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/lit/ - Literature

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22938789 No.22938789 [Reply] [Original]

He supposedly kept hundreds of books with him in his hermit cabin. Does anyone know what he kept there in literary terms?

He was a supergenius, so I'd expect he had lots of interesting material...

>> No.22938807

A lot of male geniuses tend to have extremely adolescent tastes in literature... But it was probably all science/philosophy, and just maybe a copy of LOTR.

>> No.22938818
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>> No.22938847



It's mostly what you would expect, i.e. sensible, serious stuff, but a bit patchy. It's very /lit/-ish, haha.

>> No.22938860

The biggest surprise is that he only has one mathematics book — Spivak's Calculus On Manifolds.

>> No.22938881

The two books which influenced him the most were The Technological Society and the True Believer.
He cites lots of books in the printed editions of his works, mostly history and politics. Some Spanish and German stuff. Not a ton of literature but I'd assume the citations don't reflect all he read.

>> No.22938890

It probably costs $1,000,000 to buy enough land to live on nowadays. Sad.

>> No.22938907

>buy a one way plane ticket to Rwanda
>run away from the tour group
>live in the (expanding) forests
You are too much of a pussy to do this though , just like Ted, he only lived 5k from town

>> No.22938925

I don't want to live in Africa

>> No.22938935

Okay then faggot do it in Norway. Or maybe even join the Amish if you are fine with farming

>> No.22939003

>It probably costs $1,000,000 to buy enough land to live on nowadays. Sad.
Plenty of places in west Texas where land is around 1000 an acre. And it's not like Ted was raising his own food.

>> No.22939327

A lot of that French guy and other pre-Luddite authors that inspired him, and stuff on mathematics and chemistry. Probably history too for ISAIF

>> No.22939355
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The feds took photos of some of them.

>> No.22939359

>psychology of women
The memes were true

>> No.22939433

Not true. I see M.H.A. Newman, Elements of the Topology of Plane Sets of Points, 1964.

>> No.22939437

Why do so many people insist of commenting on things of which they know nothing about? What a stupid post by what I assume is a stupid person.

>> No.22939505

>List contains a bunch of books that weren't actually found in his cabin

>> No.22939513


>> No.22939521

Isn't it fucking nuts that all of his theories and schemes were built out of the single foundational germ of an immense psychic terror at the memory of crossdressing?

Sex ain't no joke kids. Careful out there. Don't get all weird in your head. Maybe don't be a sexual fascist.

>> No.22939560


>> No.22940824

it's a list of books in that guys cabin not uncle ted's it's just modeled after uncle ted's cabin some kinda library

>> No.22940833

>The Technological Society

bro wrote a spark notes then called it a day and started sending bombs to random people

>> No.22940840
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Lots of academic papers, textbooks, political/history, and some fiction here and there.


>> No.22940902

he bombed before starting to write. the ideas about the manifesto came later

>> No.22940961

Looking at these creased spines and ripped dustj ackets you can tell he actually read these fucking books instead of using them for decoration

>> No.22941003

This dude is a sissy fagg0t. if more would just listen to his actual voice they'd see him for what he actually is

>> No.22941051

He sounded like nothing I was expecting, but sissy is far from what I expected

>> No.22941572

Open up zillow, you retard. An acre of land can be bought cheaply almost anywhere not in the orbit of a major metropol

>> No.22941673

I mean, Ted didn’t have much else to do besides the hunting or fishing, and the occasional bomb he sent to someone.

>> No.22941724

He sounds a bit like Kermit.
Still a Great Man sent from heaven.

>> No.22941883
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Here is the full catalogue of books and papers found there.

>> No.22941911

I should start cabin and landmaxxing but I guess I have to get a job and start investing first. I cannot imagine living in a city willingly

>> No.22941963


>> No.22941965

>He was a supergenius,
nope. you're just retarded and easily impressed

>> No.22941993

I didn't know he knew Russian too. I kneel.

>> No.22942009

>Published writer
>Broad interests
>Put his ideas into practice
Ted mogs all of /lit/

>> No.22942011

Ted is proof that you just need to sound smart and people will adore you

>> No.22942015

>you must destroy a book whilst reading it
Very tired of this meme

>> No.22942022

I don't really get why he bombed people. Could just lived out his days in a forest.

