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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 182 KB, 773x1000, itssuchathing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22932241 No.22932241 [Reply] [Original]

Beware Imitators!
Accept No Substitutes!
New and Improved!

Thread Theme:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_lNE2HYeI [Open] [Open]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_lNE2HYeI [Open] [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_lNE2HYeI [Open] [Open]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_lNE2HYeI [Open] [Open]


Meds For Atlas:
>>>/x/36800969 #
>>>/x/36791214 #
>>>/x/36789191 #

Bonus Round:
Submit your otherworldly, avant-garde, and experimental short stories for print in paperback:


>> No.22932248
File: 10 KB, 194x259, Woolston1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting because fuck the crabs

>> No.22932249

my wife loved that book. kiss my arse.

>> No.22932254

So did my wife's boyfriend!

>> No.22932261
File: 262 KB, 1200x1836, remembering_the_dead_and_other_stories (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife's son loved his other one

>> No.22932268

I miss my wife. ooh hoo hoo. we had another fight again this arvo. she said she lied about loving my writing, in fact it's shite she said, and you're a drunken pigface, she told me this arvo, piggy piggy piggy oink oink onk shit writer she told me this arvo and I said fuck you fuck you fuck you but I didn't mean it cuz I love my wife ooh hoo I miss her and fuck right off struth me arse needs a good kissing this arvo sitting on the park bench nursing a VB this arvo and I mean it.

>> No.22932274

Someone ought to gather together all the kiss my arse posts and publish them in some form of collection.

>> No.22932385

Can one of the discord goblins obsessed with this shit post some pics of Jason and the LAMP brigade? I want to laugh. Cheers.

>> No.22932446
File: 19 KB, 293x293, IMG_6344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the cuck RJC

>> No.22932471

i knew one of u would have the goods

>> No.22932486
File: 268 KB, 1170x875, redditfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve got an even better one for you

>> No.22932512

RJ looking pretty good here NGL
But less good here.

>> No.22932526
File: 500 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_6345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one I found on an acting portfolio hahaha author my ass

>> No.22932529

Who is this guy? He looks different in every picture.

>> No.22932537

>t. faceblind autist
I think it's someone that LAMP dudes hate.

>> No.22932540
File: 402 KB, 1002x1439, IMG_6346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's covered in tattoos too like a degenerate

>> No.22932552

Really nice eyes desu

>> No.22932561

blue eyes are just mutated brown eyes
makes sense since he's half kike

>> No.22932564

>blue eyes are bad actually

>> No.22932571


>> No.22932578

Who has pictures of Jason or Ryan? I'm getting sick of looking at this animorphic faggot.

>> No.22932582

isnt this jason?

>> No.22932584

it's RJC you face blind retard

>> No.22932592

here he is talking

>> No.22932597

I'm going to get tinnitus listening to this.

>> No.22932605

>>22631735, >>22068404, >>22642920 in the archive
He posted a selfie of his bloated ruddy countenance in the last &amp thread >>22928961 but there's also >>22913754 and >>22910320

>> No.22932630

>Nigga looks like an aspiring cult leader.
We really should have seen all this coming, eh?

>> No.22932634

Jason has some serious Earth Rocker vibes.

>> No.22932697

>all relatively flattering photos of RJC that can't be found through Google reverse image search and aren't available on any of his public social media accounts
>iPhone filenames are numerically close to the iPhone filenames of past images RJC has posted

99% sure these three were posted by RJC himself in an effort to get attention for himself and fuel his narcissism. Pathetic. You have a dead-eyed soulless stare and a negative canthal tilt, by the way.

>> No.22932712

I had to download them on my iPhone you tech illiterate faggot

>> No.22932718


>> No.22932719

If you're not RJC then link the public source where you found those photos

>> No.22932724


>> No.22932727


>> No.22932730
File: 214 KB, 1284x1453, IMG_6347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't. It IS RJC.

>> No.22932765
File: 768 KB, 659x982, RJC_BAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert, are you still working on music? hopefully

>> No.22932782


I have been fucking with guitars I bought. I have over 50 of them. When I'm done with that, I'll go back to making music.

I work with the ex-lead singer of the band Fulflej who were on MTV and signed by James Iha from The Smashing Pumpkins' label in the 90s. I might do something with him.

Here's the newest thing I've done: https://robertjcross.bandcamp.com/album/the-old-masters just remasters of instrumentals I've made from 2006 to 2021.

>> No.22932787
File: 780 KB, 1170x754, suspicious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last photos posted on Discord by RJC are from roughly a week ago, have iPhone default filenames numbered 6300 and 6301
>iPhones create default filenames for all photos taken or saved to the device using sequential numerical order
>a week later someone posts photos of RJC with filenames that are slightly higher in the 6300s

Seriously doubt that this is a coincidence. If anyone here is a tech illiterate faggot it's you, considering that you LARPed as one of your haters and faceposted for attention without even having the common sense to pick publicly available photos or change the filenames and cover your tracks.

>> No.22932818
File: 328 KB, 960x1351, benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be writing cinematic scores, man. not books.
these /lit/ citizens didn't know who they were fucking with
good luck, Robert

>> No.22932823

Forgot to add that >>22922333 from the last thread [IMG_6338] is even more damning evidence. Samefagging and self-doxxing for clout on /lit/ is just embarrassing. What a narcissistic faggot.

>> No.22932832
File: 54 KB, 480x640, jasonfromlamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Jason who is probably the one making 50% of these posts attacking RJC (Robert). Jason is a schizophrenic loser and the reason why LAMP is a failure. RJC has his own books and is doing well in comparison.

>> No.22932840

Alright, now I believe you. That's some next level attention whoring.

>> No.22932846


Why are you so fixated on me? Do you want a signed copy of Shards or something? Email me your address and $29.99 plus shipping to my Venmo and I'll send one your way.


I appreciate that. I would love to score a film or video game but I just don't know where to start. Maybe I'll go get a PhD in Music or something hah

Also, Behead All Satans is a classic. One of the best experimental texts and one of my inspirations for a lot of my writing. Up there with Arno Schmidt and Tom Phillips.

>> No.22932850


Ryan, Jason, and I should do a podcast or something. Maybe include Gardner and whoever else if they're down. Like a roundtable discussion on the infestation of crabs on /lit/

I love Jason. Haven't read any of his books but he seems like a cool cat. Much cooler than you or any of your crabby friends.

>> No.22932851

He's so fucking ugly and fat. LMAO. Does anyone have a pic of Ryan?

>> No.22932857

dysgenic looking and serious pedo vibes. no wonder they can't write anything of worth...

>> No.22932873


lol, I don't know who my birth father is but my mother's family was good Irish and French Canadian stock. My 100% Irish grandfather was an actor in the 50s and 60s who often played the lead or something close to it so to say I look inbred is pretty fucking stupid. I come from some of the most desirable human beings on the planet. Cope and seethe some more.

>> No.22932880

Hi Atlas, you piece of garbage.

>> No.22933031

Good idea, I'm down!

Everyone knows that people impersonate others on here to instigate drama. The crabs are employing new tactics at all times to demoralize /lit/ writers, it is fun to watch!

>> No.22933036


Hit me up: crossrobertj@icloud.com

>> No.22933041
File: 1.48 MB, 2336x3504, shitty1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I became a father I was knee-deep in pussy, so much so that I wrote my 1st book about getting too much pussy and being depressed that no relationships ever panned out because there was so much endless pussy.

A big part of that, I discovered after having kids, is the anti-natalist culture I grew up in.

>> No.22933075
File: 99 KB, 540x720, IMG_6349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel ya. Youth is wasted on these incels who crab up this board. Writing, reading, performing, etc. is a chad activity.

>> No.22933087

These threads always seem to find a new low. It's actually impressive how much we've degraded over 2023.

>> No.22933119 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 1423x2015, IMG_6351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ew. Go incel up another board like /rk9/ or the hentai board or something. Men are at work here. Thanks.

>> No.22933178

We're putting together a team.

>> No.22933225

Lol it's so trve.
This guy looks like Ted Bundy or something. He will kill the moment he gets the chance.

>> No.22933229

deep fried tranny propaganda without a wise word in print. it's all about the """aesthetic"""

>> No.22933241

No one has even spoken about the issue once in t his thread...

