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/lit/ - Literature

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22932825 No.22932825 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22933197
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>> No.22933625

my diary desu

>> No.22933630

your bed. gay

>> No.22933633

remember to check the catalog before making a thread.

>> No.22933740

I did try doing that, didn't see it tho so I'm sorry lol

>> No.22933777

that is a beautiful quilt my nigga

>> No.22934610

DeLillo White Noise. Just finished the 2nd part about the accident, really meh so far.

>> No.22935604
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>> No.22935627

what is this? On Growth and Form for pagans?

>> No.22935644
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>> No.22936659
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The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch

This is something like the 4th-5th time I've gone over it. Still feels fresh.

>> No.22936673

I'm about to reread Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo. I haven't read them since 2015. I was also reading a bit of Foundations of Analysis by Landau tonight, but Trollope's Dr. Thorne is my current casual read.

Don't waste your time on the occult. It is dangerous and altogether inferior to Christ.

What's with the Illuminist cover art?

>> No.22936675
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Seems really interesting. Why would you recommend it?

>> No.22936678

Don't go down that road, anon. Your life depends on it. Just seek Christ. All that you seek is in Him; the only difference is that it is on God's terms, not yours (and that it is on your terms in the occult is an illusion).

>> No.22936717
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Very fun pick! I read all about the Elizabethans a while back but got interested in other things before actually reading anything beyond Spenser and Shakespeare. Also I was just listening to Byrd's Pavane today, I hadn't remembered that he also wrote poetry.

>> No.22936720

I'm retarded, meant to reply to >>22933197

>> No.22936750

Because it is what it claims to be. It talks about the Torah Or, the eternal scripture of Light, and sets about being a continuation of a tradition of ongoing prophecy picking up where the Bible, the Nag Hammadi texts and the Gnostic Gospels and so on left off.

The guy had a serious revelation and ran with it, so at the very least he gets props for that. But more than that, it reads like a genuine holy book. It's got the cadence and style, and it talks about all the cool stuff that everyone would love to think more about but never think they have the right to. Archangels, galaxies, pyramids, ancient brotherhoods, cosmic love. It's all in there.

I couldn't care less if it was (((well-researched))) or (((scientifically plausible))). It's way beyond the mundane trappings of terrestrial cosmology. It brought me up several levels and continues to do so.

If you are at all mystically inclined towards the Judaeo-Christian tradition, it's one of the best things you can possibly read.

I prayed and Jesus told me it's ok to read and post about these books. That's between me and Him. Anyone who is considering reading them should do the same

>> No.22936768

I bought this on a whim at a used book store and it has quickly become a new favourite. I love William Byrd. I was introduced to him when I learned to play his Earl of Salisbury from a collection of baroque works. Learning of his conversion to Catholicism against the tide of the Church of England was inspiring. I find a lot of poetry doesn't speak to me, but the works from this era touch my soul.

>> No.22936796

>Earl of Salisbury
Yeah that's the one, there's a recording on Youtube that I like of some random Finn playing it on a really cool period instrument.
I love poetry but if you're gonna pick one period to read that seems like a good one, do you have a favorite author besides Shakespeare? I feel conflicted about Sidney on some abstract theoretical points but I think I'll greatly enjoy reading him.

>> No.22936826

>Manly Pee Hall
>Talks like a fag

>> No.22936828

Jesus will never contradict the Word of God, and Christ Himself warned that many will try and impersonate Him. The Apostle Paul cautioned us to test every spirit. Jesus will not tell you to practice sorcery, which is forbidden, and to believe lies which contradict His very own Words to the Apostle John in Revelation.

You do have one thing right. It is between you and Him. Every man will answer to the Lord. That's why it's better not to fool around with the occult when God has clearly forbidden it.

>> No.22936865

The Iliad, W. C. Bryant translation.
I really like it so far. Don't much care for Bryant's verse since it seems he's just fixed it in blocks of 10 syllables rather than actually versified the translation, but it's otherwise well written; and Homer's characterisation is much better than I was expecting.

I don't know why people bother with contemporary fantasy before reading this.

>> No.22936916

You have called the book both occult and sorcerous.
What you don't know is that there are no practical exercises to be done in the book at all.
Unless you're just posting to make yourself feel good (can I get a "hallelujah!"? ^.^), maybe you could provide reasons to reject the validity or beauty of a text of ongoing prophecy?

I thought Christ's Kingdom was within us. I thought we could live embraced by the love of God now that we have been redeemed by Christ's victory. I thought that all that rejoice in God's glory and bounty are to be accepted as rightful servants.

I thought, just for a moment, that there was some goodness in this world that moght provide the potential for someone to go out and make a nice book which people would like and make them think about Jesus more often.

But no. Thst would be occult and sorcerous, wouldn't it?

>> No.22937363

>What's with the Illuminist cover art?
Perhaps it's a refering to sort of faceless government entity. The Castle is one of Kafka's more uncanny works from what I've heard.

