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22923692 No.22923692 [Reply] [Original]

"I've got something to say." Edition
Last time on /wwoym/: >>22918697

>> No.22923697

Need that Richard Pipes book

>> No.22923706

Is working the nightshift worth the 15% shift differential pay? No. It’s not about the money. I don’t give a fuck about an extra 15%. I am not saving for anything. I don’t want anything; I have enough money. Making an extra fifteen grand a year isn’t worth the price of total social isolation. So why do I subject myself to this shift? The only upside of working at night is that on my days off I can go to the gym at 0100h and not lift weights in a zoo. I’m already a recluse, and nightshift is making me weirder, and lonelier, and eccentric’er. I need to get off this shift. I put in my time (two lonely years), and don’t like the future I imagine after living like this for twenty years. Living at night is like living on another planet. I don’t rotate my sleeping schedule on my days off. I’m done living on a different rhythm from society. Thank God there is still a 24hr grocery store open in my neighborhood. Living at night is like playing on an empty server; it’s like an episode of The Twilight Zone. I’m going to email my manager.

>> No.22923712

How do I avoid the opinions of women, gays, and black people when I release my award-winning novel in 2025?

>> No.22923730

The retard in my blood is telling me to learn Latin, German and Classical Chinese all at once. My days are spent using the little braincells I have left to suppress this feeling in my blood.
>Is working the nightshift worth the 15% shift differential pay?
It's worth the decreased social contact. The worst part of any job is having to deal with other people, really.

>> No.22923752 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 400x600, 1679220011518055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falling asleep in the soft hands of a 158cm tall, flat chested, slim girl with bright green eyes and hair like sunlight, a freckled face and slightly overzied beautifully pink lips.

>> No.22923756

the job won't change, I'll just be doing the same work (in a factory) during the day time, but I'll be able to live in the daylight during my long 4 day weekends, without having to fuck my sleep schedule.

>> No.22923759

fuck bitches get money

>> No.22923776

So it's all still the same bullshit then, huh? In that case it's best to just do the day shift, especially since you seem to prefer being awake during day.

>> No.22923779

yeah. thanks for the validation. I'm sending it.

>> No.22923803

It happened. I'm getting a job after year long neet. I'm simultaneously relieved and stressed out. It's a warehouse forklift job, but beats leeching off of my parents. I might go on another neet, this time with an actual plan, but I will let that idea sink now before actually making some money.

>> No.22923807

>long 4 day weekends
As an aside, my favorite job I ever had was as a Dishwasher at a busy tequila bar in downtown Portland, OR. I worked Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 2:00pm-3:30 or 4:00am. I got my full time hours in 3 days and then had 4 days off. This was in 2019, iirc. I actually made $15 an hour doing that too, not bad money for dishwashing. My rent was only $500 a month so I made rent in a week. It was fun at first because the two other dishwashers I worked with were fun, we all got a long extremely well. But then one of them moved to pantry and we had trouble replacing him, and the job became a nightmare.

>> No.22923819

>If I go to buy alcohol, Im going to be sorry. The same if I dont.
this is suffering

>> No.22923830

I wish I wanted to buy less things

>> No.22923838

I have a hypothisis that sexual arousal that is uncompleted can be sort of transmuted into added productivity.

Basically if you get hot and bothered but don't bust a nut, then instead quickly take all that excitement and do something else you will be more productive at that other activity.

Right run a few test using myself as a sample size on one.
It also might explain why I can crank out 10000 words of smut in two days but it takes me a week to do a single 2500 word chapter of fantasy or drama, and 1500 words of a thriller or mystery.

>> No.22923845

buy some alcohol and enjoy, fuck everyone

>> No.22923856

That’s why they tell boxers not to jack off in the training and lead up to the big fight

>> No.22923897

That's not a hypothesis, energy is depleted after every orgasm.

>> No.22923906

based noncoomer

>> No.22923911

Terrible advice. You are encouraging his ruin, he is clearl an alcoholic if he feels bad whether he drinks it or not.

>> No.22923926

he posts on 4chan, it can't get any worse

>> No.22923993

I'm having a brain fart, so faur warning on the impending dumb question.

Can you properly give ownership to the singluar word leaf ('s)? If so is it adding an apostrophe 's' as in "leaf's" or..? Or if I'm speaking of the origin of a leaf, do I have to word it as I just have to keep it properly written and singular?

>> No.22924003

Writing is hard. I'm just churning out words until they end up being good. I don't know when I'll ever be happy with them. But if I don't write, I start getting depressed because I need something to show for my passing days.

If the leaf owns things, they are the leaf's things.

>> No.22924009

That's what I thought. Yet I kept turning up a mixed bag of leaf's or leaves' when i searched which the latter didn't seem correct because it was pluarized and I was looking for the singular. So I needed to confirm real quick.

Appreciate it

>> No.22924015

If you end up proving this can add 10% to a workers productivity, Amazon will be making gooncages where you get to edge for 10 minutes but without cumming

>> No.22924035

I find the story of that Italian model who is quitting modeling to become a priest very inspiring.

>> No.22924048
File: 535 KB, 940x1024, thinking apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't be sure that actual thinking or willing is taking place because from the lowest level of our perspective, we are simply experiencing/aware of phenomena, similar to a bucket simply holding water without that water being the bucket or really affecting it. What we take to be ourselves thinking could just be the experience of what it's like to think and act willingly, which we are passively aware of and experience without truly doing it. SO here's the thing: experiences are *intelligible*. We aren't experiencing random blobs of unidentifiable phenomena, what we experience has a structure and is understandable. And here's the other thing: even if we can't be sure that we are actually performing the act of intellection (I need a better word for this) or that something being intelligible means we are actually engaging in intellection when we understand it, the very fact that the phenomena *are* intelligible means that true thought is taking place, as the phenomena being intelligible is contingent on there being a mind capable of performing intellection *to make them* intelligible, that is, it is only due to the fact that we do indeed think and will rather than passively experience that the experiences are intelligible at all and without this fact there might have been the illusion of thought without true intellection but it would have been impossible to distinguish this illusion from the unintelligible phenomena it would have taken place in.
Am I on the right track here? I know there are problems with my argument but since I ran into the problem of passive/container-like awareness of phenomena last June or so I haven't been able to overcome it in any way except through this. If it doesn't work I'm back to not being able to prove that anyone is actually thinking at all.

>> No.22924060
File: 379 KB, 1005x508, Schermata 2023-12-30 alle 14.04.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us will never have that, some of us will never experience genuine affection, love and ultimately sex. It is just how the aleatoric things work in this chaotic world, no matter you think you have control or not. Meanwhile there are people hardcore loving each other to the point of being mutually involved in arousal sexual performances like fetishes, oral, anal, all while being completely socially functional and wealthy. On the other side of existence, outside purely formal dialogues, some men will never even experience a genuine hug, going on until the inevitable agony consumes them as they drift into the void more and more.

>> No.22924061

On one hand I'm upset my work got a 3.3 out of 5 on Royal Road, on the other hand it keeps getting followers despite having such a mediocre score.

>> No.22924129

Does the word "tyrant" have roots in the name of the kingdom of tyre?

>> No.22924172

Dont need to rub it in asshole.

>> No.22924186

You better not rub anything in my ass hole

>> No.22924190

You deserve some hungrian chill flakes, for that post.

>> No.22924197

Oh no haha dont do that haha

>> No.22924201

Are you seriously equating participation in an anonymous, online forum with alcoholism? I suppose you can be addicted to either (4chan or Alcohol), but if we want to be that pedantic about it, you can be addicted to anything. Social interaction is better than none. I don't think 4chan is a very good outlet for social interaction since so many anons here are depressed irl and despairing, but this site isn't that bad compared to other social media sites, which are far more demoralizing and predatory.

>> No.22924218

You would think that people would be more prone to honesty on an anonymous imageboard but most people are happy to fake things and spread misinformation and lies aggressively while trying to manipulate others opinions to align with their own. If that isn't evidence that people are inherently evil, I don't know what is.

>> No.22924227

> Emile, or, on Education
Any books that made you go: 'yup, that's how I'm going to raise my children'

>> No.22924232

Well said. I do think a fair amount of this website are bots though, especially the 'people' posting threads since I can recognize posting patterns fairly easily. Within a thread it's harder to track. But it's pretty depressing that most anons squander the oppurtunity to seek legitimate help here.

>> No.22924235

Slav hottie or German beauty?

>> No.22924239
File: 537 KB, 1080x740, 15yv73b7fwna1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing on my mind for i am mentally retarded frog poster

>> No.22924241

I don't think frogposters are human.

>> No.22924250

I'm an alternative white Westerner.

