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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 183 KB, 1500x1516, GDaSafsawAANyG6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22927650 No.22927650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New 'toss.

>> No.22927659

Merchandise item behind window in middle-left panel

gg ezpz

>> No.22927671
File: 130 KB, 1024x994, 1698956269678989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old 'toss

>> No.22927686
File: 367 KB, 791x861, homosexual medicine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly lazy one.

>> No.22927743
File: 125 KB, 640x853, the_comics_of_640_high_30-1132076669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Cowboy Henk thread

>> No.22927750
File: 155 KB, 700x942, cowboy_henk_comics_11-4246537457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22927753
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>> No.22927759
File: 159 KB, 700x935, cowboy_henk_comics_14-1997749145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one, and remember kids: Americans are natural born cringelords, especially American cartoonists

>> No.22927841

Are these Americans in the room with us?

>> No.22928016


Do you need to experience male-on-male sex before you find these funny? Seems like classic euro “humor”

>> No.22928040

No, they're too fat

>> No.22928049

You’re low test

>> No.22928054
File: 30 KB, 438x292, 814ABDAE-2E4A-4FBC-A14F-0CCF711FD947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The high-test authors in question

>> No.22928068

>saving pictures of men
>criticizing their appearance
Definitely low test, possibly gay.

>> No.22928092

Im not criticizing their looks (which obviously you immediately examined and rated). I am criticizing two “men” taking a public photo with their tongues on each other before they write an unfunny cringe comic

>> No.22928111

Jeroom should sue

>> No.22928116
File: 269 KB, 1280x1600, 1688133210769518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get this one...

>> No.22928128

She has the defibrillator ready for when the booster shot stops his heart. Because covid boosters cause myocarditis. Is Stonetoss really that difficult to understand?

>> No.22928148

>Is Stonetoss really that difficult to understand?
If you are not terminally online/american, yes.

>> No.22928155

Anyone somewhat caught up on news about the vaccine should be able to figure this out pretty

>> No.22928169

I was not talking specifically about this one. Stonetoss comics are centered in american politics; obviously a non-american will not easily understand it, but a terminally online (from anywhere) will.

>> No.22928172

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22928174

you're calling actually funny comics in cringe in stonetoss thread

>> No.22928183

It tends to be the case with political comics that you need to have a baseline understanding of the issue being parodied in order to understand the joke. Pretty sure thats not an exclusively American thing.

>> No.22928188

Now I actually am laughing thinking about some Frenchman cracking up at these.

>honhon ze big buff man pooped on the ground

Reminds me of them cracking up at some edgy cartoon of Mohammad getting raped or something.

>> No.22928189

> with their tongues on each other
It’s just one tongue and it’s not on the other guy. You saw this cheeky photo among two friends and imagined some homosexual scene that isn’t there. Congrats.

>> No.22928195

>Its so cheeky to lick your male friend and publicly do a homosexual act

Is this what jestermaxxing is?

>> No.22928415

>It’s just one tongue
Lol, LGBTQIA2S (sorry if I missed you, +) metering their judgement based on the number of tongues in use.

>> No.22928426

Panel 4 behind the glass

>> No.22928601

Stuf you brainrotten zoomer

>> No.22928757

>No you can only laugh at cartoons written by homosexuals!

>> No.22928764

He's not licking him. Keep projecting your homosexuality.

>> No.22928771

Lol so you zoomed that far in to see if his tongue was actually touching him? Talk about gay. Also, by nature of being a modern European, they are certainly gay regardless.

>> No.22928780
File: 276 KB, 727x3382, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Hussie ghostwriting for Toss?

>> No.22928783

Nice admission of your home projection. Btw you can see his tongue is in the air without "zooming that far in" lol use a PC next time, faggot.

>> No.22928787

Sounds like you did a lot of research to white knight for your favorite bisexual cartoonists.

>> No.22928811
File: 45 KB, 563x698, 1703938661422089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna lie that make me laugh pretty hard.

>> No.22929153

I dont get it.

>> No.22929165

Definitely not but if the Homestuck guy became a right-wing chud that'd be fucking hilarious.

>> No.22929170

Its retarded chud logic saying gay people are gay because they didn't have loving parents/father figure

>> No.22929192

I have good loving parents, a father figure, I grew up in a 2 parent stable household, etc. and I still like twinks and femboys (along with women). Explain.

>inb4 You use porn
My attraction to cute men predates my porn usage

>> No.22929197

Gay people are just degenerate like straights.
The rule is the same regardless of orientation.

>> No.22929201

You have degenerate tendencies.
This is normal and is something to overcome.

>> No.22929213

Gays were raped as children. That's how they reproduce.

>> No.22929421

And thus, in this thread, I've proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Americans are indeed all cringelords. Q.E.D.

>> No.22929426

I'm not American

>> No.22929427

Same. Couldn't ask for better parents, long-term boyfriend, attracted to men for as long as I can remember.

>> No.22929435

No, but you were influenced by them

>> No.22929456
File: 2.79 MB, 476x480, 1644963124258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tards be like
>i believe in hardcore genetic determinism in human behavior and that's why we need an ethnostate because black people are dumb, lascivious and violent and jews are greedy and evil
and then be like
>homosexuality is wholly an outcome of childhood trauma and the social construction of woke society and would not exist if these people grew up in a traditional, 1950's american nuclear family

>> No.22929457

Why is the pharmacy guy french?

>> No.22929458

>american politics

>> No.22929463

Because cringelord Americans can't even steal properly

>> No.22930001

He secretly is but knows the only audience he has left is weird tumblr/twitter leftoids.
This is why the pandering to them has gone to the point of insane parody, after the blowup over the caucasian joke he decided to simply give them what they weant to the point of clownishness.

