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22933502 No.22933502[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature that disputes the statements such as "sex is everything," "all human behavior can be reduced down to sex," "everything in the world is about sex — except sex. Sex is about power." etc.?
Bros how should I cope

>> No.22933504

the very existence of literature disputes that sex is everything

>> No.22933507

Huh? Literature is produced by brains. Brains are sex organs. The only reason we have brains is they helped us reproduce. There wasn't an evolution-of-humans fairy that decided hey how cool it would be for humans to have brains? Every organ we have is a sex organ. Otherwise we wouldn't have evolved it.

>> No.22933510

>Every organ we have is a sex organ.
Then I am a true body-without-organs desu

>> No.22933512

You could also say that every organ is made for the ultimate goal of eating and shitting. No one spends years of their life writing exclusively for sex.

>> No.22933516

Explain why I would turn down sex despite having an erection, not believing in a God and having the opportunity with the woman. I view it as a distraction. Sex is nothing more than a cope. I lack agency and want to amass large amounts of money. Having sex or masturbating is a temporary impedement to doing anything and if you make a habit of either and especially are chasing sex to the point you have tinder and dating apps and are wasting valuable free time on it then it's a chronic waste of time that sets you back completely. I would be willing be castrated in exchange for 20 million dollars, provided I can retain androgenic and anabolic functioning with testosterone injections. I just want to not work and be left alone and study and go places. With money I would have agency to play at this life. I'm not happy sitting around distracting myself with something that creates nothing and does not increase my power in the world. Sex is only about power if you're sleeping with women of influence. Otherwise it's about coping.

>> No.22933521

If sex is everything then why do people spend most of their life not doing it
Even people who have sex regularly and can have sex any time they want still spend probably 95% of their day not having sex

>> No.22933531

why is there an influx of coomer cucks on /lit/

>> No.22933549

Refractory period for men
Women have just been shamed into not having sex by society, but that's changing

>> No.22933565

Is there some innate drive to optimize for reproduction? I don't think so. Organisms which develop traits that hinder reproduction slowly die off, but you can have mundane traits developing that don't particularly affect it. There's no overarching plot for organisms to become better at reproducing, the ones that randomly do are just more resilient.

>> No.22933567

Refractory period is literally like 20 minutes or something
And women haven't been shamed into not having sex for like almost a century now
Women have naturally lower sex drives than men

>> No.22933580

"Sex is everything" is a kind of materialistic reductionism that arbitrarily decided to stop at one point. There is no rational reason not to reduce further.
For example: sex is just physical interaction. So by that metric physical interaction is everything. Etc. "Physical interaction is everything." however is a pointless statement since it reveals no actual greater truth. It's just reductionism. Just like "Sex is everything."

Yeah no shit we reproduce by fucking and we like fucking. Everyone already knew that. Reiterating this says nothing about us.

>> No.22933797

Not really anon. Penises are brain organs.The only reasons penises exist is to produce more brains. Every organ we have is a brain organ. Otherwise we wouldn't have evolved it.
The end is not to reproduce anon. Is to reproduce brains - in fact, all evolution proves that, given enough time, more complex animals will develop a brain. The end is to reproduce as many brains as possible. This is what life does. Prove me wrong.

>> No.22933847

>I don't have any scientific background

>> No.22933853

>information can be passed on
>on other means than genes

>> No.22933875

>more complex animals will develop a brain
You do not understand how evolution works. If you had understood it, you would have realized that brains get smaller as soon as their metabolic cost cannot be justified, even before I gave you Homo floriesiensis as an example.
>be tool-using human species
>settle the island of Flores
>oof, island has no monkeys
>evolve a brain smaller than a chimpanzee's
>ooh ooh aah aah

>> No.22933887

That's just freudian nonsense
Tell me, since you love naturalistic fallacies so much, why do we draw? Why have we been making cave drawings since before the birth of society? Why do we write, why do we orate? What point in there is passing on information to the next generation? This will not help facilitate reproduction. Oog wasn't getting mad pussy because he dew a Mammoth on the wall. That is simply not part of the Human mating ritual.
And why then, are they plenty of traits among all animals that impede sexual reproduction rather than help it? And why do these animals survive? Why so they have redundant Organs? Should not the invisible hand of evolution be guiding them towards optimizing sex?
And is sex itself just a means to an end? Is it just not a way to ensure the survival of a species? Can you not then say everything is about physical existence? Or is that not sensationalist enough for you? Do you just want to be justified in frying your brain?

>> No.22933891

But even though they had a smaller brain doesn’t mean they turned retarded. Still used tools and cognitive parts of the brain were the same size. At least according to Wikipedia

>> No.22933906

Homo Floriesiensis didn't get dumber you pseud learn the topic

>> No.22933913

>why do we draw?
To draw dicks and titties, of course

>> No.22933916

Memories of my melancholy whores by GGM, I think, could be interpreted to suggest that love trumps sex.

Its about an old man who only ever had sex with prostitutes, and on the day of his 90th birthday decides to celebrate by buying the virginity of a 14 year old girl

>> No.22933919
File: 139 KB, 660x433, caveart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why was Grug drawing Horses and Bovines instead of phalli and breasts?

>> No.22933922

>copying the "floriesiensis" typo off the parent post
>no familiarity with H. floresiensis
>capitalizing the species part ("floresiensis") rather than just the genus part ("Homo")
>not even passing familiarity with biology
>telling others to learn a topic he evidently knows jackshit about
What a ghastly mental midget.

>> No.22933931
File: 205 KB, 1170x767, zkxyezcdrgc81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good for an artist to have a diverse portfolio

>> No.22934063


>> No.22934082

I'll give you exactly 18 hours later