>> No.22937422
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>> No.22937474
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>> No.22937736 [SPOILER] 
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I finished >>22929865, now I'm reading Death on the Nile
this part made me giggle (spoilers)

>> No.22937745

can't stand agatha
why don't you read something good eh

>> No.22939000
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read my 20 pages of french today

>> No.22939436
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My favorite psychologist

>> No.22939500
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>> No.22939515

>The Name of the Rose
>A Primer of Medieval Latin

>> No.22939529

The Toilers of the Sea by Victor Hugo

>> No.22940072
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Leo Tolstoy - What Is Art

Hugh Trevor-Roper - Crisis Of The Seventeenth Century

John Locke - Two Treatises Of Government

Ezra Pound - Early Poetical Works

>> No.22940089

I'm currently reading The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai

>> No.22941067

best thread on /lit/ rn

>> No.22941077
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>> No.22941082

Currently reading:
The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux
The Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro

>> No.22941116
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Gravity's Rainbow in translation lol

>> No.22941365

I just finished The Last Flight by Julie Clark. I'm trying to see what books I like and I guess I like thrillers since I stuck with the whole thing. But I dont know if I'd say I loved it. It's better than the fucking Hunger Games type bullshit books I've been catching myself reading, though.

>> No.22941605
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>> No.22942042
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im enjoying it quite a bit

>> No.22942228
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Finished The sailor earlier today, now back to reading The Makioka Sisters.

>> No.22942240

What did you think of it?

>> No.22942283


>> No.22942286

Nice quick read. Of the three Mishima novels I've read so far it's my least favorite but it's still a good book in my opinion and it hit differently (than Spring Snow & Runaway Horses) because out of all his characters so far that I've encountered I could see myself most in Ryuji, the sailor and eventual victim of the book. His desire to escape the world and belief that glory was waiting for him somewhere, somewhow.

>> No.22942310

I just finished A Month In The Country by J L Carr, it was a short but poignant read. I am unsure what to start next, probably I Am A Cat by Natsume Soseki.

>> No.22942321

I recently was reading a fanfiction online called "Where have all the Gobbos gone". It's a Warhammer Fantasy Vermintide Crossover with Goblin Slayer, based on another, older, abandoned fic called Vermin Slayers. Both were pretty good.

>> No.22942421
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About 350 pages in. 120 to go
So far the war stuff is great.
The romance is pretty cringey though.

>> No.22942466
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>> No.22942557

It is the occult, and it is sorcery. It gives what the occult always tries to give and never can--a secret way to some form of godhood by man's effort. This is the perpetual promise and hook of sorcery and the occult, and it relies upon one thing: Pride. There is no godlike destiny for Man aside from the redemption provided in Christ for everyman who will receive it by faith. It is God who will perfect the redeemed in His image, for His own sake and by His own power on account of His glory and His lovingkindness, according to their faithfulness to Christ and their workmanship in God for the Gospel. Christ's Kingdom is within Christian's because the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Living God, has condescended to dwell in us. We, in whom His Spirit dwells, carry Him with us, and so bring Heaven to Earth--each to the degree of His submission to God, yet that is not the only dimension of the Kingdom. Heaven is the seat of God's Throne, and there is a day soon coming when Messiah Jesus shall return like lightning which strikes in the East and is seen even unto the West. At that time, His Kingdom will be a literal Kingdom upon this Earth, and Christ will reign 1000 years among men before the day of Judgement begins and this Heaven and Earth pass away.

As for the 144,000, they are Jewish men, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel, who have kept themselves pure from women, who will miraculously come to faith in the Messiah by Holy revelation from God. These 144,000 men of the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, will save more people out of the Great Tribulation than can be imagined, and they will work in signs and wonders to the glory of the Living God. Never forget the Scepter has not passed from Israel, and will never pass from Jacob, and though many may go astray, the Lord always preserves a remnant to the glory of His Name. The time of the gentiles is coming to a close soon. The fullness of our number is approaching. In the Great Tribulation, the eye of the kings of the Earth, and of the Lord turn to Israel. As for the former, to persecute her--and to persecute those who follow Christ. As for God, to redeem Her, and to return again in love to His cherished ones, the sons of Jacob. There is no one and no way of taking the place of those men. Revelation makes who they will be very clear. Any book which leads you astray has already been condemned (read the last chapter of Revelation to see for yourself, if you wish).

To be accepted as a servant of God, you must serve Him. If you wish to serve Him cleave yourself unto Him and His Word. Diligently study the Word, so you may not be led astray. I do not wish for any, ANY to fall into condemnation, and it is my personal belief that is the only reason Christians are kept upon the Earth by the Lord. We are the heralds of His kingdom and mercy, and we bring the Good News of His pardon and His coming. The nice book you should recommend is the Book which Christ Jesus Himself lived and taught.