>> No.22942032

>puts his ideas into practice
Lol. He mooched off of his parents to get money, still went to the town doctor when he got injured, only lived 5 kilometers from the town.
His targets (aside from the CEO’s) were literal who’a, and the computer store owner was a former student who he probably wanted an excuse to kill. Not to mention it’s not that impressive that you can get away with bombings in high-trust towns and schools, he seemed to really Pat himself on the back for not getting caught.
Because he was a Sperg who lived only 5 kilometers from a town, and then acts surprised when the town naturally expands. He also said in one of the interviews that he didn’t do it for any altruistic reason l, he just wanted revenge.

>> No.22942091

Too few fiction but the guy seemed to have a genuine love for language learning.

>> No.22942166


>Asimov's guide to the bible but not Foundation or even any of the Robot novels or short story collections

Why just that one particular Asimov book

>> No.22942178

Millennials and zoomers will just parrot whatever they hear from media or youtubers.

>> No.22942194


>> No.22942209

It's funny how leftists hate him for opposing corporations. It's almost as if leftism has been co-copted by consumerism, but it's definitively not that.

>> No.22942219

He had an iq in the 160s, he entered uni at 16, he published original work in math. Are you being purposely retarded or do you seethe because you are the typical 4chan who feels they need to be pedantic about everything?

>> No.22942227

>Why just that one particular Asimov book
My guess is that he wasn't aiming exactly for Asimov. He picked the book for his researches.

>> No.22942243

I’ve read most of my books several times, they still look like new except for yellowed pages due to age. Not everyone is a retard who doesn’t know how to handle a book while reading it.

>> No.22942291

the president is on his way with your fucking medal you insufferable attention whoring cocksucker

>> No.22943606

If you're interested in some rarer writings by Uncle Ted a group centered around his ideas posts some from time to time: https://www.wildernessfront.com/blog/tk-letter-070103

>> No.22943637

Listen, I agree we should give Ted’s ideas merit, but his followers are such annoying faggots it’s unreal. Reading a website like this it’s clear that the person who write this and set it up didn’t actually form their own opinion on the subject, but just regurgitated Ted’s views and doesn’t have a single opinion that is his own

>> No.22943658

>They need to disagree just for the sake of being "original"
You are actually retarded

>> No.22943669

kek your blog sucks

>> No.22943681

There’s a difference between fully agreeing with someone and just regurgitating their opinions
This website is very clearly the latter

>> No.22943858

>It's funny how leftists hate him for opposing corporations. It's almost as if leftism has been co-copted by consumerism, but it's definitively not that.
how did he effectively oppose corporations? If all it amounted to was him getting arrested for blowing up a few nobodies then he did nothing and was nothing. Speaking of which that sounds exactly like the /pol/tards who worship him.

>> No.22943883

Yeah it's a shame because it seems like he was truly happy innawoods but he just couldn't stop himself from lashing out. He could've led out the rest of his days living how he liked.
Well, he might have killed three people and maimed 23 others, but at least he made me happy.

>> No.22943889

Not to mention blowing up those nobodies gives the feds an excuse to enact more control on more systems

>> No.22943905

man what a midwit this faggot was


>> No.22943908

he probably bought them used like the cheap stuppid trannyfaggot he was

>> No.22943913

You say that likes its a bad thing

>> No.22943915

I don’t feel bad for him at all, even besides the bombings he was a huge sperglord. Not to mention his family bent over backwards to please him and he still treated them like shit

>> No.22943923

What annoys me is when people act like the manifesto is some original piece of work and the almighty uncle Ted and that he’s figured everything out

>> No.22943983 [DELETED] 

Name one other author that has argued for a revolution against the technological system, or one that has put forth anything similar to what Kaczynski has outlined in Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How regarding self-propagating systems. Saying Kaczynski wasn't original is bullshit, and even then he's stated that the point of the manifesto never was to be original but to make anti-tech ideas understandable to a wife audience

