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/lit/ - Literature

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22934793 No.22934793 [Reply] [Original]

was this ever refuted

>> No.22934794

Ukraine good

>> No.22934795

still kino

>> No.22934849

Still it is a slice of another life for people of the West. It's like someone describes as he is making and eating Chinese gutter oil, pretty fascinating from a distance.

>> No.22934884

It's twice as funny to observe these pseuds getting high on their own farts when you know russian and have had the misfortune to read the works in the original language as a part of curriculum. “Mysterious russian soul” my ass.

>> No.22934893

Die zigger

>> No.22934908
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>“Mysterious russian soul” my ass.
Russians are fucked up nevertheless.

>> No.22934912

shut up hohol, you wrote to the wrong person too you dumb hick

>> No.22934924

Die for putdaddy, russian lit is shit compared to ukrainian kino.

>> No.22934939

Still waiting for the works of great Mykola Hoholsky to be realeased post mortem, reviewers say it moggs all Russian literature that was ever written.

>> No.22934942

Why are you so obsessed with Ukraine in the thread about Russian literature?

>> No.22934946

Anything moggs Russian shit to be honest.

>> No.22934949

zigger cope KWAB

>> No.22934952


I'm not, those few faggots above are

>> No.22934956

I didn't reply to you though did I? Fuck why are you guys so illiterate.

>> No.22934958
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>> No.22934961

Because I don't read

>> No.22934965

Average slav thread afficionado

>> No.22934970

Which one is you on the OP pic?

>> No.22934971

The groomer one

>> No.22934973

im the masterpiece guy

>> No.22934989

Indeed they are. Right from the beginning. Their “literature” reflects their natural state of existence perfectly. It’s neither deep, nor anything of value can be found there, only metaphysical misery and degradation. Reading “russian literature” equals diving in a lake of the ultimate anthropogenic filth.

>> No.22934993
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ummm, yeah?

>> No.22934996

The masterpiece guy has more SOVL than Russians have.

>> No.22935002

Russia is the soul capital of earth

>> No.22935006

russia its west but worst, like l. america. china is another world
You know that literally all Ukrainians can read in Russian?
>Die for putdaddy, russian lit is shit compared to ukrainian kino.
That’s not true, both countries' literature is boring shit.

>> No.22935007


>> No.22935009


>> No.22935020

I’m fucking Ukrainian, man. Literally anyone here knows Russian. We’re a bilingual nation.

>> No.22935021 [DELETED] 
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silence hohol subhuman

>> No.22935061

>russia its west but worst, like l. america
Nah, man. There is Eurasian/Asian vision of Russia even among respected historians (George Vernadsky, for example), not only that shizo Dugin.
Mongolian influence of Russia remains pretty strong until now.

>> No.22935078

ban this faggot already

>> No.22935089

posting dead children is pretty evil man

>> No.22935096


>> No.22935122

>russia its west
Russians are more depressive and whiter Chinese.

>> No.22935127

Alright your falseflagging is getting too obvious. Why did you samefag with the dead kid too?

>> No.22935138

That's genuinely not me however. I wanted to larp as a retarded pro ukraine dude but that's jt.

>> No.22935150

>to larp as a retarded pro ukraine dude
Why do you do this in the thread about Russian literature?

>> No.22935158

Has anyone here done something but give meaningful thoughts on it instead of whining about how bad it is?
That being said, it's surprising how the pic still isn't deleted while some earlier threads got instabanned.

>> No.22935165

Kek youre a fragile little faggot arent you

>> No.22935173

For not liking the dead kid? Yea it's evil you re just broken.
(verification not required)

>> No.22935178

>Has anyone here done something but give meaningful thoughts
Here, for example >>22934989
Why haven't you answered him? Anyway, this thread is just for fun, don't whine.

