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/lit/ - Literature

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2291072 No.2291072 [Reply] [Original]

Should I feel like an idiot for basically having no idea what this is about?

>> No.2291078

I felt more or less the same way - except I just gave up, rather than finishing it. I loved a lot of the other Eliot I read, but The Wasteland was just too obscure.

I'd like a book of commentary on it or something.

>> No.2291113

no, it was during his period where he thought cramming as many allusions into a line as possible made it better poetry
i love eliot and think the wasteland is tryhard territory
read prufrock again and again, much better use of your time

>> No.2291132

i believe Eliot thought the wasteland was over rated.

>> No.2291139
File: 54 KB, 889x886, ELIOT LOVECRAFT MOORCOCK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2291601

Fun Fact: T.S. Eliot plagiarized

>> No.2291612
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>i love eliot and think the wasteland is tryhard territory
>read prufrock again and again, much better use of your time

Exactly what I was going to say.

>> No.2291619

T.S. == Tough Shit

>> No.2291621

Stop reading cracked.com, you fag. You've completely missed the point of the poem if you really believe it's plagiarised.

>> No.2291650

it's okay to be buttfrustrated bro, you'll get over it.

>> No.2293534

Studied it at university. It blew my mind the hard way. I now consider it to be my favorite piece of literature along with Shakespeare's plays.

To sum up, it deals with the Goly Grail, a quest for regeneration that never ever comes, because the land is barren. It's barren because if a certain degeneration resulting from the madness of the world Eliot lived in.

tl;dr : you read it you'll shit bricks.

>> No.2293559


These people are on the right track, but going in the wrong direction. It's all about "Ash–Wednesday" and "The Four Quartets".

"Murder in the Cathedral" is underrated because it is a verse drama, but it is excellent both performed and read.