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22885083 No.22885083 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22885137

Lol. How will they spin this one.

>> No.22885149

You think that's bad? What about this "gem" from Genesis 19?
[30] And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
[31] And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:
[32] Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
[33] And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
[34] And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our Father.
[35] And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
[36] Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.

>> No.22885156
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christbros… not like this..

>> No.22885165

What's the problem?

>> No.22885179

They just had a different definition of bird, so what?

This is funny though

>> No.22885195

i don't get it?

>> No.22885205

>God say bat be bird. Science say bat no be bird. Science no wrong. Therefore God wrong. Therefore Christianity no true.
t. enlightened atheist

>> No.22885206

>that time the Bible said pi = 3 when God could have easily wowed everyone with the advanced knowledge that pi is irrational and close to 3.14
brothers in God… why must he test us so??

>> No.22885214

Who rules the ants?

>> No.22885218

>Therefore Christianity no true.
that's from the hebrew bible tho?

>> No.22885223

The God of the Jews and the God of the Christians is the same. The difference is Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah. The Jews believe the Messiah is yet to come.

>> No.22885227
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Why am I even following this religion if it is clearly written by men?? Have I been duped? Manipulated? Conned?

>> No.22885229
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Very enlightening.

>> No.22885234

you want a religion written by women? try some west coast new age shit i guess?

>> No.22885236

If they Bible is the word of God, why doesn't it contain instructions for repairing my car's motor?

>> No.22885243

did your religious teacher tell you that? lmao

>> No.22885252

Kind of puts the whole thing in question doesn't it?

>> No.22885270

And? Can you really not resolve this on your own? Do you need your hand held?

Yes. That's extremely important. The Ammonites and the Amorites, if I'm not mistaken, both the tribes descended from those improper unions, play an important role in Biblical history.

You do realize that just because we call the queen ant, "the queen," she isn't actually a ruler, right?

You never were following it, is the obvious answer. Besides, it is not a religion Christians follow, but God, The Man.

>> No.22885280

Nobody. The "queen" is just an egg layer. It's not like she's making proclamations and edicts.

>> No.22885282


>> No.22885285

>half the messianic prophecies are forced and are talking about an unrelated event
it’s so over…

>> No.22885289
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Not my problem

>> No.22885294
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Hmm... . . .

>> No.22885316

So this is the power of atheists. Incorrect understanding of both biology and Bible scholarship.

>> No.22885323

hmmm no response to >>22885227

>> No.22885330

I just got bored, actually. These are all lazy. You guys literally can solve all your supposed dilemmas just by reading Scripture all the way through and taking the time to think as you go along.

>> No.22885340

If you thought The Bible was written by something other than men, then that's your own fault. No one is making the claim that it's written by non-humans in the first place.

>> No.22885343

Unironically this

>> No.22885352

But if they make mistakes, how do you know what is a mistake, and what isn’t? What is an invention, and what is real? What is a metaphor, and what is literal? Even Christians can’t agree on this. What a joke.

>> No.22885355

It's not making a scientific claim.

>> No.22885356

What's to get? The Bible literally contains incest initiated by daughters.

>> No.22885358

>They are an abomination
Seems unnecessarily rude

>> No.22885359

All that matters is the spiritual truth(s).

>> No.22885360

This blogpost is ultimately about trannies, but the first part addresses this sort of silly anti-Bible argument and shows how dumb it is.

>> No.22885363

Good question. We use sacred tradition, the Magisterium, and Councils.

>> No.22885367

if Mary was a virgin then how did Jesus have brothers?
Why do you call the priest father when Jesus literally said “call no man father” ?

>> No.22885385

1. Greek term brother used could mean step-brother, distant relative, friend. There's no evidence that he had biological brothers, but it's more likely the other meanings of brother. We even have the same sort of broad definition today.
2. Jesus was using hyperbole to criticize the Jewish leaders

>> No.22885391

>119 up votes
>710 down votes
Funny how this quote came to define the reddit atheist community when even they hated it.

>> No.22885394
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those same criticisms apply to modern catholic leaders. It’s so obvious. I’m going insane

>> No.22885413

Yes, but Jesus is using hyperbole about not calling anyone father. He's not making a rule to stop calling people father, like when he uses hyperbole about removing your eye or hand. Everyone understood these were hyperbole and not a commandment.

