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22895654 No.22895654 [Reply] [Original]

>Pleasure and sex and drugs is le bad and shiet

>> No.22895664
File: 47 KB, 246x372, The_New_World_Order_-_by_H._G._Wells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was his ideal world though, he was part of the fabian society as was picrel. they don't exactly have to hide this stuff when the proles are engorged on hedonism, you know.

>> No.22895692

Maybe the world would be better off if every woman was a 10/10 waifu who would fuck you just for asking?

>> No.22895701

The world would be better if everyone was gay.

>> No.22895732

A man who is a slave to his senses and passions is easy to control

>> No.22895751

gay sex is disgusting though

>> No.22895811



>> No.22895812
File: 109 KB, 694x608, andres gomez emilsson on anti hedonists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22895820

And yet not a single point makes a case for hedonism over temperance, nor could it you fucking lardass.

>> No.22895830

You shouldn't be a hedonist because God says so, and if you obey him he'll give you infinite pleasure. Wait...

>> No.22895906
File: 70 KB, 600x645, 600px-Basedterry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try glowfriend

>> No.22896169

They don't really want to fuck Bernard though and the sense he gets that they're just programmed to let him take turns leads to misery. Then when he gets status (he can convince himself women want to fuck him) he turns into a retard.

>> No.22896187
File: 1.13 MB, 3840x2160, epsilons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epsilons exist
You just know every alpha has got curious enough to try retard sex at some point.

>> No.22896236

The human world would cease to exist in little more than a century if everyone was gay, lol.

The difference is the pleasures God gives are not marred by Sin

Sorry, I'm no Krycek.

>> No.22896270

>government genuinely has people's well-being first and foremost
>everyone has a place
>everyone knows having what they have
>those who aren't and don't are highly irregular exceptions
BNW is a utopian setting for everyone but the very select few.

>> No.22896388

>it was supposed to be a warning!
That was his cover story. He was bragging about what he was going to do.

>> No.22896453

I’ll start the thread
>pleasure bad
No, being a kept citizen is bad

>> No.22896462

How do people read the last conversation between John and mond and not get the message

>> No.22896514

This thread gets made once a week because people reply to it.
Op is just a attentionfag.

>> No.22897115

the fabian society's ideal world is a gay bar owned by the pope

>> No.22897545

>thinks Heaven is comparable to Earthly pleasure
You’re thinking of Eden

>> No.22897629

You can reduce every motivation to sex, or cheese, or anti hedonism with this same kind of argument.

>> No.22897744
File: 69 KB, 720x855, 3543242_IMG_9393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get to have sex with any 10/10 woman you want
>Receive perfect nutrition and schooling, plus free heroin with no sides
>Get waited on by retarded negros who genuinely enjoy their jobs
>If you want to LARP as a tradcuck you can always voluntarily move to a reserve
Why do chuds pretend to hate this society again?

>> No.22897857
File: 752 KB, 684x3336, happy face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with Brave New World is that it only focused on generating pleasure within human minds via external stimulus, rather than constructing minds specifically engineered for pleasure throughout as much of the universe as possible, which would swamp the pleasure among mere human existence with its sheer magnitude. Something like pic related is unironically the end goal any technological civilization should strive towards. Such a universe might be depressing or boring to contemplate, but it would be objectively good to exist within.

>> No.22897956

>you can always voluntarily move to a reserve
He doesn't know...

>> No.22897957

This is a good point. If you could have infinite positive meaning, but having it gave you no satisfaction, would you really be benefitting from that meaning? Pleasure isn't just equivalent to meaning, it's prior to it.

>> No.22898010
File: 322 KB, 1668x853, 1575232581875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The purpose of this universe is suffering. But one should not attempt to change it for more and better suffering.

Consider: you are an eternal being that can create their own experience. Clearly most of the time you would create maximal bliss. But infinity is a very long time, so long that anything which is possible must eventually occur. So what has happened here? You are on vacation from infinite bliss. It probably seemed like a good idea at the time. But why don't you remember the bliss, that you could just go back. Maybe you didn't fully think it through. Maybe suffering while still knowing the bliss wasn't the point, maybe it was quite counter to whatever you were attempting to do during this down of infinity. In any case, here you are and it won't be long (not compared to infinity), so live the life you think you are supposed to live here. Get married, have some kids, get sick and die of old age seems the most likely. Then on to the next moment in infinity, whatever it is.

>> No.22898168

Did you forget about people being sent away to islands for going against the status quo? That's censorship and morally ambiguous at best.

>> No.22898188


>A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. - Aldous Huxley

>> No.22898404

Better than getting raped in prison by niggers which is what currently happens in Amerishartia

>> No.22898937

>a world full of mindless coomers
Not much of a new world then, huh

>> No.22898970

it's just modern society at this point, minus the outright eugenics program. With crispr around the corner, maybe we will get there.