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22936900 No.22936900 [Reply] [Original]

>But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

This is from Colossians
Just to be clear, Paul here is being pro-bodily discipline, pro-exercise, correct?

>> No.22936911
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Call of the Crocodile spam threads are better than this nu-lit trash.

>> No.22936919

It is truly remarkable. The entire generation is in the grips of a litany of reactionary ideas sourced entirely out of
>tfw no gf

The whole generation is on a masculinity quest but it has no idea what masculinity is because its notion of that comes from television and other media.

>> No.22936926

What are you niggers smoking.

It's a vanilla thread discussing a bible passage.

>> No.22936929

Yeah yeah go back to cultivating your cuck thread communist

>> No.22936937

again with this insane western notion that the solution is knowledge, that to know a thing is to have it. it's wrong. "healthy" or "traditional" masculinity is no longer possible for most no matter what they know or do.

>> No.22936979

I need a cute daughter.
Where does one find a smart wife?

>> No.22936983
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>> No.22936985

Interesting how right when this was occurring, the system propped up a bald materialist muslim named Andrew Tate to steer the conversation...

>> No.22936993

That's nice and all gentlemen, but can you discuss the actual passage for a second?

>> No.22936998
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>> No.22937010

I don't think it's Colossians and think the context was more about keeping the faith

>> No.22937021 [DELETED] 
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Back to /fit/ you troon-adjacent 'roids muncher.

>> No.22937082

This is how the average white man would be living if white women never got rights. Taking nice relaxing drives with his child wife

>> No.22937148

>I discipline my body and bring it into subjection
Discipline of the body is regular fasting. Without it, the body thinks it has every right to growl and grumble until it's past full, infecting your will with gluttonous urges. Teach it who is in charge!

The verse is actually 1 Cor. 9:27, and the first pertinent verb is 'ὑπωπιάζω' (Strong's G5299), here translated 'I discipline' but the gloss reads 'to beat black and blue, to smite so as to cause bruises'; the second is 'δουλαγωγέω' (G1396), which is translated feebly as 'bring into subjection' but glossed as 'to lead away into slavery, claim as one's slave; to make a slave and to treat as a slave i.e. with severity, subject to stern and rigid discipline'.

So, we could reword this for clarity and intensity as follows:
>But I beat my body black and blue, treating it like a slave, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

Of course you're going to take this to mean you should become as jacked as possible, but it's far more beneficial to you to see the limits of your own strength of will with a fast. Forsake food and you'll realize just how much of the world revolves around it and why we ought to give thanks to God for all that we do eat, because, truthfully, if one were to love God with all his mind, he would cease to desire food and expire; he'd die!

>> No.22937231

Thanks for this wonderful reply.
So it's basically about extreme discipline to overcome carnal urges.

>> No.22938227

Great post, this is exactly it. I have nothing against physical excellence but 'getting jacked' very much goes with the grain of who you are, an embodied male animal. Fasting goes the other direction, towards the shedding of physical and cognitive mass. The bodybuilder who relies on supplement regimens and strict diets will always implicate more systems of dependency than the monk peacefully sitting in his cell.

>> No.22938254

Nice loli

>> No.22938265

So one should go for lean natural muscle while getting jacked but on the other hand keeping his body fat below 8%, abstaining from sugar, certain fats and consuming moderate amount of certain carbs

>> No.22938348

Do your workout routine, but eat once a day, and eat modestly at that. Or maybe once every other day during rest periods. And drop the macros and pre-planned meals. The body adapts.

>> No.22938372

I eat meat several times a day, but all that other body builder diet stuff is nonsense. If one cannot maintain his physique with normal food (with additional protein that comes from meat) then that workout routine/diet/training plan is garbage.

>> No.22938394

The early monastics subsisted on little sleep and daily manual labour even when they were fasting. And yes, agreed. I'd go as far as to say that 'physique' is garbage, and supernormal in all the most unsustainable ways. It never made sense to me to depend on Amazon's supply chains to deliver me a laundry list of supplements and powders to grow my body every week, or expel the death fungus in my anus or whatever it is now with these kids. Min-maxing like that is silly to me. You depend on so much that is outside of you to maintain your sense of self. Not my cup of tea.

