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/lit/ - Literature

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22922948 No.22922948 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think?

>> No.22922951

Barely any nonfiction, why?

>> No.22922954

Everything is fiction.

>> No.22922956

/lit/ focuses on Literature

>> No.22922960
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>> No.22922967

It’s a solid chart

>> No.22922972

Actually we got better each year and I'm happy that /lit/ has changed

>> No.22922976
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>> No.22922979

How much shilling would i have to do to get a book i want on next years chart?

>> No.22922980

What books did you submit but did not make it into the top 100?

For me it was Tao Te Ching

>> No.22922981

You guys posted it on the wrong subreddit. R/4chan is shitting only on mein kampf. R/books would have a melt down with the lack of POC authors. I'll wait for you guys there.

>> No.22922987

huh? I think I voted for Tao Te Ching too. I mentioned how strange it was that it didn't make it on the list in the previous thread.

>> No.22923000

Post it there and link it here. I’m banned from Leddit.

>> No.22923004


>> No.22923009

Someone should post it on r/books and r/literature

>> No.22923016

Huh? But there are Greeks, Italians, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, one part black author. Plenty of “PoCs”.

>> No.22923050
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I'd like to start reading my way through this list, but I have a retarded question to start:
What are some "prerequisites" for reading these? I normally consume genre fiction and am generally incapable of reading critically. I can really only pick up on surface themes and generally miss religious/historical/literary allusions. Is there any value in annotated versions?

>> No.22923054

> Is there any value in annotated versions?
Yea, they’re really helpful. The older the book, the less you can understand (potentially). They explain the allusion or references a modern reader might not get.

>> No.22923057


There's no prerequisites besides having a functionning brain, honestly. I'd recommend starting with shorter and newer books, since those are usually easier to read and an easier transition into classical literature if you usually enjoy genre fiction. Books like 1984, Lolita, American Psycho and some others are the best starting points, and then you can move on to others. Also, a lot of these are not enjoyable, so don't let shitty books (aka The Picture of Dorian Gray) put you off.

>> No.22923104

Just read. If a book is genuinely good, you won't pick up on a lot of things, but it'll still be a rich and fulfilling experience.

>> No.22923118

Moby dick is gay

>> No.22923119

I count 9. Almost 1/10th of that chart isn't bad.

>> No.22923123

A Hero of Our Time
Atlas Shrugged

They were both on the list last year too.

>> No.22923124

Way too many books by women

>> No.22923136

Holy shit. Remove every single dostotranny and its unironically perfect. Proud of you /lit/.

>> No.22923158

>lermontov removed
>multiple dostotranny and tolstoishit on there
at least there's dead souls in there so its not completely emberassing

>> No.22923163

absolute meme list

>> No.22923183

are you some sort of butthurt ukrie?

>> No.22923192

If you shill enough now, by the end of the year the retards will already be shilling for you and parroting your ideas.

>> No.22923203
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I tried shilling with Tarka the Otter for a pretty good chunk of the year and still only got one vote (my own ;-;).

>> No.22923209

Why would an Ukrainian be mad that lermontov is removed? I'm Russian but I hate the preachy moralfag way Dostoevsky writes and forces his christian beliefs in his stories, Tolstoy is more tolerable.

>> No.22923216

>filtered by dostoevsky of all authors

>> No.22923288


>> No.22923304
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is he right?

>> No.22923309

Nigga, the last 11 books have just 3 votes each.

>> No.22923393


>> No.22923398
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Why would ukies be butthurt when they're about to join nato?

>> No.22923422


>> No.22923441

Which faggot rw twitter poster will be the first to tweet this garbage and get 6000 likes for some reason

>> No.22923458

As always, start with the Greeks.

>> No.22923465

no, I prefer Zelda

>> No.22923466

Horcynus Orca
Pretty sure if I shill the threads for this year's chart enough I could get the other two italianons in here to vote for it and have it make the list to troll the anglos

>> No.22923470

Literature =/= fiction

>> No.22923481
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thank me later

>> No.22923485

what non-fiction did you vote for?

