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22937220 No.22937220 [Reply] [Original]

How do I recover from this nuclear blackpill?

>> No.22937239

Read Hagakure there is a lot in there about the inevitability of death

>> No.22937248

What does his early life section on Wikipedia say?

>> No.22937252

the path to the deathless

The aim of this book is to provide instruction and reflection on Buddhist meditation as taught by Ajahn Sumedho, using material extracted from talks he gave in the early 1980s. These talks were almost all given to monastics who were familiar with the language and terms of Theravada Buddhism – but Ajahn Sumedho’s approach is not technically intricate, and so we felt that many more people could benefit from these instructions than the small gatherings in the monasteries. You are therefore invited to make use this book for your own spiritual practice.

I have added a brief section at the outset for beginners; the book then continues with Ajahn Sumedho’s introduction to meditation. Part two is a collection of practical instructions. The third part of the book offers an example of how the understanding that meditation develops can be applied to our everyday lives.

The first edition of this book, titled ‘Path to the Deathless,’ was printed in 1985 to coincide with the opening of Amaravati (‘Deathless Realm’) Buddhist Centre. The centre has subsequently been redefined as a monastery, and the book given its current title to highlight ‘mindfulness,’ a prominent feature of Buddhist meditation.

>> No.22937425

you could actually take it in a life affirming way that death is something to celebrate not fear or despise as the engine of creativity but this jew in his typical jewish neurotic nihillism portrays it as hopelessness

>> No.22937452

Easily, as there's nothing to recover from. It's a meandering, incoherent, popular work of, at best, extremely shoddy scholarship.
But if you wish to remain enraptured by stoner-tier musings about poop then I suppose who are we to stop you?

>> No.22937460

Why did you find it blackpilling? You prefer everything being about sex than death?

>> No.22939120

You should have dropped it when he tries to explain Freudian retardation

>> No.22939232

This was life affirming to me. Worrying about leaving a legacy or whatever is and has always been worthless. After reading that book I've been focusing on enjoying my life as much as possible and I don't think things have ever been better for me. Life can be so much fun if you accept total death, if you accept that no matter what you do in the end no one will remember you, so why worry about it? do as ecclesiastes says and go have fun with your friends, visit your family, read a book you like for fun. Things don't have to be so serious.

>> No.22939599

Who doesn't prefer sex over death?

>> No.22939610

Neurotic jew rambling is not a "blackpill"

>> No.22939622

Everything is about sex and death you twat. Sex puts us in the world, death takes us out. The world is book-ended by sex and death. Sex-Death is the Alpha-Omega of human reality.

>> No.22939627

Read the book you twat

>> No.22939703

Death is not a blackpill. It is the greatest whitepill. Deaths is the great unburdening of being a suffering flesh-object. Eternal peace.

It also means that this life is momentary, which demands that you live a life of gluttony and pleasure.

>> No.22940685

Have you even read the book, much less that last third of it? If anything, this isn't a blackpill, Becker's whole point is to embrace our mortality and to not let it become this paralyzing fear stopping us from experiencing life and opening ourselves to it fully.

>> No.22940701

By being smart enough to notice how much of it is retarded.

>> No.22940708

Thats a minor blackpill fit for a kid or the boomer generation. Houellebecq's incel blackpill is a hundred times scarier.

>> No.22940718

Death isn't real. Jesus Christ conquered death and it is no more.

>> No.22940719
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>>22937248 >>22939610 >>22937425
retard tier rebuttals
>Eternal peace
False, there is as much "peace" in death as there is "suffering", which is to say none; it is nothing, mu, zilch, big fat fucking ZERO.
You mean to say, you've never before harbored the sneaking suspicion that everything anyone has ever believed in was just a cope to deal with the intrinsic horror of the human condition & mortal consciousness?

>> No.22940739

>Worrying about leaving a legacy or whatever is and has always been worthless.
The impulse to leave a legacy is, through its influence upon your countless ancestors, the reason for your very existence rn you dipshit scrub
I watched my terminally cat die a few months ago, i'm fairly certain that death is more real than an quasi-mythical proto-communist revolutionary jewish masochist
>Houellebecq's incel blackpill is a hundred times scarier.
False, you literally have it backwards

>> No.22940756

historically attested
only commies think that
you say that as if its a bad thing to revolt against evil
cool it with the antisemitism
Jesus did not like being in pain

>> No.22941017

Death is pretty scary. Most people can't cope with actual death that's why literally billions of people need the belief in an afterlife.

>> No.22941037

>Denial of death
Do you mean to tell me most people don't think about death countless times throughout each day? It's the thing I think about more than anything else. No wonder everyone else isn't so anxious all the time.

>> No.22941050

Coom, stuff your face with MSG laden hyperjunk, get smashed on cheap whiskey and melt your brain with Pornhub, 4chan and My 600lb Life. That's the key to happiness. That's the key.

>> No.22941071

this but unironically

>> No.22941111
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Haven’t read this one but I think I intuitively reach its conclusions when I smoke weed. I don’t do this much at all and only recently did for the first time in over a year because why the fuck not. But it gave me a deeper awareness of myself, the human condition and the state of things. The march to an inevitable death was a terrifying thought and at the time the thought of getting a better job or whatever seemed completely pointless. At any other time it’s difficult to reach that sort of state. I think at the end of the day humans are built to endure it, we can endure all kinds of difficult situations after all.

