>> No.22953083

>t. possesses a cultural bias informed by modern pornography without realizing it

>> No.22953934

What the fuck are we supposed to take away from this book? That we should all live in Athenian microstates?

>> No.22954091

You have to ACT. Just fucking act, my god, you literally cannot even act, at every step you have the perfect rationalization for why you NEVER ACT.

>> No.22954174

More cope from dicklets, kek

>> No.22954309

I despise this pseud like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.22954604

>Mature women

Mature women are into beta bucks. THey can care less about the size of the penis or whether there's a penis there at all.

>> No.22954622

Of all the pseuds this is a weird one to fixate on

>> No.22954916

He is literally the only non retarded thinker alive

>> No.22955287

>non retarded
>writes whole book explaining his BBC cuck fetish

>> No.22955522

He's explaining YOUR BBC cuck fetish

>> No.22955608

Slaps you in the face in the beginning and then shakes you for a while. Then gets tired of screaming and starts twiddling on about ancient greek lit.

>> No.22955615

This. Also am I the only one who thinks half the book was written by a woman?

>> No.22955794

it's a test, for both you and the author: are you aroused? then he probably understands your mind and how it works

nabokov did the same thing

>> No.22956042

Women like responsible men with average penis sizes (it's average for a reason)
Womanchildren like retarded (read: black) men with oversized dicks

>> No.22956128


That's the thing, he's projecting all this weird shit onto the public as though they have the same fucked up brain as he does.

>> No.22956462

It's an objective fact that it has suddenly become mainstream in the past decade, you can find plenty of articles and psychology papers remarking on this. His book is about porn, of course he has to tackle that.

>> No.22956608

David is supposed to be the idea of perfection. Him being carved with a perfect ass follows logically. As for the small phallus, this was carved in a revival of the Roman style of statue. The Romans believed that having a large phallus was barbaric and primitive, so many of their statues depict them with smaller phalluses.

>> No.22956761

>Women are satisfied with average in anything
Is that what she tells you as she spends your betabux?

>> No.22957693


>> No.22957933
File: 101 KB, 852x759, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22958695

>a perfect ass

So are you fags all in agreement here? I'd have thought some would say it's too big. And I would have expected another to say, ah, but it's not meant to be viewed straight on but from below and so with some foreshortening it would be reduced to a more modest but still attractive bubble butt.

>> No.22959147

Hasn't it been shopped to be bigger for the cover?

>> No.22959833

Poorfag cope.

>> No.22960032

If you need a cock to feel masculine then you might as well call yourself a tranny.

>> No.22960175

what the fuck is happening itt

>> No.22960219

>dicklet copes have devolved into non sequiturs

>> No.22960979

>non sequitur
Says the poorfag who seethes about self-made caricatures of men who have money

>> No.22961095

This shitposting spree was about dicksize not money, I don't see myself not others seething over money anywhere
Or are you implying only poorfags don't want to be betabux because they lack money? Because that's retarded.

>> No.22961487

>This shitposting spree was about dicksize not money
Yes, precisely why mentioning "betabux" out of the blue was obvious projecting poorfag cope.

>> No.22961501

literature board btw

>> No.22961696

Jannies haven't been doing shit for weeks now
Work on your reading comprehension lmao

>> No.22962287

It's crazy to me that people still don't understand that fetishes are condiotined like Pavlovs dogs and that yes, Jews are trying condition gentiles into wanting shitskin penis. But fortunately you can simply stop conusming their propaganda and the fetish will magicallly evaporate in the same way that if you stop eating McDonalds you will stop craving McDonalds.

>> No.22962303

You are larping as having a huge dick because you're a porn brained baboon. Go to a gloryhole and get aids, faggot.

>> No.22962381

>dicklet mad

>> No.22963299

>Work on your reading comprehension
Don't need to, it's already perfect. Work on your critical thinking.

"Women prefer average sized dicks" is a fact. The proof: it's the average, which is another word for most popular.

Poorfag anon responds to this factual information with "she's spending your money behind your back." The focus shifted towards monetary exploitation because poorfag anon is projecting his own lack of funds.

>> No.22963329
File: 137 KB, 900x1710, david_r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22963358

>if you need the ultimate embodyment and proof of manhood to know you're a man, you're actually a deranged lunatic

>> No.22963380

you okay dawg?

>> No.22963481

>it's the average, which is another word for most popular.
Seems like your vocabulary is as shoddy as your reading comprehension. I guess it's true that /lit/ doesn't read.
But I get it, it's pretty difficult to stay focused when you get emotional, and dicklets always get emotional when someone makes fun of their peanuts.

>> No.22963492

In the chain of evolution, what is average is what is most popular, logically. Or do you think those average sized dicks reproduced via budding?

>> No.22963508

The objective criterion for rating dicks is by how much pleasure they make the man feel. The idea that what a woman feels matters is extremely gay and a porn/feminist perspective.

>> No.22963534

Do you also prefer average females to really hot ones, because there's more of the first category around? Do you get more aroused seeing a 5/10 than a 10/10?
Get it together, average is just a mean value/central point of a dataset and if you haven't figured out by now that women prefer winners(genetically, among other things) to average Joes, there's no helping you.
Also most averages, be it height, IQ, dicksize keep increasing and what is average for today's population is bigger than what the average value would be if you were to combine all the humans that ever lived.