>> No.22924259

No desire for anything.

>> No.22924270

Latin mamacita

>> No.22924274

that's a good thing

>> No.22924283

but I dont feel good

>> No.22924303

keep writing anon!

>> No.22924311
File: 22 KB, 397x600, Madotsuki.600.2621573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think im getting more desperate, a little bit at a time, but ive never been so much more lonely and isolated from real life than now, and my only escape is tf2 and zaza. thats all. two things. and now im quitting and i dont know what to even do with myself, who talk to, its like ive been put in a prison built by my poor past decisions. i can only hope somebody sees me, i want to be seen, i want to be heard but ive got no one

>> No.22924313

Got it. Anyways, as soon as I get my amp I'm plastering around town for a new band

>> No.22924320
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, 1671140134765701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me, bros, I'm studying German and I have been assigned to make a short presentation next week on any topic. What should I talk about?

>> No.22924323

The Education Of The Child by Rudolf Steiner

>> No.22924324

Make it about how Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.22924325


>Captcha: SNAX00

>> No.22924360

There are so many urgently hiring tard wrangler jobs. But fuck man I really dont want to do that

>> No.22924363

>taking parenting advice from the guy who abandoned his child

>> No.22924364

I'm ehite

>> No.22924462
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Warning: potential cringe

I'm processing my life and just how little I've accomplished and how I'm probably going to still feel this way when I'm older. It feels pretty hopeless to change with how many times I've tried with not a damn thing working or changing. I don't even feel motivated to discourage the negative thinking of others anymore because it really does feel that hopless and I have a hard time telling people they're wrong when my entire life shows their negative beliefs to be true. What even is the point? My own mother hasn't even turned her own life around at 40 soon to be 50. How am I going to be any different? How much do we have to keep coping with these lies when all evidence points against them?
These goddamn ideas that somehow no one can fail or is immune to living a fruitless and meaningless life with nothing to be proud of is astounding.
I'm tired of trying just to end up with fucking nothing at the end of it, believing that something will really be different this time.
The chemicals in my brain detract from the meaning of any of this. If it's just a circling of a chemical making me happy, making me believe in myself, making me hopeful, what even is the point of having faith in it when it's entirely artifical and unreal? Who even cares if im being logical or not? It hasn't made a difference.
I am the objective judge of my own worth and my own character. I know myself better than anyone and not a damn person can tell me otherwise.
And let me tell you what I'm worth: nothing, not a damn thing.

I'm done trying to oppose any negativity, Because it's probably true. Others can sink into their depression and negativity for all I care. It's probably true. No point in trying to oppose any of it when I've gotten more than enough proof.

The only other options is of false belief and optimism. It's not any better an option, it's all in our nature, in our blood, to prefer a picture of a meaningful reality where we are in control and its even in my own nature to falsely believe that things will be different, and yet here I am, the empirical evidence showing otherwise. There's nothing bold or strong in doing what is EXPECTED.

>> No.22924487

I have to win every day? Every single day, I can't any rest whatsoever? I have to keep pushing and winning and partaking in the constant glory of my own becoming without cease?

>> No.22924493

Hpw many job applications does it take to get a single call back? I thought there was a labor shortage

>> No.22924509

You have to call them yourself nowadays (after sending your CV)

>> No.22924531

do you desire feeling good?

>> No.22924542

>If it's just a circling of a chemical making me happy, making me believe in myself, making me hopeful, what even is the point of having faith in it when it's entirely artifical and unreal?
It's also just chemicals in your brain making you feel bad too. Equally pointless, equally unreal

>> No.22924549

There are several factors: it depends on the jobs you're applying for, and some are more competetive than others. Also depends on how qualifed and how much experience you have relative to the job you're applying for.

>> No.22924552

Gerhard Richter

>> No.22924555

Some Thoughts Concerning Education by John Locke

>> No.22924560

If you can walk in and speak to a manager, do so. Keep going to all the businesses you are applying to and keep asking to speak with a manager.

>> No.22924573

No, I desire to desire hence Im depressed.

>> No.22924583

ok grandpa

>> No.22924587

I’ve decided to read Ezra Pounds poetry in chronological order, one poem a day, and reading the Bible via an online lectionary. I have poems by Yeats, Eliot and Frost. Which one next?

>> No.22924591

Some of us have felt affection only for her to shatter it down the road

>> No.22924606

it's over bro

>> No.22924618

I'm an alternative Western white male.

>> No.22924644

I actually tried that last year and was flat out told by literally every single business to fuck off and apply online

>> No.22924656

Well after putting out about 50 applications I got call back. Guess who has an interview for working a hotel front desk overnights

>> No.22924675

I haven't even sent 50 applications in my entire life

>> No.22924677

Then that isn't a place you want to work. If they tell you to fuck off by you aimply walking in an showing interest, that to me proves one of two things:

1. That the people there are dead inside and don't really care about their job since every serious employer would want employee's who care

2. They sizes you up and could tell you weren't what they were looking for and made some excuse to let you down gently

in either case, you shouldbstill keep going in everywhere you apply, for your own benefit too: how do you know you'd even want to work there unless you've seen it?

>> No.22924681

I'm an alternative Westerner. I might be white and Germanic, but I'm not a vulgar materialist.

>> No.22924695

Depends on a lot of factors, the first being which night shift you're talking about. In my experience 4-12 is dismal and 12-8 quite nice In the former you're at work during peak social after hours, as well as asleep during daylight hours. In the latter, you're at work while most everyone else is asleep, but your after hours are almost like being on vacation, as well as brightly lit. The worst is being on-call almost no matter what the schedule or conditions. Never sank that low, but, statistically, I've seen more lives ruined by that than by any definitely bounded shift where, when you're off, your time is your own, completely as you want it to be.

>> No.22924703

Change your name to something foreign/nonwhite

>> No.22924707

Read "The Darling" by Chekhov. Extremely redpilled

>> No.22924708

recommend me a good videogame, I've almost finished most of them

>> No.22924713

Nobody has the time or desire to have an unscheduled with some goober during work hours. You're not signalling your interest in the position so much as you're signalling that you don't value anyone's time

>> No.22924718

>especially the 'people' posting threads since I can recognize posting patterns fairly easily
I honestly can't tell if they're bots or just retards who get off of making the same shitty bait threads endlessly and seeing the retarded arguments that follow. 4chan is high profile enough that both are possible.

>> No.22924769

True. I was aware I wasn't entirely logical when I wrote it, it was purely emotional. That said, I think what I was getting at when I wrote that was the volatility of my own emotions. One moment I'm all happy and shit about life and the next you have what I just wrote without rhyme or reason. It's a very dramatic and noticeable shift but I can't help but feel what I feel. Though me noticing it makes both feel a bit meaningless and simply a game of chance with no reason to it. Simply mentally ill I guess.

>> No.22924810

Bro I'm blonde haired, pasty skinned, green eyed. Never gonna fly

>> No.22924821

Tired of living. I have 325k. Can I retire somewhere and just be in nature and peace and drink myself to death with that amount?

>> No.22924829

I live in the Balkans and my monthly wage is 500 dolls.

>> No.22924834

Where in the balkans. I’m Albanian.

>> No.22924838

Should be possible, depends on exactly when you want to die and how much luxury you want to live with. The minimum wage in Turkey is 400 dollars. There are also plenty of countries in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, etc where the dollar is powerful. Depending on the circumstances you don't even have to know the language, there are some people who earn their living by guiding expats, though I don't know where you can actually find them. Also some countries where you can get citizenship by investment, I think it was 100k for Turkey? Just residence is good enough though.

>> No.22924852

>sexual arousal that is uncompleted can be sort of transmuted into added productivity.
That's called sexual transmutation, can also be done with meditation although I don't understand how. People discuss it often in the semen retention general on x. I think some of the big self-help gurus of the last century also talked about this but I can't confirm.

>why I can crank out 10000 words of smut in two days
How to git gud at writing smut? What would you recommend?

>> No.22924856

The ant queen... is truly queen. Ants have all kinds of special adaptations to differentiate and "follow" a queen out of thousands of eggs. I am afraid humans have the same thing. Kings did not invent coronations, the people did, as it is told in the Book of Samuel.

It appears we cannot stop making someone (or something) a king and we do not have the ability to function outside of a social order arranged by power relations.