>> No.22923490

Herodotus :(

>> No.22923513

For what? You being a retarded fag doesn't help me a bit.

>> No.22923552

Fuck off, this meme is dead

There is no such thing as nonfiction.

>> No.22923612
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Didn't make it. Sorry lad.

>> No.22923619

These are the good ones?

>> No.22923621

101-200 chart when?

>> No.22923640

I'm back to university, it'll be some time. I'm working though an honours degree and work on my free days. Once I can find the free time to work on it I'll get it to you though.

>> No.22923656

The starter kit

>> No.22923659

Those are all the non english books

>> No.22923688


>> No.22923747

>Reading works in translation

>> No.22923765

90% of the time English translation actually improves the original work because English is the supreme language. It flows beautifully, its not awkward, its the most flexible and most expressive, you can write in any style you want and it just works as long as you possess necessary skill and talent. And I'm saying this as an ESL because I want to be honest, and these are my honest thoughts.

>> No.22923770


>> No.22923777

drop some examples

>> No.22923786

I've talked to many educated Russians who left the country after the war started and the common opinion among them is that Dostoevsky in English is actually superior to the Dostoevsky in Russian. I couldn't get out of them specific reasons as to why they feel that way, except vague things like "English gives his writings certain mysterious quality that is absent in the original works" and "It just feels better to read".

>> No.22923791

I’ve felt the same way about Henry James in French desu

>> No.22923805

This is the biggest part time edgelord part time pseudointellectual wannbe pedant list I've ever seen.

>> No.22923811

This is true for all you retards who know nothing of history or linguistics.

>> No.22923821

I like the part where he says
> It flows beautifully, its not awkward
Tells me all I needed to know about this faggot.

>> No.22923823

This is also true

>> No.22923879

Even slightly more cringe than usual.

>> No.22923910

>top books 2023
>actually not a single book from 2023, same old books
why make this list, just make one every 200 years

>> No.22923916

You vote for your favorite books, not the best books in the year the chart is made. Your issue seems to be you misunderstand the premise

>> No.22923927

whats the point of having the same people vote for the same books every year though

>> No.22923955

To see how the community has changed year to year. The beginning of the chart is more or less set in stone but the bottom half of the chart is volatile year to year and I think that’s the more interesting section to look at

>> No.22923965

How many votes did these get?

>> No.22923969

If the threads still up I'll post their results when I'm back from uni.

>> No.22923976

Last exit to Brooklyn

Nobody ever talks about it here

>> No.22923989

too many of those books are too long wtf?
im thinkin any book above 200 pages is too much, 250 being the absolute maximum; anything else i'll maybe look into a summary of sorts just so i have some context

>> No.22923995

One-Dimensional Man

>> No.22924005

Just fucking read man

>> No.22924032

There's also a link on the right of the graph that you can access the data sheet through.

>> No.22924050

Top 100 books I'll definitely read, one of these days

>> No.22924092

Longer books are better.

>> No.22924109

I don't think either is necessarily better. Novels should be the length the narrative requires and no more. I don't want to read 400 additional pages of filler or a shallow dip in the pond.

>> No.22924114

This nigger gets it

>> No.22924116

if you check the wiki in the sticky you’ll find charts with only short books

>> No.22924132

First time I've felt content with being called a nigger on this board. Thanks anon ^w^

>> No.22924169

Don't pander to racists

>> No.22924170

They're all good choises

>> No.22924189

I submitted Grapes of Wrath. It only got 2 votes.

>> No.22924191

There are too many American works on it.
Previous lists were much more international.
I always discuss the top 100 lists with my wife, and she just laughed at this one.

>> No.22924206

Surprised One Hundred Years of Solitude is not there. More surprised that Pedro Paramo is there and the former is not.

>> No.22924211

It's on the list.