>> No.22933266

&amp brings people together unlike any other thread.

>> No.22933272

the last issue was 8 months ago and it was a dumpster fire so....

>> No.22933316
File: 156 KB, 1200x1600, 1000021536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay faces of &amp thread lets go!!

>> No.22933320

we get it. you're all gay.

>> No.22933324

it's just a picture of me, man. being this hostile is your problem not mine

anyway bet you can't guess which &amp submission was mine

>> No.22933366

you're meant to say who it is

>> No.22933401

No, we're not doing this again. Last thread it was already clear there was zero discussion of the new issue. 019 has had its discussion, and now the troll(s) will just copy-paste the threads over and over. Only fake drama, which is now wholly shifted to RJC, though not about his pieces in &amp or anything substantial about his book. Add some “Jason”-schizoing in the mix, and bam! we have a totally unpalatable thread.

>> No.22933410

>Last thread it was already clear there was zero discussion of the new issue.
maybe if there was anything worth reading and discussing in it we wouldn't have this issue

>> No.22933414

You're fueling on this edrama while being an amp-drama newfag too?

>> No.22933430

&amp issue releases have always been content with one thread more or less up to the limit, but after that ppl have said about all they have to say, and that's enough for that issue. With 019 this was the case with the original thread (two threads ago). But, then, you knew this, didn'tcha? ;)

>> No.22933524

he looks ellen degeneres but somehow gayer

>> No.22933527

>just don't know where to start. Maybe I'll go get a PhD in Music
you're a fucking tool and there's no point talking to you

>> No.22933528

cute twink

>> No.22933530

>But, then, you knew this, didn'tcha? ;)
I only come here once every few months to shit post and mock people.

>> No.22933545


>> No.22933676

The most laughable fact is how these same three bozos think twirling their balls around in a thread with 10 people will somehow translate to real fame 'one day'.
Total fucking losers with no foresight. No brains, period. It's the epitome of ngmi.

>> No.22933765




>> No.22933771

This again. And if it wasn't bad enough I have to stare at Gardner's ugly post-wall hrt mug now too (ad)

>> No.22933943
File: 111 KB, 713x828, IMG_5037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmm curious.

>> No.22934005

it's a picture of myself. I have been published in
&amp twice

>> No.22934017


>> No.22934024

Interesting look without the beard; more androgynous.

>> No.22934035
File: 215 KB, 1311x1311, IMG_6353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll take that as a compliment.

>> No.22934140

Oh boy, let me go grab all my &amps and carefully analyze each submission to see which ones (if any!) seem like they might have been written by a generic 20-something white guy. Maybe after that I'll go get my bros together to hit the forest and play "Guess Which Stick I Moved."

>> No.22934255

har de har har I just wanted you to see what I look like! why not post a picture of yourself?

>> No.22934300


I just find these photos really sad. It's just RJC going from phase to phase, looking for some lifestyle that'll make people look at him and celebrate him because he's hurting and empty and can't celebrate himself.

Now he's an "author", before he was an "actor" and before that a "musician". Never just himself, and failing, always failing.

trauma will do that to you.

I love you RJC. For you.

>> No.22934312

jesus christ it's so boilerplate that if you wrote it as a character he'd be considered 2D

>> No.22934461

This will surely save &amp.

>> No.22934488


>> No.22934780

3000 words written yesterday, inching closer and closer to 3rd book released.

>> No.22934791

how's kindle direct working out for you?

>> No.22934829
File: 165 KB, 2335x1738, giveup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make less writing in a year than a single full shift at a McDonald's, but I suspect being banned from all social media and GoodReads has a lot to do with that.

>> No.22934841

nah, it's more likely that you suck shit

>> No.22934853

Thus Spoke Jason Bryan.

>> No.22934864

Ah yes, because I can point out 3 other outspoken Canadian writers who talk about how fucked up Canada has become...
Like everything else in Canada, our entire arts and culture is completely astroturfed, fake, and gay

>> No.22934882


>Ah yes, because I can point out 3 other outspoken Canadian writers who talk about how fucked up Canada has become
I think The Toronto Sun and National Post have already saturated that topic space, which is better suited to a periodical anyways.

>> No.22934890


>> No.22934915

post Unrealies

>> No.22934975

>I think The Toronto Sun and National Post have already saturated that topic space, which is better suited to a periodical anyways.
Okay, this is going to come across extremely narcissistic, but I don't give a fuck:

1. Why do we play professional athletes 8+ figures a year to play a child's game?

The other day I noticed some Toronto Maple Leaf player got an $84 million dollar contract to slap a rubber puck into a net. I started asking myself, wouldn't most people see that person as being extremely valuable, but for what? For low brow, physical entertainment? How does this person earn millions of dollars doing this?

Meanwhile, we have real problems in society, many of them. Birth rates plummeting, housing crisis, hospital crisis, drug crisis, and a near total lack of leadership and innovative minds to fix it. Naturally, being the insane masochist I am, I spent a lot of time I shouldn't been writing or finding a part-time job meditating on these ideas and what it would take to fix anything. Well, you'd essentially need a National Solutions League, or the NSL, which would keep a scoreboard for positive contributions to society, like how many people you've married, how many children you've had, how many people you've helped off the street, how much housing you've built without making any profit, how many unique innovations you've provided to Canada. Then the country could come up with ways to fund it similar to the budgets of the NHL, but instead of people rising up and making $84+ million on some contract to play a sport, they'd bid on and win bigger and bigger contracts to solve issues.

For example, if we really had visionaries to lead society in a better direction, it would not be difficult to supply pod-type housing that would give people a very basic, heated and cooled living space. The reason why the NSL could not exist is because of the need to profit and keep society in a financial prison. The goal is, was, and never will be to lower costs for goods, make living easier, or to innovate to "make things better", but the goal instead has been to consolidate capital with the aid of government. The government doesn't want capital spread out among the people, it wants more of a oligarch system where the people work for the government and corporations. It's working, too.

Problems are not meant to be solved, but maintained, to the benefit of everyone who thinks inside-the-box. Imagine if you just focused in the last 10 years in buying up as much property and AirBNBs you could've, instead of writing or working on anything else. You'd have ridden a wave of immigration and money printing to riches! The wealthiest people I've met have like 50+ properties on AirBNB and are now fabulously rich.

Much is similar in the publishing world, as if you think inside-the-box you could probably come up with a pen identity and write the next POC queer love story and sell your book's film rights. Outside-the-box thinking may not get you very far.

>> No.22935003

is this RJC?

>> No.22935008

dunno, didnt read

>> No.22935050
File: 230 KB, 900x1200, domes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who has driven around B.C. is aware that we have a ton of space literally fucking everywhere.

It would not take much to setup little communities of pods with hot showers, bathrooms, and a community outdoor kitchen. The "housing crisis" could be solved in a couple of ways, but the housing crisis is 100% intended to keep the status quo going. This is what has people like me sitting on the sidelines of society scratching our heads that other people can't see it. Or they refuse? I'm not sure, but clearly, many "problems" in society are called problems, but they're actually intended to keep the whole show going as promised, so everyone is keen to work their 9-5 job, watch sportsball, eat slop and repeat for 40+ years without questioning anything.

Then any of us looking at society with an out-of-box mindset are looked at like the complete schizos we are, because certain patterns and beliefs in 2024 western nations are completely and totally verboten, even if they ARE recognizing patterns and seeing the correct way of the world.

I suppose this is why I write, because it is the one things only slightly less useless than meditating on why none of the problems in modern life are meant to be fixed.

>> No.22935118

>1. Why do we play professional athletes 8+ figures a year to play a child's game?
What a meme talking point. Uttered by an absolute faggot. Because it's lucrative and entertaining you dickhead. There's a whole industry of advertising under it. Teams have the money and the desire to win and go bigger. It's not some evil government twiddling their thumbs laughing as LE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS get paid less or whatever the fuck you think. If no one cared, they wouldn't be paid 8+ figures. But millions of people do, so they are. You think you're Einstein or something with that faggot comment? Good god man. Reddit might be more your speed.

>> No.22935140

>Because it's lucrative and entertaining you dickhead.
Professional sports are just about the pinnacle of "the system" you absolute fucking buffoon.


