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/lit/ - Literature

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22925820 No.22925820 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for a physical copy; I hate reading digital shit

>> No.22925834

Putin is pissing in the mouth of NATO lol what planet are you on?

>> No.22925839

I'm Greek Orthodox if that matters

>> No.22925857 [DELETED] 
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>meanwhile in reality

>> No.22925859

Are people supposed to believe thats real lmao

>> No.22925879 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22926013

goddamn, are russians really supermen or was that some sort of final-moments adrenaline death rattle?

>> No.22926021
File: 2.87 MB, 852x480, 1703565937310504.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they exist to die for the tsar. They can tank a lot of damage as long as they can see other russians die before them

>> No.22926035

alright that dude deserved it for pointing out his buddy. still, this sort of footage bums me out. nu-"warfare" is so ghey. i picture nerd-necked drone operators crapping their briefs with excitement whenever they land a perfect grenade drop

>> No.22926037

its just a passing phase, in a few years you will have the swarms fully automated. Just select a grid on the map and they will remove all humans using AI so you cant jam the person controlling it
Humanity probably has like 20 years left if they dont stop the AI arms race

>> No.22926559

>Russia is totally losing because I have AI generated videos of 3 of them getting blown up

>> No.22926654

>"Putin is pissing in NATO'S mouth"
>"HAHA let's prove him otherwise by posting footage of men that are 10 times more heroic than me painfully dying in combat while lying wounded in a ditch"

You're a mentally ill retard and people would beat your teeth out IRL if you showed that to a Russian, have seen that happen here in Germany.

Also Putin is pissing in Nato's mouth, Ukraine has lost.

>> No.22926663

By forcing two new states, one of which borders Russia into NATO?

>> No.22926667

they got towns called germany in russia? talk about cultural colonization

>> No.22926671

You're not funny retard, hier würde man deine fette Polenmutter ficken. Sorry, I meant get back to cleaning my toilets you third world 3rd generation belter faggot.

>> No.22926678

did you learn that sentence from your grandmother, I think she loved germans a bit too much

>> No.22926681

>Nooooo Finland is in NATO! Russia is over!

>> No.22926687

Bro you're on /lit/ doing fuck knows what posting footage of soldiers dying and getting shat on by other anons, please fuck off to your homeboard or focus on /lit/ topics you deranged troglodyte.

>> No.22926690

didnt they teach you the basics at FSB school?

>> No.22926703

man these russians orc creatures have really been swarming /lit/ lately. guess they got one of their own as janny.

>> No.22926716
File: 390 KB, 800x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ukraine lost
You will have to cope with reality sooner or later
You will have to accept how things went
You will have to accept 2 years of your time flushed down the drain shitposting gore for Ukraine on the internet to nameless strangers
You will never get that time back
Russia will forever live rent free in your head
You will never get revenge or justice
Your hopes and delusions crushed by Russia

You are buckbroken. Not even American. There isn't even anything you could distract yourself with because you're from some eastern european shithole.

Buck broken by Putler. Sad! Many such cases.

>> No.22926729
File: 718 KB, 1079x1593, 1704804729890145[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ukraine wo-ACK...
We will rape your women
We will kill your children
We will genocide you
And you wont do anything about it
cope hohols

>> No.22926733
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ukraine status?

>> No.22926736
File: 3.80 MB, 1280x720, crying_wagner_fan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how the bullied little edgelord russian kid in germany copes with his existence.

>> No.22926744
File: 183 KB, 700x678, 1689723200423230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia is pissing in NATO's mouth by helping NATO expand to its border
What's the next step of this masterplan?

>> No.22926747

We are not the same Anon. I don't post gore and especially not children. Go fuck yourself you retard. Besides that I already told you that I'm not Russian but you still got buckbroken by Putler of all people.
Learn to cope with it.

>> No.22926750
File: 83 KB, 720x274, sanest zigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably from /int/ they have a foothold there with a russian janny and they keep spamming this shit
Russians are the only ones that still pay hiroyuki after he lost all his advertisers I guess
I imagine the monke putin from OP triggered the shill response since its always the same copypasted script

>> No.22926758

It probably wasn't very damaging because the weight is distributed on multiple wheels.

>> No.22926761

OP decided to trigger people, so what reaction do you downsyndrome plagued idiot expect from Russians and pro-Russians on this board?
Empathy? If he wanted book recs he wouldn't have brough up that picture but something related to literature or at least fucking Pepe. You're braindead

>> No.22926762
File: 64 KB, 319x179, 7657897546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will NEVER be Albanian.

>> No.22926767

punch the wall to show us how mad and dangerous you are little russian kid in germany.

>monke putin actually triggers russians
lmao. you are subhuman.

>> No.22926770

can you retarded niggers have a thread that doesnt belong in pol

>> No.22926774

they intentionally shit up threads they dont like so they can get removed

>> No.22926779

Nigger, do you have a learning disability? I am not the one who posted the gore. Also why are you so mentally fixated on Russian kids? Have you been bullied and sat on a bottle by Russians in school you little subhuman bitch? Most Germans hate Ukrainians and want those faggots to fuck off as fast as possible, by whatever means possible, even if it means Ukraine losing.
Ukraine lost and you can /pol/ post all you want.

I already told you mentally deranged troglodyte to stay /lit/ related or fuck off and die on your homeboard. Bitch ass nigger, I could gauge your eyes out in public and nobody would intervene for me doing the world a favour cleaning the gene pool.

>> No.22926780


>> No.22926784

damn so intimidating. punch the wall to show us your power kid.

>> No.22926789
File: 102 KB, 928x1024, 1695315180818909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao russian tranny meltdown in progress

>> No.22926970

You bastards ruined my non-political Turner Diaries thread!

>> No.22927546
File: 352 KB, 880x495, 980x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pooter revived NATO back from the dead lmao

>> No.22927867