>> No.22924212

Yeah, where is Herodotus? Answer me, OP!

>> No.22924213

Van Gogh’s letters
Les Chants de Maldorer
The Rainbow
Leaves of Grass

>> No.22924214

nevermind, just saw it is number 70. me stupid.

>> No.22924217

Lost Illusions is probably the most surprising entry. I’ve been wanting to read it for a bit, I should check it out

>> No.22924246

>he thinks in terms of narrative

>> No.22924260

It’s Maldoror

>> No.22924304

>and she just laughed at this one.
She was laughing at your cock presumably.

>> No.22924346
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>> No.22924366

just saw this on r/4chan lol
illiterates suck

>> No.22924369

Very harsh words, what's Reddit's list of top 100 books for comparison?

>> No.22924389

Kind of the same except with more women and negroes (and no religious books).

>> No.22924398

Then she wouldn't be my wife.
No, she laughed this new list. The old ones are way better.

>> No.22924405
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Like this one.

>> No.22924407
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>> No.22924413

Plato was right about democracy

>> No.22924416 [DELETED] 

>more negroes
>Invention of Morel
Mid as all fuck

>> No.22924420

I think the cynicism and jadedness will mean no anons will ever like the list lol. Just a reminder these aren’t your favorites so why should you care? It’s just tiring hearing everyone complain about something that doesn’t involve them.

>> No.22924423

>more negroes
>Invention of Morel
Mid as all fuck

>> No.22924489

I've never seen as many Balzac threads as this year so that explains it.

>> No.22924501

I feel like most Balzac threads are jokes about his name

>> No.22924510

>Shakespeare at 20
>Dante at 66
>Homer not present (!!!!!!!!!) while including Alan Moore, Vonnegut, Le Guin and fucking Dune
The token authors are whatever, it's an ideology thing so it's a separate issue and at least they have the semblance of being literary, it's the slop that's really insulting. Can't believe there are people who live like this.

>> No.22924589

Moby Dick is excellent, bro.

>> No.22924705 [DELETED] 

>Homer not present
Are you blind?

>> No.22924721

Is this an ironic shitpost?

>> No.22924729

Alan Moore is better and more creative than the negroes there.

>> No.22924811

Sure, but there were a few anons that actually read his work.

>> No.22924837

Yeah. The incentive is pretty low to put your thoughts out there on something you actually read

>> No.22924878

Is dune really that bad? All my buddies have been BEGGING me to read it and I have the trilogy sitting in my stack

>> No.22924883

It's good if you're a teenager or at most in your early 20s.

>> No.22924886

Could be worse

>> No.22924893

Is Moby Dick that good? What are its strenghts?

>> No.22924900

Girth and length

>> No.22924922

it filters retards

>> No.22924944

>wiki hasn't been updated since 2020
did anyone make an aggregated?

>> No.22924948

The wiki guy died of covid

>> No.22924959

really? Jesus

>> No.22925016

It's not that it's bad. It's just worthless and with no literary merit whatsoever. Check it out if you are into sci-fi and want to see where a few tropes orginated from, otherwise I would not bother

>> No.22925199

It's probably the greatest work of English literature ever written.

>> No.22925362

Alan Moore is a good comic writer in that he relies heavily on the comic medium to make good comics, but outside that he doesn't do well. This isn't meant to be harsh criticism more similar to saying a great playwrite isn't good at prose.

>> No.22925367

Guenon - Symbols of Sacred Science, Descartes, Evola - Revolt Against the Modern World, Descartes - Meditations

>> No.22925495

There's one in the charts mega and also a spreadsheet.

>> No.22925525


>> No.22925549

I’m the US you are taught it in school like a sacred text and it becomes the schema that you compare all novels to.
From the outside, the reverence is quite puzzling. But the same thing is done for Shakespeare here in the UK.

>> No.22925571

>I’m the US
Oh shit. The US showed up to the thread.

