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2292989 No.2292989 [Reply] [Original]

What's some good 'angsty teen' literature?

>> No.2292990

The Giver

>> No.2292994

Looking For Alaska

I know that's not what you mean by 'angsty teen' literature but i'm such an angsty teen myself that i just don't care

>> No.2292996

Anything Palahniuk has ever written. Bukowski - "Tales of Ordinary Madness" was a godsend growing up, although his poetry and novellas are all good if you're an unhappy young man. I liked Kerouac when I was about seventeen, although that's not particularly angsty. Most of HST's stuff, though he remains my favourite writer to this day. Try "...Campaign Trail '72" if you fancy an insightful, humourous and ultimately pensive observation of American politics. Those were my staples.

>> No.2293001

>"...Campaign Trail '72"

I've been really interested to read this for several months now; I keep forgetting to buy it though.

>Looking For Alaska
Also been interested in this one. Is it actually worth the time? I was hoping for an adolescent story more pensive than the rest...

>> No.2293005
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>> No.2293010

If you are an 'angsty teen', Nietzsche will do perfectly.

>> No.2293012


You can get a copy of "...Campaign Trail" off Play or something for about £3. It gets quite heavy at the two-thirds point, but stick with it, focus on what's being said and you'll come out the other end a little smarter, having enjoyed some fantastic writing. In many ways it was the pinnacle of his career, proving his humanitarian, idealistic nature and his dedication to the truth. Unfortunately it also broke him, and he was never quite as good afterwards.

>> No.2293013

> fight club
> angsty teen lit
please don't judge a book by its subculture.

Palahniuk is awesome.

>> No.2293016

submarine. book or movie.

>> No.2293017

Completely agree with you. campaign trail was his peak.

>> No.2293024


He's really not that good. His prose is dull, and it's painfully obvious that he writes all his books backwards. Everything is constructed in such a way as to be shocking, a parallel for alienation, or to indulge a particularly juvenile sense of humour. Who else is that for, if not for angsty teens?

>> No.2293055

Catcher in the Rye is the best 'teen angst' novel ever written.

>> No.2293058
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Anything else by Chuck Palahniuk. Although it's not angsty or teen.

Then again you have Damned by Chucky P which is about a teen girl who's far from angsty but still fucked up in her own way.

>> No.2293060

it kind of works both as a book for angsty teens and as a statement about angsty teens.

>> No.2293062

palahniuk owns if only because of Guts. i remember that being absurdly prolific copypasta on /b/ back when i browsed it, before i even knew who palahniuk was

>> No.2293064


same here, I didn't know who Palahniuk was and thought the story was simply written by a /b/tard out of their own experience

>> No.2293072

Anything by J. D. Salinger or John Green

>> No.2293080

Anything by Cory Doctorow. He was self-aware/cash-hungry enow to realise that though and start inserting parents/first sexual encounters into his plodding manchild novels, thus rendering them into award winning YA lit.

>> No.2293084

Not Battle Royale, surprisingly. Might be partly the rough as arseholes translation, but it doesn't get into any of the psychology of the kids involved.

>> No.2293097

On the Road.

>> No.2293102

All lit is angsty teen lit. Nobody reads for fun, just to look deep and misunderstood.

>> No.2293106


ding ding ding

>> No.2293107

twilight, harry potter-reading obnoxiously shitty books is the new rebellious act

>> No.2293236

Is this really angsty teen lit? I've been putting it off (as I have with all things beat), but I want to read it before the movie comes out.

>> No.2293243

The road is good. A lot of people just hate the beats ebcause they don't give a fuck about traditional literature.

Fuck haters.

Kerouac is an okay guy. Although On The Road is one big "hey I knew Burroughs, Ginsburg and other cool cats who did some fucked up shit."
But it's still good.

Ulysess gets my vote for teen angst bullshit.

>> No.2293245

philip larkin. charles bukowski.

>> No.2293251

I've heard Dharma Bums is much better, but I'll look into both regardless.

Still haven't read Ulysses, not a single fuck given. Though I feel like I should slog through it sometime, if only to understand the beginnings of the doorstopper novel.

>> No.2293253


ah just read the sparknotes for ulysses or something

>> No.2293256

people were writing stupidly long novels before ulysses, dude

>> No.2293257
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>On the Road movie

>> No.2293264


Sal is being played by Toby McGuire and Dean is being played by Leonardo DiCaprio

>> No.2293265

Yeah but those were epics, testaments to civilization. Modern "epics" are primarily intellectual masturbation.

Yeah I know, but dat Kristen Stewart...

>> No.2293276

ignoring your painfully dumb opinions, there were definitely very long novels before ulysses. even in the 100 years before when the novel as such was being developed. i mean, proust was already publishing before ulysses started to come out, just for one obv example.

>> No.2293290


>not sure if trolling or just stupid.

>> No.2293294


On The Road is a good book. It's very full-on though, which can be a good or a bad thing.

>> No.2293296
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>implying "In Search of Lost Time" isn't modern
>implying it isn't intellectual masturbation and fanfiction of late 19th c. Parisian socialites

You fuckwit.

>> No.2293311


>> No.2293341
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>obsessed with angsty teenagers and feeling superior to them

Pick two. Give it up, Jesus. Probably the only thing worse than an angsty teenager is a holier-than-thou college snot.

>> No.2293393


>> No.2293407
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>> No.2293410

Fernando Pessoa's "Book of Disquiet" is pretty bleak.

Also Plath's The Bell Jar is classic teen an her literature.

>> No.2293423

Palahniuk, Salinger, Rand, Hitchens/Dawkins, Camus...