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22941455 No.22941455 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.22941460

These bait threads are getting more and more effortless

>> No.22941489

Christianity 2.0.
Same morals, but without the supernatural.

Now, if you want something against christian morality per se, try Nietzsche or Nick Land.

>> No.22941496
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skip the new atheists
I would recommend Bataille and Spinoza before Land

>> No.22941498

retardedly retarded

>> No.22941524

Thank you for these

>> No.22941537

Christopher Hitchens was the only one of these guys with any real rhetorical talent. The movement completely died when he died.

>> No.22941539
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Read this instead

>> No.22941540

a brutal redpill

>> No.22941565

New atheists are philosophically illiterate

>> No.22941567
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The greatest book of all time

>> No.22941591

>orbitally bombard the spaceports and steal all the magic items
>tell the survivors God isn't real

this planet is worse than Hell

>> No.22941606

>What am I in for?
Impressing fellow idiots by repeating the same points over and over to each other while your (much) more intelligent betters laugh at you.

>> No.22941609
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>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
Atheism is an intelligence LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weak point is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons.

>> No.22941623

You are just the typical American from some small flyover town, the only atheist you knew was probably some edgy goth kid.
People around the world don't need any edgy reasons to be atheists, it's the default position amongst young, white Europeans.

>> No.22941650
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>it's the default position amongst young, white Europeans

>> No.22941719

not only does "God" God exist but the pagan ones did too

you need to die and go to Gehenna before you hurt yourself or someone else

>> No.22941772 [DELETED] 


>> No.22941845
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>> No.22941891

He was by far the stupidest though and couldn’t go five minutes without spreading some complete historical inaccuracy.

>> No.22941909


Give us atranslation, we don't speak jew

>> No.22941910

I am willing to read any and all material you have that would assist in convincing me there is a God.

>> No.22941956

Are these flyover Americans in the room with us right now, Liam?

>> No.22942174

Ontologically, God is closer to thoughts and emotions and friendship and nations than the strictly empirical. So it's not even a question of existence but one of nature. The problems come with proselytizing specific religions because that includes all kinds of "leap of faith" propositions which may or may not be appealing to a given individual. Stereotypically, since you're an independent thinker, leaning on all the Jung you can would be good, but it's really a matter of how far you want to go in a God of your own understanding.

>> No.22942233

You get bonus IQ points

>> No.22942343
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The movement was an overwhelming success with major impacts on religious demographics.

>> No.22942398

He was undeniably charming and witty but he wasn’t a serious intellectual

>> No.22942418


This chart makes me very, very happy. Now we need to do it to the muslims.

>> No.22942436

Secularization is a process that has been ongoing since the French Revolution. New Atheism had no impact whatsoever.

>> No.22942450

New Atheism probably wasn't game changing but it was part of the process. A process isn't just an abstract thing that keeps going on its own, people like the new atheists keep it going.

>> No.22942456

That's right my fellow euphorist, the whole world should hear the gospel of having sex with trannies and being fucked by niggers! My tranny wife's boyfriend told me he'd buy me the latest funkopop if I make another video talking about how we need to give all of our money to spics so they can cross the border! YESSSSSSS

>> No.22942482

You're going to hear lute (loot? Lute?) and you're going to like it.

>> No.22942542

christian churches are virulently pro-migrant you stupid larper

>> No.22942823

Do you have an argument beyond "You're le Christian only because you're le Nazi", Mr Pajeet?

>> No.22942835

I wish the apostles had been as racist as modern Christians, then this religion would have stayed where it belonged.

>> No.22942837

The Mysterious stranger, but nonfiction and for optimists who actually can't stand the religion they were born into..

>> No.22942838

Some asshole dropped this and Michael Moor's Stupid White Men off at the local street library.

>> No.22942849

Lrn2Chrisitanity. read the teachings of christ instead of cherrypicking scripture to justify your ill conceived life choices

>> No.22943017


>> No.22943142

Seeing as this is /lit/ read Frye and ignore trolls (>22942456).

>> No.22943685

Except few people are meaningfully atheists since they implicitly reject metaphysical materialism and positivism; most "irreligious" are mediocre minded women who are drawn to "spirituality". All the believers are de facto non-believers, and all the non-believers are beset by primitive, atavistic superstitions. Humans are religious creatures by nature; whereas New Atheists had chosen to reify their own unbelief as the object of their worship, most of society has chosen to worship niggers, kikes, faggots and troons instead. New Atheism was but a tantrum of a contumacious child, an iconclastic rampage that had no positive vision of its own to fill the void of most of society, and is now assailed as being sexist dudebro shit by intersectional progressives.

>> No.22945005

>From 1776 to 2007 "No Religion" was kept below 16%
>In 15 years of New Atheism it almost doubles to 29%
>"No impact whatsoever"
The cope is so very sweet. Like nectar.

>> No.22945165

What was that favourite locution of empiricists... correlation does not equal causation? Does not seem like your methods are very rigourous there. Professed religiosity on its own is a single metric that does not provide an exhaustive picture of reality; the real turning point in terms of secularization were the late 1960s, when church attendence dropped precipitously and religion became endlessly less important even amongst the nominally religious. Years before the New Atheism fad began, Christian cultural power was already broken by Jews and liberal degenerates. The 2000s were a libertine decade flushed with exaltation of sexual promiscuity and openness, despite all the nonsense about MUH EVANGELICAL RIGHT N SHEIT.

