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/lit/ - Literature

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2292167 No.2292167 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite book at the moment?

>> No.2292196
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Right now...... probably, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

>> No.2292207
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>> No.2292219
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>> No.2292234


>> No.2292235
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The Iliad and/or Game of Thrones

>>2292219 why??? It's like a watered down version of the Iliad. You get culture instead of deep philosophy.

>> No.2292238

It's a tie between Lolita and The Sufferings of Young Werther.

>> No.2292239

>It's like a watered down version of the Iliad.
>watered down version
>of the Iliad.

>> No.2292243

That I'm reading right now?
The Gates by John Connolly.
I know it's children literature but I'm on my summer break here and felt like reading something that didn't requiere too much though. It turned out to be a great book, I've heard good things about the author and his more mature books.

Of all times?
Le cercle des menteurs by Jean-Claude Carrière
It's a compilation of different folk tales from around the world with analysis about how they connect with their history and between them. It made becoming a story teller be sort of an impossible dream since age 13.

Hungover, spellcheck for a different language underlining fucking everything. I'm sorry /lit/.

>> No.2292245

If "deep philosophy" is your metric, then the Homeric epics are not great works. I think they shine for other reasons, but if you are so enamored with "deep philosophy" then you ought to be reading some Dostoevsky etc.

>> No.2292248

Or, if you want "deep philosophy", just read philosophy.

>> No.2292254


My apologies, I've often heard of Odysseus translated as Ulysses so I thought this translation chose that name.

Everyone please ignore the second part of >>2292235

>> No.2292260


Really? To be honest I haven't read any philosophical works in full, I just did an incredibly long essay on the Iliad, over a period of 8 weeks and within that I believe I learned a huge deal about the purpose of our existence, whether life is worth living etc.

On the other hand I think the Odyssey is meh. It's good for those interested in culture but otherwise it does not seek to discover something, like the Iliad was created for a macho warrior prince demographic however it clearly had a far more sorrowful and tragic undertone reserved for the more intelligent.

>> No.2292273

What works of philosophy would people here recommend?

>> No.2292305
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>> No.2292315
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>> No.2292720

I recently read White Noise- Don Delillo
It was pretty dope.

>> No.2292731

The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin

>> No.2292737

Holy shit, I finished it like two days ago.

I kinda liked it but I kinda didn't.

>> No.2292739

/lit/core: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Russel, Wittgenstein.

Read Kant.

I'll be reading that next semester. Good to hear!

My favorite book remains Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe.

>> No.2292744


Which one?

>> No.2292743

Ada or Ardor

>> No.2292742

>Chuck Pancakenook


>> No.2292746

Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami

>> No.2292750


>> No.2292768

good omens

>> No.2292772
File: 25 KB, 253x400, book+cover+of+The+Rules+of+Attraction+byBret+Easton+Ellis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2292786
File: 317 KB, 682x1024, dharma bums by jack kerouac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture related. perspective changing. but you all hate kerouac.

>> No.2292790

Eh Kant and his moral imperative puts me off.

I don't know about you guys, though.

>> No.2292801


Critique of Judgment, bro.

>> No.2292815

the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay

but you all hate chabon

>> No.2292975
File: 22 KB, 200x292, 200px-KoolAid_1stUSEd_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing has really come close since reading this last year.

>> No.2293272

Hell ya motherfucka


>> No.2293286


I find the categorical imperative pretty fascinating, actually. Sure it has its flaws, but so does any ethical system that isn't total relativism. But I really like the notion that we're capable of determining what a moral act is with nothing except our own reason. And personally I just don't like consequential ethics.

>> No.2293291

My favorite book at this very moment is The Dispossessed by Ursula K LeGuin.

>> No.2293298


The adventure of the golden lake on the surfer mountains inside the cavern of the last temple

I wrote it yesterday, 10 page long. My favorite book so far.

>> No.2293300
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>> No.2293304

makes me want to go hiking and camping.

Also a good book for examining Kerouac's homophobia and homosexuality

>> No.2293464


Are we talking about that conservative faggot ?

>> No.2293638


Kill yourself

>> No.2293661

Ah, 4chan being as kind as always. I feel like home.