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22919343 No.22919343 [Reply] [Original]

He SAVED contemporary fantasy after GRRM destroyed any hope of it.

And his masterpiece is coming out THIS year.
(Stormlight 5)

>> No.22919348

Sanderson is shit. Martin is a god. Deal with it.

>> No.22919351
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You mean Martin WAS good, too bad you won't see the end of ASoIF unlike Stormlight.

>> No.22919366

Stormlight 3 and 4 are terrible and I doubt 5 is going to be any better.

>> No.22919395

Sell me on his stuff as someone who's only read GRRM and no other modern fantasy. What's the hook? What does he do well?

>> No.22919416
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>> No.22919421
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take this one too

>> No.22919427

>unlike Stormlight.
In 20 years (or when he plans to end it) he will die from a heart attack. He is fat and he's tall (unlike Martin).

>You mean Martin WAS good
Martin is a god, he gave us a method to write godlike pseudo-historic fantasy.

>> No.22919473

TO BE FAIR; 4 was pretty fucking boring LMAO.

Its like hes writing them to be long, not interesting.

The hook is LONG GOYSLOP writing, with your favourite teenage characters being quirky and OVERPOWERED AS HELL.

Actually well written and fairly correct analysis of the books. Sanderson writes with the "end goal" in focus, and therefore everything before just becomes whatever have to happen to make the end happen.

>> No.22919512

Stop shilling this hack. It's not funny even ironically.

>> No.22919515

>Martin is a god, he gave us a method to write godlike pseudo-historic fantasy.
His writing method is to mix of thrillers with soap operas. Start every chapter with a rehash of what happened last time, stuff the middle with filler, end with a cliffhanger. Switch to a different perspective for the next chapter and repeat the same trick. He's a TV writing hack.

There is nothing historical about his works. It has only a surface level resemblance to real history. It's just a world with more rape than magic.

>> No.22919537

if the start is a rehash, the middle is filler and the end is the cliffhanger how is possible that the plot progresses at all?

>> No.22919541
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It doesnt, how do you think we are 7 books in and barely covered a year of story time?

>> No.22919548

>There is nothing historical about his works. It has only a surface level resemblance to real history.
It shouldn't be a copy of real history. It should be something what uses real historical, social and economic processes. Martin has it, most other authors don't.

>It's just a world with more rape than magic.
Abercrombie also writes about more rapes than magic. But he is not even close to Martin.

>we are 7 books in and barely covered a year of story time?
A dumb argument, there are books which cover a day.

>> No.22919550
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>be martin
>write book 4
>accidently writes 500 pages of Jaime and brianna in riverlands where nothing happens
>leave it in and split the book in 2.


>> No.22919558

>A dumb argument, there are books which cover a day.
Obviously, but when you outline a story to take place over a few years / decade (his outline). And now you're barely halfway because of expansion creep. Then it is his fault.

>> No.22919565

>be sanderson
>write first 95 % of shitty fillers
>end with a cliffhanger

>> No.22919578

Way of Kings was good. Each book since has gotten progressively worse

>> No.22919601

AGoT covers an entire year. I think the other 4 add up to 2 and a bit.

>> No.22919611

>It should be something what uses real historical, social and economic processes. Martin has it, most other authors don't.
What real historical, social, and economic processes does Martin use?

Can you point them out in his other works such as Wildcards or CBS's Beauty and the Beast?

>> No.22919622

Brienne is legitimately a great story. It's one of those things that, if the series were finished without any major delays, fans would look back on upon re-reads as an underrated gem. But as it stands readers see it only as a barrier in the way of what they want to see.

>> No.22919926
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You mean it's coming in 1-2 years because any edition of big fantasy chonker must be read in the mass market paperback edition, 7" tall and THICC

I'm more than covered till then with the far superior writer/series to both Brando Sando and the lord of FAT.

>> No.22920160
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