>> No.22885414

it's in the bible that a 'brother' is another connected through God. it's why Christians go around saying shit like "brother in Christ"
retard btw

>> No.22885419

can you post a screenshot that doesn't take up 1.5 of my screens for two paragraphs? fuck me

>> No.22885435

>everything is hyperbole when I want it to be
how convenient
then why did Jesus say “who is my mother? And who are my brothers?” as if to highlight that genetic bonds aren’t actually that important as our spiritual bonds? Have you even read the Bible?

>> No.22885457

"For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Have YOU ever read the Bible? LMAO

>> No.22885459
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Actually based af.

>> No.22885478

And what's the relation of that to the original post? The original post is about covid-19

>> No.22885484

my favorite part of "bible truthers" is that they think the bible was so obviously written in contradictions. As if the people who wrote about Jesus gave him a Virgin mother who never had any children besides him also had genetic brothers. Such a giant plot hole you think is written into the Bible rather than hidden information. Quite comical honestly. Also you're a virgin just not for the reasons Mary was

>> No.22885489

Really teaches you something about trusting women, huh?

>> No.22885498

The Bible never says she remained a virgin after she gave birth to Jesus. Only Catholics do

>> No.22885502

When does the bible say she had other children bucko?

>> No.22885550

Who the hell still cares about COVID? It's basically the cold now. May as well make Eisenhower jokes.

>> No.22885555

Mark 6.3 mentions Jesus' four siblings.

>> No.22885559

faggot phoneposter

>> No.22885600

Psalm 69:8. The Psalm is about Jesus. We know that because John 2:17 refers to Psalm 69:9.

>> No.22885605

Vaxxies still getting sick all the time and making me lol

>> No.22885609
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>> No.22885629
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>> No.22885638

Not her biological children.
Mary is considered the spiritual mother of all mankind.
>501 Jesus is Mary's only son, but her spiritual motherhood extends to all men whom indeed he came to save: "The Son whom she brought forth is he whom God placed as the first-born among many brethren, that is, the faithful in whose generation and formation she co-operates with a mother's love."
>LG 63; cf. Jn 19:26-27; Rom 8:29; Rev 12:17.

>> No.22885692

>mentions Jesus' siblings
>are his Apostles
nice one bro

>> No.22885699

Mark 15:40 says that James and Joses are the sons of Mary.

>> No.22885701

>Mary Magdalene

>> No.22885703

Well, one would hope Jesus' siblings supported his ministry.

>> No.22885711


>> No.22885716

Fair point. I'm not a vaxxie, nor do I think about vaxxies. Anyone dumb enough to do what Authority tells them to do deserves their fragile immune system.

>> No.22885718

Everyone saved is the son of Mary. She's literally called the New Eve.

>> No.22885723

Whoa. Ancient people didn't define animals according to the Linnaean hierarchical classification system? What the fuck?

>> No.22885728

Dude, I gave you the Bible, you gave me your catechism. Which one do you trust?

>> No.22885734

Holy quads. Fun fact: the first two chapters of the King James Bible (Genesis 1 and 2) contain 5555 letters

>> No.22885736

You can't read? The Bible verse are in my post.

>> No.22885745

>Don't eat bats
He was fucking right

>> No.22885747

>read this i can't explain anything myself
nice one buddy!

>> No.22885769

Maybe we should have proselytized the Chinese harder.

>> No.22885786

Just trying to give you a more complete answer. Figures that you took that in the most small-minded, mean-spirited way possible. 4channers really are the worst.

>> No.22885791

>Jn 19:26-27; Rom 8:29; Rev 12:17.
And how do these verses prove that Mary didn't have any other biological children? Revelation 12 does not refer to Mary btw; that is clear from the context.

You're telling me that Mary, a law-abiding Jewish woman who offered sacrifices for her purification (Luke 2:21–23; Lev. 12:2–4) was a perpetual virgin who denied her own husband his marital rights (1 Cor. 7:4-5)?