>> No.22938424

The 'early monastics' were idiots. Sleep is one of the most important factor in maintaining good health and preventing mental decline and neuro degeneration. Little sleep will make you mentally 20 years older and will also have an effect on your body, muscles etc. Plenty of sleep, good food, exercise is the foundation of great physical and mental health.

>> No.22938427
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Yes. St. Paul grew up in Tarsus which was a center of Stoic activity in his time.

But it also means conquering the temptations of the flesh.


Literally Lolita.

>> No.22938442

Monks have been known to require less sleep as they grow on the path. The partition between waking and sleep breaks down the more comfortable you become with stillness because you are accessing unconscious levels of mind typically reserved for sleep. What you're talking about is a profane ideal of health. It's far better than being an obese compulsive gooner but it isn't what those monastics were aiming for. More often than not, it's rooted in craving and vanity, the desire to escape your facticity. I would never be so naive as to reduce the pursuit of physical excellence to a trauma response (but there is something to be said about that, men like Michael Jordan and David Goggins weren't exactly motivated by sunshine and butterflies), but I can't imagine a scenario where benching 4 plates would be a necessity in the spiritual life.

>> No.22938456

That is a load of crap. Sleep is sleep, you can meme and larp your spirituality nonsense as much as you want to but it cannot replace sleep. The less you sleep the worse your mental capabilities become.

>> No.22938460

>lust provoking image

>> No.22938469

Hes talking about chastity cages

>> No.22938479

Is it the feet?

>> No.22938487

I plead the fifth

>> No.22938492

lol dude you might not have noticed but that's a CHILD

>> No.22938500

I don't care to convince you of anything. Have a fine day

>> No.22938577

I lick the feat

>> No.22938590

Stop licking the damn thing!

>> No.22938596

That's clearly not a child, probably a 15 year old. Well within the limits of what is acceptable.

>> No.22938682
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Nah that 100% book Dolores Haze who was 12 instead of 14 like Dominique Swain

>> No.22938688

i love girls so much

>> No.22938703
File: 70 KB, 1080x1080, itsdominiqueswain_20180220_p_1718774088690066731_1_1718774088690066731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same bro i love children but i also love older mature women there is this video of Dominique Swain as a grown women with her lolita pigtail hair shit made me fucking diamonds it made me understand why prophet Mohammed had a milf gf and a loli wife

>> No.22939116
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pic also related, the philokalia

>> No.22939815

no, retard. he's talking about hitting yourself for the sake of religion. he's using exercise as a metaphor for religion.

Exercise: you hurt yourself to get ripped (even though you're gonna die)
Religious discipline: you whip yourself so you don't have bad thoughts (so you live forever)

>> No.22940182


also, it would be better for you to have a millstone tied to your neck and be cast into the sea than to cause any of God's little children to sin

>> No.22941700


>> No.22941851

The focus is on the male in the foreground. What relation he has to the girl is unknown, but it seems she's somewhat capable herself.

>> No.22942471

Hehe my focus is definitely not on the male...

>> No.22942638

Women’s only purpose is to shit out kids, not cockblock men and prevent them from carrying out their lineage. They’re physically weaker and just need a hard dicking.

>> No.22942759
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>What relation he has to the girl is unknown
It's literally a scene straight from Lolita.

>> No.22942778

masuda is god-tier

>> No.22942783

>Just to be clear, Paul here is being pro-bodily discipline, pro-exercise, correct?
There's no proof Paul ever said this. Who is the author who wrote this into the Bible?

>> No.22942868

The supremum of male fear of women is male hatred of women, and the supremum of male hatred of women is male denial of female humanity.

You did it anon. You internalized a fear of female laughter so vast that you have concluded female minds cannot possibly exist behind the laughter.

(It doesn't have to be this way. Forgive yourseld and forgive women. Neither of you created this mess)

>> No.22942892

he’s just talking about self control generally. your brain is your body also yknow

>> No.22943030

Nah, I’m cool. You do you, though.

>> No.22944679

I love that pic