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/lit/ - Literature

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22900161 No.22900161 [Reply] [Original]

What's your first read of 2024, /lit/?

>> No.22900170

I'm thinking Emergence: Dave vs. the Monsters

>> No.22900171

As I Lay Dying.
Short read, almost finished it.

>> No.22900187

I just finished confederacy of dunces today (started it on the 30th). It was very upsetting, not even making communists look like idiots made me happy. I poured through it masochistically over 3 days and now I’m frothing with incel rage. First I was jealous of his alcoholic mom being nice, mine was very mean, then towards the end I really hated irene for being so influenced by santa and for trying to send him to a mental hospital as if that was more caring than throwing someone out on the street, points to my own mother who did just throw me out on the street (I was homeless for over a year). I was so angry at all the female characters the entire time, but was so happy for Gus, what a win, it had a happy ending at least. I was bored with ignatius by the gay party.

>> No.22900191

It turned out to be Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

>> No.22900208

The sound and the fury. Finished it today. I have anna karenina going as a big read. I'm now thinking of tackling some pynchon with TCOL49

>> No.22900233

I'm >>22900171
How is The Sound and the Fury compared to As I Lay Dying? Thinking of reading more Faulkner.

>> No.22900276

>The Sound and the Fury
I honestly don't have an answer to that because I haven't read AILD but TSAF is known as his hardest novel because he does a lot of stuff with stream of consciousness for about half the book which will filter you as it did millions(almost me). I also had to read like analysis and lectures to understand some stuff. I don't know. It could be a hit or a miss.
And I'd like to ask the reverse? How's AILD?

>> No.22900282
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Giving me nightmares.

>> No.22900286

Almost done with At the Gate by Soseki, then moving on to The Plague by Camus. I’m about 600 pages into Don Quixote and need motivation to finish it, it’s just not doing much for me bros.

>> No.22900297
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>> No.22900298

Well, I did have a hard time at the start, but mostly because it was hard knowing who was who. Once you identify the characters, it's a breeze. Some of the dialogue didn't make sense though, and I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around what was happening. But overall, it's a nice, short read.

>> No.22900372
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Almost done

>> No.22900374


>> No.22900451

Will finish My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier.
Will start then Antal Szerb - Journey by Moonlight

>> No.22900492

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

I am giving modern gothic another chance.
The last modern gothic book I read turned out to be a YA book and was pretty underwhelming as a result. Probably what I get for looking up recomendations from a article written by a open leftist/progressive.

Supposedly Rebecca is considered "a classic of the modern Gothic genre", whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean.
Regardless I am going in blind and seeing if I like it.
If I don't then I will go back to getting my gothic fix from Victorian authors.

>> No.22900766

I started The Recognitions a few days ago.