>> No.22925590

American website

>> No.22925614

Your website

>> No.22925627

American psycho is a more formally experimental and consequentially more challenging read than something like crime and punishment

>> No.22925631

>Atlas Shrugged
Grow up

>> No.22925635

What are the shortest books in these <200 pages that I could read in a day?

>> No.22925637

Isn’t Christianity the basis of Russian society?

>> No.22925643

Probably Alice in Wonderland. If you struggle finishing that in a day you may as well give up.

>> No.22925649

No it would be packed with Schopenhauer and Rand and shit like that

>> No.22925667

This isn’t very different desu

>> No.22925668

I bitched a lot about Journey to the end of the night not making the list last year and this year it's there.

>> No.22925670

Comic books are for children

>> No.22925672

Science fiction isn’t literature with very few exceptions so it’s irrelevant

>> No.22925676

Just read it

>> No.22925679

Stoner and Lolita are short

>> No.22925680

Pish posh and poppycock.

>> No.22925691

>Kokoro didn't make it this year
You disappoint me, /lit/.

>> No.22925711

Lolita is 500 pages in my language

>> No.22925722

What the hell, read something by William Maxwell, his novels are short

>> No.22925727

So are books, then.

>> No.22925752

Books can be literature.

>> No.22925755

So is Alice in Wonderland. Doesn't stop it from being excellent literature.

>> No.22925833

Dead Souls being the best Russian lit and occupying 80+ is a travesty

>> No.22925946

What translations did they read, or is it just English Dosto in general?

>> No.22925986

Comics can be art.

>> No.22925987

Which are?

>> No.22925999
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>The same fucking books plus Jane Austen and Toni Morrison

>> No.22926031

Anons...are redditors our lost cousins?

>> No.22926062

Mein kampf was written in english?

If you ignore the order, it's at least half the same books.

Ugh. Alice in wonderland is like reading your deceased great uncle's dream journal.

>> No.22926070


>> No.22926085

Shrug. It was tedious.

>> No.22926094

Why type that? Soiboi moment

>> No.22926146

>muh russian literature
It’s all garbage.

>> No.22926158

r/truelit is /lit/ expats who left the board due to the extremists and Christian threads so yes
If you check out r/books it will look very different
Don't forget the token invisible man

>> No.22926194

Which are these exceptions? Gene Wolfe?

>> No.22926196

>left the board due to the extremists and Christian threads
Lol, is this for real?

>> No.22926214

This is retarded. Learn Ancient Greek and tell me English grammar is "flexible".

>> No.22926218



>> No.22926321
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Where is it then?

>> No.22926350

Christtranny spam has made me consider leaving multiple times but I just can't stand reddit. I've been here for more than 10 years btw

>> No.22926412

Not an argument

>> No.22926436

genuinely surprised celine is there

>> No.22926470

Just ignore the threads and stop being resentful, retard.

>> No.22926479

The prerequisite is reading all the books from the charts of preceding years. You just can’t understand the 2023 chart without the 2022 one.

>> No.22926528
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>> No.22926535


>> No.22926566

House of Leaves

>> No.22926650


>> No.22926652

For me it was the /pol/ faggotry. Everyone seems to be too concerned with politics/history more than with literature.

>> No.22926715

>no my diary Desu
/lit/ has fallen

>> No.22926783

The Metamorphosis by Kafka is like 60 pages.

Catcher in the Rye is ~200 pages and easy to finish in a day

>> No.22926823

Old man and the Sea and Metamorphosis are pretty light novellas

>> No.22926838

Which one of these is the longest and baddest book on this list? (Apart of the bible of course?

>> No.22926844

I can't be bothered to check over the whole list, but if there's any Gass or Gaddis, it's sure to be that.

>> No.22926887

what do you mean by baddest?