For all your talk of REASON and RATIONALITY and SCIENCE, nobody actually gives a shit about your midwit LAWGIC TRAPS: people's irreligiosity is driven to commitments to other irrational intellectual systems and personal proclivities; people dislike Christianity because they have superstitious ideological commitments to fighting white supremacy and the patriarchy, and because religion doesn't allow them to indulge in all the dissipative hedonism they would like. Hell, that IS what New Atheism is about too -- fucking trannies like a degenerate faggot, you "people" just like to hide it better.

Also LMAO at your thinking New Atheism was relevant beyond 2014 and fucking Atheism+. Your historical legacy will be paving the way for Drag Queen Story Hour and the annihilation of the white race. By their fruits you shall know them!

>> No.22945321

Kind of sucks, that's why I don't see myself as part of any movement. I just think it's unlikely that God exist, maybe I'm not a new atheist, just an atheist that happened to live during that time.

>> No.22945478

None of it even real man, be fucking honest, how the fuck can anyone know these things but know nothing beyond our planet? Such idiocy.

>> No.22946665

Kek, you just can't deal with the fact that the Four Horsemen were majorly influential on society. Yes there were trends over the preceding decades, but there was a massive, measurable increase in people willing to label themselves "No religion" in the years following the publishing of "The God Delusion" and "God is Not Great", a period when the Horsemen were extremely active on book tours, debate tours, and on TV networks. Also, if you wish to know about "causation", just look up any of the debates where the audience was polled before the debate and after. There was invariably a change in favor of disbelieving in God after any of the Horsemen were speaking. You just can't cope with the fact that, when pitted face to face in civil debate, atheism triumphs over theism. Again, cope and seethe.

>"By their fruits you shall know them!"
If Christianity is such a great bulwark against degeneracy, why is it always subverted by degenerates in every country it becomes dominant in? Why is it that so many churches can't even prevent their own priests from diddling little boys? Face it, your favorite little delusion is a lie and a failure in the utility it claims for itself.

>> No.22946700

Most humans don't have the mind to believe only in themselves. Depression and anxiety keep climbing. Atheism might not be the cause of it, there is certainly some underlying decay.

Also this exact thread happened days ago. Atheism has no intellectual substance beyond a cursory grasp of astrophysics and speculation about an endless multiverse. The most intelligent writers tend to be agnostic or monistic. Fossil-diggers larping as modern logicians like Aquinas all become frauds when they move away from modern textbooks and into things solved 500 years ago

>> No.22947034

>Atheism has no intellectual substance
It denotes the rejection of religion. Perhaps you meant to say "Naturalism" or "Materialism", but as you've stated it, your point makes no sense. Atheism is the disbelief in something, the only substance it needs is criticisms of the belief system in question. These criticisms have overwhelming substance.
>The most intelligent writers tend to be agnostic
A person can be an Agnostic Atheist, and, in fact, people like Dawkins define themselves as Agnostic in the strictest terms (although the term carries a degree of cowardice so people like Dawkins prefer to use Atheist)

>> No.22947055
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Most every atheist is a materialist. Materialism as applies to physics is a wash. Applied to the culture values creates a profit margin race to the bottom. Atheism is materialism is nihilism, at least the overwhelming majority of the time and common parlance.
I will admit that the Biblical God as presented to the ordinary person does seem like a far-fetched proposition but the typical rejection of Bible lore (atheism) usually leads to an all-around rejection life or the universe, if not wholly then at least in its sublime wonder.
>the universe is just a big accident

>> No.22947095

>Most every atheist is a materialist.
Normies don't know what that means, they don't have metaphysical beliefs. The other Christian anon criticised atheists for still having non-naturalistic beliefs, despite being atheists, so which one is it?
When it comes to philosophers certainly not all of them are materialists. Michael Huemer is a substance dualist, Kastrup is an idealist, Schopenhauer was an idealist. There are platonists as well.
I suspect that many normies are substance dualists.
Materialism as a metaphysical stance has nothing to do with the colloquial sense of materialism, which means something like wanting to acquire money.
>leads to an all-around rejection life or the universe
Yes, because Christians love life that much. The Christian denial of life was Nietzsche's main criticism of Christianity.
>the universe is just a big accident
Graham Oppy thinks the universe probably has necessary existence.

>> No.22947107

>I suspect that many normies are substance dualists.
Or at least this is the way they talk, they don't know exactly what that means either.

>> No.22947119

>Atheism is the disbelief in something, the only substance it needs is criticisms of the belief system in question. These criticisms have overwhelming substance.
you really have no clue

>> No.22947131

>Normies don't know what that means, they don't have metaphysical beliefs
Yes, that's the problem. Materialist ideology has such a hold on their perception that anything beyond is a non-starter.
>Materialism as a metaphysical stance has nothing to do with the colloquial sense of materialism, which means something like wanting to acquire money.
It does, tangentially. With no higher power, people default to wealth.
I'm not going to defend Christianity's historical or current ideologies but they mostly do decent work on a person-by-person basis. If they act otherwise it betrays their commands.
>life is nothing but death is worse but jesus is better than life and much better than death etc etc
Substance dualism is a reasonable perspective and works well with most ideologies. In the east they repeat: mind, body, spirit. But this is usually taken under a broader monist idea, for better or worse
Graham Oppy has a point. I was making fun of the common atheistic assumption.