>> No.22885809

doesn't matter, don't care. maybe you can do something other than suck cock to prove your points

>> No.22885823

I didn't say those verses prove she had no other biological children. Do you have any proof that she did?

>> No.22885840

How about you shut the fuck up and actually understand the concept that faith can only be itself through itself and that overcoming the offense is what makes a Christian a true Christian. I know that people are going to waste their time giving explanations to these inconsistencies and trying to justify them, but again, that's a waste of time. The true believer believes only in faith and in Christ alone and overcomes the offense. Arguing about the offense isn't faith; it involves itself in the realm of the worldly and so is always doomed to fail.

The Bible is the Truth and the Way and the Light. It isn't science and it never professed to be. It isn't historical because it never professed to be. It is always and only sacred literature that provides access to the Divine and is the Divine.

>> No.22885853

Fideism is bad.

>> No.22885860

It's not fideism. What I'm arguing against is the idea of arguing with people who want to talk about the Bible in a worldly and secular way; picking it apart scientifically and historically. You can introduce rationality into the Bible insofar as you stay within the realm of the Divine like Aquinas did. But what I'm arguing against is the synthetic mixture of the divine and the worldly because the latter has no place there.

>> No.22885866

Ah, I misread what you wrote. You're right. The Bible shouldn't be read as if it were a scientific treatise.

>> No.22885874

>aieee stop you can't "pick it apart scientifically and historically"
>heh... I'll just believe it anyway
Who can give water to the horse that will not drink of its own accord? You are mentally and spiritually limited, and as such the original anon made a dear mistake in trying to reason with you like he would an equal.

>> No.22885885

Who are you? He admitted that he misread what I wrote, for which I forgive him. But who are you? As soon as you start to pick the Bible apart in a scientific and historical manner, you've left the realm of the Divine and of the Bible; now you're playing the role of a detective or a scientist scrutinizing and judging rather than thinking over and accepting. That's all I meant. Don't ever call me a horse.

>> No.22885887

>ranting, raving, seething
I accept your concession.

>> No.22885906

As I mentioned, John 2:17 + Psalm 69:8-9. Jesus is talking about His brethren being His mother's children (meaning those "brothers" mentioned in Mark are not "cousins", but actual brothers). We can spiritualize it, sure, and I'm not dogmatic either way, but then again I did not make her perpetual virginity a dogma that one MUST believe because the Catholic Church says so. The Biblical justification for that simply isn't there. I would like to think that she did in fact remain a virgin, but I have absolutely no grounds for that belief.

>> No.22885918

What proof do you have that those are referring to her biological children?

>> No.22885921

>be you
>prove nothing
>post random blog articles
>ignore evidence against you
>smoke fent
yeah we got a real winner here

>> No.22885923

They grew up in Sodom; the whole point is to show the degeneracy of the inhabitants of that city. It also serves to help you understand the Moabites and Ammonites. Lol at being offended by that. Wait until you get to Zechariah 11, Leviticus 26 or Deuteronomy 28.

>> No.22885925

Ruth was a Moabite, and Jesus is a direct descendant of Ruth. Therefore, the blood of degeneracy runs in Jesus' veins. Enjoy.

>> No.22885930

>ad hominem attacks
>behavior about as non-Christian as one can get
I already accepted your concession. You don't need to prove repeatedly that you're a complete psychopath. You've already made that clear.

>> No.22885943

Mark 6:3:
3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.

Jesus is called the "son of Mary" and then His brethren are listed. You don't believe these are the sons of Mary, but I then pointed to Psalm 69:8 where Jesus says,
I am become a stranger unto my brethren,
and an alien unto my mother’s children.
Which is consistent with how His brethren reacted to Him in the Gospels. There, the brethren are SPECIFICALLY called His "mother's children" and are thus not just cousins.

Is that absolute, solid proof? No, and I said I wasn't dogmatic on this issue either way. But it's far better than anything the Catholic church has concocted and forced you to believe.

>> No.22885958


>> No.22885963
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u know the difference between an analytic and a stipulative Definition?

>> No.22885973

Read Deuteronomy 23:3-6 and then Ruth 4:18-21. David was the tenth generation of a Moabite and was thus eligible to enter into the congregation of the Lord, i.e. considered clean. Either way, this is nothing new, Jesus has Canaanite blood, too (Rahab). Do you even understand the purpose of the atonement?