If you take away patriotism and Jesus from these Trumpie people they have no identity or sense of self, their mental architecture would collapse. They only know how to define a self within a heirarchical power structure. Every one of them is a proto-monster that can easily be made to kill lower-ranking individuals (black, poor, hispanic, lgbt). All that has to happen is for one of these minds to encounter a situation of moral ambiguity, such as are common in war, and the heirarchy will override the complexity: the people in question are promptly massacred and the question is erased. 8wv2r

>> No.22924869

Thanks Adorno, very cool

>> No.22924870

Sure, but this admission is inherently refuting or contradictory. You’d be a skeptic that would necessarily have to be skeptical even of skepticism. Furthermore, it need not be the case that thinking and willing and experiencing are just self-evident.

>> No.22924875

The problem is that the system is all computerized. They need an online application on the computer to even begin considering you. The human element in job applications has been eliminated

>> No.22924877

I wish I studied philosophy at university.

>> No.22925006

go live in Thailand. there you can live like a king (a real one) for $2000 a month or normally plus benefits for about $1000 a month. it will cure your depression. maybe lock some of your money off in case you run into troubles

>> No.22925052

>Sure, but this admission is inherently refuting or contradictory. You’d be a skeptic that would necessarily have to be skeptical even of skepticism
I mean yeah, that's sort of the idea of my project. I'm trying to see if one can construct a systematic philosophy with zero presuppositions whatsoever besides the raw immediate fact of awareness of phenomena, which as far as I can tell (in terms of phenomenology) is the most basic thing that exists.
>Furthermore, it need not be the case that thinking and willing and experiencing are just self-evident.
Would you care to share your argument?

>> No.22925071

need to get richard piped desu

>> No.22925077

---- Solaria ----

On an errand of of no particuar emegency
Cossing oceanic fields

Ethereal with snow in a flying couch
I noticed yet again a certain house and its situation:

How amiable its look and how choice for gazing weather
And the stars, the sheer sweep

And prevailing quiet of its horizon,
Level to the point of primordial as exquisitely civil in detail.

>> No.22925091

I don't get followers or ratings on RR, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.22925111

not been here in ages because this place is only really an attraction when you're sad, but life with me has been amazing lately and I just wanted to let you all know that if you believe it enough and put some effort into it, you can quite easily make it :)

>> No.22925116

Oh anon, you can write, keep going, keep crafting.

You can write. Few can.

>> No.22925179

You ever heard the way graphic designers talk? They combine the typical faggy trendy conceit of artists with this utopian megalomania where they think they'll change the order of society and history with what amount to artistic fashions in their dumb little glyphs. Just look up some articles on "skeumorphism" and its history if you don't believe me. Or look up the Pepsi design document.

Where do they get off thinking like this?

>> No.22925192

I once attended an event whete everyone painted a picture and then auctioned them for a fundraider. It was light hearted and informal. I was shocked at what a graphic designer friend made. He has no greater command of a pencil than anyone else. His painting was horrible, to the point of embarrassing him, and I noted that graphic artists are not actually artists.

>> No.22925207

At some level I assume they're under the employ of nefarious think tanks or three-letter agencies in order to make the public retarded through atrocious art being thrown at them around every corner.

>> No.22925249

There is no greater fool than the germaphobe who catches a cold.

t. fool

>> No.22925250

the nightshift I work is 7 to 7, 4 days on 4 days off. it's in a semiconductor factory. it can be kind of kino, honestly. the inside of the fab is all white metal, hundreds of robots are moving around on the ceiling carrying wafers to the machines. it's like a Kubrick film. everyone is wearing full jumpsuits, blinking led alarm lights everywhere, it's kind of bizarre. but, yeah, working 7pm to 7am kind of sucks dick, mostly the weekends. I refuse to rotate to daytime and fuck my sleep schedule, so my weekends are very lonely and the only thing to do is read, write, game, lift, which is all I will do when I switch to the dayshift, but it's the little inconveniences that add up and make it not worth the extra 15% in pay.

>> No.22925261

What do yo do in a semiconductor factor for 100k/year?

>> No.22925291

field service engineering working on photo-lithography machines. I have an eng degree, but really Im a glorified technician. the machines are pretty cool and insanely complex. not a bad industry to set roots down in, especially with the CHIPS act and all the new fabs getting built.

>> No.22925349

How do you guys get over the feeling of being late in life to things?

>> No.22925377

---- Solaria ----

Tomorrow morning someone will assert or pretend
To an obligation I never signed up for, thence will ignore

The knocks thereof, and let it snow, and sleep
Till I'm ready to handle it in my way,

After the natural interval.

>> No.22925382

nothing really matters, my man. it's all vanity.

>> No.22925383

I don't even believe in germs. If I get sick it's because I'm being pursued by an evil spirit it will go away with time and prayer

>> No.22925391
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>> No.22925401

I became someone I hated, lost sight of my dreams & forgot whether I even had any at all, burned numerous bridges, drifted away from everyone who was ever close to me, and betrayed the things I stood for, all for nothing. All just to listen to the wind howl outside the window of my tiny apartment in a city where I know no one.

>> No.22925412

With each passing day my desires and my body grow weaker, yet my dissatisfaction only rises

>> No.22925418

I can't wait to get drunk after work and watch Dropkick on my devil.

>> No.22925431

That’s not a helpful reply

>> No.22925463

it's the truth. you're being stupid, so stop.

>> No.22925465

Sounds nice, not an option for me unless I want to go back to school.

>> No.22925488

I was early in some things, late in others. Prematurely good at dish and adventurous outdoors, about the only thing that came late to me is sex. What's the hurry anyway?

>> No.22925526

I guess I’m lucky since I’m a swarthy white guy I can pass for Hispanic

>> No.22925579


Just go to a cafe, buy a drink and hang out with a good book or your laptop. Eventually you'll make friends.

>> No.22925585

---- Solaria ----
Decor In General

Things shaped with the perfection of fonts with fonts on them,
Abstraction made so real that in casual room lighting

They chime to the eye like music
Rich as all invention,

Hypnotic, dizzying wreaths and
Glittering slender towers.

>> No.22925593


>> No.22925632


>> No.22925678

why is my TikTok algorithm showing me, an Oregonian, german AfD propaganda?

>> No.22925684
File: 247 KB, 1646x2560, 55953683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf you guys told me this was the greatest American novel, but I'm a dozen chapters in and it's just fag smut. What the hell is wrong with you people?

>> No.22925688

>he fell for the meme

>> No.22925707

I wonder what I'm even expecting, chasing after success. What, suddenly people would want to do collabs with me and I'd be popular and respected if I got published? Barely anyone reads anymore, my dream is like wanting to be the best horse and buggy carriage operator right after the Model T came out

>> No.22925715

nta but there is no one busy enough they can't speak with a prospective employee for a monite or two. I do hiring for my department in a fortune 150 tech date firm and I always meet with someone who comes in for at least 30 seconds and a brief chat, yes our applications are also computerized but I can tell after speaking with them for about 20 seconds if they're worth a sitdown interview assuming the experience is what I need, even then I've taken green employee's with minimal experience since you can teach most people on the job. Either way I tell them to apply but if I like them I get their name and tell them I'll pull the application, which I do. I work on the 5th floor and I come down stairs to meet prospective employees in the lobby if they took the time to come in, maybe not right away, sometimes I tell front desk if they can wait 20 or 30 minutes but if I'm free or whatever I'm doing can wait I go right down to see them. I'll grabt you this may not be common but if he's applying to gas stations or restaurants he shouldn't have any trouble speaking with someone right away

>> No.22925719

John locke already beat you to this premise and debunked it in his essays concerning the understanding, sorry anon you're 320 years too late.

>> No.22925728

There is no age limit to passion. If you love something enough you will pursue it to completion, really that simple.

>> No.22925768


>> No.22925769

Good morning faggots

>> No.22925772

It's a quarter after 11 pm retard

>> No.22925780

It's 8:18 moron

>> No.22925791

I'm not a turd worldler

>> No.22925799

Got up at 4 am, rinsed my face, did the kitchen, had some coffee. Now it's 5 am, what should I do?

>> No.22925804

write 500 words about... confusion.

