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22903032 No.22903032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would Freud and Jung have to say about size fetishists? Something something mother, something something anima disproportionately out of control.

>> No.22903062

there was a real good thread on fetishism and paraphilias a week or so ago. the topic might have been mentioned there

>> No.22903100

I just want my gf to be as big in reality as she is in my boner's understanding of her

I'd fight in a war to touch this thing's pussy and its pussy is like 3-4 inches long? What kind of ripoff is that. It should be 8 feet and I should be able to walk up and hug it

>> No.22903250

What I noticed from people who are into giantess is how theirs three camps. One is what most people expect. They're into giantism for agonizing machoism and belittlement. A sexual fantasy in the grandest scale that is the ultimate belittlement fetish besides bdsm. These are where the real freaks are for people into giantism. The ones that are into cities being destroyed and the torture element of the fetish.

The other camps, I think, are similar to your post OP. People that are into belittling but not into the harsh aspects. They're into being nurtured and are usually more relaxed with their relationship of the fetish compared to the first camp by a huge margin. I do think theirs some distintion between who are into the "mommy" aspect and those that are into high amounts of fantasy affection. People who are into this section of giantism are of a spectrum. Of either totally unconscious of why they find giantism stimulating and others that are outside the "mommy" idea

For me, I'm like 80% into this camp (20% in the second camp, but I hate the "mommy" aspect). I see it more as a fantasy kink in overstimulation and dominanting the giantess. I rarely if ever, think about getting dominated from a giantess or anything like that. More the opposite, a hereculian task of stimulating the impossible and in return receiving an impossible standard of stimulation for myself. Theirs almost zero media like this besides maybe Frank Frazette's giantess drawing and some other art I've seen

I think theirs an important distinction to make in this fetish. It's more varied than what an outsider would think. Not all of it is a completely "mommy" fetish

>> No.22903267

Crushtorturefags are literally less degenerate than gentle and mommyfags. Crushfags are at least consistent, it's the gentle ones who always include stuff like farts and cringy dialog.

>> No.22903365

Cringey dialog absolutely. I see it and hate it every single time. As for farts or anything similar, I don't notice that stuff at all. But It would make sense if that stuff is more a mix of mommy and hardcore masochism

>> No.22903477

Feud would have the obvious to say about sexual development and such--and hey maybe it is just older females sitting on you. Jung would probably be able say much more about the compensatory nature of the attraction. There should be something temperamental about it that channels psychic energy and goes well beyond just sex considering most people can't even begin to understand it.

>> No.22904068

Did it have a topic? Can't find it in the archive. F

>> No.22904077

Less about the size and more about the emotional attributes you give either character.

Her; relishing evil.
Him; adolecent vulnerability.

>> No.22904097
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First part seems applicable. This is almost right I feel but it doesn't account for the varying personalities and personas you might get in the big ladies that range from unwilling to embarrassed to relishing dominance. You could say this a bleedover from other fetishes paraphilia or psychic energies but then you could say the same thing about the whole mommy or masochist schtick too.

>> No.22904137
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I'd get into the more nuanced aspects of this fetish (for me) but I don't want to get banned.

>> No.22904202
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She was the best girl of pokemon... at least of the pokemon I remember. I havent played anything newer than emerald and the red/blue remakes.

>> No.22904408


Come to /x/, there's a whole genre that started last week about occult fetishes and fetish interpretation.

So far we learned that sissy hypno fetishes are a result of low self esteem, and some folks figured out other things.

>> No.22904458

Hey, something I know a little bit about (but don't want to).

You'll want to study narcissistic personality disorder. Not the Jungian or Freudian conceptions, although those are certainly useful, but the more modern ideas propounded by the object theorists. Check out Sam Vaknin, dude is a lunatic but incredibly insightful and without question the worlds foremost expert on narcissistic personality disorder.

