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/lit/ - Literature

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2293961 No.2293961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he STILL thinks George R.R. Martin is a good writer

>> No.2293969


>> No.2293976

>using one bad paragraph from a book and judging it as a bad book
That's not how it works Q

>> No.2293980
File: 39 KB, 307x440, Screen Shot 2012-01-02 at 5.03.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of this (pic related).

Im not really sure why I still read TAR

>> No.2293979

oh shit quentin, is this a new one? I haven't seen it before. love your shit dude, you're the funniest tripfag on /lit/!
I'm not saying that because I'm under the impression that you're serious and I want to hurt you by pretending to think you're stupid on purpose. I KNOW you're stupid on purpose, and I honestly think you're hilarious when you do it. keep posting quentin, even if I'm your only sincere fan.

>> No.2293996

yes it's new

>> No.2294009

He would use the word "cock" rather than "penis", as this is the language and setting for the given story. Nonetheless, I do agree.

>> No.2294012

Dude, thats just vicious.

>> No.2294013

i thought the only true quentin had the trip that began p3... etc etc


>> No.2294019

oh HI there
i was in your last thread on /v/
the one that 404'd because nobody apart from me replied.
surely you remember me? i kept calling you a fuckwit. mainly because you were being a fuckwit.
my sentiments exactly
although i don't like ice and fire

>> No.2294022

He is a good writer, it is just that Fitzgerald was a great writer. Martin simply stands out in fantasy as a good writer amongst a sea of shit writers.

>> No.2294030

Can you give an example of his good writing? That excerpt in the OP doesn't hold much.

>> No.2294034

I dislike GRRM as much as the next fellow, but I also dislike TGG. Most unnatural, non-flowing writing ever.

It is like the Jessica Alba of literature. Yes, she is attractive, but it is the default, 'factory settings' attractive. There is a checklist for an attractive woman, and she ticks all the boxes, which is great and all, but not very interesting.

The Great Gatsby is not a bad book by any definition, but it is so very, very standard.

>> No.2294033


Martin doesn't have good writing. It's part of his realism.

>> No.2294032

Neither does the woman he's writing about!


>> No.2294038

GRRM is good because of his plotting, worldbuilding and characterisation. He isn't attempting to do anything poetic with language.

It's a common error to talk about writing ability like it can only be measured with one metric.

>> No.2294040


So what? I don't care about who can use the most complex words or the biggest paragraphs. All I care about is a good story. No one reads to hear big words but apparently people do here. George R.R. Martin can actually make characters we can care about an an epic, complex story. The Great Gatsby is the very definition of rich white people problems.

>> No.2294042


sorry who in asoiaf isn't white again?

>> No.2294044

>Big words

Oh, son. Oh, my dear boy.

Not only do you not get it, I suspect you never will. GRRM is perfect for you.

>> No.2294045


I don't really mean in as a colour way. It's more of a cultural thing.

>> No.2294047


>All I care about is a good story.

And that's why you enjoy lowest common denominator nonsense like Martin. Which is okay to enjoy. But don't talk about it like it's good.

Imagine if you went to /tv/ and start proclaiming that Soap Operas were the pinnacle of film because they "make characters we can care about an an epic, complex story". I mean come on now.

>> No.2294048


medieval crackers is still crackers

>> No.2294060


Oh so caring about the most important part of a book makes me the lowest common denominator.

Fuck it. You guys can keep reading your Ulysseses (which has a plot which Joyce probably spent 5 seconds thinking up) and talk about how books aren't meant to be entertaining while I'll read books whose authors care about telling a good story. I'll go back to /v/. They know how to enjoy a good story.

>> No.2294061

>But don't talk about it like it's good.

Confirming that there is only one way in which writing can be good: the way you like.

>"make characters we can care about an an epic, complex story"

that's a really good description of The Wire.

>> No.2294064

if george cared about his fan base he wouldnt kill off the only interesting characters in his books

>> No.2294069

I agree. Enough of this pretentious literary shit with its imagination and three syllable words. give us more girls with diarrhea.

>> No.2294071


>Oh so caring about the most important part of a book makes me the lowest common denominator.