>> No.22926909

Difficult, an all around filter

>> No.22926914

'e 'ick

>> No.22927020

In this case, any from the meme trilogy is a good pick, those books became memes here in the first place because they filter hard a lot of people. Mason & Dixon and The Recognitions fit the bill quite well, too.
Proust's Lost Time, and Man Without Quality are good candidates not for being very complex but they are extremely long.
Honorable mentions to Blood Meridian and Moby-Dick.

>> No.22927024

Proust, easily
While not nearly as exuberant as say Ukysses its sheer length will filter most

>> No.22927109

>Alice in wonderland is like reading your deceased great uncle's dream journal.
you certainly must have had a rather talented great uncle if he was writing like that.

>> No.22927123

I've been planning to read it for a year, but haven't started it yet.
I also didn't vote this year.

>> No.22927145


>> No.22927160

Alan Moore's Jeruslem.

>> No.22927173

>They put Alan Moore on, it's not one of his actual novels or From Hell, clearly his best comicbook.
Reddit, reddit. Other than that and the anglosaxon domination, it's a solid list.

>> No.22927177

Cetology chapters.

>> No.22927208

Filtered by the whiteness of the whale. Many such cases.

>> No.22927215

Thank you fellas
>Search Lost Time
>+4000 pages
Damn... Challenge accepted

>> No.22927226

>What do we think?
they're never actually discussed here. Most post2015 anons don't really read much fiction.

its lies really. Trying to impress who?

>> No.22927249

>Most post2015 anons don't really read much fiction.
True, myself included.
>its lies really. Trying to impress who?
However, just because I haven't read a lot of fiction lately doesn't mean I can't vote for a fiction book that I read years ago, say Don Quijote, that I really loved at the time.

>> No.22927767

Stoner is good
but it is not that good

>> No.22927856

it's a good book. that's it.

>> No.22927863

no J R

>> No.22927945

Good list, but there's nonfiction mixed with fiction. Philosophy books should not be allowed.

>> No.22928000

I'm not a teen anymore. Not everything has to be a fight.

I really liked Proust... Still haven't finish it. I hope to, but honestly I might not.
Rating: 10 brain fried zoomer points out of 10

>> No.22928044

why? there are philosophical works with high literary merit.

>> No.22928154

This. People on this board are clueless about literature, I mean those books are mostly good but it's always the same fucking list

>> No.22928156 [SPOILER] 

Not true. Only the first 1/3 of the list is the same. Lots of variation from then onwards

>> No.22928157

what do you expect? there's a limited amount of classics.
illuminate us with a selection of great works not on the list

>> No.22928173

Reverend Insanity

>> No.22928175

This but unironically

>> No.22928216

basically nu/lit/ can't get its head round whether they like a book or not until it has been digested for decades and been accepted into the canon or made part of school/college curriculums. You guys need breast-fed.

also, most of you haven't read any of these books.

>> No.22928450
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Dune is fantastic, one of my favorites. The first book is GOATed. Second book is very good too. Third book is where things get kind of weird. I'd recommend if you actually do decide to read the series, at least go up to the fourth book, God Emperor of Dune is phenomenal and arguably as good if not better than the first installment. The last two books of the series are hard for me to form an opinion on. I enjoyed reading them somewhat but I have to admit they don't feel quite as well rounded as my favorites of the series. Still good, just weak in some areas. 3, 5, and 6 are definitely the weaker installments. Honestly someone getting into Dune could just read up to four and they'd have read like 90 percent of everything worthwhile. And like everyone else I have never touched his son's extended universe and have no plans to.

>> No.22928462


>> No.22928468

most of these books are on the list every year. I hate fags like you, of which there are like 50 in the thread.
>err why do the classics feature heavily in a top 100 of all time list durrrrrr you're just parroting opinions durrrr

>> No.22928481

of the top 10 I only ever see the bible and blood meridian mentioned here with any regularity

>> No.22928502

i see a decent amount of threads for all of the top 22 except ficciones, it's just dwarfed by endless low effort commie spam about their retarded ideology

>> No.22928519

There used to be a time when Gravity’s Rainbow was a lock for top 5, and V., The Crying of Lot 49, and M&D would all make the list as well. Now GR’s not even in the top 25 and M&D was the only other Pynchon that made the list. I don’t know what happened to this place.