Take some time to read through all of the "Actions" they intend to take! They've already done all of this to publishing to make Canadian literature the safest, fakest, and gayest of all art forms, and, very soon, Hockey is going to be much of the same. Just another astroturfed game of millionaires to keep people in line.

>> No.22935167

You walnut brains have huffed too many of your own farts and it's led to early-onset senility. Just because you puked a scum of molten dogshit onto KDP doesn't make you an author or a pro writer. Likewise, earning the disgust of a dozen people on a dead board doesn't equate to fame.
Don't get it twisted--nothing you say has any kind of profundity or wit, it's just cliche heaped upon cliche and delivered in the most banal, whitebread, flavorless way possible.
And reaching for a litany of excuses every time you're called out. Above and beyond your lack of skill in writing you repeatedly display a lack of maturity in general, which is ironic given your advancing age.
As you both spiral into a final end of mediocrity it might occur to you in a sudden flash that you wasted your time, but more likely you'll go the same way you came--unaware, drunk on delusion, and thinking anyone gave a shit.

>> No.22935174
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, crabspray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still going to keep writing

>> No.22935584

kiss my arse and I mean it

>> No.22935994

>Meanwhile, we have real problems in society, many of them. Birth rates plummeting, housing crisis, hospital crisis, drug crisis, and a near total lack of leadership and innovative minds to fix it.
Whenever you see the word "crisis" you should bear in mind that it's a solvable problem, artificially created.
The housing "crisis" is due to massive immigration that the federal government knew would lead to housing shortages years ago. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ircc-immigration-housing-canada-1.7080376?cmp=rss
The hospital "crisis," same thing. Massive immigration with no increases in spending on services.
The drug "crisis." We knew what would happen when BC legalized drugs, because the outcomes were already apparent in Portland. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2023/07/oregon-drug-decriminalization-results-overdoses/674733/
We know what policies reverse the mass use of hard drugs because countries like the UAE and Singapore have successfully implemented them.
You seem to think of these issues as organically manifesting, while a look at policy changes over time (e.g. bail reform) created these issues intentionally in the first place, and the solutions are found plain as day in other countries.
The only way out is to make enough money to pay for private healthcare, buy your own home, and live in areas that don't have tent cities due to a lack of resources for junkies. Alternatively, have the means to leave the country. Writing about it won't change anything. All these issues have already been talked to death and you should focus on saving yourself and your loved ones.

>> No.22936058

niggaz mad

>> No.22936064


>> No.22936066

>Whenever you see the word "crisis" you should bear in mind that it's a solvable problem, artificially created.
Well, yes, now that it is totally apparent and I've already alienated myself to 99% of the population by screaming "the suffering is intended", now I understand that there is no use fighting "the system" when it already has complete and total control.

Even asking why sportsball dorks make such insane money playing a sport while the real problems of society have zero chance of being solved, how there are no actual real "benevolent billionaires" or even anyone with real power for that matter. We're in a "Universe 25" scenario where pointing out anything that is possibly bad or untrue is the worst option, COVID showed us just how foolish it is to resist the grand plan and how you will be crushed like a bug if you get in the way.

I don't find fault in people who stuck to their convictions and ended up paying the ultimate price for standing up in the world full of hammers, there have been far braver people who have been disappeared for simply connecting the dots with their powers of autism and schizophrenia. I do find fault in others who haven't discussed the real issue we face in 2024:
>where do we go from here?

Essentially, they know, that we know, that they know that we know, so anytime you interact with this society, you have to act and think inside-the-box, because the areas outside-the-box are shrinking faster and faster.

What is the conscientious objector to do in 2024?

>> No.22936067

jason your books dont sell because they suck and barely constitute writing, it's not due to a conspiracy

>> No.22936090

>he never read them

>> No.22936101

No need to give you money, I can tell how bad your writing is from your posts.

>> No.22936106
File: 801 KB, 2688x1520, megabot4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the conscientious objector to do in 2024?
Since people across the political spectrum believe that the goverment will solve the problems created by the government, there's really no clear path out. The social contract hasn't just been broken, it's been crumpled up, pissed on, and thrown back in our faces with equal parts contempt and malice. The BC NDP will not allow people to lead the party if they are white males and nobody even bats an eye anymore. Merit in governance is dead. https://globalnews.ca/news/7346608/bc-ndp-election-hopeful-calling-on-party-to-apply-gender-mandate-block-nathan-cullen-from-consideration/
>The BC NDP’s own rules state that when a self-identifying white male MLA over the age of 40 does not run again then the next candidate for the party must be from an equity-seeking group.
Immanuel Kant is spinning in his grave.
We're collectively asking the terrorists who stormed the cockpit to land the plane safely.The fact that we've allowed things to go this far as a society calls into question our willingness and ability to course correct.
And since we're posting "faces of /lit/" here:

>> No.22936111

His worthless books are free on Libgen anyway.

>> No.22936114

I'm good.

>> No.22936120
File: 230 KB, 1024x1024, crabz7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22936121

the fact you post shitty AI pictures instead of coming up with something original to say just proves his point

>> No.22936199

>The BC NDP will not allow people to lead the party if they are white males and nobody even bats an eye anymore.
I remember this!


Nobody batted an eye is right. For some reason, everyone in that room was convinced they were doing the right thing.

>We're collectively asking the terrorists who stormed the cockpit to land the plane safely.
It does feel some days that our entire society went through a polite "mid air pilot swap" and then they started handing out the poisoned roast peanuts. The levels of destitution I've seen all over B.C. are only eclipsed by the luxury towers, the near-constant evocation of the D.I.E. dogma and the astroturfing of nearly all social movements and entertainment.

>The fact that we've allowed things to go this far as a society calls into question our willingness and ability to course correct.
We are immersed inside of the never-ending Hegelian Dialect, problem-reaction-solution, playing out in the inside-the-box form of theatre roles we need to play in 2024. Once you can no longer believe in the series of Crisis potemkin villages, you have to begin to wonder, who is really in charge?*

*The people in charge being a network distributed super-intelligence of global capitalists, intelligence agencies, and monarch wealth that work together in consensus with the ultimate goal being control over the entire planet

>And since we're posting "faces of /lit/" here:
The information addiction is a bitch, ain't it?!

>> No.22936207

The shallowness of my reply speaks nothing on the depth of my character. Imagine replying to someone who just walked up to you in public and said your shit sucks when you know they haven't read any of it. Imagine even caring what their opinion is. In fact, I'm going to add this little snapshot of hate to my narcissism wall of the eternal solipsist, and enjoy it.

>> No.22936213

terrible shit. go back to the AI, I've changed my mind

>> No.22936228

Bruh I'm still riding high that my minivan started on the second click in -20 weather today and I drove it to the store

Just regret that I did not purchase a 26, and instead just bought boring food

Thirsty Thursday

>> No.22936238

>the near-constant evocation of the D.I.E. dogma and the astroturfing of nearly all social movements and entertainment.
People divided by identity are compelled to fight with each other for power instead of unitying against tyranny. Aristotle was pretty clear on this.
>*The people in charge being a network distributed super-intelligence of global capitalists, intelligence agencies, and monarch wealth that work together in consensus with the ultimate goal being control over the entire planet
It makes the most sense that people will only accept an erosion of their rights and independence if it's to solve a "crisis," e.g. the Patriot Act, so it's plausible that this is imposed economic and societal hardship where the "solution" will be further globalization via the unification of Canada, the USA and Mexico a la the EU. Nobody will stop it. They'll suffer a synthetic regression and then clap like seals once the people who did this to them promise to fix it with just at the cost of just a few liberties.
>The information addiction is a bitch, ain't it?!
We've always seen eye to eye politically.

>> No.22936273

As someone who's known Jason a very long time, I can tell you that throwing insults at him is expected and ultimately pointless. You're pissing in the wind.

>> No.22936287

>As someone who's known Jason a very long time, I can tell you that throwing insults at him is expected and ultimately pointless. You're pissing in the wind.
Remember when Segal used to punch noobies outside of the wall in Qeynos, knock them down to -x hitpoints, then berate them about being in Segal's town? Those erudites would show up, fresh off the boat, thinking they're about to move in and setup shop. Nuh-uh, not in Segal's 'hood! The best part was lipping them off while they had to just lie there and listen while regenerating hps. Then as soon as they were conscious again, they'd stand up and immediately get punched down again.

