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22895140 No.22895140 [Reply] [Original]

Don't care what time period. Just tell me your favorites.

>> No.22895142

That's one of my favorite TV shows. People say it's better than the book, but I haven't read it.

>> No.22895171

I fucking hate that my local library system doesn't have this in stock. It's one of the most well-known and formative works in the historical fiction genre, how don't they have it? I know I could just use Anna's Archive to read it on my computer but it's not the same.

>> No.22895329

Yo, I'm going to start this tomorrow, what a nice coincidence. I'm pretty excited for it, I've read most of the source material (Suetonious and Tacitus if I remember right) so I'm curious to see how it matches up.
Augustus by Williams is also some good shit, last chapter was top notch.

>> No.22895333

I liked cold mountain for new historical fiction, do I have bad taste

>> No.22895336

Julian by Gore Vidal

>> No.22895380

Would Storm and Steel count? it's definitely one of my favorites of all time

>> No.22895494

This book was cool but it is really stupid as well
> dude Augustus was stupid and didn't do anything! It was actually Livia doing everything! She was the one governing and assassinating everyone!

>> No.22895510

>I fucking hate that my local library system doesn't have this in stock.
Download it, retard. Or get the DVDs of the series which they almost definitely have because libraries are basically Blockbuster Video if it had had bathrooms specifically dedicated to homeless people.

>> No.22895718

Memoirs of Hadrian.

>> No.22896053
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This one overwhelmed me but I liked it

>> No.22896057
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Looking for good Russian Revolution books, ones I can easily get on kindle with some explanations

>> No.22896486

man I guess everyone is asleep

>> No.22896626

the only good thing english people ever did: fictions about italians

>> No.22896644
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> Prus: Pharaoh, different epoch, similar vibes. I Claudius was a bit better though.
> Druon: The Accursed Kings, lit kino machine.
> Hugo: Les Misérables, not strictly history, but has a great dose.
> Tolstoy: War and Peace, you'll learn much more about the Napoleonic wars than you ever wanted.

>> No.22896674

Doctor Zhivago maybe?

>> No.22896767

Not looking for fiction but I stated in another history thread I’m looking for books that narrate the events with some of the authors insights on the causes. Someone recommended me Sheila Fitzpatrick but I want ones that span the entire political spectrum in terms of causal insight. I have something wishlisted by Richard Pipes but he’s extremely anti communist.

>> No.22896781


>> No.22897020

In a Dark Wood Wandering

>> No.22897156

Augustus by John Williams of Stoner fame.

>> No.22897939
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>> No.22898228
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>> No.22898290
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Historical fiction is not history
Also that book was just a big fat seethe about Napoleon & "the Hero as King"
I've been looking for a good book about Napoleon in English. Les Cases isn't translated.

>> No.22898355

Well, OP posted a historical fiction novel, which implies that's what he wanted.

>> No.22898853
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>> No.22899462

Nove. Millar. Conquest. Not Figes ffs he reviewed his own book under a pseudonym. Pipes is credible: just read contra-bias and understand what his introduction says about what history he's writing. Applebaum is a journalist. Solly is a poet.

I often recommend this as it goes to a state level social democratic account of what the Soviet Elite intended to do: https://www.marxists.org/archive/strauss/index.htm

>> No.22899468

If OP was a fucking idiot would you stick your dick in a blender?

>> No.22899529
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Baudolino and Name of the Rose

>> No.22899535

Thanks. On another note, what’s some books on the beliefs of the ruling class of the English civil war? I got Christopher Hill but he’s a Marxist his books only cover the ideas of the radical factions. I need something to compliment that.

>> No.22899554

EP Thompson's Whigs and Hunters as a result of the post-war compromise in the UK elites. For the King and his Court I'd recommend a standard Oxford / Cambridge history of the Glorious Revolution: when the fuckwit king tried it on again, and was defeated by Parliament inviting a Dutchman and his wife. Just like any good Orgy. Actually you'll want the Cambridge/Oxford on the revolution too. Just like any good Orgy.

>> No.22899729

Trying to look for something affordable.

>> No.22899753
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