>> No.22925807

Go back to sleep

>> No.22925808

Nvm the video was just buffering

>> No.22925813

1. There was a teacher who taught that the universe was a sphere and that the center was the best place to be. Everyone praised him on account of this teaching, and trillions of people died in search of the center.
2. The sage once saw a fox tear into the neck of a rabbit. First he envied the fox and said "Aren't those my teeth in its neck?" But then he envied the rabbit and said "Isn't that my blood upon the snow?"
3. A rich man erected a golden statue of himself. Everyone hated him for it and spat on the statue as they walked by. But there was only one citizen happier than the rich man, and that was a pauper who imagined that the statue was of himself.
4. A prophet went out into the wilderness and saw only the faces of his countrymen in the bark of the trees.
5. The number one once said "I am the number one." The number two once said "I am the number two." The number three once said "I am the number three." All were merry, but the number zero thought they were fools.
6. There was a man who was always smiling on the left side and always frowning on the right side. One day he set out to dig a hole, but everyone thought he was gathering dirt to build a tower.
7. There was a warlord who had to fight an alliance of two armies. He sent messages to each that insulted them and praised the abilities of the other. Each was convinced that the message was true in its evaluation, and both tried to be the one to attack the warlord first. Because of this he was able to defeat them one at a time.
8. There was a drunkard who resolved to quit drinking every night for twenty years. Then he gave up on quitting for another twenty years. Finally, he resolved to drink one drop less each night for another twenty years, but died only five years in. All the people thought he would have succeeded if he tried the last at the beginning, but the sage knew he would have given up the next day if he hadn't died.
9. There was a great braggart, and while his kinsmen knew him for what he was, foreigners often took weeks to understand him.
10. The sage said that the water has no doctrine, and his student asked him how he knew that.
11. There were two famous dancers. The first had no training, and the second had learned the techniques of every master. The peasants liked watching the second, and the nobility liked watching the first.
12. A couple was arguing about whether the child spoke truth or was a fool. But the child had forgotten what he said.
13. Two men were arguing about a lumberjack. The first said that the lumberjack spent too long sharpening his axe, and the second said that he didn't spend long enough. They were so absorbed in this that they didn't notice when the tree fell and crushed them both.
14. A great man and a pathetic man were the only survivors of a deadly plague. A second plague of locusts ravaged the crops, and they starved to death together.

>> No.22925814

15. There was a man who could answer any question correctly, even paradoxical ones, with mundane answers. Someone asked how all men could become as wise as him. He said "If everyone stopped asking such questions, my talent would be useless and I would be equal to all of you."
16. There was a man who said wisdom was for fools, and the sage went to him and convinced him that he was wrong. There was another man who said everyone should become wise, and the sage also visited him and convinced him he was wrong. When the men learned that the sage taught them opposite things, they roused the people against him and he had to flee the country.
17. There was a man known for his ability to reconcile paradoxes. When a sage saw him demonstrate this skill, he became angry and strangled the man to death.
18. There was a man who walked everywhere on his hands. He joined the circus and became famous and admired, except by those who spoke to him, for he turned out to be incredibly boring and conventional.
19. There was an archer who could hit a bullseye with his eyes closed. But guns would malfunction whenever he tried to fire them.
20. There was a man who said nothing but "I am you." When two eminent philosophers started debating who he meant by "you", the only thing they could agree on was that it certainly wasn't them.

>> No.22925816

>How to git gud at writing smut? What would you recommend?

Sort of the same as getting good at writting any other genera.
Besides learning the basics of writing and solid story telling, it's just about reading enough of the genera that the structure and expectations come to mind without effort, and lots and lots of practice.
I think after writing a dozen or so stories where you actually put effort into the craft of it, including learning from mistakes and making revisions, that you will likely get the hang of it.

That said the bar is pretty low so some people write for years without making any effort to improve yet still have people who love their stuff.

>> No.22925826

This is fucking retarded

>> No.22925832

>fag smut
in what way?

>> No.22925835


>> No.22925843

He married the Polynesian and now they're husband and manwife

>> No.22925849

I'm a failure, I promised that I would never go back to neetbux when I quit last time and I here I am, 3 years later, needing to apply to neetbux. They're gonna force me to study to earn my neetbux, I have no interests, I will fail whatever course they put me into because I won't have any interest in the material.

>> No.22925850

Who did? I honestly can't remember, you mean a sailor married a manish woman?

>> No.22925860

No, Ishmael and queerqueg got gay married

>> No.22925881

I still don't understand what it means that God doesn't exist

>> No.22925913

I just know it. At some point I'm going to die in a way that either involves a freak accident or by my own hands. The thought loops repeatedly for about 5 year when ever that "haze" washes over me. I'm not much of a writer and a harsh critic of myself, but the process of jotting things down and taking time to release what's in my mind is quite liberating. Although I'm quite all over the place and disorganized. Sometimes it's short stories , screenplays, journal entries, and unsent letters to people I've once known. As I write this I'm drinking a nasty concoction of gin, rum, orange juice and cherry coke. I admit that I'm starting to see the beginnings of a long battle of alcohol addiction. I'm in a desperate need of a way to calm down the nerves.
Anything that can stave off the state of depression should be considered. Keep at it
I'm on the pathway of being a 30 something old man dozing off around his apartment with stacks of newspapers, jazz magazines and books surrounding me. Eventually giving up and dying. The only form of intimacy being highschool social dance
Poor decision? Such as what. I'm somewhat in the same position. My crime was being "too outdated" and "difficult to reach". I'll tell you this, if you ever lost friends because you stopped using the popular well known social media apps and wanted to take charge in how you communicate because you felt that everything was too demanding and shallow, they were not your friends. They couldn't spare 15 mins at a coffee shop, even ones they raved about. Hypocrites they are!

>> No.22926042

I enjoy music and one of my goals is to learn to make my own. That said, I feel we listen to too much music, if that makes sense. Having some song constantly droning in the background while you go about your business cheapens the experience of music. It's like constantly watching TV; you'll drown out the good stuff with an endless stream of garbage.

>> No.22926051

---- Solaria ----
Chandelier II

After not so strenuous a prelude
We arrived to Play.

>> No.22926068

עם ישראל חי

>> No.22926077

There is music people actively listen to and their is music people use as background noise to drown out the less pleasent background noise.
Like a supermarket without background music is irritating sounding due to the whine of the fridge/freezer units, noises of people shuffling around, lighting and electronic buzz, and all the other little noise that become a unpleasant drone that make the place unpleasant to spend time at.

>> No.22926118
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Eifmer shmefermurmin. Efleimen sthmefle paleili, smegudle blum honkforth di deur. Eefumaimen de brumf poddle di smur gurf. Imf di gu smreg gri furmfunegen mri di bli, smeg di berfudle.

>> No.22926157

Is this grug language?
I hope a few whites survive mass immigration and the collapse of civilization and return to grug

>> No.22926201

4chan is boring

>> No.22926202

It’s 4AM and I’m just listening to this on repeat reflecting on all my regrets in life and my anxieties about the future. Fuck

>> No.22926207

People sometimes seem to assume I'm hiding some deep secret or a mysterious past because i am an extreme loner. If they only knew how actually boring and empty my life story is in reality

>> No.22926209

A guy keeps showing up on my YouTube shorts and he snowboards but often he'll see a thing that he can grind or a kind of big jump and he'll seem hesitant and he'll say he's a little scared. I've never been snowboarding but after seeing that shit, I've never been more confident that I could do something with ease, that shit looks so easy.

>> No.22926248

I just finished notes from the underground and I have never related to anything more than this

>> No.22926281

I have nothing against women most of the time but I really don't like when they wear dresses or pyjamas, that really irks me for some reason.

>> No.22926292

man this shits gay who cares

>> No.22926318

A good male role model is one of the most important things a boy can have growing up, too bad I never had one, huh?

>> No.22926337

1/2 of my internal voice tells me: indulge, take, grab what is yours, your own desires are all that matter. A feeling that often accompanies a positive stimulus like masturbation, exercise, cleaning, or completing an important task
A urge to dominate and make my will primary over others
The other half suggests the importance of constraint, detachment from desire, and inhibition of my individual will
The masochistic side of me that derives pleasure from giving and from testing how far I can take self denial.
So quickly do I go from one to another that I struggle to define my own values.
Nothing has value to me. I am not very attached to anything.
When i contrive an attachment whether to a person or to a idea, I remain with an awareness that it is contrived and I wish to dissolve the connection
When I give, I do so with an attitude of disinterest.
Do other people experience similar internal division?

>> No.22926358

I'm tryna think of an album but I can't remember the name or the artists name. The cover has the main artist sitting on what I think is a big log and he has his young kid(s) by his side(s) and it came out in the last couple of years. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?

>> No.22926362

Total moron.
Sending out e-mails like a faggot gets you less of a foot in the door than just showing up and talking to them.

>> No.22926368

I did it all for the nookie

>> No.22926376

Do you guys read multiple books at once?

I was in the middle of one. But then decided to going back to reading the Bible. And now I find it hard going back to the other book becauae I know it can be bible reading time which I've always wanted to read

>> No.22926384

Wrong. The best way to get a job is to call their HR department directly. HR ladies have all the power, love to feel useful, and are never doing anything important.

>> No.22926401

Oh to be a NYC cop in the '70s.

