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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 163 KB, 715x715, moscow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22933325 No.22933325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have literature explaining the tortured russian SOVL

>> No.22933337

"Day of the Oprichnik" by Vladimir Sorokin
"The Horde" by Baranko (a comic book).

>> No.22933339


>> No.22933365


Slavophiles were basically proto-vatniks, weren't they?

>> No.22933384

>Slavophiles were basically proto-vatniks, weren't they?
Russians aren't even Slavs, and Dostoevsky has basically Belarusian-Ukrainian roots. He was just a depressed Belarusian among animals, so he wrote his zoo notes.

>> No.22933393

>He was just a depressed Belarusian among animals, so he wrote his zoo notes.
Actually good recs

>> No.22933517
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>> No.22933533

Not real people
Russian and Ukrainian identity exists, Belarusian not
Cringe detective writer
He also russian

>> No.22933570

>Russian and Ukrainian identity exists
Putin and Dugin disagree, seemly

>> No.22933578

That's interesting.

>> No.22933583 [DELETED] 
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"Meat Assault Mobik," is more of an aesthetic for video.

>> No.22933585

The ethnonym "Belarusian" appeared in the same time as the ethnonyms "Russian" and "Ukrainian", in the 16th century.

>> No.22933587 [DELETED] 
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"Face down in the mud after assaulting fortified positions with 60 year old equipment for the reputation of a 70 year old mafia ruler," is more of a performative way of life, not reducible to literature.

>> No.22933588
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There is a book about it.

>> No.22933591 [DELETED] 
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There is also the "Rush B, get ambushed, and rout leaving your vehicles to be captured and destroyed," aesthetic of Russia. This one has been quite popular, allowing the UAF to have more Soviet tanks than they started with.

>> No.22933604

You should fight on Ukraine, anon. I heard they pay them mercenaries a good money.

>> No.22933646

/lit/ is an orthodox board. Shoo shoo glowie

>> No.22933657

i'll sacrifice as many russians as it takes to exterminate ZOGkraine

>> No.22933677 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 1024x681, russia5-1024x681-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being Orthodox means cucking to Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church which is a thrall to Putin.
I respect Orthodoxy. I respect individual Russian Christians. I absolutely cannot respect the Russian Orthodox Church, which is a slave to the state. You do realize they are invading another Christian state and sending Muslim rape brigades in to terrorize them, right?

So Russia good because Orthodox, but Ukraine...

They have an entire cathedral dedicated to state idolatry that even had Putin icons until it was decided that went a bit too far lol.

>> No.22933680

Dude, you're the same fucked in the head retard from yesterday's thread aren't you?
Fuck off from this board you mentally ill animal. What the fuck is wrong with you, did your mother deny you her tits as a kid?

>> No.22933681

The west has fallen the moment it allowed separation of church and state

>> No.22933692

See russian religious statistics. Most of orthodogs don't go to church lol.

>> No.22933700

Sorokin is schlock

>> No.22933703

You’re an obese American who would flinch when firing a weapon. You’re a mutt Finn. Either way, you’re dysgenic

>> No.22933704
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>> No.22933705 [DELETED] 
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No. It might surprise you but Russia invading all its neighbors, the Baltics, Finland, Germany, enslaving its people, invading Germany recently, using its military to prop up Soviet Boomers in Kazakhstan and Belarus, etc. make people hate Russia.

Ah yes, Russia is not fallen. Ignore the head the massively higher HIV, crime, suicide, etc. rates. Ignore that millions of Russians have fled since 2000, mostly the the degenerate West, while virtually no one from a developed nation goes to the shit hole that is Russia.

But if you live Russia, feel free to join your comrades. The state obviously respects Russian lives.

>> No.22933708
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>> No.22933709


>> No.22933710
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Cram it churchie

>> No.22933712

You seem like an informed lad. Answer me:
Does Ukrayne deserve to have a country or not?

>> No.22933713
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Cry more, Ivan.

>> No.22933714 [DELETED] 
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Attention all Ivans. Please remember that downloading or streaming video of Russian losses is a crime punishable by more than 10 years in prison, commutable to immediate service at the front.

Please remember to claim these are CGI to help your show trial case.

>> No.22933715
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Take it to pol ass faggot

>> No.22933716

>Take it to pol ass faggot
Nope. You're bringing it up here.

>> No.22933717


>> No.22933718
File: 15 KB, 240x240, IMG_7873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ah yes, Russia is not fallen. Ignore the head the massively higher HIV, crime, suicide, etc. rates. Ignore that millions of Russians have fled since 2000, mostly the the degenerate West, while virtually no one from a developed nation goes to the shit hole that is Russia.