I think I may just leave and never come back.

>> No.22928529

You reminded me of the liberals who said they would move to Canada if Hillary didn’t win.

>> No.22928533

>I don’t know what happened to this place.
the two or three people who voted for Pynchon's books grew up and moved on

>> No.22928549

bottom 11 books tied with 3 votes each, you could have single handedly gotten them on the list if you voted

>> No.22928656

Idk clockwork orange is literature even tho it’s bad

>> No.22928667

I’m not arguing with you, you just need to grow up

>> No.22928670

I see Moby Dick discussed a lot.

>> No.22928675

The Christianity threads on here are insufferable even though Christianity is obviously true

>> No.22928781

GR was top 5 only one year when this place was chock full of redditors. Whatever happened, it was good. V., lot 49 never belonged on the list.

>> No.22929474

The Aeneid. Absurd omission.

>> No.22929578

this is the list of prescribed texts at school/college

>> No.22929707

How come this board have such a shit taste?
How is Lolita 8th and Faust 13th? Both of these are mid
Ans also, objectively, the Quran is a better piece of litterature than the Bible, so it makes no sense that the Bible is this high

>> No.22929709

I will find this poster and kill him. I'm serious

>> No.22929714
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kill yourselves

>> No.22930834


>> No.22930835

there are always stoner threads

>> No.22930837


>> No.22931725 [DELETED] 

It's mostly the same list

>> No.22931983
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don't waste your time reading this orientalist garbage written by a german protestant, read actual buddhist books instead

>> No.22932812

The Quran is fucking garbage and was written for 80iq midwits like you and your inbreded cousins whereas the Bible is possibly the most significant piece of literature in the world which has been an inspiration for many authors.

>> No.22932946

No anon you have not read it
And if you have it doesn't work in translation and you should listen to shitskins yelling and expectorating in your ear over and over because Arab is magic and that cacophony is actually the real voice of Allah
And if that still does not convert you it's because Allah hates you and doesn't want you to see the truth and this was all a big waste of time

>> No.22933013

The Rope by Plautus, The Government Inspector by Gogol, The Alchemist by Jonson and the Japanese Ghost/Folk Stories of Hearn.

>> No.22933282

Buddhism is gay.

>> No.22933538

I never expect anything good when I see these kinds of list online, but this one actually has some genuinely great and interesting inclusions that's usually not featured in lists made by other books and literature communities.
I'm so fucking happy to FINALLY see a community's list that put Storm of Steel over mid shit like that Remarque's one.
Ofc there are flaws i.e. too many Pynchon, too many McCarthy, still lacks many of the greats, things being higher or lower than they should be. But it doesn't really matter. I'm okay with this one.

>> No.22933548

>I'm so fucking happy to FINALLY see a community's list that put Storm of Steel
How are are you? It has been a staple of the list for years. Remarque has never even scraped the bottom of it conversely

>> No.22933552
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>2023 /lit/
>no decline of the west
It was talked about more than Faust. Why isn't it there?

>> No.22933556

10 dollarydoos this is a literal QoS tranny that likes new vegas.
Same as you.

>> No.22933582

Too hard and dry of a read. It is discussed because muh West has le fallen but actually engaging with the actual text is a whole other thing

>> No.22933589
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Is the Stephen Mitchell translation of Tao Te Ching any good?
I don’t want some hippie nonsense if I’m going to bother reading it.

>> No.22933595

Great job by the dude who compiled it but I hate these retarded charts with everything thrown together into one big pile. We need to do a proper top 100 novels at some point.