>> No.22935180
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>> No.22935185

Who is whining? I'm just having a little fun. And no a low value critique like that doesn't count lol. Don't pretend you are genuine when noone here has anything to say but "It's bad because they are dummies lol"

>> No.22935241

>Don't pretend you are genuine when noone here has anything to say but "It's bad because they are dummies lol"
Literature is a subjective thing. You can easily defend Warhammer 40000 novels and shit on Dostoevsky or Tolstoy. The interesting thing is a question "Why do you prefer something to something and how do supporting things (like an author's birthplace, its reputation, political or cultural things, etc) affect you?" When I read a Warhammer novel, I don't think about MYSTERIOUS BRITISH SOVL or that it is British literature, for example.

>> No.22935247

I have a bridge to sell you if you think everyone was just giving their honest subjective opinion. I am honest about my funposting though, surprising it took you guys so long to figure out.
Your "interesting question" sentence is a bit shoddy btw, not insulting you but it makes me think I'm having a stroke when reading it.

>> No.22935442

Tf is this shit. Reading and enjoying Russian literature doesn't make someone a "zigger". Disconnect your brain from /pol/

>> No.22935450

me in the bottom center

>> No.22935456
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I've never understood why the Russians have "a soul" yet this is not the case for most of Western Europe and the Americas.

Do the French have "a soul" that comes through in their writing? Do the Germans?

>> No.22935462

The only thing worse than a russian is a hohol

>> No.22935489

Philosopher and degenerate Nikolai Berdyaev in his collection of articles “The Fate of Russia” repeatedly addresses the topic of the “Russian soul.” His views on the subject are based primarily on his own generalized observations, historical examples, as well as material from Russian social thought (Radishchev, Chaadaev and others) and the latest literary classics of that time (Dostoevsky, Tolstoy). According to Berdyaev, the “Russian soul” is “feminine” and awaits an external source of order; due to her weak masculinity, she is not good at form and self-discipline; antinomic, that is, broad and sweeping, takes everything to opposite extremes, has a poor sense of proportion; connected with the “endless expanses of Russia”; religious, strives for the sublime; even rejecting God and ideals, he acts with special fervor and spiritual intensity.

Over the past hundred years, despite the large amount of literature on this topic, the development of ideas in comparison with the ideas of Berdyaev has been observed only insignificantly. Most of the authors who write on topics of “Russian character” are in a earth-binded , sovereign-patriotic vein and turn to Berdyaev’s point about religiosity and sublimity, contrasting it with the “lack of spirituality” of the West. Liberal-Western authors are less focused on this topic and usually develop the ideas of “traditionalism”, “pre-modernity”, “submission”, “slavery”, that is, they sociologize Berdyaev’s point about “femininity” and passivity. A penchant for extremes is attributed to the Russian soul by many authors, but they, as a rule, do not go beyond the scope of the explanation associated with “endless expanses”.

>> No.22935496

In the USSR, the term began to be used less frequently, but since the period of Perestroika it has become widespread. Aspects of Russian life that surprise foreigners are explained to them; contradictions between the superpower of the state and the everyday living conditions of its citizens. The concept has become a journalistic cliche praising the exclusivity of the country and people. A similar concept is “Russia’s special path”.

The book “Key Ideas of the Russian Linguistic Picture of the World” (2005), written by linguists Anna A. Zaliznyak, I. B. Levontina and A. D. Shmelev, says: “A whole series of words reflects the notorious “sincereness” of the Russian person”; “A Russian person reacts painfully when it seems to him that he is being reproached”; “The very need of the “Russian soul” for scope requires space”; “The tendency to pity is recognized as a specifically Russian trait”, etc. About forty times in quotation marks and without quotation marks in the text and headings the mythologemes “national character”, “national mentality”, “Russian vision of the world”, “Russian attitude”, “Russian soul" as synonyms of the phrase "Russian linguistic picture of the world".