>> No.22947142
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>What am I in for?

You will either agree with it and feel vindicated, or disagree with it and enjoy being Righteously Indignant.

>> No.22947154

This is just another example of the decline of social participation that is happening in literally every aspect of western society from physical retailers to movie theaters, but atheists will think that they personally caused this by spamming their Epicurus meme quote jpegs over and over.

>You will either agree with it and feel vindicated, or disagree with it and enjoy being Righteously Indignant.
realest post in the thread.

>> No.22947175

The vast majority of people don't ponder the nature of reality. They simply take on cultural beliefs, like religion, or reject them as absurd on their face. Also, there is no reason to connect materialism to nihilism. You don't need a magic sky daddy to find meaning in life, to suggest otherwise is literally infantile.

>> No.22947186

You are an atheist in regard to tons of religions, anon, because tons of religions are incompatible, they directly contradict each other.

>> No.22947190

There is a third option

>> No.22947198
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>You don't need a magic sky daddy to find meaning in life, to suggest otherwise is literally infantile
If you're talking to me, specifically, sure.
>The vast majority of people don't ponder the nature of reality
But you've already spoken that the vast majority of people would need instruction to begin to ponder the divine.

Yes, the path of the wizard. Where Christians at least know something about something, but atheists are smug as possible for being as wrong as can be.

>> No.22947201

>Where Christians at least know something about something
Well I wouldn't go that far

>> No.22947211

Ministers at least have done enough business to fear the unknown but their usual adherents just have vague ideas that aren't worth testing

>> No.22947212

>but atheists are smug as possible for being as wrong as can be.
Wrong about what? Again, by necessity, YOU are an atheist in regard to tons of religions.

>> No.22947222

I think you have me confused for someone else.

>> No.22947240

I don't think you know what that means.

>Yes there were trends over the preceding decades, but there was a massive, measurable increase in people willing to label themselves "No religion" in the years following the publishing of "The God Delusion" and "God is Not Great", a period when the Horsemen were extremely active on book tours, debate tours, and on TV networks.
Sorry to inform your narcissistic ass but the Anglophone countries do not represent the totality of the world; outside of the US, the UK, Australia and New Zealand, the Four Faggots are irrelevant. Never were, never will be. Nonetheless, secularization still occurs. Keep coping.

>There was invariably a change in favor of disbelieving in God after any of the Horsemen were speaking.
Sure thing pal. And Christopher Hitchens totally didn't get completely fucking annihilated by William Lane Craig.

>You just can't cope with the fact that, when pitted face to face in civil debate, atheism triumphs over theism.

It's funny how hard you keep turning MUH EPICZ ATHEIST DEBATING SKILLZ when atheists always keep proving themselves as philosophically illiterate in all religion threads on here or on /his/.

>If Christianity is such a great bulwark against degeneracy
Without God, morality cannot exist, so an atheist can't discuss "degeneracy."

>> No.22947243

This talking point was already tired in 2006.

>> No.22947268

>Without God, morality cannot exist
thank god, we are finally done with your shit

>> No.22947286

>The Christian denial of life was Nietzsche's main criticism of Christianity.
Nietzsche was a retarded faggot who believed that atavistic dissipation was the essence of life -- succumbing to one's carnal urges like a bestial animal and indulging in the most vile depraved passions. A resentful pathetic little man who was coping like a bitch about his being mentally ill, sickly fuck, envious of all who could pursue the fruits of life. No wonder he seethed so much against asceticism -- one can just imagine the whiny little cuck, restrained to his bed, gnashing his teeth at the thought of men pursuing something in life higher, more exalted and transcendental than base hedonism and degeneracy. His discussion of ressentiment is a prime example of feminine projection. What an emasculate little faggot. No wonder so many pussies insecure about their manliness are drawn to his verbiage: it's a slave's vision of what it means to be a master; a true master is a courageous stoic who without complaint accepts all his duties and obligations no matter how much they may superficially burden them, for he understands that he was given power and might from God so that he may contribute to the common good of his community. A Nietzschean slave is a petty, vindictive cuck who thirsts for power so that he may settle his parochial grudges.

>> No.22947293

>without complaint accepts all his duties and obligations no matter how much they may superficially burden them
So then why do you pray for god to rescue you from the world he created and ressurect your corpse after death? Where is YOUR amor fati little larper?

>> No.22947311

not that same poster but:
Because it is the natural order. Just as men should be masters of their little realm, they can only do so much. While mortal men can handle paying out employees, it falls to their Creator to account for the totality of a life's actions.
I myself don't sit well among this natural order but at least I can understand and appreciate it.

>> No.22947320

You tried something there, but it doesn't quite work. Alright then master(de)bater, let's see how your brilliant atheism triumph over this theistic analysis.

