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/lit/ - Literature

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22927670 No.22927670 [Reply] [Original]

how do we get over the fact no matter how great and sublime literature is, it still gets btfo by music

>> No.22927672

>not listening to music as you read
I swear I don't have adhd

>> No.22927674

Literature may as well be the lowest form of art. Currently the most influential thinker and author is Jordan Peterson! LOL!

>> No.22927677

Outside of order baroque music and model jazz, I can't listen to music and read at the same time; too much stimulation to focus on either sufficiently.

>> No.22927680

>order baroque music
lesser* baroque music

>> No.22927684
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accept it

>> No.22929064

Pivot to video essays opchan

>> No.22929074


Jason Bryan believes that if he can write a book that can be as deep as Robert Miles "Children" on mushrooms, he will consider himself an accomplished artist.

>> No.22929333
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As someone who was prodigiously skilled at reading & writing as a young adult but chose against the advice of my parents & all my teachers to pursue music, i feel that i'm specially equipped to answer this question. music is indeed more emotionally powerful & physiologically primal than literature, but the catch is that without a philosophical context or narrative framework of some sort, normies literally dont give a shit about it. normies dont listen to music because of its power or because of how ingeniusly its composed or produced, they listen to certain types of music because those pieces reflect their existing worldviews, remind them of where they've been, or reinforce narratives & concepts & metafictional story-patterns they've already assimilated into their understanding of reality. Music is a beast of an artform, but without a firm philosophical or literary foundation by which normie retards can comprehend it, it is powerless.

>> No.22929338

Music can't tell a story in the same way that literature can, it has a different role.

>> No.22930426
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>skilled at reading and writing
>proceeds to some verbose bs

What happened to "Brevity is soul of wit"

>> No.22930502
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Why do I have the feeling you have some shitty popular music in mind? People who say this never mean actually good music (classical).

>> No.22930513

>Brevity is soul of wit
The character who said that was an obnoxious, long-winded fucker

>> No.22930598

1) Great books tend to have greater staying power than popular music, music being the more faddish medium. Millions of people read The Great Gatsby every year, but basically no one listens to music from the 1920s, even the stuff that was extremely popular then.

2) Literature is a more detailed medium than music, which explains why AI can (more or less) already ape popular music but it will be years before it writes a masterpiece novel. If you have a lot to say, books are the way to go, not music.

>> No.22930762

>Great books tend to have greater staying power than popular music
Why are you comparing great books to pop music? Compare pop literature to pop music or great music to great books.
>basically no one listens to music from the 1920s
What? Ravel's Bolero, when you add up the play counts for all the different combinations of titling the piece, has at least 50 million plays on Spotify. The most viewed performance of Bolero on Youtube has 75 million views. It's far from pop music numbers, but it's not neglectable and we're comparing it with great books anyway. I'd say the amount of people that read The Great Gatsby and listen to Bolero is closer than you make it seem.

>> No.22930796

You could make a comparison with popular books to popular music and I think the comparison would still hold. Sherlock Holmes, Jules Verne’s and Kipling’s work, for instance, compared to popular music of those decades.

>> No.22931214

That's a man.

>> No.22931216

I've honestly never compared artistic mediums against each other like that. Why do people think like this?

>> No.22931265

If poetry counts as literature then lyrics definitely should as well.

>> No.22931461

>Person with a talent for writing that never seriously pursued writing is mediocre at best
This should be obvious especially when it’s why your writing is shit too

>> No.22931482
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That's cope from a perspective that isn't trying to find out everything a novel can be

>> No.22931522

God I wish

>> No.22931593
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Literature > Film > Music

>> No.22931604

reckon you watch A24slop and think it's high art

>> No.22931607

No, I hate GAy24. Sounds like projection to me

>> No.22931654

Most pseud post on all of /lit/ right now

>> No.22931661

the reverse order is true

>> No.22932831
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>>22930426 >>22931654
Nice rebuttals to my points, dipshit faggots

>> No.22932841
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video game = literature + film + music
therefore video game is better than literature, film and music

>> No.22932844

Based Faure appreciator.

>> No.22932874

It's actually literature > music >>> film

>> No.22932875

quantitative fallacy

>> No.22933390

*Literature > film >>> music

>> No.22933394

Dang she is walling hard. You can tell every possible human contrivance is being employed to stop it but it is happening regardless.