>> No.22936297

Erudite refugees, fueled by their lust for the fair women of Qeynos, were not welcome. Most never made it past the docks. It's best they stayed in Odus until their asylum claims were processed (I threw them out).

>> No.22936305

>Nobody will stop it.
The toughest and most brutal redpill to swallow is that even if everyone knew that everything is bullshit, nobody is going to be that person to say anything because the best case scenario is that the system labels you insane and completely destroys your life and the worst case scenario is that you end up mysteriously missing, charged with some crime, or you have an accident, or you kill yourself.

Sooooo... how about them Canucks?! #1 in the league! Reilly must be stoked!

>> No.22936319
File: 130 KB, 777x777, erudited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Erudite refugees, fueled by their lust for the fair women of Qeynos, were not welcome.
The times sure have changed.

>> No.22936326

I booked a meeting with my corporate diversity officer that our "diversity scholarship" is unethical as it denies poor students educational opportunites based on their race and gender (see: categorical imperative as an ethical standard, which is THE standard taught in business schools throughout western civilization). It took me an HOUR to convince her why doing so is fundamentally wrong. She then agreed with me and said she would raise it up to the powers that be. This was two years ago, the scholarship still exists to this day. You can tell the average person that a racially discriminatory policy is in place to fight racial discrimination and they will not question it. I'm not sure if it's fear or programmed cognitive dissonance but I've given up on believing in the capablility of reason amongst the common folk.
When someone in a leadership position doesn't understand why telling a poor student they can't have scholarship money because of their skin color is WRONG, things have gone too far.

>> No.22936328

Doing them a favor, really. Imagine they made it to Oasis, where the foul-mouthed Rosealia would great them with a spectre train at the zone border. Simpler times.

>> No.22936390

I dont expect to erradicate a cockroach infestation with my boot but I will still stamp one when I see one.

>> No.22936394

how are you gonna shit on Jason when you can't even spell?

>> No.22936399
File: 57 KB, 800x450, Youll-Just-Get-More-Upset-Than-Him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to win is to not play.

>> No.22936451 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 238x209, caiman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was ahead of the curve on decolonizing the Oasis. It does amuse me that the sand giants have the same look as most delivery drivers in Kelowna.

>I'm not sure if it's fear or programmed cognitive dissonance but I've given up on believing in the capablility of reason amongst the common folk.
Over time, but especially lately, there has been a tightening of "the line" of skepticism you can cross, where in 2024 if you reveal yourself to be the type to be "just asking questions", most people immediately assume you're fully on board with flat earth, jewish space lasers, and reptilians masquerading as people. Now this, of course, is to keep good people in line, because, in general, the people you'd encounter on places online like Facebook who openly discuss these issues are meth using bicycle thieves or blue collar worker types, the type of dude who will unironically roll coal and is missing a tooth from fighting at their local beer league hockey team. Hardly anyone actually stylish or bohemian will admit to non-standard ideas, because to do so is putting a hole in your own boat in nearly every industry worth anything.

>You can tell the average person that a racially discriminatory policy is in place to fight racial discrimination and they will not question it.
I find myself switching tactics, reaching people when you yourself are on a non-normie level of frequency is an uphill fight on the side of Everest during a hurricane- they're just going to think you're a total schizo.

"none but ourselves can free our mind"

Unironically, the only thing left to do is ironically cheer on the machine from inside-the-box.

>> No.22936462

This will surely save &amp.

>> No.22936464
File: 180 KB, 1024x1024, homeless-vomit6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you shouldn't have ate so many

>> No.22936470
File: 250 KB, 1024x1024, hulkhogan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

&amp threads are the best hangout on the internet, bar none

>> No.22936478

I work in an industry built exclusively, entirely by people like me, that is now being told there are too many people like me working in it. It's like saying too many Sumo wrestlers are Japanese.
I'll likely leave Canada for saner shores once I reach my pensionable years of service. I count myself blessed that I have that option.
Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.22936561


>> No.22936770
File: 379 KB, 924x516, bss3xp5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too many people like me working in it. It's like saying too many Sumo wrestlers are Japanese.
And nobody is going to stop it. I feel like at this point, we can only laugh!

>> No.22936774

(and keep writing.)

>> No.22936810

Imagine how fast Clan STAB would be banned nowadays. I doubt Ten Niggers and the Chink Corpse Factory would fly under the radar of Valve Inc's terms of service.

>> No.22936813

This isn’t even an official amp thread. It was literally made by a fan.

>> No.22936816

Who the fuck even started this thing? All I remember was some dude obsessed with vaporwave.

>> No.22936823


>> No.22936827

I like to think that, somewhere out in the world, there are ten niggers huddled around an old PC still playing Counter-Strike together, sharing malt liquor, fried chicken, and talking about how much fun they had gunning down the VIP on Oilrig using the Mac-10

In Mordhau, the one game I do occasionally play, I'm perma-banned from chat for saying that BLM was staged bullshit and George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. Ah well.

Wish I still had copies of some of the multi-paragraph long extreme disses of Mythos and Jariax. Today, you couldn't even get away with 1/10th the speech from the modem / early internet days. Early YouTube had 9/11 questioning videos on the front page, now it is all Mr Beast and Skibidi toilet.

He's a great man, that R.H., most real bro of 1:30 AM barposting.

>> No.22936830

I am working on something for &amp 20, going to try real hard to write something from the heart and soul.

>> No.22936833

Atlas hasn’t posted since 19

>> No.22936839

Let's hope all the parties involved can drop their beefs and work together to keep churning out &amps. /lit/ could use something to rally behind, given that this little tiny corner of the internet does attract some very interesting minds. I definitely want to contribute, and after my fucked 2023, I finally feel ready to do so.

>> No.22937308

Same, except for the anthology, drops. I think 5 weeks should be enough time. I don't know if I have anything for 020. Priorities, you know.

>> No.22937420

That's because Ari had her arrested. She's in jail now.

>> No.22937936

Where is she? Prison Planet?

>> No.22938123

Damn... sounds like a bit of a pickle

>> No.22938809


>> No.22938833


>> No.22939904

This issue has some of the most god-awful crazy formatting ever. Congrats, you made Atlas appear sane by comparison.

>> No.22941005

remember freemantle while you kiss my arse

>> No.22941264

Fuck you

>> No.22942225

Based ad desu

>> No.22942271

never cared to read anything from this two-bit unrealtranny and never will
I already know it will be intolerable dogshit

>> No.22942323
File: 93 KB, 683x1024, 1703350304104802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit harsh

>> No.22942415

Don't worry brother, I got Savage Green on my shelf now.

>> No.22942715

Wrong. Zulu and Labuschagne can write at least some of the time. Don't write them off. Most /lit/ writers can throw together decent stuff despite some bad pieces to their name. Except for Woolston for some reason.

>> No.22942722

LA Lasagne cant write at all so now I know for sure to avoid it. These people are rank amateurs posing as real writers.

>> No.22942746

How is LA bad? I'm curious what your thoughts are.

>> No.22942819

Trash empty stories that aren't even well written. It belongs on fanfic dot net. If you can't see why he is a talentless hack you are beyond saving.

>> No.22942851

>belongs on fanfic dot net.
Apt analysis considering that he started as an MLP fanfic writer.

>> No.22942866

His is the same problem any of these attention starved wannabe writers have, which is that they don't excel at anything in particular and it's uninteresting to read. The prose is dull, characters nonexistent, no interesting angle, nothing new to say and all said in a boring cliched way. Or even worse, they do a bad impression of an extant writer like Simon Rich or DFW. They trade their sad little attempts at fiction among themselves in the jerk-off tent of their discord server and believe they've cracked the code because they didn't make a grammatical error or typo. But that's just the beginning of writing, not the end. This shit is hard work and requires raw talent, and above all a clear analytical mind that is honest with itself. You could almost say it's a personality problem that it comes down to. It sucks, I know, that some of you, most of you, will never figure out how to engage a reader--but that's just how it is. My suggestion for the majority of the Unreal tribe is to simply find a new hobby, because life is short and you'll be infinitely happier doing something you have a natural affinity for. There's really no reason for anyone to try to be a writer--it's a slog, and it always has been--and the romanticization of it as a profession has been the biggest tragedy for literature.