>> No.22933599

this is my first time checking up on a /lit/ chart

>> No.22933643

There have been couple in previous year because autists were unhappy with non-fiction entries and are more interested in recommendations rather than curious about /lit/ taste
These surveys had even less participants however

>> No.22933662

grow up

>> No.22933815

This. We need to sit down and create a definitive list of the top 100 books rather than just people throwing whatever book they've enjoyed into a pile every year.

>> No.22933872

Try again.

>> No.22933998

Lurk more, post less, retard.

>> No.22934019

that is a well done chart

>> No.22934023

who the fuck is juan rulfo
never seen that dude mentioned here

>> No.22934027

here ya go

>> No.22934104

Beats me. Appeared on the chart a couple of years ago when multiple votes for the same book were allowed and has been part of it ever since
I don't get the love, I personally found it aggressively mediocre, but then again I always thought the same of Bolano and he's been on the chart since 2011

>> No.22934111

You just don't get South American literature.

>> No.22934113


>> No.22934118
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>> No.22934149

Communists must be cleansed from literature, I am not even racist

>> No.22934366

But I like Donoso, Lima, Borges, and tolerate Marquez
Can't it just be possible that perhaps rulfo is just mid shit overrated by whoever autist keeps pushing him on the chart?

>> No.22934367

Because this isn’t /his/ or /sci/ dumb dumb.

>> No.22934471

I've read 23 of the 100.
#1 is correct. 2 through 10 are mostly overrated, imho.
not horrible overall.

>> No.22934475

Would you recommend these in order to a newb?
If not, what are your top 5 recommendations?

>> No.22934486

>to a newb
>what are your top 5 recommendations?
There is a starter pack out there somewhere, part of which is featured on the chart. Check the sticky

>> No.22934487


>> No.22934494

Some of them yes. Not all of them.

Start with Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.22934498

Nabokov would agree with you.

>> No.22934507

Grapes of Wrath >> East of Eden
Of Mice and Men >> Grapes of Wrath

that said, ain't nobody writes scenery like Steinbeck.

>> No.22934527

nigger wrote like 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 lines of text. Which should take precedent?

>> No.22934533

Dune is a fantastic book and introduces a level of world building second only to Tolkien. The political concepts and multi-generational ideologies are fantastic.
The book is full of plot holes and every character is a jew, but it's still easily top 100 imho.

>> No.22934540

literal LOL.

>> No.22934542


>> No.22934550

>What are its strenghts?
No women. It's amazing how well multiple ethnicities get along in their absence.

>> No.22934557

Moby Dick is the GOAT.

>> No.22934562

name an objectively better work of English literature.

>> No.22934574

>Stoner and Lolita are short
so is your dick

>> No.22934582

Latinx, sorry.

>> No.22934586

Ulysses and Infinite Jest

>> No.22934666


>> No.22935894

There are Stoner, Lolita, or Moby-Dick threads up almost every day, anon.

>> No.22936023


>> No.22936182

Only three retarded meme books, despite relentless retard spamming:
>Mein Kampf
>Industrial Society and its Future
>The World as Will and Representation
And all in the 90s. A victory of culture.

>> No.22936201

Only a retard would call Schopenhauer a meme.

>> No.22936211
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Adolescent pessimism is for retards. Read pic and grow up.

>> No.22936322

> There is no such thing as nonfiction.

You're making me cry with this take knock it off

>> No.22936361

>No Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.22936366

Because we don't want to read your same HBD shit you post over and over again Hanania. Go back to dropping cats off of rooftops and sucking off jews.

>> No.22936378

Based anglophile making all the brown pseud basedcialists seethe. Just remember Pablo, no one gives a shit about that lit PhD you spent 10 years getting, you 105 IQ wetback.

>> No.22936401

The Temptation of Saint Anthony
It's bad. Translated by some Jew who went to Yale and "de-educated" himself through Zen.