I actually wrote out a very lengthy post that got eaten by 4chan's abhorrent captcha system, and I'm honestly too angry to re-write it. The long story short is that if you have narcissistic personality disorder, you're stuck at about 6 months to 2 years old in terms of the psychological development of a theory of mind. For infants in the crib, seeing mother as a "bad" entity or a threatening object is actually so frightening and traumatizing an idea that babies are hard coded to view their mothers as "all good" objects and themselves as the source of all badness. They view their own being as a source of frustration and suffering, and the mother as the benevolent bringer of all goodness and relief. As the baby develops an awareness of the nuances of mother, and realizes that she's not all good but indeed is actually a source of pain and frustration and neglect, then the infant can begin, at about a year old, to construct a more nuanced internal model of their mother that contains both her good and bad aspects simultaneously. Prior to this realization, however, the infant has no capacity to differentiate between itself and mother. It has no object permanence or theory of mind, so the mother is the baby, and the baby is the mother. This means that any and all drives and instincts are bound up "with" the mother until about the age of 2. These include the sex drives, as infants prior to 2 are auto-erotic, which means they are "in love" and turn sexual energy towards themselves, and thus also towards mother. With narcissists, something went horrifically, irreparably wrong with the process of developing a theory of mind. Either the mother was abusive, neglectful, or rejected the baby or she sabotaged their development as a means of keeping them stunted and easier to control. Both coddling and neglect are equally destructive forms of abusive behavior.

Narcissists are caught in a loop. Their theory of mind is stuck at around the age of 6 months to 2 years old; yes it's that undeveloped. And as a consequence, they're unconsciously attempting to reconcile the two halves of their understanding of their mothers into a single internal model. If your mother was coddling and she "rejects" you by failing to consummate the emotionally incestuous relationship with real sex or if she fails to provide enough positive stimuli and love, then your fantasies will produce all manner of infantile archetypal motifs (giantess, feet, vore, incest, etc.) as a means of transforming the "bad" object into a "good" object through sexual pleasure and intellectual control.

>> No.22904478
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I really am insanely annoyed.

Basically, your mother is apart of yourself until you're about 2, from the psychological perspective.

If you fail to reconcile the "bad" mother and the "good" mother images that are kept split and separate until about 2, then you're stuck in a loop trying to reconcile the two paradoxical elements. Normal, healthy people develop nuanced conceptions of other people as sometimes good, sometimes bad, mostly good, mostly bad, etc. Narcissists literally can't do that. You're either all good or all evil, and how they see you shifts depending on their emotional state (just like a baby).

The people who are into these weird ass fetishes are simply trying to construct fantasy environments in which they might transform the threatening, all bad mother image into a situation where the inner child can confront the inner mother. Sexuality is usually the chosen mode of approach because it's 100% embracing and accepting. There's no possibility of rejection when someone is interacting with you specifically for the purpose of sexually gratifying you.

>> No.22904482

i'm certain that the word "paraphilia" (perhaps plural) was in the subject

>> No.22904497

Also, if a female goes through the same process then she'll tend to become a lesbian. All lesbians are narcissists, no exceptions.

However, with women, they actually run the risk of developing an emotionally co-dependent relationship with their fathers at a much later stage in development, between the ages of 3 and 6. This is why the risk of actual sex is so much higher between narcissistic women and their emotionally incestuous fathers.

>> No.22904509

Literally me

>> No.22904528

Narcissists also, as a consequence, never grow out of their self-conception as "bad objects". They can't really accept that they're capable of both good and bad behaviors.

So, they tend to either turn sadistic as a compensation, but they're never really satisfied with that solution, or masochistic as a means of gratifying the secret, internal desire to revert back to the infant state and re-approach the idea of voluntary separation from the mother.

It's why a lot of narcissists delve into truly sickeningly weird pornography, and sometimes go down into pedophilia. They view themselves as "lost beings" and "evil". Some fight it, but some throw their hands up and say "Fuck it" and wear their self-hatred as a badge of honor. They don't feel empathy anyway.

>> No.22904585

Wtf stop posting about me!!!

>> No.22904717

What about me? Where the primary means of arousal from my size/giantess fetish is extinction play and the effects of a giant woman causing a crisis (on purpose or not) by simply existing.

>> No.22904813
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Good question.

You'd want to study Jung if you wish to comprehend the underlying symbolic grammar of what I'm about to say, but you'll probably agree it "clicks" for you.

Narcissists have a very deep, very secret, very intense fascination with death. This is due to their unconscious processes recognizing the necessity for the sacrifice of the immature ego's present configuration as a means of overcoming a stunted and unbalanced attitude towards life.

The fact that your sexual fantasies involve extinction and death is in no way unique or unusual for narcissists. How that manifests within the fantasy is unique to your personal psychology, but it absolutely always does manifest.

