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/lit/ - Literature

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2292764 No.2292764 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we make our own poems

Roses are red
Pringles are brown
Although they are stackable,
They always make me frown

>> No.2292776

Asunder and otherwise, surprise over skies
Blue and red and pink and why o why
Is the sky the blue it is, why o why is my child
Black and blue, born a churlish hue, a death from life, a life from mine own
Own flesh, planted and grown, and doted upon for all these months, May thru June thru
January, the snow and ice and the
Hospital sheen, the machines pumping quietly in rooms and
Waiting with men I don't know and
Each one looks less worried than me
I don't think I'm cut out for what I'm about to be a part of, and as a twist of developmental biology,
I don't have to, today.

>> No.2292777

Was it just me, or was /b/ and /lit/ down for like 4 days?

>> No.2292778

Under water nigger
Coming right up in my turf
Fucking got my finger on the trigger
On this blood wave I surf

>> No.2292783

Wherever I look
Whatever I do
The voice in my head
Doth continue

To chastise and berate
My peculiar state
Anger and confusion
Doth penetrate

To the back of my mind
Where all I can find
Are the ruins of an unforgiving past
An everlasting burning in the pit of my creation

Conditioned to obey
To sit
To stay
To abolish the habit of thinking
To mock emotion
And to snub Creation.

To bask momentarily in the warm globe of deathless existence
To peer, eyes wide, over the precipice to the dark depthless hole of nonbeing
To become a shell
containing an infinite echo

A brief , coincidental alignment of clarity and beauty--
And then the fog returns.

And then.
once again.
to submit.
to entropy.

>> No.2292915

You appear and disappear
Where, I don’t even know
Or care to even ask
Caught in a net
Punching and kicking to escape
But even if I escaped
I’m still in cuffs without a key
Stuck on repeat, you’re gone again
Coming back for an instant just to taunt me
Can I keep you this time
I fall through you onto the ground
Where our grave is set in stone
Real as the blood and tears trickling
As soon as seen, they’re gone
Wiped off by your hand
Only to leave more cuts
With your razor blade palms
But before I even notice, you’re gone
With only a damp pillow to prove
That you ever existed at all

>> No.2292917

everything in this thread is terrible, also
>admitting you go on /b/

>> No.2292951

Fuck tha police
Comin straight,
from the underground
Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown
And not the other color,
so police think
They have the authority,
to kill,
a minority.

>> No.2292955
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>> No.2292957 [DELETED] 

Don't give a fuck as long as it rhymes
Who has the energy for poetry in these trying
Where we have no certainty, no clear

>> No.2292962

I'm sitting on the couch naked
Eating a piece of onion
Reminds me vauely of
I hear a knock
At my door
I open it
And it's Mike
He asks me
"Why the fuck are you naked?"
I say
I don't know

>> No.2292969 [DELETED] 
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>>2292957 one more

Now it shall be my turn to welcome the warm torrents of shower water onto my naked pores.

I will turn the knob, turn it right, adjust the warmth,
just right.

>> No.2292970

>rhyming right with right

nigga got flow

>> No.2292973 [DELETED] 

oh shit
it's brad pitt
time to split
my girl has a fit

>> No.2293128

I thought I'd try out surreal/dadaist poetry. Is it any good?

untie the gogogogo tailcoat
spew the capital letters with your rotating arm
and we will fall again like frogspawn
in black barrels of lime

if i am a bed of ice, you are sleeping in me
though there is no rest but the frolicking of lifebelts
and in the lifebelt not even words can rest
only the fragrance of words
in an icy moonlit bed

>> No.2293325
File: 57 KB, 600x776, heroinshotup1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my way home from Tesco today
I saw a man shooting up in a doorway
The sun glistened against his syringe
Like water beads on a soaking minge

He looked at me, I looked away
His eyes were fierce, dark and grey
I am not the type to attempt to infringe
On one's human right to opiate binge

>> No.2293333

In January
I ate a cranberry
In February
I visited an estuary
In March
I went on a march
In April
I couldn't think of anything that rhymes with April
In May
I called someone gay
In June
I saw a sand dune
In July
I ate some pie
In August
I saw a car covered in rust
In September
I something something remember
In November
I gave up on this poem

>> No.2293334

Roses aren't red, they're a scarlet hue.
Violets aren't blue, they're violet, hence the name.

>> No.2293347

Why did the chicken cross the road
my toddler asked today
why is the sky blue
I answered and he replied
because it is

the metaphysical qualities
of unearthly spectres
daunts us with the sheer complexity
of unanswered dilemmas

I light a cigarette
and puff

>> No.2293361

Why is the sky blue is not an unanswered dilemma. It is blue because high energy particles entering the earth's atmosphere lose energy as they collide with air particles. That is, they start off as white-hot, then in losing energy, they refract light in the blue part of the light spectrum.

