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22903514 No.22903514 [Reply] [Original]

According to the Cambridge dictionary, this is the definition of theft: "the act of taking something that belongs to someone else and keeping it"

In the sentence "property is theft", doesn't the word "theft" itself implies the existence of legitimate owner(s) (from whom the property was stolen), and thus implies a legitimate form of property , thus refuting the idea that property is theft?

>> No.22903522
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you are trying to legemize theft

>> No.22903526

it's a figure of speech

>> No.22903528

A figure of speech isn't exempt from logic

>> No.22903534

Property is misappropriation.

>> No.22903541

>according to the such and such dictionary

no sir, I do not read retards, be gone

>> No.22903551

>Rejects the use of definition
It would perhaps have been wiser of you not to say that. Now everyone knows that you have never been part of any serious academic work


>> No.22903568

I have no idea what a serious academic work is in 2024. Shakespeare wrote fine English long before Dr. Johnson penned an index for the entire English language. Dictionaries are for gradeschool teachers and those whom they beat over the head with spelling books. Spelling varies. Thought is unverifiable if you cannot think. Grammarians wear dunce caps which say "I cannot think but I can spell, according to the such and such dictionary, which is also where I get my ideas..."

>> No.22903572

>Property is misappropriation
The very idea that one could misappropriate implies that legitimate appropriation is possible, the same way that you could not misuse an object if a correct use of the object didn't exist.
If legitimate appropriation is possible, then property isn't necessarily misappropriation.

>> No.22903577

Dictionaries are made so that a common understanding of words can be agreed upon, if I had not taken the time to define what theft was, some retard would have claimed that theft doesn't imply legitimate ownership, which is obviously false.

>> No.22903599
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The benevolent liberal principle of private property for all is a masking shield to the reality that only capitalists are able to accumulate value while wagies gets just enough crumbs to reproduce and work. Even their own vital force is not owned by themselves but stolen at $10 an hour or less. The ersatz of property they get to cope with being alienated from their life is getting thinner and thinner with every economical crisis, as margins increase.

>> No.22903605
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How spooked of you, Anon. While your point works quite aptly in your haunted framework... such spooky language gets us nowhere. Yes, the communist believes that everything should belong to everyone, and he uses incredibly silly, illogical phrasing to make his 'point'. But, the fact of the matter is that all things are mine. I am rather simply just not exerting dominion over them. How can one steal something that's already his? He cannot, that's how.

>> No.22903613

Yes, but that's beside the point

>> No.22903628

Property, as defined and defended by dominant bourgeois institutions, is the theft of the majority's lifetime by a minority of property enjoyers. Hypothetical "legitimate" form of property stays within bourgeois legitimus or exits the realm of property.

>> No.22903632


>> No.22903651

Common understanding exists independently of dictionaries. If you do not possess common understanding, then you look to the dictionary. You do not ever, under any circumstances, gather a philosophical definition from a fucking list of words.

>> No.22903656

It literally is retard. If you don't understand, try reading this sentence again:
>It literally is retard.

>> No.22903660

What do you own? Are you proud of it?

>> No.22903690

The items which I have actually enforced my ownership over are rather nice. In my objectively correct opinion, mind you. I have in my possession a rather nice collection of coins and banknotes, a computer set up that I quite like, a fat retarded cat who I love dearly, and many other things I care less about.

>> No.22903911

Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.22903917

Lol I like it, very hoppian

>> No.22903923

Nigger we own so much because of capitalism, where are you eating crumbs? I have fresh meat every day for minimum wage.

>> No.22903929

You're making a similar argument as Marx did when he criticizes Proudhon (the originator of "property is theft"), so well done to you if this originated from your own reason.

>> No.22903935

>ACKSHUALLY marx already debunked this
Did he debunk price discovery lmao

>> No.22903945

the implied true owner is the "commune"

>> No.22903957

Scientific truth is often the complete opposite of the immediate interpretation suggested by outward appearances (like prices).

>> No.22903993

So the empirical evidence of communism starving people isn’t enough either then

>> No.22904002

Belonging is a transient state that is ever changing, thus a mutually agreeable transaction can never be theft

>> No.22904005

Then that would make it property of the community which is still theft apparently. It is circular reasoning which Euthyphro would be proud to call his own.

>> No.22904019

Today the Sun travelled around the Earth as my empirical observations confirmed.

>> No.22904036

Lmao, disregards your first point. Whether you believe in trying things or working it out on paper communism still fails. Why don’t you just admit you are an idiot who would rather see people die than admit you have been an easily misled retard with your life?

>> No.22904046

What more did he say? The legitimate owner is the ruling class of each epoch?

>> No.22904053

Marxists believe that all property is a creation of violence to justify violence in taking it

>> No.22904107

>Then that would make it property of the community which is still theft apparently.
not really, the implied meaning essentially is that there is a primitive/principial/original possession of the whole, and that the individual steals from it by claiming individual possession

>> No.22904141
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>easily misled retard
Lmao you're the one that thinks "price discovery" is some profoundly useful revelation when in reality it is nothing but the schematization of price logs courtesy of the gelded serfs of the bourgeoise

>> No.22904145

That just seems like resentment issues.

>> No.22904244

Everything begins as commons before it is claimed, so you'd be stealing from the commons. Of course if you were to reappropriate property after humans have added value to it you are stealing their added value. If you actually want to solve this problem I'd recommend you look into Georgism.

>> No.22904364

So the property of the commons is legitimate ; therefore property is not theft

>> No.22904688

lmao this >>22903911 retard didn’t even understand what was wrong with his post

>> No.22905118

figures of speech can only be contradicting themselves when it's their own purpose (such as oxymorons), in the case of "property is theft", the sentence is meant to be taken literally, and no one saying it admits the contradictory nature of it. So yes, you are mentally challenged, I'm sorry.

>> No.22905209

This sentence is false.

>> No.22905225

your larping ass is not an academic lmfaoooo. kill yourself.

>> No.22905418

You write like a wigger, literally no one cares about your 70iq opinion

>> No.22905887

>Dictionaries are made so that a common understanding of words can be agreed upon
Outside of dictionaries of specialist disciplines (dictionary of legal terms, of philosophical terminology, etc), no they don't.

>> No.22907231

I'm not sure if commons counts as property, as it doesn't have a defined set of owners. In any case I don't agree with Marx on this, because he fails to distinguish between claimed capital and produced capital.

>> No.22907245
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>According to the Cambridge dictionary

>> No.22907298

Not an argument. Typical of communists, being retarded without arguments.