>> No.22926486

poor decision, i was a bridge burner. not much to add. you mention jazz magazines, i listen to a lot of king crimson lately, their music soothes my nerves a bit. judging from your post, you probably are interested in real life friendships, but if you wanted to get in touch, im open for talk. thanks for responding

>> No.22926532

no I just one book at a time and I do it very slowly

>> No.22926543


>> No.22926603

am i the only one who hates the "wymen bad" threads because the posters there just shitpost and don't actually hate women the same way as i do?

>> No.22926619

I'm quite chuddy myself but have been despising some of the /pol/ shit you can see on other boards.
A good example is on /tv/. Watching this show called The Curse and people are twisting themselves into a pretzel to imply that somehow that show is anti-white.
Their theory is that despite the show showing the people who are bad being Jewish, they do this so that the right wing is fooled into thinking it's not anti-white while fooling the gullible regular viewer into thinking the protagonists are actually white. This is because regular watchers think jew=white. Which then has the effect of stirring up white resentment or something.

I just want to talk about the show and these people are all over it. Spamming the thread.
I would like to murder those people.
It used to not bother me much but these people are a broken record. Boring, predictable WHINEY bitches.

>> No.22926626

It is not you, you are just living in the Cell Phone Era, at the part where the chimps have learned to use smartphones but have not yet learned to see them as instruments of social distraction or corporate control. Perhaps they will wake up to the danger or perhaps not, it has a lot to do with whether Mark Zuckerberg controls 90% or 99% of what people see online.

>> No.22926632

>very high cholesterol

it's over.

>> No.22926639
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Sometimes I have the good pleasure of being reminded of how much of an asshole I am.

I was having dinner with my parents and my mum told my dad to turn up the television because she can't hear it. I immediately know that it's because she wants to hear the TV but because she just wants something to drown out his loud chewing. I blurt out "stop lying, you don't want to hear the TV, you don't want to hear dad." My dad agrees with me and just moves to another part of the house and eats there and says "you're pretty switched on anon." In the moment I think I'm calling her out on BS but I immediately realise that I'm actually being a progenitor of conflict and harshness by throwing my mum under the bus like that. She at least had the tact to try and avoid conflict but I decide to ruin that and potentially provoke and argument (thank God that didn't happen). I apologised soon after but she said this isn't the first time I've done something similar and she's not wrong.

I desire the praise of others and to show off how smart I am. I was already annoyed at her for a host of other reasons so me being an asshole here came from that rather than a genuine desire for the truth to be made known. Maybe I'm being overly dramatic but in the moments where you get reminded of your true nature you just want to shrivel up and disappear. I'm harsh in my rebuke of others but constantly coddle myself. Even now I fear that I retell this story to garner sympathy or praise from others. But anyway, this is what troubles me at the moment.

>> No.22926661

>how smart I am.
Whoever told you that lie?

>> No.22926713
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Getting a kindle was a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I have so many books without paying a single cent. On the other hand, due to the way I consume these books at an accelerated rate, I tend to forget the books I read. Not to mention, it's kind of a pain in the ass to sift through my note/highlights because the nature of kindle is slow by design.

>> No.22926813

Graduate school to study theology. How stupid would this be? Seems more practical at least than philosophy because in addition to academic jobs you could go into ministry and non-profits in general. I also have a practical undergraduate degree and some professional work experience to fall back on if I need to.

>> No.22926863

Extremely fat guy I hang out with in college committed 4 social missteps in a single day always right in front of me. Misstep one was telling a disabled friend of ours 'What? You hit yourself in the nose during your sleep? And you had to wake your boyfriend up because your nose couldn't stop bleeding? I would never live with you'. Second and third mistep was touching the hair of another friend of mine and trying to use her shoulder as an armrest—she recoiled in disgust and moved to my left without saying anything. Fourth misstep was looking at me and acting like she did him wrong instead of apologizing.

I couldn't make that shit up even if I wanted. For the records, although he disgust me I do feel pity for him. He's 27 nearing 28 and we're all nearing 25 so it's not like he can be educated on how to be a proper adult. Every time he does cringe shit I just look and enjoy the moment from an outside perspective. I've thought of saying something but the funniest thing about all of this is that he's too arrogant to take criticism. He also smells really really bad. I would stop hanging out with this guy if I could but I'm too nice to reject him and he probably thinks the same of me, so, yeah. I'd probably enjoy my last year of college a bit more if he wasn't around but it's like being an agent of chaos and wielding a lightning rod : I can do anything I want when he's around because no matter what I do they'll always hate him more than they hate me.

Thanks for reading my blog, Anon out

>> No.22926898

The best way to undo all this shit is to rid the world of apefricans.

>> No.22926901

Yes, I’m reading some Ezra Pound poetry, a biblical lectionary and a series of essays on the Seventeeth century

>> No.22926942

Amerislobs are such losers

>> No.22926954

I am drowning under my own emotions.
I must reach the surface and let the world know!
But alas I haven't the strength.
Maybe I will content myself with a game?

>> No.22926969

All healthy normie people have a cope. I can’t seem to find mine. Nothing works.

>> No.22926975

The guy sounds like a slob but you and your friends sound like ass holes. All I could think of reading this is how impossible it is today to form sincere friendships because most people are shallow, self-centered, and insincere. You are exhibit a. I bet not a single one of you ever tried getting to know this guy beyond a superficial level, not even the slightest attempt at all. You know I’m right about this too.

>> No.22926988

I'm unironically in the mood for motivational YouTube videos. Got any good ones?

>> No.22926999

> 29
> you can forge a new path and start over; it’s not over

> you can’t forge a new path and start over because you’re too old; you’ll never go anywhere other than the trajectory you were on at 29 leads to; it’s over

> brain virus

>> No.22927005

Good channel and most likely a 4channer in the past.

>> No.22927016

Scrolling the real estate websites almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

>> No.22927071

I don't get it, the population has every reason to full-on revolt. Is there no bottom? Will we lay down in line so they can drive their Teslas over our backs when they discover human flesh is cheaper by the pound than bitumen?

>> No.22927080

The large majority of the population owning property is a historical anomaly and this population in particular likes their Netflix and NFL football too much to ever do anything.

>> No.22927086

People begin this mindset as early at 18

>> No.22927087

I agree. I actually thought about that before falling asleep yesterday. If an angry mob got a hold on a newly elected PM or President, they should grab him by the neck and threaten him with death if the housing market is not significantly improved.
I'm doing what's right, I saved money, I'm not looking for a mansion and I'm just not seeing the options there.
Thought I had 2 but those were both under contract already. Now I see nothing.
I'm 29 and would like to start a family with my gf. This is being made impossible.
Guaranteed that the people in power are profiting from this. It explains why they refuse to fix immigration as well.

>> No.22927097

Job interview soon. Gotta make sure I take a massive shit before I leave the house

>> No.22927102

Cant start a family with the gf until you marry and make her your wife.

>> No.22927107

Massive shit dropped. Very explosive. I really should fix my diet

>> No.22927115

I plan on marrying her when we move in together.
She's not asking for a fancy wedding so it could be done fast

>> No.22927119

Why not just marry now

>> No.22927124

Marry her and then take her to my apartment in my dads backyard?
No, I want to be able to take her to our home.
I do plan on getting her pregnant before marrying however. Marriage is useless without children so to be sure we're capable I want that positive pregnancy test and then the marriage.
I am aware this is difficult but being married with someone who cannot bear children is unacceptable.
I'm in a pickle.

>> No.22927191

Marriage and a baby and moving in together all at once? You're going to ruin your relationship and your life

>> No.22927198

No I won't. Maybe if you're a weak little baby but I'm capable of handling it all.

>> No.22927201

>I would stop hanging out with this guy if I could but I'm too nice to reject him
You're not "nice," you're just conflict-averse

>> No.22927209

I look forward to you bitching about how much your wife has "changed" since the wedding

>> No.22927219

I'm not an average person and I'm not retarded what a difference it would be to have a family vs not having one.
Maybe if you're some average manchild you'd have problems. Not being able to get drunk or play your video games. That's not me.

>> No.22927230

>he doesn’t know

>> No.22927238

I’m go into new situations all the time. Drastic ones.
Work, family, countries etc
I’m an handle it. Maybe you couldn’t but to imply no one could means you’re just dumb

>> No.22927274

I'm tired of getting recommended House of Leaves was I look for horror related stuff.

>> No.22927276


>> No.22927310

Why? Is it a crappy book?

>> No.22927324

Well I haven't read it to be honest, but it shows up way too much when I'm looking for psychological horror. I'm not exactly interested in its premise.

>> No.22927372

I don't get it, yesterday was Wednesday, today is Tuesday.