>> No.2293366

Oh, okay. Here's a revised edit:

Why did the chicken cross the road
my toddler asked today
why is the sky blue
I answered and he replied
because high energy particles entering the earth's atmosphere lose energy as they collide with air particles. That is, they start off as white-hot, then in losing energy, they refract light in the blue part of the light spectrum.

I light a cigarette
and puff

>> No.2293367

I really like some of these. Especially the drug one.

>> No.2293372

>In May
>I called someone gay
dealing with a badass over here

>> No.2293419

Free form poetry is just
with too
many lines and no

>> No.2293510

governments futiori
itutha 1962-64
icosite republic
largely rkedygen
choices xessin

>> No.2293527

I would like my love to die
and the rain to be falling on the graveyard
and on me walking the streets
mourning the first and last to love me

>> No.2293551

chamber number four
when will you open for me
i believe in the door
i believe it will open for me

when i go outside that door
i will look back at it
not to live it one time more
but to remember i've lived

>chamber.4 Iselfic

>> No.2294291

I laughed

>> No.2294308

Nigger, nigger, nigger
You steal many a man's bike.
If my hate was bigger
Your head'd be on a pike.

>> No.2294351

50 bars in a party bag, swag
And some weed from Afghanistan, swag
Im on footballs I hit the Superbowl
And I live in a liquor store
I'mma stop buying weed, I'mma make it grow
I'mma stop burning weed, I'mma make it smoke
I ain't no medical doctor but I am self prescribed
Ain't that nigga cooking up sushi but I got the eyes
Before I hit the plane Im already in the sky
Two weeks later, im still in the sky
G6 jet make, them pussys wet
Have you ever snorted Xanax some trippy shit

The homie Juicy J spit tin the real

>> No.2294800

Cunts like you make me glad I gave up pot.

>> No.2294834

tion ederass
notrait defence
poianc tour
are ultstant

man uldsci
rosste needed
herencre makeup
annsta (the
nyBuzai one

>> No.2294836

At first I disliked
it, but now I appear to
be addicted, fuck

>> No.2294862

Poland, oh
You are the land of
Oh land,
of Po

>> No.2294861

Floating on clouds of euphoria,
I take another look at her,
My girl,
And I die,
Maybe it wasn't worth it

>> No.2294878
File: 18 KB, 358x308, tyra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roses are red
violets are blue
there's nothing worse
than niggers and jews

>> No.2294890

roses are red
violets are blue
fuck off to /b/
you racist twat

>> No.2294921
File: 24 KB, 400x299, Portlandia-season-1-episode-4-Mayor-is-Missing-s01e04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portland, oh
You are the land of
Oh land,
of Port

>> No.2294934


>> No.2294948

Now my name is MCA, I've got a license to kill.
I think you know what time it is it's time to get ill.
Now what do we have here? An outlaw and his beer?
I run this land, you understand? I make myself clear?
We stepped into the wind he had a gun, I had a grin
You think this story's over but it's ready to begin.

Now I got the gun; you got the brew.
You got two choices of what you can do.
It's not a tough decision as you can see,
I can blow you away or you can ride with me,
I said, "I'll ride with you if you can get me to the border.
The sheriff's after me for what I did to his daughter.
I did it like this, I did it like that
I did it with a whiffleball bat."

>> No.2294981

i like egg
they make me make farts
that put a nose on my peg
did you see what I did?
did you see what I deg?
I make words to go with egg!
swapped around the line
no rhythm, jittery, jarring
because i'm awful at poetry
and worse at rhymes

>> No.2295018

There once was a girl I loved
Whose name was Anne-Marie
I imagined her white dressed and gloved -
I thought she'd marry me

But imaginations can run wild
And are often unrealistic
I asked her and she told me, "Child,
I could never love a spastic."

I cried myself to sleep that night
But I awoke most determined
I returned to her, and she exclaimed with fright
Oh shit don't kill me please
I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean it
I'll do whatever you want
Just please don't fucking NOOOO

I fucked her severed head that night
The flesh still warm on my cock
It was such a truly delightful site
As a memento I kept her sock

>> No.2297192

There was a young man of 'slash lit'
Who was known as quite the misfit
When he fapped his small rod
He screamed "Harold Bloom's God!"
That dreadful young man of 'slash lit'

>> No.2297202

Andy Kaufman throws a dinner party for Morrissey and the Queen

Mozzer hates meat and the Queen;
the Queen loves her swans and her tea,
so Kaufman made dinner,
asked "Who is the winner?"
and pulled out a roast swan tagine.

>> No.2297270

Eärendil was a mo'fucker,
That tarried in A-MADE-UP-WORD;
He blinged a boat of sweet rims felled
In NO-SUCH-PLACE to coastcrawl in;
Her sails he wove of SOMETHING-REAL,
Of SOMETHING were her lanterns made,
These words be-fashioned Tolkean,
But light upon the language lay,
Yet bear his big gay rhymes afar,
The Flaming Elf of ARSE-PULL-NESS.