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/lit/ - Literature

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22893299 No.22893299 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what the hell to read :(. Please, give me a list thst I can just follow along and be on the right track, bros

>> No.22893306

What do you like to read? Or what would you like to be reading?

>> No.22893309


>> No.22893311

Read the sticky dude

>> No.22893314

>be on the right track
You need to understand metaphysics before you can understand anything else, otherwise you will parse things incorrectly or not at all. It is a lot more work than you think, maybe you are better off just fucking off.

>> No.22893320

Fake and gay

>> No.22893330

Most authors including authors of classics are ignorant, better not to learn this the hard way.

>> No.22893345

>books to unfuck my life
the fucking redditization and video gamifying of your mind has destroyed you. you don't gain XP by reading books faggot

>> No.22893380

I would like to be a more knowledgeable person in terms of literature and philosophy
Why? What's there?
All right, what books should I read bro?
Man, I just want a list so I don't have to overthink about it... I've been trying to decide where to start and how to plan things for 2 days already...

>> No.22893389

just pick a book with a nice cover you like

>> No.22893391

Start with genre fiction and self-help books
>But those aren’t deep!
Doesn’t matter. Start here. The deep and difficult texts aren’t going anywhere.

>> No.22893422

>needs quest list to know he is making progress
life isn't a video game, mr redditor. just pick a book and start reading if you want to read. but i doubt you want to read. your mind is redditized and video gamified to the point that you think reading books will unlock some hidden super power that will level up the RPG build-like conception you have of yourself.

>> No.22893463

there are way too many to choose from
I dont like self help bro
Can you stop jugding me so much? You don't know me bro. I just want a list to organize things

>> No.22893470

Somebody already directed you to the sticky. That's the first checkbox on your HUD. Select that mission and an arrow will show up at the top of your vision pointing you towards the /lit/ sticky.

>> No.22893503

Since you've been retarded and resistant to every real suggestion you've received so far I'll just tell you to read don Quixote because I liked it and I think most people would

>> No.22893548

whats on the sticky
is don quixote a good start? what should i read next?

>> No.22893553

Just read a book, life's not a fucking videogame you need to minmax. There's a sticky, open it and read whatever sounds nice, I recomend Hunger by Hamsun

>> No.22893559

>whats on the sticky
Read it and find out, moron. It's at the top of the page and is only a couple paragraphs with some links

>> No.22893576

whats hunger about bro
i dont think a couple of links is a good start

>> No.22893583

kill yourself

>> No.22893592

It's about a narcissitic man living in absolute poverty, complaining about society as of he wasn't the dregs of it and claiming to be an eminent philosopher. A manchild and his fun misadventures, I expect anyone terminally online to be able to relate to him. Just read something man.

>> No.22893609

Begone, troll

>> No.22893618
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>Why? What's there?
>I just want a list so I don't have to overthink about it
are you like extremely low IQ?

>> No.22893635

get off my thread already, all you want is to offend me everytime
sounds nice, what would you recommend reading afterwards
no, I just tend to overthink stuff

>> No.22893742

Brave new world, lord of the flies, 1984, the picture of Dorian Gray, Fahrenheit, Kafka (metamorfosis and the trial), the stranger.
Those books in that order. Here you go. Should be easy and enjoyable. if there are books you don't like, just skip them. If you're done with those, you will have unlocked the perk that allows you to pick your own books.

>> No.22893927

>is don quixote a good start?
Yes, it's generally considered the first modern novel and it pioneered the conventions of the medium. It's also fun.
>what should i read next?
See that's the great thing about actually READING A BOOK, NIGGER. Once you do it you should be able to easily discern what you liked and disliked about it and figure out what to read next based on that. Read more books by the same author! Read books by his contemporaries! Read books by his influences! Read books that he influenced! It's actually very easy!

>> No.22894093

thsnks that's the first list anyone posted, i will read them all
sounds like a lot of overthinking if you dont have a list

>> No.22894159

The name of the rose
The remains of the day
Down and out in london and paris
Pale Fire

>> No.22894177

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.22894204

OP you are little boy and I am a man.
So much of a man that your tiny presence overstimulates me and makes me want to hurt you
but I'm am so hyper-masculine and over-worked that in this instance of weakness I kind of want to tower over your shivering body with my pulsating cock
if you know what i'm fucking saying, yeah?

>> No.22894251
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It's not worth making a new thread for this but I've got a sudden urge for a a certain kind of book and I need recommendations.
I want a book about self-destruction, preferably exclusively by alcohol but drugs or other addictions are acceptable. Similar things I can think off the top of my head are Moby Dick, No Longer Human, The Blind Owl, Disco Elysium.

>> No.22894784

No, are you? Where is your list?

>> No.22894858

Reverend Insanity

>> No.22895020

Finnegans wake
12 rules for life
Boku no pico
The woman in me
The scrolls of the learned elders of Zion

>> No.22895094
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Don't worry bro, here's your videogame quest list for literature, have a good journey.

>> No.22895363

Man, it really took hours for someone get me a proper list, you're a real one, bro. I have know idea how these people manage to read without a list

>> No.22895364
File: 1.71 MB, 1484x1094, 1698115724694659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19th century novels:

20th century:

21st century:

You're welcome, OP.

>> No.22895370

thank you, this will be the part two following the previous poster's list :D

>> No.22895373
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You are ready brother.

>> No.22895426

No problem. Sadly, there's a lot of gatekeeping in literature.
Here's another list in case you want to dwell in some ages: http://sonic.net/~rteeter/grtbloom.html

>> No.22895505 [DELETED] 

Don't forget the Bible. I don't know what retard made that list, but without reading the Bible, you're missing more than half of everything.

>> No.22895514

Old Testament is older than Homer. The Torah was written way before.

>> No.22895524

You were literally directed to several lists by the third poster ITT

>> No.22895614

Some books of the old testament is older than Homer. Other books aren't.

>> No.22895794

Yeah, I know, but it's about half. OT should be first.

>> No.22896252

>Inplying OP is even making it halfway through the Illiad

>> No.22896255


>> No.22896409

I'd like to proudly inform you that I, OP, have already read the Iliad in 2022. Not only that, I've read 32 pages of the Odyssey yesterday. This will be the year I finally become the /lit/ god by sticking to The List.

>> No.22896412

By the way, I saved The Link so I can go even deeper after finishing The List, thanks bro

>> No.22896458

Based then, I took your lack of drive for the mark of a dilettante but I see I was wrong. Godspeed.

>> No.22896463


﴿ يَاأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلَاةِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ ﴾