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/lit/ - Literature

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22928297 No.22928297 [Reply] [Original]

Don't even post if you aren't from the top 24 unis. No, the Americans and French do not count.

>> No.22928308

They should pick a better name. "Russell Group" sounds awful compared to "Ivy League".

>> No.22928313

are they chud factories like the ivies?

>> No.22928318

Do br*ts at University of Exeter or Warwick really think they go to an elite university? Kekerink

>> No.22929530

any /oxbridge/ man in
recently finished my masters at ox and have applied to do my phd at cam

>> No.22929580

the cope group

>> No.22929643

Imagine going to uni in Leeds. Hell, imagine living in Leeds. Grim.

>> No.22929670

Anglo universities are overrated

>> No.22929677

phd in what?

>> No.22929680
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>Not one in affordability is also in work opportunities

>> No.22929704


>> No.22930523
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British unis are the butt of every joke internationally. Literally no one of note has been educated in that Shit hole in over a hundred years.

>> No.22932006

>Imperial in 'student satisfaction' section
I have my doubts

>> No.22932008

theyre chink factories

>> No.22932021

It could be worse. It could be Manchester.

>> No.22932546

Australian Unis are literally top 40 in the world. Go Monash and Melbourne!

>> No.22932663


Imagine spawning in Birmingham

>> No.22933217

Not for literature

>> No.22933219

>walk around any ivy league campus
>nothing but diversity wogs + international student paypigs
>a smattering of nouveau riche kids of low six figure dads who think it's a big deal they're going to harvard in 202x
"What the elites wish to destroy, they first make brown"

>> No.22933581

imagine saying this when american SATs are the same difficulty level as english GCSEs

>> No.22933627
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could be worse...

>> No.22933767

I went to York :)

it was shit :(

>> No.22933773

See >>22933219

>> No.22933792

>Kings College London
Just Uni’s comprised mostly of illiterate chinks and international students

>> No.22933950

Yeah just started my second term at Oxford

>> No.22933972

the girl with whom i am in love has a sister who goes to leeds
just fyi

>> No.22935507

What percentage of questions on a test do you need to get right for it to be considered a minimum pass in the UK? Is it like the rest of Europe where it's half, or is it the superior American standard where it's two thirds?

>> No.22935560

I would wager about 10% of intelligent people are schoolable, while 100% of morons are schoolable.

Giftedness completely confounds midwit parents and teachers. And friends. Envy causes others to overlook you, and poverty is an insurmountable barrier for all but the lottery winners.

>> No.22935921
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>/lit/ - literature

>> No.22936291

I went to the LSE and got no pussy

>> No.22937208

About half, but maths and english (which you have to retake if you fail) are roughly 40%. Only half the country actually get those 2 each year lmao.

That said, the exams you take at 18 are significantly harder than SATs and you need to be scoring around 90% to get into any decent uni.

>> No.22937226

I go to Liverpool. Too many chinks and Indians. Also the uni forced me to go to a deradicalisation program for reading banned literature.

>> No.22937242

Imagine thinking this shit matters
Technically Warwick is an elite university, idk what to tell you

>> No.22937299

>be me
>go to one of the new universities in the north or England
>lots of indian students
>they all seem to think i work there and call me sir when they talk to me
>this starts happening with anglos as well
>despite the large number of indian students the humanities seminars are like a white ethnostate. I think in the entire history dept there is one black man and one korean woman and the rest are all white.
I’m sure there’ll be some study or article explaining sone of this.

What book? It would have to be something quite out there for that to happen.

Pure cope. The requirements to enter russel group unis are in some cases lower than their fibreglass counterparts, in part due to DEI. You can get into Newcastle on CCC if you’re black via the partners programme.
Literally having a degree in a real subject and being 2:1 or 1st is what counts. Would you rather speak to a 1st from MMU or a 3rd from Cambridge? I know for a fact I’d pick the MMU graduate because he probably has something more interesting to say than the cambridge 3rd who may have only attended for “the lifestyle“ and to make one of those student blogger pages where people record the uni basketball team, hoing out to buy overpriced tea, and foreign students acting surprised when locals have a go at them for making snarky comments about the area.

