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22921983 No.22921983 [Reply] [Original]

>writes book about how white women are jealous of her and want to steal her work
Based or not?

>> No.22921988

Probably right. Anglo-Germanic (“white”) women don’t have anything to say these days so they tend to steal from different sources to write their shit

>> No.22921990

from a review i read it appears that this book is still far too 'guarded' and anxious to be good and right. made me lose any interest in reading it. shame, because the premise had potential, but you gotta go all the way

>> No.22921996

asian women have a deep inferiority complex towards white people. they want to be white and view white culture as superior but realized that they never will be one even after they Anglicized their names and marry white men so they go online and write how whytes are evil and parrot whatever the popular leftists on twitter writes
this book is pretty much a her fantasty where the white girl is jealous of the asian girl when we all know it's the other way around

>> No.22922003

Or they want to steal her work instead of some convoluted /pol/ fan fiction

>> No.22922010

Twitter Drama: the Book.

>> No.22922015

I never understood the whole culture appropriation thing. Japanese make a shit ton of anime and manga set in Europe
why is it considered when a white person makes a book set in Asia?

>> No.22922024


>> No.22922029

Are they setting their books in Asia or downright plagiarizing her? What does “stealing” mean here?

>> No.22922043

There are white women who are jealous of asian women in the context of book publishing though

>> No.22922045

Will Asian diaspora ever publish anything worth reading?

>> No.22922050

Yes I will become the Asian Tolkien after I have mastered Chinese, classical Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Tibetan

>> No.22922052


>> No.22922061

Good for him for being a gem in an ocean of shit.

>> No.22922074

there's a few books set in Asia written by white authors (Memoirs of a Geisha for example) and Asian Americans get pissed off by that and think white people are "stealing" their spot, culture or whatever from them. This book is a satire of that where the white person is literally stealing the story from an asian person

>> No.22922080

Disgusting creature

>> No.22922086

That’s cringe. Everyone should be able to write about everything.

>> No.22922363

Probably not.

The ypipo-are-bad genre is far too lucrative to ignore.

>> No.22922382

If I read another sob story about "how all the other students laughed at me because of my smelly lunch" I might go postal.

>> No.22922409

>nose piercing

damn the red flags were all there, weren't they?

>> No.22922424

Ted Chiang

>> No.22922451

>noooo you’re stealing my hecking culture
Pathetic and cringe. Though good for her for profiting off these ridiculous times, I’m sure she was applauded and sucked off by retard masses for it.

>> No.22922466

There was this one white guy who sent in his poems to a poetry contest under a very obviously Asian sounding name, and ending up winning the competition. The chief judge of this context was none other than Native American author Sherman Alexie who was cancelled for sexual misconduct. I'm asuming r.F. Kuang based her book on this incident.
As for cultural appropriation in general, if you want that side of the argument: The problem is specifically with the diaspora population. Despite the push for diversity, most of what gets published is, actually, by white people. It's less about race in that respect than it is about in-group and out-group. Since there are less Asian people getting published, they feel like publishers should be more willing to publish stories about Asia from Asians than non-Asians.
The actual book is about a white woman who is a failed author (she got published, but her books bombed) whose alcoholic Asian friend is a literary superstar died on a drinking binge. The white woman finds an unfinished manuscript in the Asian friend's house, decides to heavily edit and add her own content to finish the book, and then sold the book as totally her own original work without crediting the Asian friend in any way.
Later on in the book, it is revealed that back when they were in college, the white woman told the Asian friend about how she was raped, and the Asian friend then writes an award winning short story based on this rape story without asking the white woman or talking to her beforehand at all, the short story, presented as fiction, used line for line quotes the white woman used to describe the experience of being raped.

>> No.22922549

>The ypipo-are-bad genre is far too lucrative to ignore.
This and girlboss erotica are the only viable avenues for publishing houses until chudcore really takes off

>> No.22923089
File: 74 KB, 2048x2048, katti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heard it on 4chan
>has never gone outside
>never met an asian women
>has never spoke to anyone about asian women
>never once thought to question it
>now tells it as gospel

>> No.22923099

i confirm all this

>> No.22923165

It's all true.
source: Australia.

>> No.22923189

>There was this one white guy who sent in his poems to a poetry contest under a very obviously Asian sounding name, and ending up winning the competition. The chief judge of this context was none other than Native American author Sherman Alexie who was cancelled for sexual misconduct. I'm asuming r.F. Kuang based her book on this incident.

wtf? someone has to stop these evil wypipo, if they choose names that don't sound european how exactly are we meant to withhold prizes and publishing deals from them (as they so richly deserve for their crimes)?

>> No.22923315

that's a nice kitty sir

>> No.22923316

Other way around, white women have an inferiority complex around asian women and bully them, leading asian women to hate men for having yellow fever and fetishizing them

>> No.22923317
File: 2.94 MB, 540x960, aziaat zonder makeup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she so fucking ugly even after all that makeup though?

>> No.22923318
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She looks super cute to me

>> No.22923324

Millions of hapa mutts will walk the globe of tomorrow

>> No.22923350
File: 118 KB, 1080x763, apu looking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22923369

From princess to rice farmer this is insidious

>> No.22923502

It focuses more on contrived mystery than the racial aspect.

