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22897633 No.22897633 [Reply] [Original]

So I’ve been reading Beyond Good and Evil and is soon finished with chapter 3. Honestly, is it just me or could most of chapter 2 and some of chapter 3 been excluded entirely or, at the very least, written so that you could understand them? Whilst I get the general message of each chapter with ease, some of it—if not large chunks—are simply unreadable. Am I supposed to understand literally everything, or should I simply not give a fuck?

>> No.22897657

I found it quite easy compared to some parts of zarathustra

>> No.22897832

>written so that you could understand them?
that's a you problem

>> No.22897917

I never felt that any part of "beyond good and evil" was particularly difficult to read or grasp.

>> No.22898299

bg&e is formatted strangely and sums up nietzsches confusion to attempt a positive contribution to philosophy / actually go beyond good and evil. Read Zarathustra, Genealogy, Twilight, and the Will To Power.