>> No.22933721


>> No.22933723
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See you in the cube!

>> No.22933726 [DELETED] 
File: 519 KB, 848x480, 1703283305360755.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Russia's 350,000 casualties so far would be the equivalent of the US taking 828,000 in losses over two years. They are on pace to eclipse half a million this year. On some of their main axes, they are still fighting a 15 minute jog from the original border, with progress being slower than WWI since summer 2022.

Second army in the world everyone, Russia stronk!

>> No.22933729

Ok, man, but lets return to the topic of the thread. Do you have anything like this >>22933517

>> No.22933731

Pretty impressive for /k/tards and their NAFO obesity to be bigger — in both the literal and figurative sense — losers than anons who browse /jp/ and /mlp/

>> No.22933734


>> No.22933737

Post body.

>> No.22933738 [DELETED] 

"The New Tsar," is a pretty good book on Putin through 2014. It has a pretty good discussion or Russian culture and why it is a man who, by plenty of evidence carried out false flag terror attacks on his own civilians, still holds absolute authority and respect.

>> No.22933742

>plenty of evidence
Literal brain fried by Plebbit

>> No.22933743

no homo

>> No.22933745 [DELETED] 
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Here is a body. Got thousands more if you want, although normally if they don't rout the Russians at least dump them in pits and throw trash bags over them. The honored dead. This guy was just left to rot.

>> No.22933748 [DELETED] 

Being accused by your own senior staff who then get assassinated isn't evidence? The head of the Russian security council accused him too lol.

>> No.22933753

those guys were on CIAs payroll. Actually the entirety of russian history has been orchestrated by the CIA

>> No.22933754

Ukraine has lost over 500.000 of their best men and is losing the war at a dramatic pace according to western source like WSJ and Times.
Just accept it man, Ukraine lost this one and you're retarded for still trying to cling to the past hopes of somehow defeating Russia. Get help man.

Also meds

>> No.22933757
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>> No.22933758
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Keef in two more SMOs lol

>> No.22933764

Cope. You're literally retarded or a glownigger on a payroll hahahahahhaha

>> No.22933769

you live in the third world

>> No.22933782 [DELETED] 


Only Russian estimates are remotely close to that high. Russia is only at 300,000-350,000 casualties (125,000-150,000 KIA) and they have lost about 1.4-1.7 for every Ukrainian loss. There is a reason Ukraine has ended up with more tanks in theater and at artillery parity despite being outnumbered 8:1 to start. Russia's equipment losses have been far higher, but they have way more equipment.

To be sure, Ukraine would have to do more like 2.5:1 to win a full war of attrition, but one has to imagine that at some point Russian will to grind for small amounts of ruined land will run out.

>> No.22933785

a million russian lives are worth less than 3 ukrainian villages. We will sacrifice as many as it takes, and I say that as a russian from petersburg
The more men die the more women we have left

>> No.22933786 [DELETED] 

Note that it's easy to look these up so making up a bullshit number and naming sources that have never said that is retarded. Papers don't estimate casualties, intelligence services do and think tanks as well.

Even the leaked US estimates largely agreed with the public ones, and they had Russia losing 1.7 men for each Ukrainian.

>> No.22933809

>We will sacrifice as many as it takes, and I say that as a russian from petersburg
>The more men die the more women we have left
I'd like to ask you a dumb question. Is it true that you guys don't have condoms or that they are hard to get by, by design?

>> No.22933813

Lmao 500k was estimated by western sources. Von der Leyen leaked 350 dead Ukrainians half a year ago. The counteroffensive cost around 170k lives by estimates.
Jouranlisst get their info from think tanks and intelligence you absolute retard.
Ukraine has already lost, Jesus Christ you niggers are so delusional it's almost sad to read

>> No.22933817

>and they had Russia losing 1.7 men for each Ukrainian.
Weren't these men people from prisons mostly?

>> No.22933818


>> No.22933819 [DELETED] 

>Counter offensive went two weeks and like 30 vehicles before being scaled back to attritional warfare.
>"It was 170,000 dead Hol Hold I swear."

>> No.22933822


>> No.22933823
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we have to do our patriotic duty and make babies. But condoms are available

>> No.22933824 [DELETED] 

Yes, they used prisoners the most in the meat assaults. But that is a non renewable resource. According to Russians own stats they went from 440,000 prisoners before the war to just 260,000 this December.