The actual arguments the books represents (such as they are) seem to reference episodes in the author's life that shes salty about, rather than more general racial dynamics.

It kept me engaged enough to read it all butni wouldn't say it was good.

I know nothing about the publishing industry so it was interesting from that perspective. There was a section about how the industry picks certain people to be popular and places their books at the front of stores. I thought that was funny because that's exactly how I ended up reading it (my girlfriend saw it whilst we were out and picked it for our book club).

>> No.22923594
File: 62 KB, 1080x1144, 1697430392199963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22924008

she looks like Sally Rooney.

>> No.22924014

That chink pussy needs some BWC filling PRONTOOO

>> No.22924163

>Entire culture/economy based around intellectual property theft and plagiarism
>Spaz out because one white girl wears a cheongsam, which isn't even a culturally Chinese dress to begin with

>> No.22924181

Already taken care of. Her BF is a BWM.

>> No.22924193

Start with the Xia.

>> No.22924215

White women are jealous of Asian women being lusted after, full stop.

>> No.22924221

White women certainly do not have an inferiority complex. They're like white men in that they're the beauty standard and the entire globe thirsts after them, except they become aware of this intuitively from a very young age. In terms of desirability it seems to go

white > asian > brown >black
in sequence in pretty much every diverse country.

>> No.22924255
File: 213 KB, 905x1340, IMG_7566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That chink pussy needs some BWC filling PRONTOOO

>> No.22924256

Asians are not more desired than “browns” (what does that even mean? That’s most most the planet).

>> No.22924291

white women are on the top of the food chain for women. literally everyone knows this except for yellow fever fags.

>> No.22924302

That doesn’t mean they’re good writers, thoughbeit.

>> No.22924590


>> No.22924609

I went to school in a big city in canada and it sums up the dynamic between them quite well. Worked with both of them a lot. Asian men (who literally worship pretty White women, it's disturbing) and yellowfever faggots are coping in denial.

>> No.22925047

honestly i want to see her skull bashed open by a street gentleman of nocturnal complexion

>> No.22925053

I'm terrified to even wear a hair stick lest the sjw attack me. Yet asians are sitting in western style houses wearing western style clothing and shoes eating western style food participating in western career trades.

>> No.22925266

I look like this, say this and still get laid with Asian women because Asian women would rather fuck anything so long as it's white and not Asian

>> No.22925363

That was a filter, look at her pupils change size and you can see her cut the video halfway.

>> No.22925368

Shitting on white women has become an easy gotcha shared by all status-quo guzzling fringe larpers because they’re the last group you can make fun of without significant backlash. You don’t want change, you want to feel superior.

>> No.22925409

basically true. white women exist and some angry darkskin comes up, drops the most vicious unhinged hatred, and the white girl will just stand there and take it while staring at her shoes. fucking demons.

especially considering 3/4 of the planet are asians and white women are like 3% of the global population? lay the fuck off them, they're the real minority. and the only ones with hair in any color other than black or dark brown.

>> No.22926829

>another sob story about "how all the other students laughed at me because of my smelly lunch"
Are you ARX HAN?

>> No.22927041

No but thank you for introducing me to his writing. I read one of his Substack posts and it was of fresh air honestly.

>> No.22927069

This is true.
Though this extends well beyond looks alone; European civilization dwarfs in accomplishments the rest of the non-European world combined ten times over.
By one measurement (yes imperfect, but must be somewhere in the ballpark) the city of Paris, by itself, produced more highly notable individuals than all of China combined throughout all of recorded history. And France was not even #1 in Europe by that measurement (that would be Germany).

>> No.22927074

Oh, and that measurement was pantheon.world. The differences become larger if one focuses on just science/technology/mathematics.

>> No.22927084


>> No.22927090


>> No.22927092

Wet yellow pussy

>> No.22927100

> hair stick
Isnt that for women ?

>> No.22927113

Stinky chink slit ready for penetration

>> No.22927142

By browns I assume they mean either arabs, or criollo latinos, which in both cases I tend to digress. Arab women tend to have some very attractive facial features. And Natives from Latinoamerica were just what sexually starved Conquistadors needed to convince themselves to stay in the Americas, though they are quite mutted by now, there are some beauties now and then.
Curiously enough, there are some native american tribes which I feel share many facial traits with asians. Look at the Guna people for example
Indian women on the other hand...

>> No.22927172


>> No.22927186

I'd steal her work, if you know what I mean

>> No.22927200

you now won an additional sentence of 48 hours of watching Twin Peaks finally explained (No really!)

>> No.22927211

I don’t know why twitterfags want “brown” to be thing like black or white. It’s just doesn’t work.

>> No.22927257

Not to mention, not even all African Americans are of black skin. The majority are also of a brown color. Trying to fit the rest of the world under the category of brown is just disingenuous and shows a lack of respect to the fact that other races exist
Funnily enough, it seems leftists need to be reminded that not everything is Black and White :v

>> No.22927331

It's actually fairly useful. Though of course "brown" is made up of several different races, they are in truth quite fungible; brown-ish skin, 85-ish average IQ, more prone to criminality, etc.