>> No.22963535

NTA, but what kinda fucking retard says that average anything is the best? Is the average person the most intelligent? Is average height the most attractive to women, are average dumpy bodies the most attractive to men? You are legitimately delusional.

>> No.22963555

>Do you also prefer average females to really hot ones
Yes, because "really hot ones" are high maintenance whores, and everyone who isn't a coomer addict understands this, which is why it's just coomer addicts who don't reproduce.

>NTA, but what kinda fucking retard says that average anything is the best?
See above. The narrative you're spinning is drivel birthed from the modern coomer age.

Notice how my logic — that what is average in a species must be what is most popular in it, i.e. natural selection — remains completely unaddressed.

>> No.22963568

>thread on book about how people come up with sad pornographic copes for their narcissistic impotence devolves into heated debate on the ideal penis size.
You fags should really read the book.

>> No.22963569

>Do you get more aroused seeing a 5/10 than a 10/10
Why dodge the point anon, is it because you're full of shit and you know you're filled with rationalisations to help you cope with feelings of inadequacy?
You describe settling as actual preference, not even in women but in yourself as well. Guess you have to cope with having an average IQ as well as an average dick(I hope you're not an actual dicklet, it would be too sad).

>> No.22963739


well here he's not even attractive. this isn't the ideal male figure at all. sad

>> No.22963783


Actually it's not Michelangelo's David, because not just the butt is different but the arms are different. Look at his left arm. In Michelangelo's statue the left arm is at an acute angle because he's got the sling up on his shoulder. In this picture if he's even holding a sling it's at stomach level.

Also the right arm of Michelangel's David is held against his leg with no space between hand and leg.

>> No.22963879

how does this not lead to mass shooting

>> No.22963894

Because acting without thinking created problems, retard. Do you think people enjoy not doing anything?

>> No.22963930

Ratings are arbitrary because they're relative. What you call a 10/10 is likely a high maintenance whore who I see as a 3/10 at best because I'm not a poorly socialized, self-negating coomer retard.

>> No.22964140

>physical attraction doesn't exist because I start coping the moment I see a hot girl I know is too difficult for me to pull
Do you also see large boobs and think "man, they'll be saggy in 30 years, 2/10"? How long is your neckbeard?

>> No.22965195

Physical attraction exists and relies on one's neurochemical brain structure. It's possible to grow up and not be attracted to high maintenance whores, but it does take some effort to accomplish. You'll get there eventually as long as you put the work in, champ. Then maybe you'll reproduce and make your parents proud.

>> No.22965522

I do

>> No.22966666

if you're jerking to it, it's for you

>> No.22967068

He's a grower, not a shower and giving him a fully erect penis would've been weird.

>> No.22967282

You should really stop huffing all that copium, it's making you delusional. Your dick will get hard for a 10/10 regardless of your age or personal development, you deciding to act or not on that impulse comes after the fact your desire flares up. Of course there's more to choosing a partner than their looks, but to deny reality because you can't come to terms with your own settling is just sad.

>> No.22967674

>Your dick will get hard for a 10/10 regardless of your age or personal development
No, not "regardless of," but as a direct result of one's neurochemical brain structure. This is a scientific fact.

>> No.22967772

I suppose test levels are technically considered neurochemical brain structure, I'm sorry yours are so low.

>> No.22967993

>I'm not retarded for liking whores, I'm just high test

>> No.22968007

>there's nothing wrong with my dick, I'm just too intellectual for fertile women

>> No.22968090

They won't be having your children, which is why you're retarded for putting them on a pedestal.

>> No.22968105

>they won't choose me, so I'll rationalise why they're bad
Once again, you can choose your partner based on different criteria and obviously should, but going so far as to deny attraction to what we would deem "hot", which is what monkeybrain sees as fertile, is sad and disingenuous.

>> No.22968115

More like
>I'm not a child, so I don't worship people who don't support my own happiness
But please, continue to defend and glorify strangers for no reason than because you're a porn addict.

>> No.22968133

>worship worship glorify
You keep using that word in your posts on your own while I did no such thing and it's no surprise to see you actually revere what you cope about not being able to have. That must be why you're so adamant in your denial of reality.

>> No.22968206

>You keep using that word in your posts on your own
That was the first post I used either of those words in.

>I did no such thing
Yet you rate them 10/10 and defend this so-called objective attractiveness on an anonymous imageboard for days.

>> No.22968246

>putting them on a pedestal
All you.
Also I'm not defending objective attractiveness, this all started when someone tried to claim "being average is most desirable" like a retard in a sad way to cope with not having a big wiener. But over-intellectualisation of physical attractiveness is what I object to in your posts in particular.

>> No.22968719

>But over-intellectualisation of physical attractiveness is what I object to in your posts in particular.
Why do you call what every reasonable, married adult agrees with "over-intellectualisation"? Ask any loyal wife with children what she thinks about le BBC meme and guess what, she'll think you're a weirdo, because you are one.

>> No.22969145

>acting without thinking created problems
Thinking without acting creates more problems