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/lit/ - Literature

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22935630 No.22935630 [Reply] [Original]

You have 2 (two) seconds to name four (fünf) works of literature that "ball".
Protip: You can't.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
Will I like your reply? Please let me know before I marathon it.

>> No.22935722

Confessions of an English Opium Eater
The Confession of a Child of the Century
Against Nature

>> No.22935737

Good bait

>> No.22936840

That's no a work of literature.

>> No.22936878

Why is there not an actual nietzsche quote here

>> No.22936881

>fuck it we ball


>> No.22937051

>four (fünf)

>> No.22937179

>life swings like a pendulum etc
Minima Moralia, Aphorism 113 "Spoilsport". Theodore Adorno

>> No.22937463


>> No.22938591

Got any ball recs?

>> No.22939739
File: 19 KB, 259x400, Salome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reality Nietszche was completely terrified and broken by the concept of the eternal return, read his girlfriend's book on him, remained fundamentlly within Schopenhaur's pessimist system his entire life, and became a neurotic recluse who withdrew from society and gainful employment, lead a sad and lonely life hiding in the hills complaining of migraines, until his brain cancer, or whatever it was, overcame him.

>> No.22939975

four (five)

>> No.22939979
File: 15 KB, 198x254, gas_zoomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22940480

Why should I read the memoirs of some hussy? How do you even know she wasn't lying?

>> No.22940484

zoomer website, oldtrannie

>> No.22941406

Because she had hundreds of hours of deep and meaningful conversations with Nietszche, was his sweetheart and confidant sounding board, to whom Nietzsche proposed marriage twice. Further the book was written while Nietzsche was still alive and isn't influenced by Nietzche's reception.

>> No.22941430

lol I forgot he did that, I was obsessed with that fact for a bit it seemed such an ironic capstone to his philosphy

>> No.22941435

Didn't she edit his works a bunch to change the meanings, I thought she was a confirmed bitch

>> No.22941440

That was his sister not Salome.

>> No.22941510

cool I just downloaded her book, I have never met a woman in my entire life who was into philosophy btw

>> No.22941522

There is quite literally no evidence for the supposed horse incident.

>> No.22941530

damn that's a pretty vicious rumor to spread when viewed next to his philopsphy

>> No.22941638

They are incredibly rare, I would even go so far as to say it is not worth your time looking, I might also add that the relative scarcity that produces said rarity should not be interpreted to mean a 'good' thing as well. IIRC, the guy she chose over Nietzsche ended up dying after falling off the side of a mountain or something to that effect.

>> No.22941782

call me a retard but i still don't fully understand the basis for his idea of eternal recurrence. is it really just a stupid baseless "what if" scenario he came up with while in the swiss alps like its a shitty black mirror episode? why does it terrify him so much? it would be like if i said "what if you are a schizophrenic just dreaming up your whole life! lol get spooked now!" why did he believe eternal recurrence is real or even likely?

>> No.22943133

>why does it terrify him so much?
Because he was a pessimist leading a miserable life suffering from ill health. Persistant migraines had forced him out of his job, society, prevented him from reading for more than five minutes at a time where previously his vocation was reading copius amounts of Greek and other material, and the thought occured to him that he may have to live and experience this for an eternity, and that horrified him. The 'demon' was what Nietzsche actually experienced, the 'angel' was a desideratum he never got to. He treated the eternal return as a horrific revelation and burden that he wanted to shield others from, a dark secret.

>> No.22943155

I met a few in grad school but they were all shit at philosophy, women just cannot do phenomenology or metaphysics at all. It's like asking a blind person to paint or a deaf (from birth) person to make music.

>> No.22943169

Heart Of Darkness
Count Of Monte Cristo
In Search Of Lost Time

Didn’t even have to look any of those up, either

>> No.22943174

NTA but I’m 41

>> No.22943314

Shestov's All Things Are Possible, Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Gogol's Marriage, and Euripides' Medea

>> No.22943352

Nietzsche was very powerful. His convictions probably drastically alter his perceptions. That’s not a common ability, especially nowadays

>> No.22944831

>and became a neurotic recluse who withdrew from society and gainful employment, lead a sad and lonely life hiding in the hills complaining of migraines, until his brain cancer, or whatever it was, overcame him.
You sound like you really hate Nietzsche and think that this is a genuine criticism of the man, you know, suffering from chronic diseases.

>> No.22944963

moralfags need their copes to sleep calmly

>> No.22945364

Is there a philosopher that causes as much seethe as Nietzsche does, especially from people who have not even read his works? They must all be Christians who heard he badmouthed their religion or something right?

>> No.22945370

They're not christians they're just painfully bored pseuds

>> No.22945456

I don't think Nietzsche actually said that

>> No.22945483

The argument is that the universe is finite so eventually this exact same arrangement will be reached again, given enough time. But you could also reach eternal recurrence with infinite universe models like eternal inflation or simply a multiverse

>> No.22945517

>he's 41 and still on this shithole of a website

>> No.22945567
File: 21 KB, 234x230, 1695645885868916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thousands of years of philosophy
>the solution all along was your jocular dad slapping you upside the head and going "Just do it pussy"

>> No.22945580

After reading a sign, I now know the logos ship I described is at the top right of the temples on Starfield

>> No.22945681

okay sure, but there is no sort of evidence that his same consciousness will arise again to experience the same shit again. its a quite baseless and silly fear in my opinion so i don't know why he made up this scenario for himself to be afraid. i don't know why more people don't talk about how absolutely silly this eternal recurrence shit is.

>> No.22945717

wait til you hear about open individualism..

>> No.22946598

>/lit/izens don't know about the many confirmed cases of reincarnation

>> No.22946619

There is only one thing that is worse than people who didn't read Nietzsche, it's people who read him.

>> No.22947147

>*cries violently*
>*shits and pisses and cums in pants*
>*fucking dies*
woah, deep...