>> No.22942935

Does anyone know how to write today?

>> No.22942954

The last interesting thing to happen for me personally was the early 2010s shot-lived fad in weird horror, which back then had its flashes of genius buried in the pulp; but even that nowadays is overrun with the same tired amateuristic writing of people who haven't written enough yet. Land's attempts at fiction are surprisingly fresh and feel like reading Lovecraft for the first time.

>> No.22942974

do you host that web on your smart LG fridge?

>> No.22943072

>crabposting this hard

>> No.22943075

No, it’s a coffee maker.

>> No.22943090
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1181729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain why you don't like a particular piece of Labuschagne's work?

>> No.22943098

It'll never be enough for you to accept it, so let's just agree to disagree

>> No.22943105

I think it would be productive to name one of his works that you've read.

>> No.22943110

Adem Luz and Gavilovski are probably the two best if we're ranking them.

>> No.22943112

Gavilovski, yes. I never got people's fixation with Adem Luz. Maybe it's because he never stopped running his ads idk.

>> No.22943116

I think it would be productive if you kissed my arse this arvo

>> No.22943621
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, What is the litrenaissance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22943692

hartleys shitty overpriced book will never gain the status of mnm-dr keep coping with your clique though

>> No.22943705

mnm dr is IN the clique tho lmao. He's a discord tranny. Keep crabbing broski

>> No.22943710

not a single person on this board will ever read your gay chicken book druggie

>> No.22943721

It's not even clear what your point is. You just posted an poorly made MS Paint infographic with a bunch of literally who books on it. Is this somehow meant to contradict my opinion on their writing? If so, you failed.

>> No.22943735

Is there a pdf out for Call of Wells Fargo? I'm not sending him my feet.

>> No.22943826

Amazon KDP has a minimum listing price. They take 40% of the listing price and also subtract printing costs, which is more than you might think. Only a fraction of that price is royalty.

>> No.22943834

My apologies, I should have been clearer in what I was trying to convey. Even if Chicken Shit or whatever was free, I still wouldn't be interested in reading it.

>> No.22943839
File: 176 KB, 1024x1024, crabz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to love the comment shitting on the book on purpose.

>> No.22943928

Fuck off Ari

>> No.22944852

This is such a strange thread. Link to a pdf with quite a nice story in it, and a whole thread of some anon who didn't even write the story but you have his photo.

Genuinely illiterate social movement

>> No.22945331

kiss my arse and I mean it

>> No.22945499

>you have his photo
He's posting his own photo for attention

>> No.22945581
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a simplified and accurate version of your shitty chart

>> No.22945609

Acksually the consensus is that Tales 2 is stronger than Tales 1 at the story level

>> No.22945623

Tales I just seems more of a foundational text. It was more widely read and reviewed and more influential.

>> No.22945651
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, schizo renaissance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22945688


>> No.22945941

>I wish that were me

>> No.22946128

Pretty much this. There's BAS and then a bunch of dogshit not worth reading by authors desperately trying to tie themselves to MNM-DR-s legacy. Try having some fucking self-respect.

>> No.22946130

>Why are you so fixated on me?
Just for the sake of pointing this out. A reaction like this when you've been accused of samefagging pictures of yourself for attention is a HUGE giveaway of narcissism. It's completely textbook, in fact; shame and attack your accusers, don't acknowledge their accusations.

Narcissist. Narcissist. Narcissist.

>> No.22946134

you dont need to go to great lengths to prove his narcissism.
>$29.99 plus shipping
There, done.

>> No.22946145

I already bought the Shards. It cost $9.99 and it was written by Bret Easton Ellis.
Now fuck off you unfunny, untalented, prick dickhead from Planet Faggot.

>> No.22946155


I didn't set the price, dumbshit. It's full color. Go read a Dover Classic and shut the fuck up.

>> No.22946162

hint: literature is formed with words. Try writing instead of making a picture book, illiterate.

>> No.22946187

>Narcissist. Narcissist. Narcissist.
Next to impossible to be an artist without some narcissism

>> No.22946191

no ones paying upwards of forty bucks for your jejune dumpsterfire scribblings, captain gaybeard
you need to come to terms with that already

>> No.22946500

When the greatest selling point of your novel is that it's printed in color, you must know you've made a grave error somewhere...

>> No.22946580

I bought Shards and although it is overpriced, it’s a pretty impressive demonstration of what one or two amateurs can do with some online tools. The book itself is designed very cleanly, and the storytelling is both abstract and engaging. It’s a solid effort, and although it doesn’t break any significant literary ground, it’s a cool testament to the outsider spirit that exists among /lit/‘s resident content creators.

>> No.22946586

>outsider spirit
Obvious shill and probably Cross himself. Clam it.

>> No.22946633

I’m not involved with the book at all, other than having bought it. I would say its worst drawback is that it’s expensive, otherwise, it could be a lot worse.

>> No.22946759


I appreciate you. I also appreciate you pointing out I didn't break any significant literary ground. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't trying to. Some of the "Shards" I was fucking with form in a way I felt like hadn't seen before. Thanks for the $3 (after Amazon and my publisher took their cut). haha

>> No.22946765

I appreciate you.
I would lie if I said I didn’t try to break ground. Too bad Hartley stole my thunder.

>> No.22946778

>my publisher
you mean the crackhead who uploaded your pdf file to amazon took 90% of the profit?
what a great guy!

>> No.22946787

>designed very cleanly?
Can you elaborate? With your comment and what was said before about colour printing I'm curious about what the actual innards look like. Is there something interesting going on, or do you just mean the formatting was decent?

>> No.22946809


We agreed on 50% and I agreed to that so he could grow the brand because I believe in the vision and the renaissance. He's doing that so my money is well spent. He's been super transparent about sales figures and the money coming in. You can try to crab it up all you want. Lol

>> No.22946818

if he's getting 50% why does he only get $3 a book you scuz bucket

>> No.22946820

Also the only way in which you resemble a publisher is that you do a bunch of blow.
In all other respects you do not provide any kind of service but blowing smoke up his ass.
50%. What a sick joke!

>> No.22946886


Because you get 35% of list price and since the paperback is $16.99 x 0.35 is $5.95 and we split it in half. Duh

>> No.22946893

great job, "publisher"
way to bring home the bacon

>> No.22946935


He's doing a better job than I would be and I get to be a part of an imprint. I don't see how he isn't a publisher. You can sit here and compare him to Penguin and Double Day and S&S all you want but I certainly don't give a rat's ass. You're only making yourself look bitter about having not written a book or released anything. And if you have done something of worth then you're even more pathetic for trying to smear other writers. Lowest of pond scum.

>> No.22946962

I don't see you as a writer and I especially don't see this pdf uploader who's scamming you as a publisher

>> No.22947108

>He's doing a better job than I would be
Do you realize how weak that excuse is? The fact that you’re too stupid and incompetent to know how to decently format a book and upload it to KPD should be a source of embarrassment for you.

>> No.22947157
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, crabz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22947163

earns $3 from $30 book btw lmfao
Dumber than a stack of shit

>> No.22947294


The $40 hardcover nets $14. So $7 and $7 for me and Ryan. The $17 paperback nets $6. So $3 and $3 for me and Ryan.

Basic math really.

>> No.22947355


I just don't have the patience or time for it currently. Don't know how many times I have to say it.

I have a project in the works (planning stages) to expand the &amp and LSP brand beyond this board and beyond 4chan. Making it the premium luxury publication and publishing house for both anonymous writers and contemporary/established doxxed writers of poetry, prose, and nonfiction texts.

You can continue to shit on Hartley, and me, and Gardner, and whomever. Can't stop the momentum though!

>> No.22947389

you cant even sell one book and you're making grand scemes to build a publishing house
reality check much?

>> No.22947447

>Don't have the time or patience to format a book.
>Do have the time and infinite worldy zen patience to respond to the "crabs"
Have fun with the "planning stages" (plural) of your book formatting business, or publishing house as you call it, now that you've mastered 4chan marketing.

>> No.22947463

don't worry he's got a project in the works
he's almost a real writer now!
think of all the $3 he'll make

>> No.22947539

>anon never follows up
Do you have to sign an NDA when you buy this book or what?