There are two aspects to morality: morality as goodness, and morality as law. Pursuing the Good is intrinsically valuable, but without disincentives for eschewing it, creatures who by their composite nature subject to change and thereby contingently as opposed to essentially good, prone to alteration and evil, will be prone to straying away from it; thus, God imposes morality as a law, to ensure the goodness of His creatures.

Now, God is by His simple nature an energeia -- activity. In God, there is scarcely any real distinction between His attributes and His operation, we merely logically distinguish between the two, because we cannot conceptualize of God in His ineffable and incomprehensible essence due to our delineating Him on the basis of our creaturely observations; all our descriptions of God are in some way or another on the basis of negation, whether as privation or eminence: we begin to be, so God must be unbegotten; we are composite, so God is ineffably simple; we exist in time, so God is timeless; we undergo alteration, so God is subject to change due to His transcending time and space; we are finite, so He must be infinite. We never truly define God as His essence is unattainable, we merely delineate the realities around Him in relation to ourselves.

>> No.22947322

We try to circumscribe Him, but He is uncircumscribable. We differentiate in Him between essence and subsistence -- ousia and hypostasis -- on account of the fact in creatures the hypostasis is ontologically prior but logically posterior to the many ousiai that constitute it, for all existences are but bundles of coexistent attributes, various universal properties predicated of a hypostasis but which cannot subsist outside of it; thus, we say that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all equally "God" because divinity is a property -- a numerically singular universal -- that subsists in all three hypostaseis, just as the numerically single universal property of humanity subsists in all particular human persons, no different between any of us. Yet when we say so, we conceptualize of the essence as a property as opposed to activity, and of it as ontologically posterior to hypostaseis: but God's essence is identical with Himself, and His Son and His Spirit are not due to the fact that His generating the persons that causally derivative and therefore inferior to Him yet nonetheless ontologically equal on account of the fact that they are mere extensions of His existence -- for to be a mere extension of God is no mere thing, as it requires ontological equality with Him on account of incorporeal, simple, transcendental nature -- is *part* or His essential activity. God is Thought Thinking of Itself, and in the process of His most sublime, supreme contemplation of His grandeur, He generates the Son and through Him the Spirit, for He comes to know Himself most perfectly in the reflection of others: His generating the other two divine persons is indicative of His omnipotence (for He produces minds who equally possess His attributes), His omniscience (for through Them, He most perfectly actualizes Himself by knowing Himself in Their reflection) and His omnibenelovence (for it is the ultimate, most sublime act of Love), but it is undefinable in its essence

>> No.22947325

Thus, God is Pure Act. And being simple, He has a single activity: His eternally perpending Himself. Thus, Creation cannot be a second activity, rather it is an operation that is an extension of His essential rumination of His own Self. Ergo, the ultimate purpose of Creation is to serve as a monument to God's glory, and all creatures within it are destined for eternally imitating God, seeking to contemplate Him as He does Himself, but failing to do so; and in doing so, vindicating His ineffable glory, for even finite, imperfect creatures such as ourselves are left stupified by His magnificence despite our inability to fully comprehend it.

The skopos and telos of Existence is epektasis: our eternally circling around God, growing in our knowledge of Him, but never exhausting all that can be said and known of Him. For He is like an infinite well of water from which we seep, yet also infinitely greater than infinity, for His being infinity is merely a notion we have of Him in relation to ourselves -- His infinity is comprehensibly incomprehensible, but His essence is so incomprehensible we cannot even comprehend it, for we can have no direct notion of it.

Everything in Creation exists to facilitate our contemplation of God; God man made in the image of God, and his existing in a community is a most sublime imitation of the loving, perichoretic unity of the Godhead. The community of men is a symbol, an icon, of the Most Holy Trinity. We seek to attain its perfection, but never can, for the Son and the Spirit are extensions of God, His Being and His Doing, eternally subordinate to His will; God is one since in the Godhead there is one source—the Father; one will—that of the Father; one nature and power—that which the Father communicates to His Son and Spirit; one activity—that which the Father completes through His Son and Spirit.

>> No.22947329

But in man, there are many wills and many activities, which only contingently and not essentially as in God align. We can never be like the Trinity God engenders, but through living imbricated in a community, we can most truly and fully come to know ourselves, for man can only comprehend himself in relation to others; and by comprehending himself as the extension of a community, he can begin to comprehend the community of love, will, nature and activity that God engenders through His Son and Spirit.

By learning humility through existence in a community, where man is compelled to rely on others as an extrinsic good -- extrinsic, inasmuch as he is compelled to rely on others to accord the material conditions prerequisite for the leisure necessary to engage in contemplation of the divine -- and intrinsic good -- intrinsic, inasmuch as his reflection on himself and others allows him to comprehend divine realities -- man learns humility before God; and through humility, reverence for and unity with Him.

That is the source of all morality.

>> No.22947333

As always, atheists are too idiotic to realize that in a world wherein God does not punish people for behaving immorally and merely allows the good to attain the intrinsic reward for pursuing that which is noble and transcendental, only those who intrinsically pursue the good do good; in a world in which he does, both those who do what is right for its own sake and those who would do good insofar as they wish to avoid being punished will choose to pursue higher ends. To this one might subsequently add that laws and their concomitant punishment have a pedagogical purpose: they induce the bestial and profligate to contemplate the good through habit. Men are insufflated through discipline and punishment with knowledge of that which is good and transcendental; many who are driven solely by fear to do good are instilled through conditioning with a desire to intrinsically pursue the good.

