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22885779 No.22885779 [Reply] [Original]

Has a book you read ever made you less sane/more mentally ill? Which one? I remember having a depressive episode after reading Ted K's manifesto.

>> No.22885792

A depressive episode is not mental illness, just a part of life and if a book actually made you schizo you weren't exactly sane in the first place.

>> No.22885807

The holy bible

>> No.22885820

>I remember having a depressive episode after reading Ted K's manifesto.
Why lmao

>> No.22885831
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Just made me feel hopeless for the near future. He correctly points out some problems, but I believe there is no solution even though he believed there was. That said, I wasn't at my best around that time so that's probably why it impacted me so much.
I've learned to cope and not care since then, though.

>> No.22885922

Jung's worm

>> No.22885926

>a depressive episode

>> No.22885928

Atomised and Stoner fucked me up pretty bad, I still haven’t recovered.

Stoner made me feel sad, Atomised really FUCKED me, my whole being.

>> No.22885950

Not a book, but once watched Videodrome drive an entire chatroom deranged. It was temporary, of course, but it was intense.

>> No.22885976

Sartre's Nausea sent me into a depressive spiral which I have yet to recover from

>> No.22885987

Everything Houellebecq has written makes me feel like this

>> No.22886028

Unironically Metamorphosis by Kafka. Been thinking about this book for a long time and it made me too aware of transactionality in human relations

>> No.22886067

Begone, lain-tranny.

>> No.22886073

No, but a book made me fall off the wagon after 80+ days sober. that book: The Elementary Particles

>> No.22886074
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>> No.22886083


>> No.22886099

Don't be mean to the lainon! /lit/ is a trans-inclusive space!!!

>> No.22886110

Thomas Ligotti’s Conspiracy against the Human Race

>> No.22887041
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>getting sad over the logos of uncle Ted
>not becoming filled with joy and giddy

>> No.22887042

>weak bitch obsessing over mental Rubik's Cubes

>> No.22887055

I increasingly believe that Gravity‘s Rainbow was made with some degree of CIA/MKUltra involvement.

>> No.22887084


>> No.22887242

not literature

>> No.22887245

You sound like every other 14 year old>>22887055

>> No.22887246

Why do you think Tom went on the lam?

>> No.22887248

Thus spoke Zarathustra, The Joyful Science and Twilight of the Idols granted me a new appreciation of life.

>> No.22887393

Gulliver's Travels made me a full-blown misanthrope. Was pretty depressed for a bit then Corona came and made me pissed off and served to justify my misanthropy.

>> No.22887397

stupid comment

>> No.22887410
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>> No.22887418

The perennialists drive you insane in a good way. Frithjof Schuon's The Eye of the Heart is a great start, though perhaps Guenon's The Multiple States of the Being is the most important perennialist work.

>> No.22887433

Redpill me on Schuon. It always seems strange to me that people continue to love him despite the stories about him and the fact that Guenon has higher prestige these days as a new generation discovers Traditionalism mostly via the internet.

>> No.22887438

Yeah, El Lobo de Arriba y el Lobo de Abajo by José María Arguedas. I don't know if there's an English, or any, translation. The author killed himself and as a part of the novel there are excerpts of his diary in which he describes in detail his illness. It has lowered my defenses and corrupted my dreams. I know the book doesn't end because he fucking gunned himself down, yet I don't know where's the novel gonna end.
Good novel, tho

>> No.22887481

Schuon is literally a cuck, I'm not even joking

>> No.22887660
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The only one that matters.

>> No.22887665

Any books that will make me kill myself?

>> No.22887668

Teds a retard get over it

>> No.22887678

McCarthy's "The Crossing"

>> No.22887692

Watch mishimas patriotism on YouTube and then follow his example.

>> No.22887706

Edgy channers will say it's not related to mental illness, but Wuthering Heights made me a seething misogynist and I haven't been able to look at a woman the same since

>> No.22887707

Triumph of the Therapeutic made me feel justified going off meds

>> No.22887832

If you think misogyny is related to mental illness, you'll have a hard time conceiving of any opinion or viewpoint that is not a pathology to you. Was every Greek mentally ill?

>> No.22887906

yes more or less all of them as they should

>> No.22887912
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>> No.22887917

how old are you?

>> No.22887919

No, but being brought to hate a broad category of people by a romantic fiction is not wellness. You might hate jews and be fine, but if you hate them because of Shylock you're mentally ill.

>> No.22888131

fanged noumena

>> No.22888186

Yeah, ok, that's fine. I agree.

>> No.22888220
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>> No.22888225

stupid games, stupid prizes

>> No.22888310

Yes: after reading Rameau's Nephew i had the intense and compulsory urge to engage in unusual, weird, somewhat witty, somewhat pseudo-intellectual, and frenetic public behaviour. To be frank this is something i have anyways, but the book increased it.

>> No.22888315

23 now. I was like 16 when I read the book.

>> No.22888316

Definitely conspiracy against human race. Couldn't finish is beyond 3 chapters.

>> No.22888320

Not really. But reading shit like Mamleev and Sorokin definitely reminded me that some people are filthy schizos.

>> No.22888321

Not a book, but I binged ulysse malcouer/metaspinoza and adjacent’s writings and two weeks later had a psychotic episode. Could be unrelated, but I did scrawl some lines of ‘neoleviathan’ all over my room so who knows.

>> No.22888345


>> No.22888364

Weak mind

>> No.22888558

The Bell Jar, twice.
Truly an evil book, in the strictest sense of the word. Since I threw it away my life has been improving greatly.