>> No.22947544

wouldnt be surprised if it was crackhead running cover and he couldn't elaborate because he never read the shiting thing lmao

>> No.22947582
File: 172 KB, 402x438, whatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at the Shards Amazon page
>hardcover is 6 x 9 inches
>paperback is 4.25 x 6.87 inches
>both are 215 pages
Does this mean the hardcover version wasn't re-edited at all? Is the font fuckhueg to compensate for the size? Are the margins are massive? Is there a stack of blank pages at the end? What's the deal?
>Kindle version still not fixed

>> No.22947600

If you're writing for money, you're in it for the wrong reasons.

>> No.22947620
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, fuckthecrabz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22947635

being a professional means doing things and getting paid for it
you're admitting that you're an amateur (aka not a real writer)

>> No.22947647
File: 1.70 MB, 1588x1331, winners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a country that is occupied by a hostile force that openly works to reduce my influence and quality of life.

>> No.22947650

amazon is international and you are a talentless roach
I shit on all of you all day every day, it's so fun

>> No.22947671
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

International ZOG has me banned on all social media. If I want to be a writer, I need to invent a transgender identity as Jasmine Bryan and re-design my books to get back on social media.

Without social media, how will you reach any readers?

I'm going to try to get back on GoodReads by deleting my old account and signing up again, not sure if that will work.

>> No.22947723
File: 400 KB, 813x960, 1662228600663574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a fellowship that supports writers of heritage in my region, but unfortunately only for graduates with Arts degrees, not Science. Maybe I will try to see what they are up to anyways.

>> No.22947777

The universities and colleges pump out the same type of people, you never meet anyone interesting who went to higher education. They're clones of clones.

>> No.22947818


I'm on my second masters (M.Ed.) and I agree with you. I can't relate or connect with anyone. It's sad and disheartening.


Shards is at 50 sold at the moment. Without much advertising or press outside of this board I'd say that's not bad in two months for my first book.


I was going to post samples but I like watching you get upset about it. It's funny.

>> No.22947822

youre not special dude
you are literally the same cookie cutter up his own ass generic ballbrain that colleges are replete with
you are the npc

>> No.22947825


"School is for losers, dude! I'm the cool kid! Do you want fries with that?!"

>> No.22947862

Isn't Jason a chronic day drinker? I think that's one of the few things that bar you from a fast food job.

>> No.22947873

a day drinker of cum

>> No.22948082

>I can't relate or connect with anyone.
That’s probably because you’re an insincere narcissist.

>> No.22948147
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, crabz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't relate or connect with anyone. It's sad and disheartening.
Pre-COVID, I was, in general, the center of attention. You can ask the fucking old bro on here who knows Jason Bryan, he can confirm, Jason used to be a very popular guy. POST-COVID I can socialize and even make friends, but when it comes to even emailing or texting anyone back... I just don't do it.

When I moved out of Big White this November, I had several locals give me their emails and phone numbers to stay in contact... I never did.

Previous to this, through various jobs and other activities, I was given phone numbers and email addresses to stay in contact with other people... I just can't be bothered. Hell, I used to love sending out hate mail and talk shit to people I used to know, and even that got boring. One of my old friends is working at a shelter on Hastings and Main and has reached out a few times with some stories and asking about me, but I just never wrote back.

Post-COVID, I just feel so disconnected from basically everyone. Hard to even feel motivated at all to socialize or make friends. Ryan emailed me at least once or twice and I wanted to make plans to meet up with him this summer, but I still have this post-COVID... umm... rage I guess? I feel like nobody went through the shit I went through, losing my jobs, not working out for 8+ months, feeling like I wanted to just lose it on this shit society. The way I made it through the tough times was just withdrawing completely and now I don't even feel like I want to participate in, well, anything.

Just feels like COVID never ended and I'm still surrounded by dipshits and faggots that would put the mask back on and line up for COVID shots again if they were told to. I would fucking SNAP if that shit ever happened again. I couldn't handle a fucking single more day of that utter bullshit.

I see more sincerity on 4chan than I see anywhere else you crabbing faggot. Back to r3dd1t, bitch!

>> No.22948152
File: 377 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_6393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure. Huge narcissist. Here I am with one of the journals I am published in.

>> No.22948165

>pursed lips
>biting cheeks
Why does every fat face do this? It's like the /fa/ equivalent of the onions face.

>> No.22948173


I totally agree. I've been sober ten years this week and I lost a lot of friends. Then Covid happened and I lost my English and Creative Writing teaching job at San Diego State University. I sunk into myself and I wanted to just give up. But then I met my wife and everything changed. I know the same will happen for you, brother. Might not be a broad but it'll be something. Keep your eyes open, your ear to the ground, and your heart on your sleeve.


I'm 6'3" and was 175 here. I'm not biting my cheeks. Lol

>> No.22948178
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, judgingcrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything you post is going to be crabbed as hard as possible. You could be holding up your noble prize for literature and the crab would be like "look at that shitty posture, bow-legged too" or whatever other nonsense flows out of that crustacean's fucked mind.

>> No.22948180

>I'm not biting my cheeks
Yes you are. Why are you lying about something like that? Are you that self-conscious?

>> No.22948189


You're taking the piss. Haha. Wild.


I think it's just one dude. Ari or someone who has writer's block and can't write anything substantial.

>> No.22948192

KEK. Cannot unsee.
I hope the draw anon works this into Cross' character.

>> No.22948193
File: 373 KB, 2048x1536, neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't shake the habit because he's a former (and current) fat fuck.

>> No.22948201
File: 644 KB, 957x1084, blobert-james-cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22948208

It is very interesting how the crabs tend to all focus their efforts on one person at a time.

>> No.22948215
File: 1.62 MB, 1237x2000, sharts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've used picrel instead.

>> No.22948222
File: 16 KB, 295x309, IMG_6387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about this one of me? Mooooo haha

>> No.22948271
File: 2.24 MB, 3504x2336, IMG_1601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be a bit of a chunky monkey there my friend, but do you have any photos where you out-grease the greasy J-Bry look?

>> No.22948290
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Like this one?

>> No.22948305
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If the crabs had as much fun as we did, they wouldn't be crabs!

>> No.22948338
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I suffered long and hard in my twenties. They won't be able to look back on a life fully lived if they're going to continue to be keyboard warriors. Here I am in Egypt.

>> No.22948372 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 400x400, bubbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 20's were easy as fuck... all I did was drive fast cars, fuck hot bitches, and live in cool places...

That was a direct result of having no "teenage years" because my family was so fucked, from like grade 6 until I went through 11 different high schools and dropped out, I had a nightmare of a time. I only made it because I hung out with older drug dealers and bad asses!

From like 10 years old until like... 19, 10 until 19, life was total shit. Then I started making money, then I started making FAT PORN MONEY, and from like 20-35 was amazing. Then I started trying to find deeper meaning to life than drugs, liquor, and pussy.

Once my kid was born, I quit porn and I was happy to go back into the "real world", and I really enjoyed it. I liked helping disabled seniors and I liked working dispatch at B.C.'s 2nd largest traffic control company. My kid was super happy too.

Then COVID hit.

Ever since COVID... I've had this desire to watch Canada burn. All the shit I went through... like seriously, I fucking hate this country now. I have this rage inside me... I shouldn't talk much online about it, but I honestly hope to watch this country burn at some point. It would make me so happy for what this shithole place put me through. I fucking HATE Canada with such a passion now, and how does someone who hates their country succeed inside of it? Obviously my life is in a paradoxical state where I can't and don't want to leave because I have a child here, but I can't succeed in a nation that hates my fucking guts. Life from like 20-35 was blissful as fuck, and life from 36-42 was difficult BUT REWARDING... but post-COVID? I just want this country to fucking burn.

>> No.22948442

This will surely save &amp.

>> No.22948447

&amp threads are the most interesting place on the open internet

>> No.22948620

Lol kw's considering a job for CBC... back in Winnipeg. Everyone's leaving Van.

>> No.22948713

it's not MS paint you dumb retard, it's Canva.