Furthermore, midwitted atheists misapprehend that morality depends on God in two senses: an ontological sense, and a legalistic sense. God, being the most highest and transcendental reality, is the telos and skopos of all that lower realities depend on and find most desirous. All the carnal pleasures of this plane are false desires, mediated desires for the ultimate and most sublime reality that is God; indulgence in the hedonistic passions is fictive, finite, fissiparous, fleeting form of pleasure, tiresome and inpermanent, whereas unity with God in His energies is the most highest form of self-actualization, the most supremely sublime and fulfilling bliss. Without any sort higher supranatural realities, there is little reason to eschew dissipation in the atavistic instincts of this world -- little reason not to succumb to the desire to satiate each vile passion at the expense of others. Since doing good to others is not itself a path to fulfillment, since there is no higher telos beyond the material, morality is a mirage.

>> No.22947336

It is only subsequently that morality depends on God as a Lawgiver, who punishes those who deviate from their telos in His transcendental being; His being the metaphysical principle that engenders the Good as the Supreme Good and His being the Will imposes norms on our wills is mutually complementary, since His Will is identical to His Intellect; His Laws are a reflection of His most perfect Wisdom and could not be any other way, and His being the ontological basis for the Good induces Him to impose His moral laws upon to guide us to Himself.

>> No.22947337

how is resurrection of the dead "natural order"?
if there is no "morality" without "God" you are not offering a serious definition but a performative sectarianism that a normal person would see as sociopathic... lots of people who have no interest in your politics are able to behave ethically toward one another on the basis of reciprocity and those who can't, in many cases, are ostracized or punished, with no intervention whatsoever from your theological schizobabble

>> No.22947365

Jesus is a fluke. Personally I subscribe to reincarnation. There is a time for everyone but usually not right now...

>> No.22947392

Maybe you should read the entire essay before responding, Mr Master(de)bater

>> No.22947400

I think there is some plausibility to reincarnation, rebirth, metempsychosis, etc. given that all matter is recycled, your mother ate plants and animals to grow you in her body; now how that works precisely in terms of souls or spirits or whatever is else is pure speculation, but if the Egyptian afterlife of preserved bodies for those who lived and were buried properly was "wrong" enough to be abandoned as a belief (and certainly it is wrong according to Christians), there's no reason the Christian afterlife avoids being wrong unless you merely have faith it is otherwise. Corpses don't come back.
You aren't saying anything meaningful. You start off by saying "God imposes morality as a law, to ensure the goodness of His creatures," which you are certainly not going to prove anywhere in what follows, and indeed within the same post concede that "We never truly define God as His essence is unattainable." Now, since I share none of your beliefs about this thing, and by your own admission you don't know anything about it, why should I bother going any further into your pretentious christfedora schizobabble?

>> No.22947409


Entry level polemic. It's fine for people who have never exposed themselves to the topic before. Otherwise it's all stuff you've heard or maybe independently thought of years ago.

>> No.22947426

>which you are certainly not going to prove anywhere in what follows
Except I do. The burden of proof is on you to demonstrate logically how I do not. I already assiduously explicated the premisses behind my position and the logical conclusions undergirding it.

>indeed within the same post concede that "We never truly define God as His essence is unattainable."

That's not a concession anon, the apophatic expression of God's ineffability and incomprehensibility is FOUNDATIONAL to most theology.

You're such a fucking midwit lmao. Clearly metaphysics, metaethics, epistemology, and political philosophy are simply too recondite and obscure domains for the like of an utter intellectual mediocrity like yourself -- but that was obvious from your valourizing supercilious and incompetent dilettantes Christopher Hitchens the Trotskyite kike and Richard Dawkins the remorseful cultural Anglican, pathetic morons who faggots like you only think are intelligent because of their Bri'ish accents.

>> No.22947429

oh you were in the last thread, this is definitely a waste of my time since you are playing dress up as a thomist and being snarky to anyone who doesn't believe in sacred science-ism

>> No.22947436


>He presumes to know Earth is round and older than ten thousand years
>Exactly like a brainwashed religious worshiper of science-ism

>> No.22947461

You do realise that this does not necessarily mean that they are non-religious. Only that they don't consider themselves as part of a religious group like christianity. You can still belive in some kind of higher power independent of others and these groups.

>> No.22947475

>flat earth
Are you deliberately trying to make Christians look even more retarded? Everyone knows it is hollow, and filled with hasidim

>> No.22947515

>playing dress up as a thomist
I'm an Orthodox adherent to the teachings of the Cappadocian Fathers and Gregory Palamas LMAO

You really haven't a clue, have you? Orthodox and Thomists have diametrically opposed views on divine simplicity, activity and knowledge thereof. Anyone with even the slightest bit of philosophical learning could have immediately discerned that.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA God you really can't stop getting owned on this can you? Lemme guess, you're >>22939360 and >>22939256 huh? Were you behind one of the "Heavenly Father" posts too? My my, if these New Atheist debates you keep bringing up were so edifying and intellectually robust, how come you are clueless on the most basic fucking things, you retarded cocksucker?

