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/lit/ - Literature

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22904363 No.22904363 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22904419

lsd and stimulants

>> No.22904470

Anna Karenina

>> No.22904563

I read Kahneman a while back. The book is relatively interesting. It's a recap of his studies with some personal anecdotes thrown in. If you haven't read it yet, I strongly suggest that you do. It's a book that everyone in generally sophisticated company assumes to have read.

>> No.22904761
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You know it's true

>> No.22905393

Das Kapital and the works of Lenin unironically.

>> No.22906482

random wikipedia articles

>> No.22906608

Books will make you more knowledgeable, but they won't change your IQ score.

>> No.22906635

serious answer is any book that actually interests you enough to finish it and also challenges you just enough that it's not a breeze to read but not so much that its difficulty is discouraging

>> No.22906641

>Books will make you more knowledgeable, but they won't change your IQ score.
They will increase your crystallized intelligence but not your fluid intelligence.
OP should read The Bell Curve to find out more.

>> No.22906678
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>Mr Happy stack:
Uridine + Alpha-GPC + DHA (fish oil) + B-complex
>Chemically induced Long Term potentiation stack (CILTP):
Artichoke heart + Forskolin + Phenylalanine + B-complex

Take both of them simultaneously. Mr Happy causes increased synaptogenesis and dopamine up-regulation. CILTP improves memory and focus even more

Throw in a BDNF agonist like 7,8 DHF or maybe some NGF amp like ALCAR or jujube extract and you're set

>> No.22906690

just to add to this, a typical increase in IQ from supplement stack chads is in the ballpark of 7 points or half a standard deviation. Getting from broke brain to normal is easy, actually overclocking the machinery of intelligence is much more difficult. The easiest thing to work on is memory or simple neurotransmitter upregulation

>> No.22908172
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>> No.22909311

Can your IQ decrease.

>> No.22909322 [DELETED] 

Start with Call of the Crocodile

>> No.22909340