You just keep on proving you don't know anything about literature.


>that's a really good description of The Wire.

It's also a really good description of Days of Our Lives. It's almost like there's more to producing a good work of film than that.

>> No.2294068

>complaining about novelists killing off the interesting characters
>in a thread about The Great Gatsby

>> No.2294075

The Great Gatsby is one book

>> No.2294085

ASOIAF is an action movie in book format.

It's just that it's an awesome action movie with a pretty cool story and lots of twists and shit. That makes it a good movie. It's not a good art movie though.

In the same way, it is a good book. It is not the great gatsby, on the other hand, the majority of books aren't.

The people raging against it are frankly a little silly.

>> No.2294089

there's a scene about diarrhea from A Dance with Dragons?

>> No.2294090

ITT: Hipsters desperately trying to justify their elitism

>> No.2294103


what do you think that "hipster" means

>> No.2294249

>that feel when i enjoy ASOIAF and butthurt faggots dont
looks like i win, i enjoy a series and you get mad at it, have fun :3

>> No.2294257

I think they're both great writers, just for different reasons. Fitzgerald is a great writer for his prose and language, Martin is a great writer for the epic world he creates. They both have their good qualities, which is better just comes down to personal taste.

>> No.2294299

I wish you'd go the way of Quentyn, being a foreveralone burned alive by a dragon.
No smart reader would claim that Martin has great prose. Anyone who does is an ignorant fanboy. The copious use of 'cunts', 'cocks', and 'fuck' is just the vile language ninety percent of the characters use. He's a good story teller with a fleshed-out setting.
Westeros is an analogue to Western Europe. It's mainly white, but the there is a character from Dorne, an analogue to Moorish Spain. Many characters on the continenet analogous to Asia are not white (duh). You're argument is flawed, because if black people were common place in a continent colonized by white people, it wouldn't make sense with so little immigration in a relatively primitive society.

>> No.2294306

Hmmm, seems familiar.


>> No.2294307
File: 40 KB, 450x340, ngbbs4e585e74c929e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to justify your elitism, butthurt plebs. It's a fantasy book, not a piece of moving literature. It's an action movie in book format, not an incomprehensible art movie in book form.

>> No.2294318

>Comparing the description of a character and the author's perception of him the the description of someone taking a dump.

I don't even like Martin, but this was retarded.

>> No.2294321
File: 4 KB, 245x184, 1296154994650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quentin is ugly and dies lol

>> No.2294352

What a shit thread.

Tripfag posts a dumb (like really dumb) fucking comparison of two writers and some Lit students who think they're more intelligent than they actually are jump to defend his point. Would be almost comical if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.2294353

The very fact that ASOIAF elicits such immense butthurt means that fat old troll must be on to something.

If it had 0 redeeming qualities, there wouldn't be controversy. Twilight for example isn't controversial. It's shit and we have a strong consensus about it. Therefore no controversy. Or have you seen a dozen 50+ reply Twilight threads per day?

>> No.2294375


ASOIAF is just Twilight for a different demographic. A demographic that makes up the majority of this board's population.

If we were a majority 13-18 year old girl populated board, you'd see popular Twilight threads.

>> No.2294395


4chan is just Gaia for a different demographic. A demographic that makes up the majority of this board's population.

If we were a majority 13-18 year old girl populated board, you'd see popular Gaia threads. for a different demographic. A demographic that makes up the majority of this board's population.

See how stupid you are? Besides the fact that they both have a demographic, what's the correlation? Not to mention that asoiaf has transcended its original target audience, which is why it's gotten so big.

If we were a majority 13-18 year old girl populated board, you'd see popular Twilight threads.

>> No.2294402


You might say Ulysses is Twilight for a certain demographic as well.

>> No.2294408

this is a bad thread and unhealthy for the board but god help me i'm enjoying it

you could almost say it's like smoking wead

>> No.2294415

I like Joyce and Fitzgerald and Proust and Kafka.

I also like Martin and King and tons of other nonliterary authors.

There's plenty of room for both in the world, so please just stfu y'all.