>being snarky to anyone who doesn't believe in sacred science-ism
Daaaawwwwww, is the wittwe baby going to cwy? You filthy fucking maggot, your subhuman piece of shit like that vile communist kike burning in hell right now would always insult and belittle Christians, acting like smug fucking cucks about how LE MORAL and LE SMART they are for shilling for faggots and niggers, and here you are having the gall to complain about my shitting down your mouth. Go fuck a tranny, Mutt Dilatehunty, it's all you're good for.

>> No.22947548

A lot of errors:

>> No.22947553

dumping walltexts of lore isn't me "getting owned" it's you failing to respond in plain English to non-believer criticisms and observations; i get that you are very comfortable in your hermeneutic but it is complete nonsense to someone who doesn't believe and you aren't enlightened simply for testifying to your dogmatic belief in x even if it makes you feel euphoric

>> No.22947598

people like to meme on the book, but I read it and it's genuinely good, he btfos Aquinas

>> No.22947601

the earth is just not ready for the god blackpill so in the mean time there just isn't more to be said about the subject

>> No.22947638

You haven't honestly responded to a single point I have made thus far. You're flailing about like an ASL kid on crack and talking about how a vile Jew and a spiritual Jew LE OWNED theists but you cannot rebut any serious elucidation of actual Christian metaphysics and ethics. You have a literal four year old child's understanding of Christianity and no doubt you're very good at taking down your strawmanned version of it, but if all you can do when confronted with more intellectually demanding accounts of metaphysics, metaethics and epistemology, then you should stick to the Hank Green science videos made for 12 year olds. You can go rock to "I Fucking Love Science" now.

I accept your concession btw.

>> No.22947660

I can only imagine how philosophically illiterate and mentally disabled you have to be think Dawkins did anything to an argument he didn't even understand, actively mistaking Aquinas' cosmological arguments for William Lane Craig's (who funnily enough he's too much of a pussy to debate; seems like even he is aware Hitchens got utterly raped in that one).

>> No.22947663

>actual Christian metaphysics and ethics
it's made up and i disagree with it, and that you are able to recite these points and pat yourself on the back for doing so does nothing to establish them as correct, let alone valuable, to someone outside of your belief system; you are a fedora for christ

>> No.22947670

Your wall of text is just straight bullshit.
>There are two aspects to morality: morality as goodness, and morality as law.
How are you coming up with this? I can't find any reference to this in any body of work at all.

>> No.22947728

Anon, you might actually be autistic. I am using colloquial terminology to convey a basic Suarezian metaethical teaching.

>keeps coming into threads about religion
>keeps seething about it
>fills up every single thread with his rancid diarrhea
>will not shut up
>recycles talking points that were stale in 2006
>misunderstands basic theology
>bitches out whenever confronted with more complex philosophy
>whine like a faggot afterwards
Truth is not beholden to your agreement or lack thereof. God is real and atheism is mental illness. All you are doing is proving that atheists are irrational degenerates who deny God to justify their own vile proclivities, like Dilatehunty's fondness for troons. You are impervious to reason and deserve but the sword. You belong in an asylum or a torture chamber.

>> No.22947772

>deny God to justify their own vile proclivities
So that's all this is to you, a tool for culture war purposes. In that sense the New Atheists have won completely since christer apologists now argue on their terms; where the fedora hated the fundie from the bottom of his heart and conceived of Christianity as the damage the fundie did to society, you are completely obsessed with trannies and have built your ideology around negating them. Your ability to cite medieval theologians is irrelevant here, they are a costume you picked out to give a sense of weight to your opinions. Never mind that so many churches embrace LGBT and whatever else since Christianity's core message is egalitarianism and not platonism, but that's clearly above you.

>> No.22947940

>So that's all this is to you, a tool for culture war purposes.
You are clearly very, very, VERY desperate for this to be true because it allows you to assuage your own anxieties and insecurities about being unable to address any of the argumentation produced against you. That's the only way you can engage in colloquy, really, invent really convenient way to dismiss the people that are utterly annihilating your positions.

>since Christianity's core message is egalitarianism
No it isn't. It's already been proven you can't exegete the Bible.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Romans 1:24-27

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

1 Timothy 1:8-11

8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly.
9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers,
10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)
And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. (Leviticus 20:11)

>> No.22947962
File: 22 KB, 500x283, ObjectiveStandard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without God, morality cannot exist, so an atheist can't discuss "degeneracy."
There are millions of different "God" concepts. They don't establish an objective standard, idiot

>> No.22948027

>uhh no i'm not in this for culture war purposes, anyway here's leviticus since everyone who disagrees with me is a hellbound homo

>> No.22948079

>Never mind that so many churches embrace LGBT and whatever else since Christianity's core message is egalitarianism and not platonism
>makes claim about Christianity's being pro-gay to le heckin own le ebil nazi
>gets debunked
Like I said, stop pretending you understand the bible. Jesus' teachings are about how asceticism through renouncement of property and abstinance from sex for the purpose of subordinating the lower portions of the soul to the higher ones because it is the most exalted, most glorious and holiest way to praise and contemplate God. It has nothing to do with gay egalitarian libertine communes where hippies indulge in vile depravities.