>> No.22943999

Name one other author that has argued for a revolution against the technological system, or one that has put forth anything similar to what Kaczynski has outlined in Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How regarding self-propagating systems. Saying Kaczynski wasn't original is bullshit, and even then he's stated that the point of the manifesto never was to be original but to make anti-tech ideas understandable to a wide audience

>> No.22944004
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>wife audience
Also not that anon but the anti-tech revolution is such an inane concept I refuse to take it seriously, especially since he says the revolution HAS to be worldwide

>> No.22944008


>> No.22944033

Ted's personal life doesn't really affect my opinion of him. His relationship with his brother isn't any of my business.
Ted never claimed to have original ideas. He was always transparent about the fact he was just popularizing existing ideas (by force)

>> No.22944096


Mathematics is a surrogate activity, he basically disavowed it in his later years.

>> No.22944528

low iq take he was living on $400 a year

>> No.22944536
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>> No.22944544

John Zerzan

>> No.22945649

I love Ted. Whenever I see faggot materialists and their careers and miserable lives, worrying about the stock market and insurance and a hundred other made-up systems. I know I can always leave this gay world if I want to. He's a beacon of hope to those of us who still have a soul.

>> No.22945662

People like you make me want to dumb oil in the nearest river out of pure spite

>> No.22945694

And the impotent seethe of the wagie never fails to give me a laugh. Calling you a cuck understates how humiliating your existence is.

>> No.22945696

Yea yea peepeepoopoo your anti tech revolution will never happen

>> No.22945701

It’s actually amazing to me how pro-corporation leftism has become lol. Self-proclaimed communists will parrot Amazon sponsored talking points directly back at you.

>> No.22946223

You got filtered by him, you don't need a revolution to live out a better power process. It is within all of us to live closer to nature and God. And the first stop is letting go of the idea that a "career" is making it.

>> No.22946238

Ted considered all religion to be a surrogate activity

>> No.22946329

Guy Debord &/or Baudrillard? Probably had some McLuhan on his shelf, too

>> No.22946348

pretty sure the lashing out was because of the realization that wilderness keeps shrinking and city keeps expanding and you're not left alone even in the deepest forests

>> No.22946384

Not to say that isn’t true but again, he was only 5 kilometers away from town. Not some super remote deep in forest. He even admitted in an interview that he grabbed the first piece of land that was available and rushed the whole thing

>> No.22946391

This is ridiculous. Even in the US there are huge tracts of land where nobody goes. Only someone who has never left a city could think that.

>> No.22946781

more like somebody who has seen a city move in and create massive urban sprawl

>> No.22946801

Nearly half of all land in the US is uninhabited

>> No.22946824

He means Jacques Ellul

>> No.22946991

They talk 24/7 about revolution and killing capitalists but when someone actually started doing it they disown him.
Reminds me of Jan 6, a bunch of working class (at most some of them were upper middle class) Trump voters cause hyper-corrupt politicians to freak out and leftists instantly disown it and say the FBI should hunt them all down.
They just want to stay in their comfy Marx reading groups talking about whether Marx would support [current thing] and reading about historical revolutions forever, never actually challenge the system.

>> No.22946998

Why is being "original" something positive? If it's the truth, it should be defended. As another anon itt said, Ted took a ton of his ideas from Ellul, but it doesn't make them less true.

>> No.22947043

Why are pseuds so concerned over whether something is "original" or not as if that's the only basis that should be used to evaluate its merit?
Literally every thinker borrows ideas from other people, and Ted's goal was never to come up with some masterwork of anti-tech philosophy, just to get the main points clearly across and inspire a movement.

>> No.22947058

Hate to break it to everyone but very few thinkers are actually original. Marx copied 99% of his ideas from British economists, Hegel and French socialists. People still read him because he synthesized their ideas well and was a good writer, but to say he was original is a lie.
Aquinas was just the Church Fathers and Aristotle.
etc, etc.

>> No.22947149

>but it doesn't make them less true.
Sure it does, you fucking retard, and if you are too retarded to see how and why you are, quite literally, brain dead, terminally retarded. Please stop lowering everyone else's IQ and step away from the keyboard

>> No.22948426

Hey hey, calm down