>> No.22933493

>No, I hate GAy24
Alright, good. What movies did you have in mind, then?

>> No.22933569

You seem to be angry that music is an art form and not a dick measuring competition for musicians. What you're defending is equivalent of canvas shitting as "performance art".

>> No.22933576

That's cheating. If you should judge quality of games as an art form you should judge narrative and interactive game design.

>> No.22933579
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By doing both at once. :D

>> No.22933600

Have you tried light ambient piano music?

>> No.22933616

That's the worst example of music tho, she's basically an actress or a model

>> No.22933944

Whatever movies I enjoy, but no A24 or capeshit

>> No.22934233

>modal jazz
You're able to read while listening to Coltrane and Dolphy playing Impressions?

>> No.22934248

Film sucks. Glad I got out of my movie guy phase.

>> No.22934260

I agrre with you, but the way music is used in that way is still beautiful. Who cares if someone can't truly appreciate a group effort im creating a whole thing with sound. If music is as great and powerful as you say, it should be able to embody the opposite of what you hold dearly from it.

>> No.22934263

the only thing I ever listen to while reading is white noise if people around me are particularly annoying

>> No.22934268

>Film sucks
>Movie guy phase
Try watching something other than fucking fight club or Tarantino

>> No.22934279

Agreed. Philosophy comes before pretty much all art.

>> No.22934281

>comparing apples to bowling balls
Anons, how will ever recover from the fact that my car will never be as fast as a fighter jet? What do I dooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.22934284

So watching French vampires commit suicide is better?

>> No.22934290

Pulp Fiction is one of the best movies of all time

>> No.22934293

I think films have more impact than books

>> No.22934298

>laughs in video game
I am everything. Jealous?

>> No.22934307

>on god we bussin
I like it.

>> No.22934311

Name 10 films in which this occurs
Watch more films
They both can have a equal impact. A good film is equal to a good book.

>> No.22934365

I have only seen one French vampire film, I don't remember what it is called. My point still stands, regardless.

>> No.22934373

It was 'Rape of the Vampire'

>> No.22934451

>Watch more films
I could watch all the films and it would still be true retard, you’re so mindfucked by your pretentious babble you’ve forgotten what good films are.

>> No.22934462

Pulp Fiction literally sucks, Tarantino is a hack

>> No.22934469

Your mind is just full of nonsense and memery, stop huffing your farts anytime.

>> No.22934473

>You literally HAVE to like Tarantino even though his films are fucking overrated shlock

>> No.22934482

Great writing

>> No.22934495

No one should be allowed to use the literature board if they believe that video games are the best art form. They are barely even art at all.

>> No.22934577

Music is the most moving, the most impactful art. But that doesn’t mean it’s the best art. If you enjoy a mediocre pop song and listen to it because it lifts your mood, does that mean it’s more worthy than a profound philosophical novel?

>> No.22935893

>classical music too interesting
>ambient music too shit
what's some good reading music bros

>> No.22936314

I get to live in a world with both literature and music? splendid.

>> No.22936316

Perhaps he ain't trying to be witty, anon.

>> No.22936336

vidya is too young of an artform as well as too unexplored to be compared to the others, but I think it does have potential
again, it's too early

>> No.22936585

There's a lot of good smbient out there. I used to think it wasn't any good as well, but you have to search around a bit until you find the right stuff for you. There's a genre which gets lumped with ambient which some people also call "ambience" which is just the kind of sounds you might hear if you were in a certain setting, be it a jungle, a spaceport, or a library. That might be more up your alley. I got into server room ambience for a couple of nights, for getting into cyberpunk. More recently, Dune-themed ambient misic has been my sountrack for yoga, which is rather like reading in that you have to focus on the task at hand and can't be distracted by complex melodies or beats.

>> No.22936958
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This is the key. I think video games have the potential to be the best art form, but nothing yet produced is anywhere near that potential.

People assume that unlimited innovation is possible in any medium but I don't see why that should be the case. I think the older forms have been explored pretty well. For example, music is great but it might well be that Beethoven got as far as you can go. When the 20th century tried to go further they just regressed. Atonality isn't a step forward.

I made this picture a while back to express all this.

>> No.22936965

Postal 2 is the highest cultural achievement of mankind.