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22928490 No.22928490 [Reply] [Original]

>invents wokeism and trannies with his pointless overcategorizing of human culture and destroys the west
>gets away with it

>> No.22928496
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>solves human behavior
>no one cares

>> No.22928546
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>spams the same thread over and over
>gets away with it (but only because jannies don't care

>> No.22928584

meds schizo

>> No.22928591

touch ass

>> No.22928683

it's cool how the wording evolves with each new iteration. Making shitty threads is truly an artform

>> No.22928691

>2 threads
with such a tiny sample size its most likely a mere coincidence, congratulations you achieved nothing.

>> No.22928957

Jung is a philosemitic cuck and western esotericism is a jewish psy-op.

>> No.22928972

Same with Evola.

>> No.22928973

This fraud hands out schizophrenia like nothing with his synchronicity nonsense.

>> No.22928981 [DELETED] 

>allowed me to fuck retarded arthoes just by knowing some superficial bullshit about archetypes
sounds based to me

>> No.22928989

How can words on sliced trees give you schizophrenia, retard.

>> No.22928994

Jesuits invented the concept of social justice and were and remain instrumental in advancing it.

Evola refuted Jung. How is the former a philosemite? he literally wrote the intro to the Italian edition of the protocols. I don't see how esotericism is a psyop, inner development is your responsibility alone. You seem like more of a psyop.
>oy vey don't read authors who will teach you how to overcome mundane life at the very minimum

>> No.22928996
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>> No.22929000

I'm not that guy but I don't care for his platonism either.

>> No.22929050

Platonism really comes from esoteric knowledge which is to say inner experience. It's a completely different order of knowledge from modern philosophy.

>> No.22929114

Mark Fisher could have used some inner development

>> No.22929126

>invents foolproof way of getting pussy from arthoes
sounds based to me

>> No.22929430

Op is genuinely retarded. Trannies and Marxists hate Jung for asserting objective human nature and correctly identifying its diseases.

>don’t even know Jung was antisemitic
You realise knowing Jung was a student of Freud is not a replacement for knowing anything about Jung!