I mean, look at what you're describing? A giant woman (the mother from the infants perspective) is causing mass destruction and death, possibly even extinction of all life (the libido, Eros, sex drive, etc.), through the very act of her existence (a mother who is deeply unconscious of her primal drives and her role as custodian of the development and security of the infant libido).

My guess is that your mother enticed you into the covert emotionally incestuous relationship but something, perhaps a new husband or male partner or an affair, interrupted the natural course of its development.

>> No.22904846

I'm also going to guess you're a virgin or borderline asexual with women, right?

>> No.22904986

>Narcissists have a very deep, very secret, very intense fascination with death. This is due to their unconscious processes recognizing the necessity for the sacrifice of the immature ego's present configuration as a means of overcoming a stunted and unbalanced attitude towards life.
This sounds like my gf unfortunately. Her responses to most tragedies are usually along the lines of 'just let him die lmao' and lots of anti-hero and suicide ideation.

>> No.22904991
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The last sentence makes sense to me, especially the failing the provide positive stimuli bit and intellectual control.

How to break from this?

>> No.22905017

What about sexual sadists like me?

>> No.22905083
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>How to break from this?
So, according to the worlds foremost expert on the subject of narcissism, it's a lifelong condition that can be managed with very specific types of therapies. Cold therapy involves traumatizing the patient with memories of their abuse and neglect so as to afford them an opportunity to see that they can withstand the terror. However, it appears that doing so causes narcissists to temporarily become borderline personality disordered. This leaves the patient with an 11% chance of suicide, but the capacity to feel genuine empathy.

Jung's position was a little different, and I think the correct one. He figured that with a truly Herculean moral effort and the willingness to voluntarily step into the unconscious and accept the facts of ones life, one may overcome the fear of death, the fear of abandonment, and the fear of rejection. This would lead to the discovery of the true self.

The true self is who you are when no one is looking at you. What you do when no one is looking at you. What you feel when no one cares what you feel. If, when you're completely alone, you spend 12 hours a day jacking off to weird porn and eating candy then that's basically what you actually are. And starting from there at the age of 25 is bad enough, but imagine being 40 with a family and children? Suicide is preferable for most people.

>> No.22905089

>Sam Vaknin
He is good but some of his framing is a little inflexible.
Yes, poor theory of mind is a problem and often means narcissism but it's really very case by case. You inevitably have to inject more types of analysis to get the picture of a given case of narcissism. For instance a person can easily be formed later in life to have such qualities if they experience enough emotional stress so it's not just a linear function. Our neuroplasticity means we can develop novel compensations to life situations constantly. But I generally agree that the mother has a powerful role in this, just as the father does, and their own competence in their roles massively shapes the potentials of the child.

>> No.22905117

Well, he is a narcissist, lmao. I've found that to be the case myself. He has some wingnut ideas that you can tell are derivative of Freud and caused by his mistrust of Jung's appeals to the mystery of unconscious processes as architectural forces engendering spiritual dogmas with their essential logical structure.

>But I generally agree that the mother has a powerful role in this, just as the father does, and their own competence in their roles massively shapes the potentials of the child.
I happen to agree with Sam's position that the mother is the primary parental introject for the infant. I don't think the father plays that much of a role in psychological development until the age of around 5. I mean, you always, without question, have a mother if you're an infant, but you don't always have a father. A mother is something you can take for granted, and cannot afford to part with until you're around two years old.

Female borderline psychology illustrates this very, very clearly for me. They're virtually all bisexual, whereas male borderlines are only incidentally bisexual.

>> No.22905161

>My guess is that your mother enticed you into the covert emotionally incestuous relationship but something, perhaps a new husband or male partner or an affair, interrupted the natural course of its development.
I had a great relationship with my mother, but she died while I was young.

>> No.22905168

Oh, well, there you go. That's tragic.

So, the fantasy actually makes a lot of sense in that the fact that the giantess woman manifests death and destruction, the fact that you were abandoned, is not really anyone's fault. It's just a natural consequence of life.

However, the fantasy is definitely trying to bring your attention to your own relationship to this fact. Are you prone to rage? My guess would be no.

>> No.22905189

>Are you prone to rage? My guess would be no.
You would be correct. Beyond my mother dying while I was young, I've had a reasonably happy upbringing. In contrast, most of my friends and family say I'm under-excitable, rather than prone to emotional outbursts.
I've been meaning to get to the copy of "Man and his Symbols" on my shelf.