>> No.22941131
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Was there any doubt?

>> No.22941557

developing a meta-perspective

>> No.22942089

Rent free, rabbi

>> No.22942125

Go into SENS, longevity research and stuff like that.
Or if not going yourself into it then help to fund it.

>> No.22942139

He should’ve given this information to his ilk. Instead, Israeli Jews are extracting semen from dead bodies.

>> No.22942990
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Every. Single. Time.

>> No.22943879

Since you dont know what death will be like why exactly do you need to feel bad about it, or call everything in life a 'cope'?

>> No.22943917

Becker was an absolute hack. The dude dedicates an entire chapter to explain that Freud had fainting spells because he didn't believe in God, only to add at the end that Jung also had fainting spells despite believing in God. Also Becker claimed that the ideal human form was a woman with a penis, which probably plays well here on 4chan but is seriously deranged.

>> No.22943926

Becker had some serious complexes he never worked out. For some reason he was completely mortified that he had an anus. Just the fact alone that his existence required resources and the consequent elimination of waste horrified him. There is absolutely no good reason to feel this way. Provided you have a modicum of hygiene and privacy, defecation can be satisfying in its own right, just as eating is satisfying. Maybe the dude had some kind of IBS or perpetual hemorrhoids or something but he was not right in the head when it came to bathroom time.

>> No.22943931
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Stop shitting up the board with your reddit tier Jew worship

>> No.22943936

bullshit, you can't possibly have both read it AND have found the argumentation convincing.

>> No.22943942

>only commies think that
"Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

>> No.22943958

Are you an NPC? Do you not plan for tomorrow? For the next few years? For retirement or what you will do when you are older? In terms of time, you have a few decades, in terms of time after you are dead, this universe will carry on for billions of years, perhaps infinitely. How could you not ponder what will become of you after death? How could you not ponder the phenomenon of time itself, what your life means in comparison with the cosmos?

>> No.22944976

He's right. Eating and shitting marks me as a low and disgusting creature. Every time I eat or shit I'm brutally reminded of my kinship with the worm and my distance from reason and divinity, of my mortality and entropic nature. I hate it, and it is horrifying.

>> No.22944987

Christ is Risen, Anon.

>> No.22945058
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And Vishnu is his messenger or whatever. All you religious nuts sound the same to me.

>> No.22945062

I prefer "stamped with our lowly origin". But we are not defined by our origin, anon, we are defined by our tranquil acceptance of that which we cannot change, and by the heights to which we choose to achieve.

>> No.22945071

You're gonna be dead anyways. Consoom, consoom everything you have while you still can! Consoom!

>> No.22945084

>How could you not ponder what will become of you after death
Not my problem.

>> No.22945089
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Consooming doesnt make me feel any better about the inevitability of nonexistence bro

>> No.22945091

You can ponder all you want and not still not feel bad retard

>> No.22945094
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>Jewish immigrant parents
Why is this so predictable?

>> No.22945098

>How could you not ponder what will become of you after death?
I already did. The answer is
>literally nothing

>> No.22945104
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>>22945094 >>22942990 >>22941131
what does becker being a jew have to do exactly with his theories & arguments? are only kikes allowed to propose unconventional areligious existentialist thought?

>> No.22945196

If I didnt know he was Jewish I wouldve guessed it from his strange dislike of natural processes.

>> No.22945281

It doesn't strike me as a book undermining western civilisation or anything like that, seems irrelevant that he is a Jew in this context.

>> No.22945875

Not that anon, but Jews tend to have a verity of mental illnesses that make any sort of analysis of the world or society worthless.

Note the same is true of Germans, probably because many Germans and Jews are related.

>> No.22946626

Nigger mentality

>> No.22946655

>have fun with your friends, visit your family, read a book you like for fun
yes typical nigger activities

>> No.22947837

unironically ignore death entirely or become religious. you're wasting bits of your precious life otherwise

>> No.22947881

If you read this thinking you should be nihilistic, you have poor comprehension skills.
It’s about finding meaning in the right way, not as a cope to escape death.
Does this board ever read without consulting memes?

>> No.22947929

>>22945875 >>22945196
even if becker is a jew & demonstrates many typical jewish neuroses through many of his specific arguments, idk that the general crux of terror management theory is automatically made invalid by them. Its like what i wrote here, >>22940719
>You mean to say, you've never before harbored the sneaking suspicion that everything anyone has ever believed in was just a cope to deal with the intrinsic horror of the human condition & mortal consciousness?
even if all of becker's kvetching about freud & jung & the pursuit of heroic immortality is a load of overwrought nonsense, the central thrust of the thesis is darkly compelling, especially to those like me who possess of a skeptical, anti-authoritarian persuasion
>unironically ignore death entirely or become religious
i cant just force myself to believe that all religions arent bullshit & i'm not willing to embrace mindless hedonism to try forgetting about the inescapability of decay, death, & oblivion. like l, can YOU force yourself to believe in things that you know in your heart of hearts to not be true??? or to do things that you literally know are just pathetic copes?

>> No.22948869

Literally optimistic nihilism. Just ignore death and suffering and that you have read this book. Throw it away and forget it.

>> No.22948888


>> No.22949397

what a faggish way of living

>> No.22949447

Just be aware that some of the things you do are a way to distract you from the fact that you are mortal and/or a way to chase a fake inmortality, then realize that every human being experiences the same, then you can scale to cultures and civilizations.
There, it's just that.