>> No.22948087

>nooooo don't exercize ownership over things or have sex that's immoral
ok commie

>> No.22948105


>> No.22948110

and just to be clear since you have a penchant for poor attempts at pilpul, per the above you fall on the same side of the ethical spectrum on property rights and sexuality as a feminist progressive, except you are entirely against sex instead of just limiting it to male sexuality being evil and hate property because god says so and not because of "inequality," since you are running off an older version of the same world-denying, ressentiment-laden script

>> No.22948132

have you renounced your property anon?

>> No.22948138

>uhh actually what jesus wanted was for the bible to replace greek mythology as the allegorical framework for platonism, and by reciting turgid scholastic formulations one is assured of salvation

>> No.22948172

How does the notion of choice exist in a universe bound by the laws of physics?

The ability to choose is God

>> No.22949211

>and just to be clear since you have a penchant for poor attempts at pilpul
Pajeet anon still hasn't decided if he is right wing or left wing; anti-Semitic and racist or a propounder of racial liberation; a libertine or a social conservative. What beliefs will he adopt to le own Christians today? Find out on the new episode of Pokemon!

>you fall on the same side of the ethical spectrum on property rights and sexuality as a feminist progressive
>except you are entirely against sex instead of just limiting it to male sexuality being evil and hate property because god says so and not because of "inequality,"

How are you this hopelessly retarded?

>> No.22949676

This book is peak midwittery that triggers endless seethe from theists written by someone that doesn't understand philosophy. I remember reading this at 14 and cringing eternally.

>> No.22949859

i am simply responding to the contradictions of your desert lit, you can cherry pick it to endorse just about anything, but given your inclinations you've been forced to adopt russian state ideology as your branch of Christianity, because it is a costume for you to express your contempt for progressive elites, even though they can equally cherry pick it to make you look like an unchristian hatemonger

>> No.22950007

Stop saging you fucking cuck lmao

>i am simply responding to the contradictions of your desert lit
There's no contradictions there anywhere. Man exists to exalt and glorify God, as God eternally contemplates and glorifies Himself, and so creates the world as part of His self-contemplation in which we strive to contemplate God as thoroughly as He does Himself; man without God is vile and decrepit, incapable of not sinning and debasing Himself, yet God is Love, so in His boundless love for us He chooses to save us despite our unworthiness. It is not works that justify the man, but the faith expressed through the works, for the works that witness our innately sinful nature are forgiven and washed away. As I said, different men were blessed by grace with variegated munifences, each according to his predestined role. Property and government exist because of sin. They are the only way that man can organize himself in a manner that effects the common good into being in light of his fallen nature. In the world to come, they will not exist, but men will still be unequal on account of their greater or lesser gifts. Holy men do not renounce property and sex because they are intrinsically evil, but because they seek to devote themselves wholly to God and flee from worldly temptations; their duty is by their life to contribute to spiritual uplifting of their communities through the wisdom acquired in their asceticism. But I'm sure your cherrypicking verses is the superior way to exegete.

>given your inclinations you've been forced to adopt russian state ideology as your branch of Christianity
I was born Eastern Orthodoxy, you retarded presumptuous faggot lmao. My people converted to Christianity before the Russians.

>even though they can equally cherry pick it to make you look like an unchristian hatemonger
No, they can't, because I understand the Gospels and the Epistles much better than they do.

But enough about me: what do (You) believe in, pajeet? How is Nietzschean New Atheism is a sensible worldview? "Oy vey, I am da Übermensch because I fuck nigger trannies, I am doing a heckin white supremacy!" What is your actual, positive view of society, ethics and ontology that isn't just having neurotic meltdowns on 4chan because Christians tell you you can't have gay sex?

>> No.22950014

>What is your actual, positive view of society, ethics and ontology
that people like you (sickly, moralizing, nihilistic retards) should be marginalized

>> No.22950028

What is sickly? What is moralizing? What is nihilistic? Why should they be marginalized? What is the telos of human existence? What are its metaphysical foundations?

>> No.22950046

you have this entirely fake world you've created for the sake of feeling superior to your superiors, and this should not be rewarded—that is my view

>> No.22950095

>you have this entirely fake world you've created for the sake of feeling superior to your superiors
That's an excellent summary of Nietzscheanism.

But what makes people superior? Being subhuman atavistic hedonists who indulge in their most depraved proclivities as opposed to attaining self-mastery? Having gay sex with niggers all the time? What ought to make your nonsensical and degenerate standards at "superiority" normative? What is the metaphysical anchor for said values?

>> No.22950149

Why are you obsessed with interracial gay sex? Is that the best argument for Christianity, that it nominally prevents interracial gay sex? Because it has a "metaphysical anchor"? Now, since your metaphysical anchor doesn't exist anyway, how would it actually prevent interracial gay sex? If anything, by continuing to insist that the only reason not to have interracial gay sex is because of your imaginary metaphysics, you are setting us up for a world of rampant interracial gay sex, because people have been taught there is no real reason to oppose it, only some made-up reason. And is that not what we see, that ex-Christian countries are even more into interracial gay sex than countries which had never adopted Christianity in the first place? Interracial gay sex is the apotheosis of Christianity, the west is a completed Christianity which the Orthodox merely have yet to arrive at.

