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22932413 No.22932413 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf the Odyssey’s last act literally reads like a commentary on the exact situation modern day Europe is in. How did Homer know?

>> No.22932496

I hate niggers

>> No.22932509
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>entire poem is about the proper and improper rules of hospitality between a host and their guests
>/pol/tard thinks it's a manifesto against immigration

>> No.22932522

>"guests" that tried to cuck the host and steal his wealth from his progeny because they thought he was no longer around
Yep definitely no modern parallels there

>> No.22932547

To be fair I think most ancient Greeks would have been pretty angry about how immigrants act today in respect to the proper rules of being a guest in a foreign country.

>> No.22932565


This is what the jews copied when they wrote Exodus.

>> No.22932631

Xenos was understood as applying to people from like two towns over, max.

>> No.22932778

Those people were native citizens of Odysseus own kingdom
He abandoned them and then came back and killed them all for the audacity to think he died
In the lost book of the Odyssey he is made to pay for his slaughter of two different generations of Icathan men

>> No.22932804

It's a fair parallel, isn't it?

The native inhabitants of Europe will probably have to ensure that migrants meet a similar fate to the suitors, too.

>> No.22934029

No you retard. The suitors aren't foreigners, but the now adult children of nobles, contesting the legitimacy of a king who's been missing for almost 20 years.

>> No.22934060

>Europe invites innumerable immigrants to work the shit jobs cause yt boi can’t breed
>gets mad at them for working shit jobs and displaying behavior typical of chronic/generational poverty
My brother across the pond YOU baited them with the promise of a better life

>> No.22934065

Everyone is a foreigner in an individualist society

>> No.22934068

>is nonwhite
>is dumb
We don’t need immigrants in any sense

>> No.22934624

Europe isn't in the same situation because there is no Odysseus and Penelope is raising two niglets
Most native Europeans are just dying out lol
That was the governments and the economies didn't need it. However it is good because it leads to collapse

>> No.22934744

It is about returning to your “oikos” in literal terms and setting things right. Oikos in its proper sense meant lots of things including ethnic tribe. The suitors were all foreigners to Ithaca who treated the place like their dumping ground. I concede this and I am not usually one of the push far right talking points. Odysseus reclaiming his oikos literally has ethnic connotations to it.

>> No.22934753

>>entire poem is about the proper and improper rules of hospitality between a host and their guests

The poem is also not about being kind to everyone for no reason at all. If you remember the Phaicians were punished for helping Odysseus and after that moment where Poseidon turned their ship to stone they promised to never again help anyone who was wrecked on their shores without reason.

>> No.22934876

>(((YOU))) baited them

The average citizen was never asked and would've said no if they were

>> No.22934905

when will you retards get a fucking life

>> No.22934936

Need better b8 m8

>> No.22935728

They're literally guests in his house, anon.

>> No.22935757

Guests who live in the house and eat the food of a man who can’t contest their presence and who hasn’t set foot in his house for twenty years.

>> No.22936373
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Anon you spend your free time posting on the literature board of 4chan. You don’t have a life either.

>> No.22936456

A lot of predictions are not predictions but a sign that the world hasn't changed much. Nothing new under the sun. Ever.

>> No.22936471

You use an iphone, you will never be a real man.

>> No.22936491

all strangers and beggars come under the protection of zeus

>> No.22937042

>I concede this and I am not usually one of the push far right talking points.
Any right is always far right, any left is never far enough. That's the state of things.

>> No.22937056

As I remeber they slowly cut up the traitors, starting with genitals, noses and ears and moving on to limbs

>> No.22937058

>all strangers and beggars come under the protection of zeus
They also called strangers, regularly, barbarians.

>> No.22937062

They betrayed him, proper thing to do was to have made his son the king

>> No.22937070

Gangs of rapefugees are not strangers, you only have certain obligations to a steangers as well, when they overstep the boundries you have full right to kick them out or even kill them.

>> No.22937110



Telemachus, now to remember your coming of age.
Years your trust was open as the doors of your house
To the boisterous princes, all so phrasing your mother,
So cushioning the going of her feet with the glow of their eyes,
Who brought such trinkets, and hoisted the jugglers and the dancers
Onto the protesting trestles of your tables.

Your mother, white, a woe freezing a silence,
Parried long their impertinence with her shuttle,
And such after-banquet belching of adulation
Through your hoop and handball years. O Telemachus
Remember the day you saw the spears on the wall
And their great blades shook light at you like the sea.

If these memories move at all in your ghost
This last must open up a wound: recall that year
You sulked among the suitors — too big for their comfort
And yet too few for their fear. Your father’s honour
Was a sword in the scabbard of your body you could not draw,
What patience you had a slow bird quartering the seas.

But avenge yourself on recalling that. I would hear
How the father arrives out of the bottom of the world.
I would see one of the beggars that brawl on my porch
Reach hands to the bow hardly to be strung by man —
I would see these gluttons, guests by grace of their numbers,
Flung through the door with their bellies full of arrows.

— Ted Hughes

>> No.22937118

thanks, anon