>> No.22948725


>> No.22948945
File: 118 KB, 298x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek
yeah man such 'outsider' art
you pathetic miserable sell out
I hope poojeets invade your town and turn it into their personal shitting street

>> No.22948953

Robert J Cuck is a refugees welcome libtard?
I'd say I'm shocked but I'm really not. What a sad existence.
How dare you come on here and pretend to be counterculture, you traitorous piece of shit.

>> No.22948959 [DELETED] 

I travelled through Vancouver for 1 day in early January and it was the most dystopian it has ever been. Dropping the rental car off in Surrey and riding the Skytrain... it was like I was in foreign country! I couldn't fucking believe it.

At least in Kelowna I still feel like I'm in Canada, for now...

>> No.22948961

too bad maybe you shouldnt have welcomed all those refugees, race traitor

>> No.22948973 [DELETED] 

The Canadian government is importing 3,000+ browns per day to replace my culture and replace me, what exactly can I do about it?

I really don't think it is going to be apparent to people just how fast we are importing our replacements until another decade passes and there is nothing left of the Canada we once knew. The boomers are the vast majority of "old school" Canadians that are going to all pass away in the next 10-20 years.

Gen X Canadians, such as myself, know that the younger generations have no clue what Canada once was. The fabric of this country has shifted so incredibly in the last 10 or so years and the culture has already been totally astroturfed. The fact that the whole "conceptions of whiteness" art exhibit hasn't been vandalized... we're in for either complete and total submission or a cultural awakening.

Can you guess what I'd put my money on?


>> No.22948979

refugees welcome traitor
nothing you say has any worth

>> No.22948999 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1024x1024, 2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is absolutely nothing a straight white male individual can do in Canada. The cultural currents have already dragged us so far down the river, to resist at this point is absolutely laughable. The only thing people like myself can do is try and enjoy life, laugh at how fucking ridiculous everything is, and watch our kids grow up.

COVID was the moment Canada had to possibly rise up and throw off our shackles, and it ended with bank accounts frozen, totally negative media coverage, and a complete normalization of government tyranny. They could bring another round of masks and "vaccines" at any moment, and how many people would be willing to die to fight the government? Again, it would be a ballet of conformity and surrender to the authorities, and people like myself would end up in jail, dead, and forgotten.

>> No.22949001 [DELETED] 

All of BC is lost due to drug policies. That's why that very expensive rail trail Kelowna built is now just a frontage road for a fentanyl fueled tent community.
I rented a PH for a month this summer at 939 Homer (one door down from Brendan's old PH) and homer street is covered in broken car window glass. Vancouver's only nice in the summer anyways but I won't go back this year (going to a wedding in Greece with the kits boys instead). Not sure if I'll go back next year either, the magic is gone. Luckily some of my old friends are coming here, where tent cities don't exist and drug laws make sense.

>> No.22949006

epic. so counterculture bro. "Just give up"
What a freedom fighter you are.

>> No.22949035 [DELETED] 

I did say laugh at how ridiculous everything is, and I did say watch our kids grow up.

You have to understand that the average normie Canadian only has a couple things on their minds:
>what their mortgage interest rate is
>working their normie job
>their hockey team
That's it... that's your average Canadian. Once you have met a handful of Canadians, you've met them all. The personality variation of your average Canadian is so microscopically small and the conformity is so large that you can meet someone from Nanaimo, Prince George, Kelowna, or Calgary and, chances are, they share 98% of their personality and beliefs in common. If they're "progressive", you can get along with them no problem because you know exactly the positions on subjects they have and you can play to that to get them to like you, and if they're the "fuck Trudeau" crowd, it is the same. You immediately know both of these types of personalities as you've encountered them time and time again. It is so ass-blastingly rare to meet ANYONE who "thinks outside the box" that to do so is like finding a unicorn just chillin' in the wild. It doesn't really happen. This winter, I worked for some VIPs from the USA as a private driver for a couple weeks, and while they were redpilled as fuck, they even said that speaking up in the USA is a career death sentence and there is no benefit to being redpilled. All of the women, all of the careers, all of the media, everything is designed to keep people playing in the realm of "librul vs conservatard" and if you don't pick a team and work your way up, the "3rd option" is basically poverty and obscurity. There is no "3rd option" because the entire fabric of society is astroturfed, fake, and gay. It is the same in Canada, you either play within the completely fake and gay system, or you're out in the cold with no way to provide for yourself. Everything is unbelievably fake and the people are so completely programmed to be the most normiest normies of all time. It feels like the beginning of a dark age of humanity at this point, and it all happened SO fast.

>> No.22949037

>words words words
Youre just a coward, in spite of all your posturing.
No talent and no balls.
Refugees welcome faggot. I bet youre vaxed too.

>> No.22949066 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1085x609, vancouver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The drug policies are designed to eliminate the misfits, we don't need gulags or concentration camps because that is what our streets are for. It also acts as a deterrent to the younger generations who are thinking of any rebellious thoughts.

In history, we had public hangings and things like the gibbet to act as a warning to others, and in modern times we have homeless people, drug addicts, and visible grinding poverty to keep people motivated to stay on the treadmill. To be any sort of conscientious observer and commentator on modern life is to notice these things, especially post-COVID where the spirit of rebellion has been so totally broken. The only "free range humans" anymore ARE the crackheads, which is why the drugs MUST be poisoned to remove those misfits from modern society.

I know we might not agree on this subject, but the drugs are poisoned and poverty is setup in a way so that people who don't conform are killed slowly. I've experienced it myself during and after COVID, and surely without my baby momma on my side, I would've been in a tent myself! Gas stations would not even hire someone unvaxxed. I was very lucky, but I understand most people aren't.

Having lived in the neighbourhood down there for 6-7 years, I got to know a bunch of locals, and during the years of 2014-2015, I think about 7-8 people I knew died from fent in the cocaine, and two other young women I knew ended up becoming drug addicts and prostitutes to feed their addictions. These weren't hardcore street addicts, these were normal people who, mostly, moved here from other parts of Canada and got caught up in the lifestyle, made a few wrong choices, and ended up addicted to painkillers and benzos. Even Jordan fucking Peterson was completely fucked by benzos and nearly lost his life. Drug use tends to target the highly intelligent, and all of the most intelligent people I've ever known have all been keenly interested in getting high. Me too! I have grown older and it seems like drugs are a trap for the thinkers- because government doesn't need thinkers, it needs workers and warm bodies, not people who are intelligent enough to see the system for what it is.

>the magic is gone.
Where even IS the magic anymore?

It feels like we are on an alien planet compared to the Canada of just 10 years ago.

>> No.22949078 [DELETED] 

>Youre just a coward, in spite of all your posturing.
>No talent and no balls.
>Refugees welcome faggot. I bet youre vaxed too.
Oh silly little crab, once Day of the Rake is done, you can read it and thoroughly grill me over it if you hate it. Until then, enjoy "The Shitkickers" and "City of Singles", as I am a vastly talented and incredibly smart person- two qualities that mean nothing in a country where conformity is the #1 thing that provides an income and a role in modern society.

>> No.22949081
File: 197 KB, 1024x1024, sillycrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youre just a coward, in spite of all your posturing.
>No talent and no balls.
>Refugees welcome faggot. I bet youre vaxed too.
Oh silly little crab, once Day of the Rake is done, you can read it and thoroughly grill me over it if you hate it. Until then, enjoy "The Shitkickers" and "City of Singles", as I am a vastly talented and incredibly smart person- two qualities that mean nothing in a country where conformity is the #1 thing that provides an income and a role in modern society.

>> No.22949083

refugee welcoming vaxtards shouldnt be posing as counterculture
you already sold out and still didnt make it
you just have no dignity whatsoever (or talent, or skill, or self-respect)

>> No.22949114 [DELETED] 

>refugee welcoming vaxtards shouldnt be posing as counterculture
>you already sold out and still didnt make it
>you just have no dignity whatsoever (or talent, or skill, or self-respect)
I'm just getting started with writing, I was lost in a haze of liquor, drugs, and pussy for 15+ years!

When was the last time YOU heard anyone brilliant or interesting speak? Any visionaries you look up to?

I wish I knew some. In 2024, I cannot think of anyone inspiring or interesting really. Society is stuck inside this smartphone dystopia where nobody looks up long enough from their black mirrors in their hands to see anything new or different about the world. I look around Canada and society in general and it looks like we all ran out of ideas and settled for working for Mr. Sheckleburg, electric cars, goyslop culture and twerking TikToks.