>> No.22937318

>>this starts happening with anglos as well
How old are you nigga

>> No.22937357

Most unis work on “ucas points.“ To “fail“ an exam just means getting no UCAS points which varies by subject but in some subjects can be as little as 20%. Unis set requirements like “120 points“ which for students in normal schools is BBB but for students in better state schools and elite private schools (where you take more subjects at A level) this is something like CCCD, which is considered abysmal in private schools btw.
However there’s nothing to stop people from getting a ton of points by half assing a ton of courses. Also you can do other things to increase your points (a relative of mine got ucas points for helping out with PE lessons and now he goes to Durham). The most common way to do this is EPQ which is where you write a first year of uni style essay on a topic of your choice or core maths. Both of these are worth half an a level if you get an A which is very easy (I basically didn’t revise for core maths and got a B).
It’s for reasons like this (and also grade inflation) that very elite universities sometimes require an interview. However most of the Russel group you can just apply online via ucas without ever meeting someone face to face.

You are very much pushed to apply for Russel group and oxbridge if you’re competent. I told my form tutor I didn’t want to (I’m a sperg who doesn’t like leaving his native county and I doubt I could get the grades to get in) and she tried to convince me to do so even after I said no. I applied to one Russel group and one fibreglass uni as a back up. The predicted grades were massively inflated that year. Lots of people were left without a place or accepting leftovers because they’d used their reserve choice to apply to another elite uni to “keep their options open.”

>> No.22937364

Modern British universities fill many roles, the least of them being actual learning.

Expensive visa farms for third-worlders
International rentseeking on their inflated reputation
Public sector subsidies for post-industrial towns
Communist brainwashing & sinecures

And for the average student, it's to show a future employer that you're just a little more diligent and smarter than the average retard (at the cost of tens of thousands of pounds) because simply taking an IQ test is apparently illegal.

>> No.22937366

The approximate British analogue to Ivy League is Oxbridge. It’s just Oxford and Cambridge. But in truth, that’s unfair to say because Oxford and Cambridge are much better than the Ivy Lague universities and the former Colonial Colleges.

>> No.22937367

I’m 19 and younger than a good few of my fellow students (apparently foundation years are relatively common). Apparently I look older and I’ve been told it’s the way I dress but I don’t think check shirts, chinos, and jumpers age a man that much.

>> No.22937375

It matters in Anglophone countries. People who graduated from the top unis monopolize recruiting into the top tier of politics and professions. They only hire people who went to the schools they went to, they fund people who went to the schools they went to, etc. It’s not that you can’t make it if you don’t go to one, but they are the only schools that have established strangleholds on these things due to this in-group preference. Look at how many Parliamentarians went to Oxbridge, for example.

>> No.22937378

A prestigious university degree with high grades and extracurriculars says basically “I am a social climber that will ask how high when you say jump”.

>> No.22937380

40% but if you keep doing this you get “3rd” degree when what you really want is “2:1” or a “1st” so you evidence of your superiority over your fellow man and can get a good job. To be fair though you can work for a bank on a “2:2” so there’s still plenty of opportunities for “2:2” graduates but a “3rd” is basically a waste of time.

>> No.22937403

I mean I dress like that too, but while fully cognisant that I dress like a 35 year old.

>> No.22937408

I’ve been told the flat cap doesn’t help either but I’ve just sort of embraced it.

>> No.22937410

I don’t really mind it it’s just amusing to me

>> No.22938614

No, they aren't. MIT is the best university in the world and it's not even close. It's a feeder university for the Silicon Valley and NASA. Meanwhile Oxbridge is only responsible for shitty prime-ministers and irrelevant philosophers

>> No.22938676

The British system is such a scam because every university charges the same tuition (£9000 a year). It means that the University of Portsmouth costs as much to attend as the University of Oxford despite that the later's employment success rate is far superior. In other words, either you attempt to be admitted into the top 10 universities or don't bother at all.
I wonder if UCAs system allows you to be accepted into American universities which are superior anyway. Oxbridge keeps getting humiliated by Harvard and MIT every year. At some point, they even dropped out of the top 3 global rank lol

>> No.22940498

Went to a Russel Group university as an exchange student on a STEM subject. The easiest academic year I have ever had.