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22935245 No.22935245 [Reply] [Original]

Should Ted Kaczynski’s writings be taken seriously on a philosophical level?

I understand that many philosophers have raged against the development of technology but I’m asking specifically about Kaczynski. Should philosophers read his writings and take them seriously? Or should we dismiss them as crazed ramblings of a reclusive madman?

>> No.22935283
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>Should philosophers read his writings and take them seriously?

>Should we dismiss them as crazed ramblings of a reclusive madman?

His mindset is no different to Leftists, which he bemoans in his own work. If we just do away with guns/modernity/the state/thing i dont like then everything will be better and nobody will reinvent the wheel.

Look in to technics, how technology is distributed and used in society. Read Spengler and Darre for more. Ted himself has all the hallmarks of controlled opposition in that the very means of protest his people advocate for are of absolutely no threat to the system. I belive he calls that the systems neatest trick.

Now authoritarian-nationalism paired with a back to the land movement? That could be a threat, don't look in to that anon.

>> No.22935594

Ted is a genius. Unfortunately most readers will get filtered because they literally cant comprehend the text or think of the bigger picture with such low IQ

>> No.22935606

never happen because of the bomb stuff

>> No.22935624
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How is he a genius?

Can you, a supposed genius, explain to me, an average working man, why his manifesto is not a psyop to neutralize far-right, back to the land romanticism. Which is a phenomenon that happens with regularity every century.

>> No.22935659

a true philosopher would never read anything because all writing is the crazed ramblings of madmen

>> No.22935754

>Now authoritarian-nationalism paired with a back to the land movement? That could be a threat
You’re delusional.

>> No.22935761

You’re correct yet for the wrong reasons.

>> No.22935905
File: 105 KB, 655x559, Andrés Gómez Emilsson on Kaczynski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Pearce's writings should be taken a lot more seriously than Kaczynski's.

>> No.22936057

he's a philosophical ben shapiro, and only seems deep because he's directly comparing himself to complete retards ( leftist political activists). He himself is just an activist of an ever so slightly higher caliber. His writings are no more crazy or revolutionary than charlie kirk's "campus battlefield"

>> No.22936130
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Im glad you provided reasoned and well thought out rebuttals.

>> No.22936149

>then everything will be better and nobody will reinvent the wheel.

Yeah, you didn't read him.

>> No.22936205
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I notice you omitted the first part of my sentence, which is clearly the more important part.

>> No.22936215

He was literally a prophet of the Lord.

>> No.22936247

>he's naive
>neurotech will save us
lol, lmao even

>> No.22936252
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just read jacques ellul, thats where he stole most of his ideas

>> No.22936257

Wny do you, an average working man, as you call yourself, even take your own views seriously? At least have the accompanying humility that should follow such a claim to understand some ideas are, sadly, beyond you. Why do you pretend to be rational when you lack the very capacity to be so(which you admit in an attempt to get back at that guy)?

>> No.22936409

He would be a literal nobody (by his own calculation) except for the fact that he murdered people. Look up American Airlines Flight 444. The dude was a psychopath who just wanted to inflate his own ego by killing people, he targeted commercial flights filled with random members of the public. Forget about him.