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File: 41 KB, 800x450, 160628-cormac1-mccarthy-cheat_ytzv7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22930265 No.22930265 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I think Cormac is a genius. Sometimes I think he's a hack.

>> No.22930271

>They is four things that can destroy the Earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.
Yeah Cormac is 100% genius. No need to debate

>> No.22930281

That was said by the Hermit, not by Cormac. Whiskey and money is code word for Jews btw.

>> No.22930290

>corncob notorious recluse
Pretty obvios self insert anon. Corncob is based

>> No.22930300

The hermit was literally gay for a black guy. He left civilization because society wouldn't allow especially during the slavery era. You completely misunderstood McCarthy's meaning.

>> No.22930301
File: 51 KB, 398x354, ECl-sN9U4AA59pU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? But didn't the hermit diddle the kid? That's kind of weird. Also wasn't Cormac interviewed by a guy who was buddies with Epstein?

>> No.22930304

What? How can you turn that into a homosexual story? He only said he had the heart of a nigger, as in a fucked up souvenir. Not meant to be romantic.

>> No.22930341

He literally HAS HiS HEART preserved even after his death. Going out of his way in bumfuck nowhere to keep it in good enough condition that it still retains much of its mass and shape when The Kid stays by. It can't be more obvious than that. McCarthy literally played you like a fiddle by being literal.

He is seen sleepwatching the Kid in total darkness. This is a callback to Child of God when Ballard mistook a white guy for a nigger fucking a white girl in the car because of the darkness. The Hermit was remembering his lover in The Kid's visage

>> No.22930351

Wow I think you're forcing your homosexual neurosis onto the text. This is a reach.

>> No.22930361

Read it properly. This was my very first impression reading this scene when I was like 18 and I am 101% straight. The impression remains still after all these years.

>> No.22930420

Camus. Loved his Plague back when I read it in HS. Years later read Stranger and hated it. I'm kind of scared rereading Plague now, I'm worried I'll lose the respect I had for it.

>> No.22930428

Okay I will reread that part. I didn't think the hermit was a creep until he tried to touch the kid in the night (from what I remember). Let's see if your interpretation works.

>> No.22930490

he did not diddle the kid, he watched him sleep. make of that what you will.

>> No.22930504

retard the entire book is about collecting body parts from victims and it's never about this homo nonsense

>> No.22930512

It just doesn't read like you say.
>He turned his head suddenly aside and seized his nose between his thumb and forefinger and blew twin strings of snot onto the floor and wiped his fingers on the seam of his jeans. I come from Mississippi. I was a slaver, dont care to tell it. Made good money. I never did get caught. Just got sick of it. Sick of niggers. Wait till I show ye somethin.
>He turned and rummaged among the hides and handed through the flames a small dark thing. The kid turned it in his hand. Some man’s heart, dried and blackened. He passed it back and the old man cradled it in his palm as if he’d weigh it.
They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.

>> No.22930743

That doesn't mean it cannot have the undertones. The Judge-Kid dynamic also has some of that. Especially with Judge's pedophilia.
The facts are right in front of you. Why would he keep his heart when he is so sick of them? A heart so well preserved on top of that. The only one there enforcing the nigger hate narrative is the hermit himself who is, between this and his night watch, conspicuous to say the least.

>> No.22930905

Fair. Camus is fanclubbed to death by retards who only ever read the Stranger or tried and didn't understand the MoS. I haven't read the Plague or the Fall yet, but plan to.

The Rebel, however, was a good book. A great historical analysis from the promethean lens paired with his philosophy. Imo, reading just MoS doesn't give a great understanding of his absurdism. You need to read both to piece it together. However, the otherwise great book was marred by a very weak conclusion.

>facism is nihilistic and... le bad.
>communism is nihilistic and... le bad too, but less so and in the opposite way
>both ignore and mutilate humanity
>the solution is... le moderation and le fraternity