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22913488 No.22913488 [Reply] [Original]

Despite making nearly everything about sex, Freud turned quite the blind eye to the most suggestive homosexual behavior of them all: sucking and blowing on a long, thick, smooth shaft. Why?

>> No.22913497

He couldnt handle the truth thats why he killed himself byt they pretended he didnt for some reason

>> No.22913498

>op wants to discuss cock sucking on a literature board for some reason

>> No.22913506

because sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

>> No.22913511

>oral fixation means I suck cocks
I can't remember but I'm almost positive Freud wrote about this exact misconception.

>> No.22913526

I get the feeling Freud had to pass over many things in silence, as he was a Jew writing in Vienna while the Nazis were ascending in Germany.

He could not break down several things in the overt fashion he surely would have been capable of. Homosexuality and Christianity are both subjects he had to kind of obliquely outline.

I suspect Freud believed the primordial libido is neither male nor female but both, and that, as Gore Vidal has said, all persons are fundamentally capable of pansexuality. History shows a universal tendency to bisexuality in civilized societies. Christianity is the collective neurosis of the West, and it is largely rooted in a hatred of all pre-conscious sexual instincts.

This is an uninformed opinion since I have not read any of Freud's major works in full. I would be curious how off the mark I am in the view of more well-read Freudians.

>> No.22913532

Probably to excuse himself from being called a fag.

>> No.22913608

It is a pretty common topic here.

>> No.22913617

Because despite this place being 99% fags I’d rather not talking about sucking dick

>> No.22913646

Reminder that unless you chug the 55 Years Ltd Cohiba with a Dupont lighter you are not doing it as a status symbol and are therefore homosexual.

>> No.22913984

>all persons are fundamentally capable of pansexuality
This isn't possible because lesbians aren't real

>> No.22914049

I hate this board. The smarter I get the dumber the world becomes.

>> No.22914064


>> No.22914572

Don't worry, yo>>22914064
u're not getting smarter.

>> No.22915040

This. I feel like psychoanalysis in general is an interpreting blue curtains type of thing

>> No.22915149

Freud didn't say out and out that he wanted to suck dick, but he did speculate that smoking was a substitute for masturbation. There are many other places in Freud's work where he talks about material which he believes indicates his own unconscious homosexuality, and he discusses fellatio explicitly and at length in his Leonardo paper.
You're basically right. He says we start off psychically bisexual and polymorphously perverse. Mature sexual identifications and object choices are developmental achievements, they depend on our acculturation to our own bodies and the internalization of early relationships, especially prohibitions related to incest taboos.
>t. Psychoanalytic candidate

>> No.22915385

my doctor told me I had an oral fixation

>> No.22915403

Because it's not gay to suck long smooth shafts, faglord; it's however homosexual to blow another man, bumboy. Now get over here, slave.

>> No.22915702

I am known to enjoy a cigar, and I can tell you from experience that classic styles like Che's in OP's picture and coronas don't make you feel like any more like a faggot than an ordinary cigarette. The thick ones such as those which overcompensating 'alpha males' on Youtube like these days, however, absolutely do. They don't go in your mouth comfortably so you have to open it more than you normally would, and it feels like how I imagine having a cock in your mouth would.

>> No.22915735

>it‘s not gay when I do it

>> No.22917025

I was literally able to quit smoking cigarettes by imagining how gay it was every time I did it. Thanks Freud, another patient cured!

>> No.22917068

as a circumcised man a lot of Freud's assumptions and theories and fixations stem from his mutilation. its a nice window into jewish psychology, but as it pertains to normal people it has little value

>> No.22917082

andrew taint and (((costin))) suck black cocks

>> No.22917298

Do you know of any psychoanalytical works specifically about oral sex?

>> No.22917365

His nephew picked up on it, used it to advertise smoking to feminists in the 20s

>> No.22917386
File: 73 KB, 611x886, azAoxMax_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite making nearly everything about sex, Freud turned quite the blind eye to the most suggestive homosexual behavior of them all: sucking and blowing on a long, thick, smooth shaft. Why?

Because his goal was the destruction of the family unit, what better way to inflict damage than by proclaiming it fosters unhealthy sexual relationships between parent and child?

>> No.22917505


My hobbies = normal, heterosexual, enlightened.
Your hobbies = weird, gay, ignorant.

Simple as.

>> No.22917515

Should I start smoking?

>> No.22917526
File: 41 KB, 720x540, zEhbbul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's merely a matter of size. And given how prevalent sex tourism is in SE Asia and how SE Asians rank amongst the shortest in the world, we can conclude it is indeed not gay.

>> No.22917945

Read three essays on sexuality if you haven't already and then the Leonardo paper

>> No.22917949

Anon you just cracked the mystery of Freudian psychoanalysis.