>> No.22927385

What does it look like seeing with two functioning eyes simultaneously? I have a lazy eye, so it's like the working eye is at the center of my head and the other is looking somewhere to the side, and I have to close one to look out the other. Do people with two good eyes see their noses in the middle?

>> No.22927395

I see the outline of my nose to either side of my field of vision.

>> No.22927414
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>have to write paper
>forget to answer the main questions
feels dumdum

>> No.22927427

Doki Doki Literature Club but what if it was a book.

>> No.22927490

My friend invited me to a discord chat with a Russian girl who knows literature about as well as I do. She loves all the same authors I do. We’re both married though and my wife is being a bitch about it. Guess I’ll just continue being isolated. God I’m starting to fucking hate this bitch.

>> No.22927507

I feel like I'm getting stupider. I have a lot of what one could want, but I feel like I'm wasting myself. Like I should have been something more.
I feel like I'm trapped in some idiot cycle where I'm just distracted enough and overfed just enough to do nothing, to shit and feel and fuck and drink myself to sleep so I can wake up refreshed and comfortable enough to forget how things are until I'm too tired again to do nothing about it.
If I drink, something will happen, even if it's just my mind that changes. So, cheers, faggots. Let's get drunk :-)

>> No.22927517

Why not just say it's a Russian man?

>> No.22927524

>submitting applications to student internships for the county
>have to attatch unofficial transcript
>tranacript pdf is password protected
>cant get copy of transcript that isnt
>can't apply for the internship because I can't send in my transcript
Is this what they call Kafkaesque?

>> No.22927528

seems like you need to break up

>> No.22927699

Big booty in the drive-thru window.

>> No.22927714

Would it be retarded to seek an Army commission at 30 years old with everything going on in the world? Recently, I’ve realized that I’m not the man I want to be and I’ve also realized that what you dedicate your time to in young adulthood, say, 18-35, matters a lot for forming the sort of man you’re always going to be. I think the Army might be one way to become that kind of man, but I’m unsure. What I don’t want to do is really regret my decision but be stuck with it until I’m 35.

>> No.22927720

Schools are required to send you transcripts that aren’t protected. Contact the school. There’s almost certainly a request transcript form somewhere in their website too.

>> No.22927725

I just keep scratching my ankles till I bleed. What gives?

>> No.22927729

It's a 'worthless' degree and maybe even something of an anti-degree in the secular world but if you feel the urge or calling go for it..You've highlighted it's useful and practical applications. I spent a year at the Hellenic college at Holy Cross and I hated it, the education was terrible and the teacher tyrannical, all the students hated it.

>> No.22927730

So I learned the pdf of my transcript I can download is password protected so that I'm forced to spend 10 dollars paying a service to send the exact same unofficial transcript for my own personal use. Even though the process is entirely digital it is going to take me a few bussiness days before it's actually sent to me

>> No.22927737

Nah it’s a chick and she’s gorgeous too. FML

>> No.22927738

Yeah I just found it, described it here>>22927730
This shit is so frustrating.

>> No.22927746

pass her off to an anon; you're married; throw us a bone.

>> No.22927763

I would but her marriage is really the thing blocking me, idgaf about mine lmao

>> No.22927776

Imagine being an idiot enough to think a girl liking the same authors as you means she'd like you too. Just because you don't like your wife doesn't mean some magic bitch is in to you

>> No.22927778

don't mess with the Russians, anon. Stay far, far away, speak with you wife: confess your attraction to the Russian, to her, it is likely the only thing that will save your marraige and from there you two can come.to an understanding. Attraction to someone outside your relationship is a sure thing that something is very, very wrong within it; maybe this will wake you both up

>> No.22927795

>Would it be retarded to seek an Army commission at 30 years old

>> No.22927800

This, his marraige must be in a state of disarray

>> No.22927803

>Attraction to someone outside your relationship is a sure thing that something is very, very wrong within it;
Ah come on man, it's perfectly normal to think some other woman is hot

>> No.22927813

to aknowledge their beauty, and to go no further, is one thing, and is perfectly normal; to desire an exclusive relationship with them, in lieu of their current wife/partner, is another. Anon is guilty of the latter.

>> No.22927838

>to desire an exclusive relationship with them, in lieu of their current wife/partner
So if it's just a lil action on the side it's ok?

>> No.22927849

sometimes I feel possessed

>> No.22927857

no, in my belief, even the thought of having a sexual encounter or relationship with another, even before acting it out, is a major indication of a corrupted relationship. It is lust. To actually do it, is almost unforgivable. Though what you green texted, I said literally, do not be disingenuous; you knew what I meant.

>> No.22927864

I think it's fine if you want to do that, but don't bitch about the consequences. Forsooth, I avoid these temptations by being unattractive <3

>> No.22927872

You can think it's fine to cheat on your wife or girlfriend, but to think so is to be in a state of severe error.

>> No.22927890
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Imagine going on the internet and imposing their opinion, teach me more sensai

>> No.22927900

I mean why tell your wife it's a woman?
Say you're talking to a russian man

>> No.22927914

She saw her picture lol

>> No.22927916

She caught you slipping

>> No.22927931

People with poor judgement

>> No.22927934

Lol I mean that was before I knew she was a lit chick or I would have kept her secret

>> No.22927952

My penis is thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread

>> No.22927967

mountains, gandork

>> No.22927995

i am the last surviving member of the antediluvian race of giants

>> No.22928011

Sit still while I sling these stones at your head

>> No.22928020

ow ow ow FUCK
please stop :(

>> No.22928027

I'd like to think this is how Goliath was when David rekt him

>> No.22928053

Why didn't whalers just shoot the whales with cannons, instead of continuing to use harpoons well into the 20th century?

>> No.22928055

How big is your penis

>> No.22928071

Not as big as you might think

>> No.22928093

Very important post.
Know what you love, and stick to it.
Know what you love, and stick to it.
Know what you love, and stick to it.

>> No.22928094

Because harpoons have greater accuracy, are easier to collect the whale after, and damage less of the product.

>> No.22928095

The Catholic Church is as much an anachronism as the Holy Roman Empire

>> No.22928113

Do you have any reasoning or is it just a blind judgement?

>> No.22928191

No. The GWOT is basically over, despite media hysteria, and there's talk of shutting down the small Iraq and Syria missions we still do to boot. Commissioning lets you switch careers and will pay for a graduate degree after service (or during, depending on options; YMMV, see fine print). You can also save quite a bit of money during your service, travel on the cheap (also see fine print), and get management experience and networking opportunities that you can exploit the shit out of once you get out, plus you'll automatically have a government-managed retirement account opened in your name with up to 5% matching.
I will say that joining the military to act out your CoD/Band of Brothers/Generation Kill fantasies, out of some kind of patriotic fervor or civic duty, or to "become a man" or some shit is retarded. In 2024 it's a glorified jobs program and a source of gibs and bennies as long as you jump through the right hoops.
t. Army infantry NCO

>> No.22928198

>Generation Kill
Great show

>> No.22928201 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22928210

It is. It definitely influenced my decision to join. It's just that it represents a time and era far removed from today, and when dudes sign up expecting to go overseas and have crazy blood-pumping adventures while blowing shit up and end up sweeping a motor pool or riding a desk for 4 years, they get really disillusioned and bitter. Same for anyone who has some kind of romantic fantasy of the military rather than a cold pragmatism.

>> No.22928215

>took my bait
shalom =)

>> No.22928222

>they get really disillusioned and bitter
I still think that it depicts that from the perspective of a grunt and their exposure to retarded upper management. I'm nowhere near military stuff (white collar wagie) but seniors making dumb decisions is a universal thing. Ignore this guy>>22928215, not me

>> No.22928254

I fucking hate blind boxes so fucking much.

>> No.22928269

People who post links to mobile versions of sites are fags.
See it a lot with wikipedia. I then have to remove the

>> No.22928275

When you consider how common serious injuries and death were amongst whalers until relatively recently, it would seem worthwhile to waste a little product rather than waste members of your crew

>> No.22928332

For the past three years of my life, every single day I was waiting for this specific thing to happen. It was always in the back in my mind, it was the one reason that I couldn't die, because I had to live for this to happen. But now that it's finally happened. it wasn't really what I expected it to be, and I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Feel like I've just been going through life as a zombie without any purpose.

>> No.22928370

What happened?

>> No.22928377
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fertile women

>> No.22928477


>All I could think of reading this is how impossible it is today to form sincere friendships because most people are shallow, self-centered, and insincere.
Why is that?
>I bet not a single one of you ever tried getting to know this guy beyond a superficial level, not even the slightest attempt at all.
You are betting wrong. I have tried and I know the guy pretty well, more than anyone in our city actually. I simply have other things to do than call out and correct his actions. Plus I am pretty sure he is more of an asshole than I am. Would you have time to run around and re educate someone who is older than you? The real world isn't an image board.