>> No.22949304

refugee welcoming sell out

>> No.22949317
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, refugeeswelcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22949529

refugees welcome sellout with no writing ability

>> No.22949572



But seriously, yes I am vaxxed too. Had to get it to work as a teacher. I just got the J&J vaccine, so one shot. Haven't done any boosters or anything. Not that it matters to a dumbshit like you.

On the refugee stuff, I do support the US taking in CERTAIN refugees. Not all. The problem isn't solely the refugees, it's that there aren't enough government agents to process the huge wave of them coming through. I've met some amazing Somali, Ethiopian, Iraqi, Iranian, etc. people here in San Diego. Men, women, and children I've taught.

It's kind of like the cop problem. There are a few bad actors amongst them so they get unfairly judged as a group.

And as far as them getting government assistance, I was raised on welfare and food stamps. It would be hypocritical for me to judge them for getting help from the system when my heroin addict parents did the same thing until they died.

>> No.22949585

>I am vaxxed
>I do support the US taking in refugees

Kek this is the dude who claims to be an 'outsider' who's discriminated against by the system.
You are the system, and you're a fucking clown. Not even parody encapsulates what an utter failure you are. Spineless on top of being boring and talentless. You will never create real art as long as you breathe, which hopefully isn't for much longer. Fat slug pig sellout faggot.

>> No.22949626

That sucks but I understand.
Bought your paperback yesterday btw.

>> No.22949633

(samefag shill)

>> No.22949645


I never claimed to be an 'outsider' but I don't write traditional narrative fiction and my background is unique.


I appreciate you. I would love you to review it too. As honestly as humanly possible. If you think it sucks... give it a bad review! Thanks.

>> No.22949654

there's nothing unique about you. you're yet another overeducated failed normie who thinks getting degrees will teach you how to write. failure doesn't make you unique. the winners are the ones who are special in this game. failure is the norm.

>> No.22949682
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Yeah I will. I'm reading other books first, but maybe later this month.

>> No.22949686


Are you projecting? I feel like you're projecting.

It's all good though. You'll get there one day. Chin up, Buttercup.

>> No.22949707


>the drugs are poisoned
no they aren't . people are buying fentanyl . they know they are buying fentanyl . it's like saying the tequila has been poisoned with alcohol.
The "toxic drug supply" meme is media and government gaslighting to justify to taxpayers why their provincial government is turning them into heroin dealers.

>> No.22949740


> I do support the US taking in CERTAIN refugees
Which ones

>> No.22949772

Palestinians obviously

>> No.22949774

you're so unoriginal, for real. every time the same set of shitty deflections. no wonder you suck at writing when you're this uncreative.
>muh bucket crab
>muh projection
find a new hobby, one that doesn't require creativity.

>> No.22949776


Ones who are here to better themselves and truly escape their wartorn country. At the end of the day a lot of the countries that are destroyed are because of the US. Not that feel responsible at all but my tax money pays for all of it. As long as they're not here to destroy anything here, I don't care if they come. We have plenty of room.

>> No.22949782


Sure. Fuck Israel.


Cool, Ari.

>> No.22949853
File: 514 KB, 828x820, IMG_1549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we still posting hacks of /lit/?

>> No.22949870


>Ones who are here to better themselves and truly escape their wartorn country
Which countries

>> No.22949882

>Palestinians obviously
Hahah imagine repeating the mistake Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt made.

>> No.22949897
File: 736 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_6396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mentioned Somalis, Ethiopians, Iraqis, and Iranians earlier. Try to keep up.


Have you been to any of those countries or are you just repeating what the news told you to repeat? I've been there and it's fine.

>> No.22949948


The first place one should seek refuge is in their own country. Iran is not 'wartorn'.
>Have you been to any of those countries
I see so if I haven't been there, Black September and the Lebanese Civil War didn't happen . Heh.

>> No.22950037

I love flooding my country with arabs while obtaining my nth badge of approval from the System and putting zero effort in writing
it makes me feel like a real, bigboy author

>> No.22950161

Accepting refugees leads to more problems in the long-run.
>Iran is not 'wartorn'.
Sanctions have pretty much destroyed its economy.

>> No.22950219

Not surprised that RJC hasn’t responded to this.

>> No.22950223

he was too busy petitioning to let in more refugees and taking another booster

>> No.22950273

>Sanctions have pretty much destroyed its economy
economic factors are not grounds for asylum.

>> No.22950283

I agree.
Granted, I hope Iran can correct Cyrus/Kourosh's mistake with the eradication of (((them))), who are the children of Ahriman. Almost all major problems can be traced back to (((them))), and in my view, Iran should be more anti-(((them))) in a deeper and more metaphysical way. So long as (((they))) continue to exist, new problems of a scale and magnitude we cannot conceive will be perpetuated.

>> No.22950358

The book consists of one hundred single-page vignettes, so page counts for all versions of Shards are the same.

>> No.22950405

>the entire book is a short story collection
kek I knew he couldn't plot for shit. what a hack

>> No.22950470

The people I know who died were buying coke! Three dudes I was friends with/knew, one who worked the oil rigs, one who worked as a diamond driller up north, and the 3rd... my dealer.

The oil rig guy came back and showed off his new $8000 bicycle at the Blarneystone and did some rippers with us on a Friday night. We had a few drinks and then he walked to the Woodward's building to buy an 8ball from his dealer who lived there. We never saw him again until his girlfriend came and told us at the bar that she came home from work at like 3 AM on Friday night/Saturday morning and he was dead.

The diamond driller guy, he flew back into town and picked up some coke, he was supposed to party with his "girlfriend" that night and HE ended up OD'ing and dying. Found that one out through Facebook.

My dealer, the week I found out my baby momma was pregnant, I had already seen the two guys above die, and another couple of locals in Gastown, so when she told me she was pregnant, I decided to quit cold turkey. I had already moved out of Gastown and was renting a house in south Vancouver. That weekend, where I would normally pickup from him either outside of Funky Winkerbean's or "go for a ride in the limo", because he would rent a limo and be driven around downtown making tons of money selling coke... well... he died in the limo that weekend! He only sold coke and e.

The coke back in like 2014-2015 was definitely poisoned! Multiple people, multiple different dealers, It was 100% absolutely happening.


>> No.22950474

Damn... based!

>> No.22950575
File: 46 KB, 717x538, 68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah ok i thought you were talking about the "toxic drug supply" of 2023 which is "safe supply" rhetoric the government is pushing so they can use your tax dollars to buy opiates for catalytic converter thieves

>> No.22950599

>one hundred single-page vignettes
Are you serious? single page? 100 times?

>> No.22950621

now you realize why he didn't have the balls to make preview pages on amazon
everyone would smell the vomit a mile away

>> No.22950711
File: 1.95 MB, 1537x1370, safesupply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha no... I do know that when they were prescribing hydromorphone to addicts, and giving away the blister packs for free, one of the local hipsters at the underground bar in Strathcona was pissed because their brother who was in high school in Burnaby got ahold of one of the blister packs and had taken one at school thinking it would be a fun experience and it ended up fucking the kid up real bad. The "harm reduction" people had been giving out those hydromorphone blister packs and addicts took the skytrain to places like Metrotown and would deal the pills for $10 a pill and the kids would buy them thinking it was e or molly or whatever. When I talked to Frank during COVID, I believe he said they were taking the skytrain to Richmond and dealing hydromorphone there too.

I don't know if they're giving out the pills to just anyone for free without a prescription anymore, but who even knows what the plan is? (other than getting as many people addicted as possible because it just keeps expanding the government)

>> No.22950713

I think that was Michela in the middle, but who is that on the right?

>> No.22950732
File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, relentless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did RJC piss off? These crabs are utterly relentless!

>> No.22950823

>that headline
It's amazing that these creeps aren't rotting in prison.

>> No.22950904

>Michela in the middle, but who is that on the right
If I don't remember then they don't matter

>> No.22950915

clearly not the system since he's a part of it and aiding in the genocide of his own people

>> No.22950980

for every school degree that robert hack cross obtains another white family is elminated from the gene pool
congratulations robert in further severing europe's lineage

>> No.22951430

New thread doko?

>> No.22951464