>> No.22936587

I disagree
The only ones I would call over rated would be Stoner and Lolita
Stoner in particular, is in a ridiculous position. Placing it above the complete works of Shakespeare, Homer's Illiad, and Ulysses, is just a bit silly.
I didn't enjoy Blood Meridian that much, but it certainly deserves it's position of reverence. The Holy Bible is The Holy Bible. Can't really overrate that one. Don Quixote needs not readon or explanation.
Dostoyevsky can be a bit plain but he really does spin strong narratives

>> No.22936718

Frankenstein, Elementary Particles. Those are both sub 200 pages.

>> No.22936745

Most pseudo-intellectual shit of all time lmao there's no shot you faggots are sat around reading Faust and the fucking Illiad. This is like pretentious /mu/tards all clambering over each other to say Neutral Milk Hotel is their favorite artist. It's the exact list an edgy 16 year old would make when he wants to pretend to be smart.
Post the actual slop you enjoyed last year or you're a coward.

>> No.22936749

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.22936751

Dosto is essentially sadomasochistic, he loves dwelling on characters who revel in how depraved they are, but who also prostrate themselves in the just punishment or humiliation of their depravity. Again, sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes imply the exact situation he adored, all the violence and sexual intrigue he desired so much, but with the approval of his super ego since they ritualistically degrade themselves in a kind of spiritual fetishistic pleasure in confessing, being punished, and then being "redeemed". It's lurid and partakes of a sick kind of gratification in self flagellation.

>> No.22936757

During a fun ocean adventure the author drops literal catalogues of various whales here and there

>> No.22936759

It's an unfinished work

>> No.22936765

The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment are both atrociously bad and long to boot.

>> No.22936766

>Christianity is obviously true
Which Christianity?

>> No.22936924

Dostoevsky spent 10 years in Siberian prison so I imagine he understands the minds and characters of criminals much better than the average person. That's why he portrays them sympathetically because its very easy for a decent person to one day end up becoming a criminal. Also, Svidrigailov never had any redemption in Crime and Punishment. He has tackled both sides of criminals where there are some decent people who made mistakes but there are also some irredeemable psychopaths.

>> No.22936972

Very good list. Going to read the few I haven’t yet.
I wonder if making a zip of all the epubs would help anons with reading then, or is that still falling into choice paralysis?

>> No.22936981

>The Holy Bible is The Holy Bible. Can't really overrate that one.
It's literally been overrated since its inception.

>> No.22937016

did josie rig this one too?

>> No.22937033

Trying to dismiss the entire philosophy of a guy that influenced not only every single philosopher after him but many influential writers, musicians and other artists by saying "Adolescent pessimism is for retards" is quite an adolescent behavior.

>> No.22937045

as I stated above >>22923216
might as well kys

>> No.22937052

>partakes of a sick kind of gratification in self flagellation.
mortification of the flesh is based

>> No.22937210

It's good poetry
The Book of Judges and Saul 2 are some good shit in that regard

>> No.22937283

Borges would agree with you. There's a famous interview where he opines on the flexibility of feeling in the english language stemming from its lexical size and diversity of origin (mostly duplicates of French and Anglo-Saxon origin respectively, eg "graveyard" vs. "cemetery," "dead" vs. "deceased," etc.). Says its a "finer" language than Spanish.

>> No.22937292

Different poster, but my guess would be Constance Garnett who was the standard for most of the works' existence in the English language.

>> No.22937340

>it is so because X and Y said so

>> No.22937373

>many influential writers, musicians and other artists
Yeah, you are a teenager

>> No.22937555

What the fuck?
Apart from the Bible and a couple of others none if these books are discussed here. Ever.
Load of shit

>> No.22937595

How many times are you going to make this post?

>> No.22937967

Blood Meridian sucks

>> No.22938249

Why is their no Norse Sagas mentioned yet the poo in the loo Bhagada Gita is, and the basedcialist Ring of the Nibelung?
Njall's Saga and Volsunga Saga are well worth a read.

>> No.22938277

Commit the ultimate mortification then

>> No.22938436
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