>You're not "nice," you're just conflict-averse
Maybe. Ultimately this is just part of the college experience. The whole point of everything is not making enemies.

>> No.22928492

Liberals have done more to delegitimize Liberalism than anyone else.

>You can vote for anyone so long as *I* find them acceptable
>You can voice any opinion so long as *I* find them worth voicing
> You can associate with anyone so long as *I* find these associations acceptable
> Anyone who disagrees with my judgement parameters are considered "extremists" and must be barred from voting/being voted in, silenced, and made unemployable

Its kind of like when Henry Ford was selling the first Model T and was asked if they could buy the car in a different color he said, "You can have any color you want so long as its black."

Liberalism is just Communism wearing the garb of "Freedom."

>> No.22928497

how do I stop myself from buying a limited edition thing? 35 dollars is too much, but if I wait, and I still can't get it out of my head, it'll cost way more. I don't want to want it, but I do.

>> No.22928510

I finally understand the want for an autistic girlfriend. I've been watching Love on the Spectrum and Dani is such a babe, all the chicks are, holy shit.

>> No.22928534

I've been seeing a lot more people with square heads lately, they all look like they have boxes in their mouths, why have so many more box people been showing up?

>> No.22928567

I'm afraid of change but even more afraid of stagnating. Moving to a different country soon, far away and exotic to pursue a new line of work. Spent a month there last year so it won't be completely new. This time I'm expected to stay at least 6 months. The people I met are decent enough, but I'm afraid of feeling too isolated and alienated. I'm trying to see opportunities instead of limitations.

>> No.22928573

It's over I've wasted all my opportunities. Out of the twenty some emails I sent to former teachers and t.a's asking for a letter of recommendation only one has responded
I have no social network. No skills of any kind.
No one is ever going to give me a chance. I will be a slave till the day I die

>> No.22928598

While it's hard not to sympathize with people's disillusion with liberal democracy, the social control that was exercised even in more lenient communist states is hard to imagine if you didn't grow up there. The only reason it wasn't worse was because it fell before the advent of social media and the information economy. Idk reading Václav Havel really made me go ''wow it's literally 1984''.

>> No.22928776

Kind of tired of people trying to play matchmakers with me. In the first place I'm having emotional bagages and I don't want to meet anyone. They just see my face and think I'm dying for it. I think the worst about all of this is that it's always women. Whenever a friend says 'Oh, I'm going to find you a girl!' it's like I'm being shat on. I'm not joking this is what it feels like because it's like they think I'm looking for it but don't want to date ME even if I'm not asking for it and as thus they want ME to be in a relationship so that THEY can feel more comfortable maybe. I don't want to date anyone and I fucking hate that mind game shit. And when you tell them it's like they're barely listening. Well fuck you then I won't listen to your shit either.

>> No.22928814

Normies think you're defective for not being in a relationship or not actively seeking one out. I have other reasons for not being in a relationship at the moment and to tell matchmakers to go away but I also have the exact same sentiment that you have. Relationships and marriage for these people are just things that everyone has to do at a prescribed time. They also project their insecurities and inability to be by themselves onto you. I also think it's because normies are generally coomers but that's another story

>> No.22928835

Any of you guys journalists?

>> No.22928839

Take a single course to go super try hard and kiss the teacher’s ass then retry with a letter from them

>> No.22928844

No because I'm not a footsoldier of Satan

>> No.22928845

I’m more worried about the timing than anything else. If I use the GI bill after I’ll going to school at 35.

>> No.22928875

Cannons waste a lot of crew too

>> No.22928969

The bread is dead

>> No.22928978

They hate the bread whole

>> No.22928995

I often have the fear that my intense sensitivity and shame towards any awareness of my own poor character causes me to unconsciously numb myself from self-awareness, letting that behavior continue unabated.

>> No.22929007

You're enabling his behavior for your own amusement. If you really cared about his well-being you'd stop him, but you don't. Also, people evaluate others by who they choose to hang out with. Do with that what you will.

>> No.22929026

Perhaps the trick is to not self-flagellate so as to not recoil from self-awareness. But that doesn't really address where the pain comes from. The pain is precisely because you realise you've been lying to yourself and others this whole time. The additional pain comes from knowing how deeply rooted this is in yourself. Sure we can say pious things about how we need to trust in God to help us improve but that doesn't really remove the subjective experience of truly knowing yourself for the asshole that you are. Better yet, some say that this sort of people is also prideful because we're viewing ourselves as above bad behaviour and how could we of all people act like rats. So now there's a constant feedback loop of realise how trash you are but also don't realise it too much. I don't know man, only God knows how much of a mess I am

>> No.22929061

I've been out of school for over a year...
At this point im considering trying to bribe some of them. Teachers are poor
Maybe if i offer a few hundred one or two would let me use their name
Nothing to lose at this point.

>> No.22929069

>It is. It definitely influenced my decision to join
Lol imagine letting shitty media influence your life choices. Juvenile

>> No.22929075

I hate my parents so much yet I'm such a wreck that I can't leave yet, so the constant stress of my resentment forces me to let go of it and accustom to their presence and even get along. Stockholm syndrome is real.

>> No.22929094

I struggle with this too. I deeply resent my parents, especially my mother, but I can't cut ties with them because I'm not at all close to anyone else. Also, I sometimes wonder if my resentment is justified, and then I feel guilt at how much I keep them at arm's length and how hateful I feel toward them.

>> No.22929098

You're absolutely right. I can't just stop feeling the shame because I can't erase my past. I don't know how I'd go about atoning for this either. I struggle a lot with blaming family too for being a bad influence, which I suppose helps me forgive myself but the ever present object of hate, considering all the relationships and opportunities I've lost because of my awful behavior just makes it overwhelming. I know that a lot of people have it worse though, and I think one of my biggest problems is how easy it is to be comfortable using porn and videogames to just forget it all and stew in the ever fading-in-and-out misery. I wish I had the pressure of external conditions, like being thrown into the lake to learn how to swim. But writing this reminds me that I can do that myself by signing up for shit. So that's that.

There's like this threshold where you empathize with people's behavior so much that it crosses over into empathizing with them the same way you'd do a cow, something whose suffering we ignore for our own convenience and pleasure, and suddenly being a sociopath feels a lot more justified. Though outright considering yourself a sociopath isn't very pleasant to experience, so it'd probably be easier on the mind to do like everyone else and tell yourself that homeless people are just lazy.

>> No.22929100

I was bullied by the delinquents at school again. They ridicule me just for fun and get violet for no reason! Why do they get away with these things?!

>> No.22929111

>There's like this threshold where you empathize with people's behavior so much that it crosses over into empathizing with them the same way you'd do a cow
Ok this part reads really stupid now that I look at it ignore what I wrote

>> No.22929115

I want to go to local meetups for the hobbies I enjoy but I'm so arrogant that I assume no one there will have talent comparable to mine and that it will be a waste of time. What the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.22929121
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As soon as I finished gooning at a facebook picture of a church girl I go to church with, father burst into my room with his ipad to make me listen to a The Eagle song. Btw she was sitting on some rocks barefeet and that made me diamond.

Fucking boomers man I am telling you. Whats wrong with them. Should I ask her out now? I feel bad about it.

>> No.22929128

You have to tell them to stop right now and explain right there in a clear, slow and autoritative way why they should stop.

>> No.22929138

Why are you arrogant?

>> No.22929139
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>Ok this part reads really stupid now that I look at it ignore what I wrote
Eh I've barely articulated myself properly because I'm just writing a stream of consciousness. I understand you just fine anon.
>I struggle a lot with blaming family too for being a bad influence
Oh man what an attractive exercise that is. I can see so much of myself in my father. All of his insecurity, impotence, neuroticism, cowardice, anger and neediness. It's so easy to throw my hands and say he did that to me especially given that it's an objective fact that children internalise the behaviour of their parents. I even feel like an asshole for noticing these things in my father. If I was pure in heart then I would not see these things. God would only reveal these things to me if it was necessary to help my dad. But in my raw and corrupt intellect I see these things.
>but the ever present object of hate, considering all the relationships and opportunities I've lost because of my awful behavior just makes it overwhelming
Your notion of ever present object of hate is astute. I sometimes have this strange feeling of hating to live within myself. That wherever I turn, I have myself following me around. They say that the saints do not have a subconscious because there is no duplicity to them. How far removed am I from that.
>I wish I had the pressure of external conditions, like being thrown into the lake to learn how to swim. But writing this reminds me that I can do that myself by signing up for shit
I think my life circumstances have been set up in such a way that this will come to me in one way or another. As it stands, my parents and I headed for a conflict in a few years that will irreparably destroy our relationship. I won't go into what that is right now but I guess I need to be humbled and pushed to my absolute limits somehow. The beginnings of this I think have already arrived and I sometimes sense a strange sense of freefall.
>Though outright considering yourself a sociopath isn't very pleasant to experience, so it'd probably be easier on the mind to do like everyone else and tell yourself that homeless people are just lazy.
Exactly and that's what I was talking about earlier. The issue is I hate lying to myself and externalising my issues will do exactly that notwithstanding the contributory negligence of my circumstances. At the same time, staring at my problems for too long will drive me crazy. "Just don't think about it too much bro" is hardly a solution. Idk man at least I have anons like you to talk about this stuff, normies would just give me fluoride stares

>> No.22929147

I don't know. I seem to take a lot of my self worth from my art, and worst of all, I actually do have talent and people will validate this part of me. I just want to let this part of me go.