>> No.22950230

Oh boy, another sage! That certainly shows a lot of confidence in your own convictions. Is that why you won't answer any of the questions so pertinent to the rigour of your own beliefs?

>Is that the best argument for Christianity, that it nominally prevents interracial gay sex?
I already presented sedulous, prolix and sesquipedalian lucubrations that demostrate the metaphysical argumentation in favour of God. You did not reply to a single thing, because you're a subhuman piece of shit nigger.

>Now, since your metaphysical anchor doesn't exist anyway
*tips fedora* *dildo falls out*

>you are setting us up for a world of rampant interracial gay sex
The logical conclusion of atheism and ontological materialism is that morality does not exist. Cope harder.

>only some made-up reason
If death is the end and there is no punishment in the afterlife for ethical deviations, alongside no transcendental authentic form of pleasure that is greater and more perfect than the carnal pleasures, why should anyone not devolve into hedonism? What reason is there, intrinsic or extrinsic, to pursue the good (which, remember, you have not defined)? There are thus only evolutionarily ingrained behaviours that exist solely to facilitate our survival and reproduction -- but since the whole process is but the result of chance, there is no actual intrinsic value in the pursuit of maximizing evolutionary fitness. There is no teleology, there is no normativity. The only arguments one can adduce in favour of certain socially ingrained and favoured behaviours are utilitarian, pragmatic ones rooted in the individual's selfish self-interest, ie. a concession to reality that man needs to function as part of a community to maximize his own interest out of practical reasons. But all of these are *extrinsic* reasons -- there is no *intrinsic* reason to pursue the good. Without God, everything is allowed.

>that ex-Christian countries are even more into interracial gay sex
Secular countries.

>Interracial gay sex is the apotheosis of Christianity

Oh how I will take pleasure in torturing your blasphemous, godless, degenerate filthy ass to death.

>> No.22950239

>I already presented sedulous, prolix and sesquipedalian lucubrations that demostrate the metaphysical argumentation in favour of God
sure you did big guy

>> No.22950253

>I will take pleasure in torturing your blasphemous, godless, degenerate filthy ass
you sure you aren't a repressed homosexual? i mean, since you think God is the only reason not to guzzle cum it seems like you are

>> No.22950276

I self flagellate. You group flatulate.

>> No.22950295

>doesn't reply to a single point
I accept your concession. Christ is Lord!

>> No.22950308

there's no point to anything you've said except being a sissy for yahweh; the muslims are more earnest about this in calling their religion "submission"
what use has a free spirit for this? if i am not consumed by visions of interracial gay sex what exactly are you offering me from your monastic goon cave? you promise to destroy asses in the name of god—you have invented a new kink but it's not for me, sorry

>> No.22950348

What's a free spirit? Is that when you engage in immature adolescent rebellion against your parents for not letting you smoke weed and fornicate like a degenerate? Man is everywhere and anywhere a slave. He must merely choose to what he is going to be a slave to: his own carnal, bestial passions in the lower portions of his soul, or to higher, transcendental, perfect realities, of which this realm is but derivative and a reflection of. You are clearly an emotionally stunted adolescent who never truly grew up, a whiny petulant child throwing a temper tantrum he has duties and obligations and a calling he has to rise up to, preferring degenerate hedonisn instead; you have chosen to be a spiritual nigger, so go on and die like a nigger.

>> No.22950370
File: 65 KB, 932x575, 1685606861222818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't do drugs and i own my own home; you are probably someone i wouldn't even rent to... keep coping about how life is less real than the afterlife and everyone who disagrees with you must be gay and a loser

>> No.22950508

How come you keep avoiding any and all inquiries and requests to elaborate upon and substantiate your views instead of just sperging out because your evangelical parents took away your cummy wummies? It was already pretty clear I am three standard deviations above you in terms of intelligence, but frankly it might be four. That's the wages of reading Fagreich Nietzscuck, the impotent resentful bitch who kept seething about the fact that all the powerful and manly Chads whom he was jealous of were Protestants who utilized their power to guide and support their inferiors instead of indulging in deranged vengeful fantasies against all the Stacies who slighted them. Who also dickrode Jews and whose only major legacy is being used to justify race mixing in Brazil lmao:

>> No.22950538

no amount of hate speech will make your play-pretend Christianity less fake and gay

>> No.22950545

I read this when I was an edgy atheist at 17. Even then I realized it was dreck

>> No.22950555

Why do you keep coming back to get owned? Everyone can tell how miserably you got fucking destroyed.

>> No.22950562

our deeply ethical christlarper openly fantasized about wanting to plow man-ass; I don't see how he could be any more self-refuting but happy to give him more rope in the name of... science

>> No.22950615

You got turned on by that comment didn't you, you fucking degenerate? LMAO you godless subhumans are so disgusting and vile. Go fuck your tranny boyfriend.

>> No.22950644

>I will take pleasure in torturing your blasphemous, godless, degenerate filthy ass
literally and incontrovertibly, "no you" christfag

>> No.22950687


>> No.22951564

Isn't this written by a pedophile?

>> No.22951581

Pure drivel.

>> No.22951713
