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/lit/ - Literature

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22894759 No.22894759 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22894780
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>> No.22894785
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Statistically, actually contributed to society rather than being a net drain on it
Statistically, actually contributes to society rather than being a net drain on it
Statistically, actually contributes to society rather than being a net drain on it

>> No.22894801

Getting your last bait in before the end of 2023?

>> No.22894811

Getting in the last pedantry before the end of 2023?

>> No.22894822
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>> No.22894826

>Marx died in 1883
>Marx knew English
Karl Marx and Frederick Douglass could've linked up...

>> No.22894828

The truth (((they))) don't want you to know.

>> No.22894827

Statistically most (almost all) people regardless of race contribute less to society than a good heifer.

>> No.22894860
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Marx was a parasitic failure who lived off the largess of others. He couldn't even afford pants, let alone rent without Engels.

>he defines productivity and social contribution by being a good goy boy who pays his taxes to keep the zog-welfare apparatus running as it fucks you in the ass
top zozzle

Say what you will about commies and their outcomes (none good) but they at least try to address the problems of civilization which they at minimum do identify nicely.

>> No.22894870

dodging the issue that women and nonwhites are consumerist welfare sponges (lumpenproles)

>> No.22894877

This is only true because morons subsidize them. Unironically read some Sowell, he gives very basic and well sourced arguments on how the welfare state has been built up and was not the case historically. Blacks literally had better outcomes and were more "productive" before the endless social programs designed to infantilize them came to be.

>> No.22894886
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>> No.22894892

Touche, as riposte I will say that I have had, on more than one occasion, someone actually use that line about pic related in earnest. The world might be a better place if we all subscribed to the Prussian diet.

>> No.22894902

I wasn't actually scolding you or anything, I am just here for the lols and occasional but exceedingly rare discussion of literature. You were right in scolding OP but you did not go about it in the best way.

>> No.22894912
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Marx was Jew.

Jews aren't White.

>> No.22894939

I wouldn't say I felt I was being scolded, or was attempting to scold OP either. I have had a number of philosophically dense conversations that started as or maintained a certain amount of jocularity throughout.

>> No.22894951

In that case I was scolding you. This shame will be with you to your deathbed.

>> No.22894965

Has a new form of shame emerged from the relentless dialectic of 4chan?

>> No.22894974

But think of the beard power they could've produced together. Douglass probably has something antisemitic or anti-European in a journal somewhere, I'm sure the feeling would've been mutual

>> No.22895023

Nah, it still comes from childhood. Happy new year, anon.

>> No.22895070

Lol, happy new year anon!

>> No.22895092

Do I read Marx after Hegel?

>> No.22895108

It says in Das Kapital as an argument for the material conditions theory, that the nigger slaves in the Americas seem to have somewhat lost their pungent smell after the generations of living on plantations

>> No.22895134
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>> No.22895165

Call me back when the average White American treat Ashkenazi Jews as colored people.

>> No.22895376

Ashkenazim self report white identity but they don’t act it out irl. They don’t see themselves as white.
You should have learned about chameleon jews your second week on 4chan

>> No.22895464
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do jews rely on ancestry records and not far more accurate, easier and more controllable DNA tests?

>> No.22895474
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>Private DNA testing is banned in Israel
>DNA testing is not used as a means to qualify for Israeli citizenship
>One must have a court order to have a private DNA test
>Stated reason is to protect people from 'Mamzer' status that is Half-breed/Bastard status
>This can prevent marriage, jobs and all other things
>Also would disprove that most kikes have less Jewish DNA than Americans have Native

>> No.22895625
File: 145 KB, 576x432, 0ODD8SX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it's a meme and all but without statistics we are lost. just because they be can fudged for a variety of reasons doesn't mean that's not the case. i fucking love science, heil darwin and heil our people.

>> No.22895637

Have you ever read Ian Hacking's books on the emergence of probability science and statistics? Or Lorraine Daston's and Peter Gallison's book Objectivity? Daston has a new book this year comparing ancient concepts of probability with the modern statistical theory. Stephen Stigler is also good on Galton and Quetelet. If you are into probability theory and stats these books are lovely.