>> No.22930005


>> No.22930017

Vaxxie detected

>> No.22930087

Remake of an old and better comic. Worse punchline.

>> No.22930089

Where I live everyone and their mothers got vaccinated, lockdowns ended, we went back to normal. I had already forgot everything about the vaccine at this point. I never heard anything about myocarditis until visiting this website. I assume most normal people are like that.

>> No.22930124

So you blindly took a government mandated vaccine and did no research into the effects because you aren’t “terminally online”? I hope all non-Americans aren’t this dumb

>> No.22930136

>So you blindly took a government mandated vaccine
You take a bunch of government mandated vaccines here in Brazil anyway, what is one more?

>> No.22930155


>he thinks every gay person he knows has a closeted father

You’re a retard

>> No.22930169

It's been like 4 years almost, do conservatives really still believe that any day now people will start dying en mass from the vaccine?

>> No.22930423

I love being Belgian.
Repeat after me: Potverdorie. Hitler dood, wa nu?

>> No.22930444

>Gays bad

>> No.22930543

Yes. I see them saying this all the time on /lit/ of all places.

>> No.22930568

these new captchas are kinda hard :/

>> No.22930662

anon, you might be a robot

>> No.22930889

I can't read the black on black characters very well

>> No.22930903

no need to be racist

>> No.22930917

> twinks and femboys
not gay, this is sexual desperation (as opposed to bara, which is sexual introspection gone way too far)

In the past I think rape was the more common way, but there's easier routes of initiation now. For me it was furry bara stuff, but none of it is worth talking about really and belongs in the past

>> No.22930922

gay stuff, I mean. Deviant sexuality is obsolete, there's a better source of vitality now in the Holy Spirit

>> No.22930928

Marquis de sade

>> No.22930933

I read this more as "A lot of people who call themselves gay or trans wouldn't have turned out this way if they had a good childhood/life/community", not a total denial of faggots lol.

>> No.22930946


legit i only understood it after reading this one

>> No.22930951

Retarded take. If unstable households made homosexuals, blacks and latinos in the USA would be super gay. But it's mostly a white people thing.

>> No.22930963

>Men obsessed with jewelry and shoes and colours and trends are not gay
>Chimp out ensues if called gay
>Biggest prison sex enjoyers

>> No.22930971
File: 69 KB, 1010x551, black-vs-white-lgbt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Are you retarded?

>> No.22930977

This is your brain on western media

>> No.22930979

Yes. And they make you sterile, the low birth rates prove it! Never mind that the birth rates didn't change much even in states where 80+% of people got the shot.

The lack of mass death doesn't matter, they have a bunch of newspaper clippings of young people dying from heart issues. That proves it. Nevermind these don't mention if the person even took the vaccine. A kid I went to school with did track and was on the swim team and dropped dead at 17. Must have been an early dose of the vax in 2006 or something.

>2016: my facts don't care about your feelings snowflake. Trump won, fuck your feelings.
>2020: my feelings don't care about your facts lib. Trump won, fuck your feelings.
>2024: reeeeee!! No! My based God Emperor can't lose again and go to jail. Really he won and the verdict was innocent. Ahhhhhhh, I'm going to shoot up EVERYTHING. I can't breed!!!!

>> No.22930981


>> No.22930992

What do anons think of interracial gay relationships?

>> No.22930996

Modern leftism is just people very aggressively trying to convince you to take on a variety of different pharmaceuticals and medical procedures. Its very normal to care this much about other people’s medicine….

>> No.22931013

Maybe if you live in your cuckservative filterbubble

>> No.22931020

Meds xD

>> No.22931030

meds NOW

>> No.22931034


>> No.22931039
File: 441 KB, 750x1244, IMG_1237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excess deaths are indeed noticeably higher statistically, and in a way which exceeds how much higher they went during the period when COVID was circulating but there was as yet no vaccine.


There’s also many people who suspect this, think this or care about this issue (possible mRNA vax side effects) without being hardcore Trumpers or fitting into the caricature you have

>> No.22931049

I'm smirking so hard at this right now

>> No.22931055

>much higher they went during the period when COVID was circulating but there was as yet no vaccine.

That's not what either of your articles or CDC data says at all.

The US being way behind other rich countries (your source) shows the exact opposite of what you seem to think it does. These nations all have higher rates of vaccination, in many cases much higher. And they use the same vaccines (not even all the vaccines are mRNA lol). So if the vax is causing deaths, why are the highest vac countries outperforming the US? Go look at a heat map of where the excess deaths are the worst. It doesn't map the vaccine use at all.

>Facts that undermine my feel feels aren't facts! I am not a charicature! I am going to shoot up a grocery store if Blump doesn't win! I love Blump so fucking much, reeeeee!!!! MAGA!

>> No.22931058

nta but insane that you still had to make it about magatards at the end even when the dude said you dont need to make him into a magatard to make your point.

>> No.22931072

>heat map of where the excess deaths are the worst
(i'm not american btw.) is it race?? i bet it's race. it's race, right? the stupid third of americans always brings up those maps of health outcomes etc by state, and west virginia is always not doing as extremely while missippi, south carolina and louisiana are at the extreme. all among the blackest states, and unlike, say, maryland, their blacks are heavily rural. it's race for sure, try again.

>> No.22931087

To be fair, those states all have terrible health metrics and economic mobility even if you only look at whites. West Virginia is like 94% white or something.

>> No.22931144

I literaly don't understand this :l