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22900308 No.22900308 [Reply] [Original]

Was he the biggest cuck in philosophy ever?

>> No.22900312

>>/pol/ you braindead fucking trash. Stop shitting up the board, you damn 80IQ genetic castoff!

>> No.22900315

>Sartre noted when Wehrmacht soldiers asked Parisians politely in their German-accented French for directions, people usually felt embarrassed and ashamed as they tried their best to help out the Wehrmacht which led Sartre to remark "We could not be natural". French was a language widely taught in German schools and most Germans could speak at least some French. Sartre himself always found it difficult when a Wehrmacht soldier asked him for directions, usually saying he did not know where it was that the soldier wanted to go, but still felt uncomfortable as the very act of speaking to the Wehrmacht meant he had been complicit in the Occupation.

>> No.22900327

It’s telling when lefties pull the eugenics card that otherwise they’d discard because it’s associated with “icky nazis”

>> No.22900338
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Why is it so easy to bring out the r*ddit discordtroons? Are they really this easily assblasted and sensitive?

>> No.22900830
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>> No.22901600

top kek

>> No.22902657

>the Germans did not stride revolver in hand
No shit. They stopped using them since the 1890s. Any german officer using an old cavalry revolver would be seen the same way as a weeb wielding a katana in modern days

>> No.22902723

This is probably scarily close to what the lefty poster looks like

>> No.22902729

if youre an atheist you’re a cuck so yes he was. End of discussion

>> No.22903121

Some very sad and unlucky German police and artillerymen were still issued the reichsrevolver through 1945.

>> No.22903145

where his hat go

thank you autistic man for stressing over technical minutia. you never fail

>> No.22903271

>Where his hat go

It's customary to remove your hat when greeting someone

>> No.22903275

Literally every new thing I learn about the Nazis just makes me think they were the good guys

Anyone have that pic with all the Americans' statements on the Nazis after the war? I think it had Patton on it

>> No.22903332

what a gentleman

welcome to the pipeline

>> No.22903343

There are many better quotes. I think it was Alan Brooke that remarked that from every account he heard the Germans had behaved well toward the French during occupation and that the French citizens seemed ambivalent bordering on sadness toward the allies which was extremely irritating. Another British officer remarked that the allies had marked the town of Carentan as 'liberated', but upon his inspection of the area he found the entire city without houses or amenities for life. He said it was a 'funny sort of liberation'. The French themselves were annoyed at how the British and Americans bombed French towns that were deemed strategically important without a care at all. The more you read about how the French were treated by the allies the more you realize it was never about Poland and it was never about liberating France and western Europe. A hilarious example is the fact Australia recognized Vichy France as the legitimate government of France all the way up to D-Day. Despite being allied with Free France and helping them to re-take Algeria, the U.S also recognized Vichy as the legitimate French government until it was fully occupied in November 1942.