>> No.22905235
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Both of my parents were over the hill losers. dad was a tired retired two exwives boomer and mom was a well meaning but ineffective dunce. I think it's a pretty hot fantasy insofar it's a power dynamic and domination thing, any strong feeling can be eroticized, and it is mostly likely an archetypal manifestation of infantile dysfunction. I'm pretty curious for myself. My Jung is a bit rusty and I'm not sure if he ever spoke at length about fetishes but I always assumed it meant there was something unresolved about myself and femininity. The Freud and mommy thing also makes sense.

>> No.22905298

The fantasy is probably just a kind of primitive way for your unconscious mind to deal with the tragedy of her loss. Perfectly fine so long as it's recognized for what it is; a fantasy.

>> No.22905847

>Perfectly fine so long as it's recognized for what it is; a fantasy.
Is this /thread? Everything else seems a little far out to me

>> No.22905989

I always find it hilarious that even fetishism isn't immune from ideological purity cycles.
That said I promise death to all the revisionists who are trying to make vore a kind of pseudo-ntr about loss and humiliation instead of the immortal eroticism of hungry girl with large round belly.

>> No.22905997

Every single folklore, mythology, and religion had and has giants.

>> No.22906056

was it always fetishistic?

>> No.22906075

Come join the Giantess discord my friends. https://discord.gg/S7fk6v

>> No.22906085

I don’t think all females who grow up to be lesbians are narcissists but… I’m a lesbian and kinda narcissistic at times so maybe you’re on to something.

>> No.22906094

No, but it has to be something in our DNA.

>> No.22906250

Thank you for all your posts, really interesting thread, but I strongly disagree here
>If, when you're completely alone, you spend 12 hours a day jacking off to weird porn and eating candy then that's basically what you actually are
All this says about that particular person is they're numbing the pain they feel and that when they're not forced to socially mask their pain, they indulge in activities(addictions) that make it more bearable. The rest is spot on, I agree the Jung solution but I don't see how you made a jump from that form of true self which is under the fears and traumas to a false self one is living by while not confronting their subconscious.
True is deep, false is on the surface, and what you do on your own, if that something is 12 hours of addiction, is a false self.

>> No.22906269

There's a certain pathological demand among many women for female-specific engagement, which is a form of narcissism. That is, if they date men, they insist on things that men don't do to a high degree but they can't understand why it's a problem.
In that sense I can see the lesbian-narcissist connection, where they want to engage with the familiar only, rather than the complimentary traits of men which wouldn't be so off-putting if there was more openness to the other. Narcissists paradoxically like to group together because they know themselves and can stroke each others' egos, even when it's not so obvious that they're doing it.
But that said, I don't think it can be pinned down so easily and absolutely everyone has problems. Lesbians aren't somehow worse than the average person.

>> No.22906557

I wrote my post because I was drunk and bitter of how theirs almost 0 content for my taste. I really don't care about purity, unless it's something insanely fucked up and not seen as fantastical

>> No.22906654

discords for things of these types are soulless. creates too much attachment. ideally, the interactions should consist of seeing comment no. 30000 by the resident lunatic (who you detest, but fear becoming) on the objectively most repulsive image of all time and wondering what the hell your problem is

>> No.22906662

I’m really trying to follow along but you’re just typing nonsense.

>> No.22906667

I don’t mind creating attachments I’m not a Buddhist monk. I like feeling a part of a community and talking to other writers. Iron sharpens iron.

>> No.22906704

I am so glad that I grew up before the age of discord, because when I was in my teens I was using IRC and forums and basically looking for it. If it had been there for me to find it I would have been absorbed into that shit. I saw a lot of good people get swallowed up by discord too, people you wouldn't expect just losing 2-3 years getting involved in some chatroom or some degenerate subculture.

>> No.22906712

>losing 2-3 years getting involved in some chatroom or some degenerate subculture.
God that happened to me… But with blogging. I wasn’t making any money off it. None of the people I did it for cared about me IRL. It’s so embarrassing to look back on.

>> No.22906791
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Insanity. I will stay on f-list.

>> No.22906903
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You're wrong read Jung

>> No.22906964
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Original psychfag here.

Go watch Sam Vaknin's vids.

>> No.22906988

How do you account for gay size fetishists?

>> No.22907106

I've already read a bunch of Jung, as well as did quite a lot of psychotherapy with an analyst(as well as relational analysis in a group setting). So is there any chance you'll explain why you think that, or am I wasting my time?

