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22902639 No.22902639 [Reply] [Original]

How would you rank them?

>> No.22902654

Poe > Lovecraft > > > Alan Wake > > > > > > King

>> No.22902661 [DELETED] 

I would put F Gardner above them all.

>> No.22902670


Obviously. F. Gardner is kind of in a tier of his own. But there’s at least some debate as to the sec9nd greatest author of all time.

>> No.22902675

King genuinely looks like what a Reptilian dressed as a human would look like, especially when compared to the other two

>> No.22902689
File: 64 KB, 523x653, Matthew_Gregory_Lewis_by_George_Lethbridge_Saunders,_after_Unknown_artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovecraft > Poe > King
MG Lewis is above them all

>> No.22902699



>> No.22902705

What have Lovecraft or Poe written better than IT or The Stand?

>> No.22902710

This board really is terrible...

>> No.22902751

In terms of writing ability?

In terms of attractiveness?

>> No.22902814


I thought I made a pretty fun thread :(

>> No.22902896

Poe > King > Lovecraft

You cannot deny Poe has superior writing skill. His prose is beautiful.
King is more entertaining than Lovecraft.

>> No.22902996

Poe, then Clark Ashton Smith, then Robert E. Howard and Lovecraft. That's it.

>> No.22903091

Nothing, they're coping.

>> No.22903136

King has potential to be a good writer but like 80% of his shit is schlock he pumped out while on a cocaine fueled writing spree
The only reason he has a good reputation is because hollywood directors took his books, ignored everything, and made actually good narratives out of them

>> No.22903324

Poe and Lovecraft >>>>> King's 70s output >>> the rest of King's crap

>> No.22903664

"The Shadow over Innsmouth" is the best piece of horror art in this part of the universe.

>> No.22903699

You did, don’t worry.

Based. One of my favourite horror novels ever, especially that ending. Call of Cthulhu was pretty good too but Shadow over Innsmouth is so good.

>> No.22903722

>IT or The Stand
I don't like children and irrational apocalypses, so those books are shit.

>> No.22903816

>900 page book about fuck all
Any of lovecrafts short stories are better

>> No.22904167

Poe then Lovecraft then King. I think this is just objective anon lol

>> No.22904326

Is King the only author where virtually every movie made about one of his books is better than the book?

>> No.22904328

Why Poe above Lovecraft?

>> No.22904616

Each inspired the other. Poe is the master that inspired Lovecraft. Lovecraft is the master that inspired King. And King is the master that inspired generic horror movies. Each step is a step down in complexity and aesthetic.

>> No.22904646

Poe: 80/100 ravens
Lovecraft: If he were a moon he would be gibbous
King: 5/10 kids in the child orgy.

>> No.22905128

Taking inspiration doesn’t necessarily make it a step down, I’d put the Color out of Space, The Music of Erich Zann, Shadow over Innsmouth, and Mountains of Madness right up there with anything Poe wrote.

>> No.22905524
File: 2.42 MB, 2552x3572, Horror Literature Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who are interested: there's a new horror literature chart, made last week!
(does someone know how to add this to the wiki?)

>> No.22906272

The Stand is dogshit. It's all of King's worst hack bits on repeat, leading nowhere. The plot logic is stupid, there are zero interesting or coherent characters, the sense of horror is gone the instant God banishes the weasels (what do you know God's the original mary sue, now nothing but His plan matters), and god DAMN does he think he's being funny, and god DAMN is he wrong about that.

>> No.22906300

Lovecraft is mid and the other two are shit