>> No.22929149
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How much more evidence do we need that Washington is orchestrating an invasion of this country to protect its power?

This issue, more than any other, shows Washington’s commitment to national security and the safety and prosperity of its citizens to be a sham. But more than anything it exposes the fraud of “our democracy.”

Mass immigration not only puts enormous strain on public services and the labor market—rendering the progressive agenda a farce—but it dilutes the political power of the average citizen. Like war, mass immigration enriches donors, reinforces patronage, and insulates government officials from democratic challenges. Mass immigration is a betrayal, for it severs the connection between elected officials and their voters, relieving lawmakers of their promises and obligations and redistributing the power of the electorate to a managed constituency. Mass immigration allows corrupt and derelict leaders to rely on suffrage to shield them from reform. If you have any doubts, just take a look at the once-great State of California. Nuff said.

This manufactured crisis is an assault on our sovereignty, our way of life, and the last remains of our democratic system. Clearly Washington fears the US electorate and hopes to stave off any threat of reform by importing another.

This may be the greatest betrayal our country has ever seen.

>> No.22929163

I'm seeing the exact same thing in Australia. Everyone harps on about the cost of living crisis and how living standards are going backwards more generally but no one is willing to address mass immigration and how the most corrupt and morally putrid people in the country are in power. Some of them ran away from these positions like the rats that they are after the who covid affair. Rents are skyrocketing and even young white collar wagies in prestigious jobs can't afford to buy a decent home without 5-8 years of diligent saving. But no it has nothing to do with house inspection lines being 100 metres long full of Chinese, Nepalese and Indian immigrants. They treat these countries like economic zones and nothing more. But we deserve the governments we have. We are a disgusting, apathetic, morally corrupt, passive aggressive, resentful and stupid nation. However, justice will eventually find the parasitic classes running these countries whether in this life or the next

>> No.22929177

>no one is willing to address mass immigration
We're literally cutting down the amount of immigrants we're going to take in each year, what are you talking about?

>> No.22929181

Be humble you are not perfect

>> No.22929182

Do you really think that's actually going to happen? Even if it was, do you not think the damage has already been done? These demographic changes are irreversible

>> No.22929184

Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I'm unwilling to write a reply that responds to every point you bring up because I don't like having serious discussions with internet strangers unless it's about me, because this whole encounter will end and our acquaintance will go nowhere and also what's the point of helping strangers when it's just a drop in the sea. I understand the purpose of cooperation and how it always is superior to taking advantage of others in the long term, but the length of our encounter will be a short one, and I've learned that in short encounters where trust cannot be built it is in fact more ideal to abuse than cooperate. Prisoner's dilemma an all that. Of course, I feel terrible about it, but then I just need to figure out how to do it without the guilt. Tell myself I "just don't have the time" and need to get up early in the morning. It's not my fault.

>> No.22929187

Yeah but what about the food. Don't tell me you also are an anti-epicurian

>> No.22929190

>Do you really think that's actually going to happen?
>do you not think the damage has already been done?
Doesn't matter, I'm pointing out that you're wrong and that we are addressing it.

>> No.22929193

Take a hike bud

>> No.22929195

I understand anon. May God bless you and preserve you

>> No.22929199

Take a hike you too you know bud

>> No.22929203

Lmao, keep seething, retard.

>> No.22929206

No you take a hike lil bro baka

>> No.22929208

They knew exactly what the consequences were going to be when they started this process. It's beggars belief to say now they've seen the fruits of their actions and have decided to walk away from that. They just know that it's increasingly unpopular and have to make false promises to appease the rabble. I don't know why you trust them so blindly.
>Doesn't matter, I'm pointing out that you're wrong and that we are addressing it.
If we truly are addressing it then you're forced to admit we're run by a bunch of retards which begs the question of why we trust them. The truth of the matter is these people are evil and will continue in their evil

>> No.22929210

Thank you. Your kindness has had an effect on me.

>> No.22929212

If dubs I'll kill myself

>> No.22929214

Not until someone answers me if I should ask her out or not. And maybe take a barefeet hike with her.

>> No.22929217

If singles I kill myself

>> No.22929218
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>The truth of the matter is these people are evil and will continue in their evil

>> No.22929219

So close. You almost had it. You know what it means: 12, right? Get yourself a well earned 12 pack of beer and finush it before morning.

>> No.22929223

Yes, at the very least to make sure your balls are working

>> No.22929226

Head for the hills ya know bud

>> No.22929232

Taking a hike makes your balls working?

>> No.22929234

I'm entering my old journal entries into chatgpt4 and asking what it thinks. what a trip. I can finally share my honest thoughts with something I can trust not to share it and get what's honestly going to be better feedback than what most people can give. future rules

No the asking her out part

>> No.22929240

For the longest time I didn't realize how real and involved Satan is today. I thought he mostly left people alone to live their best lives (unless they did something stupid like mess around with Ouija boards or something).

Then in 2020 he got a little too ambitious.

>> No.22929241

>something I can trust not to share it
Are you fucking retarded? They gather everything you say and can/will use it as they please. I mean it's incredibly unlikely it will ever be tied to your name but probably more likely than if you shared it here or with an online friend or something

>> No.22929243

But just gooning at her barefeet facebook pic sure proves me whole balls are working great.

>> No.22929245

Let me explain. I don't put personal details in my entries. The part I'm concerned about being shared is a reputation for being a whiny bitch or unstable. You know that if you open up to the wrong guy that they're going to spread around that you're a wacko, or they're just going to stop talking to you the same way. Big government agency? Why do they care, unless I'm writing about building bombs or wanting to shoot up schools?

>> No.22929248

Its his spectacle after all. He runs the show. Just figured it out bud?

>> No.22929249

>For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places
If one does not conclude from 2020 that there are real demonic entities who are pulling the strings then I have no idea what will. It takes special sort of spiritual blindness to not see how the sheer scale of corruption, lying, gaslighting, fear-mongering and divisiveness cannot be concocted without outside help. I think 2020 was the point where the sheep became even more separated from the goats as the Lord says. The divergence politically and spiritually from that point onwards is irreversible. The battle lines have now truly been drawn. We must now be vigilant for what Act II will be

>> No.22929250

Balls don't make the semen just the sperm m8, gonads are what make that sticky white elmers glue

>> No.22929255

Do they now? Didn't know all those fellas had names down there

>> No.22929257
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If only he had let things be, he could have exploited the moral sleepiness forever, allowing people like me to wander toward their own doom completely unaware.

But now it's undeniable. His fingerprints are all over. He is the great saboteur.

God, i’m so sorry.

>> No.22929263

See ya cowboys

>> No.22929264
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And that's precisely why our Lord let it happen - so that we may rise from our slumber and fight alongside the heavenly hosts. Christ always said "whoever has ears, let him hear."

>> No.22929272

Sometimes i get depressed thinking about how even in the early 20th century literal whos could just gather random retards together to change the course of their country
Whereas today everyone is trapped in this hellscape of min-maxxing their resume just to eek out a barely satisfying existence, and where any little deviation in your record is marked against you
When i did security even shit security jobs now will do a background check on you. Wasn't a problem for me as my record is mostly clean but there's still something depressing about that fact.
Like imagine living in an era where all it takes to seize power is to round up some other angry young people
Sure maybe that also meant society could be more volatile, but in certain ways I woulf take it over the hyper controlled and monitored environment we exist in today
I'm very tired with this fake and gay civilization

>> No.22929276


>> No.22929504
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Everyday I wake up with the aim of controlling myself, but every day I fail, I'm tired of this eternal struggle between my soul mind desires. There are no more dreams nor hope, there's only routine which rots the soul until it becomes a husk which the mind can use to falsely give new empty desires