>> No.22907110

Do you think a lesbian would ever let me eat her box if I promised not to take the ol' jigger out? We can be friends aside from the box eating, I have good opinions about anime.

>> No.22907133
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>> No.22907213

What would they say about my obsession with gigantic, saggy, bouncing, oiled up breasts? I think about them every day.

>> No.22907250

Maybe sissy cuck stuff is low self esteem, I mean it probably is, but hypno? Hypno to me seems more like ideation, affirmations for a self determined individual, trannies want to be hypnotized because they think it makes them trannies. That and it is just porn on steroids, it’s a rapid barrage of stimulation, which is why they are popular for gooning without all the text and meme swirls.

>> No.22907251

>The Book of the New Sun

>> No.22907262

You are not a lesbian lol lesbians aren’t real

>> No.22908111

Oh, well, that deserves an effortful response, aight.

>All this says about that particular person is they're numbing the pain they feel and that when they're not forced to socially mask their pain, they indulge in activities(addictions) that make it more bearable.
Well, not precisely. It means that you have nothing other than the social mask, the persona, as a means to the manifestation of meaning beyond numbing oneself to discomfort.

If I rip off the persona and you're left with ... well, jacking off for 12 hours a day and playing video games whilst eating ice cream then guess what, that's what you are sans social judgement.

True is deep, that's correct, and what's deeper than what you do when no ones looking? I mean, Plato was harping on about that a while back. It's not a new or revolutionary observation.

>> No.22908250

not him but that doesn't feel right to define a person's true-self based only on his vices

>> No.22908289

If someone spends 12 hours a day jacking off, and the rest of the time hiding it, that's their true self. You are what you do. I'm a little hyperbolic, but you know what I'm getting at.

>> No.22908294

Lets imagine that I spend my free time studying mathematics and philosophy.

Is this behavior equivalent to in virtue to jacking off all day and playing video games? I mean, which would you prefer that you could do, if you could choose what you were going to do? If you had control over yourself?

Well, when no one is looking, some people do the former and most the latter.

>> No.22908305

The next question then becomes ... well, how would you personally define someone's "true" self? You can watch two year old kids pretend quite convincingly to be civil and polite, but push them a little too far, make them be polite for a little too long, get them a little too hungry and what comes out is monstrous. Is that less or more of their "true" selves? Is the true self who they are when they're being coerced by others to "play" at the behaviors their parents manifest?

Jung called who you are as a consequence of how other people influence you to be the persona. Narcissists are simply all persona. They have no core self that operates and provides meaning outside of being observed by others. It's why they need attention.

>> No.22908319

Well, that's not exactly true, they have a "true" self it's simply that it's unfathomable infantile. It may as well be at the level of an infant, and in many cases it literally is.

Push a narcissist a little too far, get them a little too hungry, and that monster will come out.

>> No.22909072

>You're either all good or all evil, and how they see you shifts depending on their emotional state (just like a baby).
This sounds more like the splitting process that happens in people with BPD.

>> No.22909398

>Reading through this thread
>Never suspected myself of being a narcissist
>Realize I am in fact 100% motivated by affirmation of others and keep several carefully crafted personas for different social groups
>Left alone to my own devices I pretty much do nothing for my own pleasure or self interest
>Not even fap unless it's to stop blueballs
>I just vegetate in 90% of my free time
>Thought I was just depressed
>Realize I have next to no intrinsic motivation for any action beyond what people think of me for doing that action.
Hot damn

>> No.22910201

Can't argue with those trips.
But what's deeper than what you're doing when no one's looking is what you're feeling/doing your best not to feel.

>> No.22911835

That doesn't actually make sense.

When you're feeling X, what you're really feeling is not X as a consequence of the things you're doing to not feel X.

>> No.22912106

>The true self is who you are when no one is looking at you. What you do when no one is looking at you. What you feel when no one cares what you feel. If, when you're completely alone, you spend 12 hours a day jacking off to weird porn and eating candy then that's basically what you actually are.
this is not what you are, that is just the part that you evade to others because social norms. its pretty pedantic and stupid thinking that is your true self.

>> No.22912134

But you can't change your feelings. You'll still feel X, it'll just be repressed in some way. Hence, addictions, to help repress.
Perhaps drowned in "pleasure" or some such, but anyone who's been off the deep end addiction wise, whatever it is in their particular case, knows very well how hollow that form of pleasure is.