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/lit/ - Literature

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22898516 No.22898516 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again, /lit/. Set your reading goal either by rolling it or using your previous year as a base. Discuss the books that you wish to read and what you expect from them.

>> No.22898578

I am interested in delving more into Rick Bass this new year. I've read Winter and now I'm moving onto the Deer Pasture. I like his style although I'm not sure how I will feel about his short stories. Short stories tend to not be something that I am often reading.

>> No.22898644


>> No.22898659

rollin rollin rollin rollin

>> No.22898670


>> No.22898680

Rollin rollin

>> No.22898696

20. fuck your rules.

>> No.22898821

well the first book i plan on reading this year is As I Lay Dying by Faulkner

>> No.22898845

0. I'll be lucky if I happen to finish reading even a single book.

>> No.22898871

I'll roll but if it's an absurd number I'll just use the last digit. I did 18 last year. Yes, I count audio books to pad my numbers and consume things I otherwise probably would have been able to get to.

>> No.22898875

Alright, based. Going for 1 (one) book this year, wish me luck anons.

>> No.22898886

Last year was 16 I read 9 in total.

>> No.22898971

I didn't challenge myself to a specific number last year, but I'm pretty sure I read 5, plus half of Moby Dick. This year I might challenge myself to read 10.

>> No.22898985

my reading goal 2024 is 3 books

>> No.22899014

Last year I set it to 20 and I ended up reading 25. This year I'll set it to 21. Each year I'll add 1 more.

>> No.22899023

I'm currently half way through a book that I started reading last year, when I finish it this year do I add it to my list of books that I read this year or is it in a null and void area that doesn't count for this year or last year?

>> No.22900152
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I like roadtrip books. Gimme something like Kerouac or Thompson please

>> No.22900163


>> No.22900219


>> No.22900284

30. Starting with Proust's Swann's Way, then Suttree and Moby Dick

>> No.22900389


>> No.22900404

Rolly polly

>> No.22900423

Anyone else having issues with updating their current reads? Think I'll make my first read of the year Hunger by Hamsun haven't read anything by him since Mysteries but I liked the atmosphere quite a lot. I guess more surrealist and post-modern authors I want to read one other Chinese classic too this year

>> No.22900520

I set it to twenty, but I'm gonna roll anyway

>> No.22900802


>> No.22900817


>> No.22900823

Roll and suck it jannie.

>> No.22901195


>> No.22901268

I want to read a lot more this year, let's see what I Get.

>> No.22901312

I'm already one down this year so if I get 01 I'll have much more time to shitpost.

>> No.22901318


>> No.22901337

My goal is 1-2 per month. Whatever I roll I will accept mod 25.

>> No.22901346

Rolling nigga

>> No.22901349


>> No.22901371

35. fuck your rules.

>> No.22901389

My current goal is 30 but if it's within reason I'll change it.

>> No.22901480

in 2024, i will read everything

>> No.22901484


>> No.22901485


>> No.22901952

21 31 books
22 14 books
23 22 books

Gonna set it to 20 this year like every other year. I'll attempt to go further in Proust and perhaps read Madame Bovary too. I really liked Storm of Steel and One Soldier's War in Chechnya this year so I'll probably try to find something like that. I also have some memoires I wanna read. Gonna finally finish some non-fiction books too so I can keep talking like an expert about things I have a very baseline knowledge of.

>> No.22901978

I read about 5 books last year although a couple were lengthy. I'm planning to read 25 this year. Can I do it?

>> No.22902018

Last year I read 26, so this year it's also going to be around 30. I'm also having other hobbies, so it's not a bad number.

>> No.22902231

Rolling for pushups, fuck books and fuck plays.

>> No.22902374

Rolling. I barely read 4 books last year.

>> No.22902386

I'll try for the first four digits this year. I read three books today but it was a slow day.

>> No.22902412


>> No.22902417


>> No.22902487

If I roll less than 50 my goal is 50.

>> No.22902518

reading less than 50 books per annum should bar you from posting on this board

>> No.22902527

>He says while posting completely in lowercase.
Some people here don't read at all. An arbitrary number of books per year is ridiculous.

>> No.22902819

How short a work is it acceptable to log? I want to go through Yeats' poetry and I usually consider a book of poems that were released in book form, even if it's not long, as one book, but while I'm fine with logging The Tower as one book at forty pages, The Green Helmet and Other Poems is only ten pages total. I guess any long 800+ page books are still only going to count for 1 book, so it kind of balances out, but a part of me will still feel a bit cheap counting a ten page book towards my total.

>> No.22902822

i will read 100

>> No.22902853


>> No.22903043

Fateful roll

>> No.22903066
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I am off to the races. all pretty short things, like 500 pages combined

>> No.22903077


>> No.22903079
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>> No.22903087

...shit okay

>> No.22903102
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rolling for Crom

>> No.22903103


>> No.22903108

Rolling again

>> No.22904211
File: 80 KB, 337x787, 1701444568774832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I in for

>> No.22904214

Just keep rolling rolling rollin

>> No.22904235

Nice going if those are not slop

>> No.22904239

it's 90% graphic novels so you would probably consider it slop

>> No.22904246

Good luck anon
Rollan for like 20-30

>> No.22904253

DOABLE I have been reading LIBRARY OF AMERICA collections for SCIENCE FICTION AUTHORS and it's usually like 2-3 tomes with 3-4 books each, I did Vonnegut and Dick since summer as well as robots & foundation by Asimov.
Where should I go next? I like Asimov better than Dick sometimes, but all Asimov's stories are the same. I like Vonnegut a lot in small doses

>> No.22904261