>> No.22888573

I don't know about Schuon the man (there are rumors of sexual abuse, but I also hear they were never substantiated. Never heard of him being a cuck, wasn't that Coomaraswamy getting cucked by Aleister Crowley of all people?), but as a writer, he's the best of the perennialists, he just has great poetical flourishes, and reading him you really feel like you're seeing a blind man touching the elephant all over the place. Peak perennialism.

>> No.22889219


>> No.22889403

When I read Ted's manifesto I felt the very same way when I read the communist manifesto.

The problems presented by the author are real, but the proposed solution is at best laughable.

>> No.22889817

Self and Unself by Darren Allen made me feel sane for the first time in my life.

Ted K manifesto sort of did this too. I used to read it before bed if I had a bad day.

>> No.22890902

Why call it that if you're just going to use lowercase anyway?

>> No.22891044
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Essays in Idleness by Yoshida Kenkō abated my loneliness and taught me to slow down and look at the aesthetic beauty inherent in things.
The Rings of Saturn by WG Sebald made me feel incredibly desolate and aware of being surrounded by all-encompassing, ever-present Destruction.
Not a traditionalist, but Guénon's Reign of Quantity opened my eyes to a more acute awareness of the vertical dimension of human life.
Dante, and part of Cristoforo Landino's commentary on the Commedia, made me see poetry transcends all other art and how poets can bring down divinely inspired wisdom.
Also, platonic philosophy and religious scriptures, obviously, but I feel that's almost cheating.

>> No.22891051

>can't spot a phone poster
Pray for a few more IQ points.

>> No.22891664

Kind of related, I once did a hatecrime at the library. I checked out Conrad's Nigger of the Narcissus and the girl at the desk looked like she was going to cry kek

>> No.22893125
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4channel is dead oldfag

>> No.22893358

Depends why you’re currently feeling despair.

>> No.22893437

The Anti-Oedipus gave me a psychotic breakdown

>> No.22893454
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>> No.22893953

Seriously, when did that happen? I went to a red board and the url stayed the same (used to be a redirect).

I guess the advertisers didn't buy it?

>> No.22893956

How about books that made you more sane and mentally well?
I'll start, Phaedo

>> No.22894345

No fuck you. I want to kill myself not get better

>> No.22894363

What chatroom?

>> No.22894450

I don't know. I wish I did. Those were good times. It was one of those online watch party sites, but it was years ago.

>> No.22895528

What the hell

>> No.22895583

Seething lol. It’s the fucking internet bro. If you don’t like it just ignore it.

>> No.22895636

Lain is my daughteru.

>> No.22895662

I read my best friend's brother's manuscript and it was so incomprehensible it gave me a slight panic attack. What if my work of fiction was equally incomprehensible?

>> No.22895756

Prove me wrong

>> No.22895954

Where can I read them?

>> No.22896014

Nta, but there's no need to prove anything to an unread pseud. Read any good work on the history of the Western canon like Auerbach's Mimesis.

>> No.22896023

like two weeks ago
maybe it's to piss off bored officecucks

>> No.22896104

I read the web novel "Mother of Learning" during high school in the span of a week, the book centers around a ground hog day time loop where the characters repeat the same month over and over. I would catch myself making decisions during my everyday life that were way more reckless and risky than usually because I automatically assumed that the month would restart so it did not matter what I did there would not be consequences. I would go on these trains of thought for longer than is comfortable to admit and would snap out of it only after seriously considering or partially completing a plan. Stayed like that for about a week.

>> No.22896271

The fuck do I know? Search Mamleev's "The sublimes" or Sorokin's "The norm" and "Their four hearts".

>> No.22897328

Still not literature

>> No.22897394

Not an argument

>> No.22898026

Finnegans Wake had me hallucinating about specific lines. Fucked up my brain.

>> No.22898087

“Sadly, Porn” by Edward Teach, AKA the Last Psychiatrist

I had a full blown psychotic episode halfway through and tried to have myself arrested (no, I haven’t committed a crime). Ultimately institutionalized myself for a week or two to calm down.

Went back and finished the book afterwards and honestly it’s kinda mid. Not sure why I took it so seriously lol

>> No.22898094

Yeah where I was reading blood meridian for the first time, I seriously started to think my home was tapped and that I was being gangstalked. This was also during a stint where I was getting exposed to shit like Schopenhauer and Ligotti for the first time, it might have been too much too quick. Touching grass at a new job helped.

>> No.22898149
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>Has a book you read ever made you less sane/more mentally ill?
>mentally ill
Still falling for the mental-illness meme huh?

>> No.22898208

the bible is the best literature out there

>> No.22898216
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Confessions of a Mask. I was already an autistic gay sadist with right wing larper tendencies and he just affirmed all my delusions.

>> No.22898695

Not literature

>> No.22898918


>> No.22898997
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>mfw i skip the depressive episode to watch the one where I get laid

>> No.22899000

apparently none of those books helped your reading comprehension because you didn't read the OP

>> No.22900069

yeah well you're ugly

>> No.22900105

My interest in philosophy eventually led me to Deleuze. The first time I read him, I genuinely thought I was going crazy.

>> No.22900146

lol the first time I tried to read anti oedipus was during first episode psychosis and I kept reading the first 100 pages over and over thinking id never touched it before. I’ve finished it since but it was great I became very familiar with those first sections lmao

>> No.22901028

If anything, books always make me more sane and at peace, give me hope and solace, as well as comfort, even when they attempt to provoke the exact opposite in me.