Since their competent contract troops are a scarce resource, it's only a matter of time before conscripts are in the meat waves, although they have so far tried to avoid this, given the last group forced to do meat assaults marched on Moscow, forced Putin to flee, and shot several Russian aircraft down.

>> No.22933827

No matter what numbers you pull out of your butt, Russia still fucked up bad

>> No.22933828
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-2229072637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a guy goes to Gulag
>other guy says 'why are you are here?'
>first guy answers 'I made fun of comrade Popov in 1983, what about you?'
>the second guy answers 'I made fun of comrade Popov in 1985, and how about you?'
>the third guy answers 'I'm comrade Popov.'

>> No.22933830 [DELETED] 

"Meat Assault" is the Russian's own term for how their commanders plan assaults by the way.

>> No.22933831

Just like my Americans

>> No.22933832

>Wikipedia as a source
hahahhaha lol

>>Counter offensive went two weeks and like 30 vehicles before being scaled back to attritional warfare.

It was declared failed by western journals in November/December, Zelensky started making excuses for the failure of the counteroffensive in December blaming it on Zaluzhny.
You're delusional mate, Ukraine is losing hard and not even Nato sources are trying to hide this fact lol.

>> No.22933836

>Russians think its a victory to kill hundreds of thousands of their brothers who they wanted to peacefully annex, capture territory that is totally destroyed and mined 10 meters from the border and also lose half a million soldiers while doing it
>Meanwhile NATO has expanded and america is making tens of billions from arms sales
what the fuck

>> No.22933839

>But condoms are available
But aren't them relatively expensive?

>> No.22933841

for rural subhumans yeah but people in cities dont have to worry about money that much. We make 2-3k usd on average in moscow and sankt petersburg

>> No.22933843 [DELETED] 
File: 3.45 MB, 1280x720, 1703770340004763.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. This is what victory looks like.

>> No.22933846

>sanKt Peterburg

you're not russian lmfao

>> No.22933849
File: 227 KB, 660x815, IMG_7760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sgt Ramirez, if I die on the battlefield at least tell me Raytheon got a tax break and major defense contract

>> No.22933854

shut the fuck up hohol

>> No.22933856

No need to post dead Americans, the faggots spamming this thread are Ukrainian/Finns/Polaks/Balts etc.

>> No.22933859

I guess what I'm trying to fathom is if that is a deliberate State policy.

>> No.22933862

it probably is you can raise a russian on cum and buckwheat and once he hits the bottle he will become desperate enough to enroll in the army

>> No.22933868

> Why are they all so rusophobic?

>> No.22933870 [DELETED] 

It's a mystery. What did Russia ever do to them?

>> No.22933899
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Killed their forefathers or sat them on a bottle. They are to angsty and weak though to take up a weapon and fight in Ukraine themselves to avenge their grandfathers, not even for money. So they try to channel their impotent rage into shitting up image boards and masturbation. Since they don't have women, friends nor meaning in their lives, they fixate on shit that happened 80 years ago instead of focusing on leaving their shitholes and creating a bright future for themselves. Most of them are mentally ill can can't get any help/outlet for their rage, no the warmth of a woman or a future perspective for live in general, things that give meaning. It's a hellish existence and threads like this are some of the few things that give them a reason to get out of bed in the morning and not commit suicide in the evening.
I've been to Poland, the Czech republic, Belarus, Lithuania and Hungary as a westerner, and talking to normal people that I met and befriended while traveling, nobody really cared about Russia or their past with it, they accepted things that happened and lived their everyday lives. There was no fear nor any hate towards Russians. This was all from 2016 to 2023, and as a westerner people tended to be quite honest and even wondered that I knew about those issues let alone was interested in knowing more about them.
But yeah, to each their own.

>> No.22933911
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>> No.22933917


>> No.22933937


>> No.22933949

Belarus is actually a nice place to live unlike ukraine

>> No.22933954

Vladimir Pelevin - Amon Ra.
Sorokin - Day of the Oprichnik, The Norm, rest of the books
Mamleev - The Sublimes
Venedikt Yerofeyev - Moscow-Petushki

Do you know that orthodox is Easter Roman version of Christianity? There is a lot of different local orthodox churches that keep same tradition and Russian one have no authority over others.

>> No.22933971

All the Belarusians I knew were literally basedboys. Ukraine = Russia without resources, nukes, kgb and non-slavic people. Belarus its Ukraine with kgb and without democracy and national identity. Now it's basically russian province randomly gains independence but don't want be independent. Last Belarusian-language magazine closed this year.

>> No.22934131

How low are your standards if you consider a third world shithole a nice place to live in?