>> No.22935528

me on the top left(right)

>> No.22935593
File: 73 KB, 779x558, Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 01-22-30 Protests held as Italy's La Scala opens season with Russian opera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ukranians can't comprehend that Russian culture valued in the West so much because half of the european elites are descendants of russian nobility, like Ursula von der Leyen, granddaughter the richest man of the Russian empire, or Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, or this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Grosvenor,_7th_Duke_of_Westminster
They think Pushkin and Dostoyevsky belong to them, not to descendants of jewish bolsheviks in the Kremlin and defenetly not to ukranian rednecks. That's why Dostoyevsky will be studied in the West even if Putin start nuclear war.

>> No.22935599

Yes, it's just a term you can change for national ethos or zeitgeist )if you bend the rules a bit) or whatever have you.

>> No.22935647

>Russian culture valued in the West so much because half of the european elites
But what do average Joe and Hans have in common with this? What do you have in common with this?

>> No.22935652

It's just russian spys.

>> No.22935663

The average Peter can relate to the doom n gloom and alcoholism, the average Hans can relate to the cuckolding and autism, the average Pierre can relate to the rampant sex stuff and peasant squabbles, the average Luigi can relate to the uhhh hmm uhhh you know the uhhh *clears throat* the jealousy and retarded parties?

>> No.22935672

The average someone can relate to the stuff which he likes, not to MUH ELITE.

>> No.22935693

4chan loves to talk about "Western canon". The western elites decided that Russian literature is the part of this canon. If you want to be white and european, you WILL read Russian literature. You WILL write an essay about oak tree from War and Peace.

>> No.22935696

Poor peasants love to imagine themselves as royalty on hard times. Why do you think the equivalent exists in cinema and series?

>> No.22935704
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Have you read much Kenyan stuff?

>> No.22935716

All this talk about about special russian soul/spirit/Geist is just mental maturation on fake individuality, Idea of own, very own special path that not given to other and basically coping from understanding that in many ways Russians just blackwater nation, that was enferior to more advanced, richer western Europe. Listening to this bullshit is unbearable, and sometimes It becomes just worse then just a few articles from obsessed with orthodox christianity russian philosophers like Berdyaev, and literature critics(not) of another madly Christian authors like Tolstoy/Dostoevsky - you start to hear it from average people. Recently i heard this bullshit from my colleague, and this retard not even ethnically russkiy, he is just another cultural assimilated tatar (and seem that geneticly assimilated too, according to hapla groups of whole ethnos) like me.

Or you get that:
Russia got called as Asian Distopy for totalitarian rule, lack of freedom and rights (like Charter of Liberties that English men had) for nobels, literally slavery as serfdom. Later there some underdeveloped blackwater central Asian and Caucasus regions as part of empire/ussr. And we get people like Gumilev, Dugin that promote idea of Eurasian country, that united Europe and Asia - so now it means that Russia have very own historical path, Russia very special, "we have special deep soul, there is nobody like us".

And there is some bullshit talk on Mongol's influence for Russian dystopial rule. Well, institutions of authorian rule and master/slave mentality were in some way created under occupation, but Mongols themselves did have fucking democracy and did not promote own culture and just cared about getting benefits.

I also remember how soviet dessident Valeriya Novodvorska has been saying that expansion of country borders (it was about Georgian war in 2008) is rotter idea that came from Mongolian influence. Typical bullshit.

>> No.22935720

Even Russians know that Mykola Hohol is one of the greats.

>> No.22935721

Holy ESL, how unbearable!

>> No.22935725

I think I just lost braincells

>> No.22935729

We should be the ones pushing for reparations from brown people

>> No.22935734

That's not because of von der Leyen's grannie, but because of "prestige" of Russia in the world. Many people like to read shit in case it was written by someone from a big and loud country.

>> No.22935753

>According to Berdyaev, the “Russian soul” is “feminine”
Russians and women will both hate you for trying to solve their problems, because complaining about it adds more fun to life than the problem adds sorrow.