>> No.22885986

You're using circular reasoning. You made the claim that those verses are referring to her biological children. The only evidence you gave were the verses themselves. That's not proof those are her BIOLOGICAL children.

>> No.22886001

Wow this is the origin of that? I can't believe the whole r/atheism thing was only in 2013.

>> No.22886008

What evidence do you have that they aren't? You made that claim first. At least I have provided verses from the Bible which, if you're being completely honest with yourself, should at least make you question so-called "infallible" dogma. You provided some BS from a catechism with some irrelevant verses attached to it.

>> No.22886043

Now you're moving the goalpost; that was predictable.
>At least I have provided verses from the Bible which, if you're being completely honest with yourself, should at least make you question so-called "infallible" dogma.
No, circular reasoning isn't persuasive to me at all. I showed you verses which show Mary being referred to as a mother to others who aren't her biological children. The Greek word for brother that's used in the verses can refer to someone who is not your biological brother. There's verses that refer to hundreds of people being the brother of Jesus, and according to your logic that would mean Mary gave birth to hundreds of children. You made the claim that verses are referring to her biological children. Your evidence for that claim are the verses and nothing else.

>> No.22886063

[insert chad / basedjak meme, le based nord gamer saying "Yes." when presented with the absurd bat passage]

>> No.22886105

I get what you're saying, but that doesn't apply in this case. If the Bible said the Earth is a plain, you could argue that's how we perceive it and it wasn't meant as a scientific description of the actual shape. Saying that the statement is wrong would be nitpicky.
But calling a mammal a bird, just because it has wings is plain stupid and wrong. You can see that it was a genuine mistake, because every other animal that was listed was actually a bird.

>> No.22886130

Then it's fucking over, heh? It's fucking over then, heh? Look, the inscrutable, miraculous Bible just got something wrong in calling a mammal a bird! That's thousands of years of knowledge, wisdom, and insight all down the drain there. There you go. It's all gone and in vain and all for nothing, heh? But that's what you're saying. Let's toss out all interpretation, the effort of interpreting, the analysis, the scrutiny, the worship; all because in one particular section of this divine, sacred literature, they got one thing wrong. That does it: God doesn't exist. Jesus died in vain because a bat isn't a bird. There we go now.

>> No.22886154

Why are you so insecure lmao, nobody said any of that, you just created all that in your head

>> No.22886176

Not moving any goalposts. You're the one who first made the claim that they are not her biological children and I debated that point afterwards (I'm not the first anon).

Yes, that's the point. Jesus specifically distinguishes between "brothers" and "brothers" (Mark 3:31-35 and Matthew 12:46-50). That is, those brothers who didn't believe in Him (John 7:5) vs those who did believe in Him (not His biological brothers, but believers). The point here is that it's not your genetic lineage which counts, but your faith. So that argument actually works against you. You only have the meaning of the Greek word to cling onto, but then why would the Doauy Rheims, a Catholic bible, translate Mark 6:3 as "brother" and then go ahead and translate Luke 1:36 as "cousin" if both words refer to "cousins"? And if the word doesn't mean "cousin" or "brother" then who are these people in Mark 6:3? How are they related to Jesus?

>> No.22886183

No, I didn't. See, that was the implication of this thread from the start, and of what most atheists and agnostics say about the Bible. It's really sad, actually; you shouldn't be calling me insecure. The amount of time atheists, agnostics, and irreligious people spend on analyzing the Bible and scrutinizing its inconsistencies, saying God isn't real here, Jesus died for nothing there; the amount of time they spend on that, you'd think they were actually believers or theists themselves. I think atheists, and this is the worst point, atheists spend more time trying to disprove what they don't believe than believers spend trying to prove what they believe exists. That's the fucking horrible part. Believers spend all their time responding to atheists and demons rather than studying the Bible. The only people who actually study the Bible are atheists trying to prove the non-existence of God, meaning any engagement with an atheist is a waste of time because they're allied with Satan alone.

>> No.22886204

how is the bible wrong for grouping a bat with other flying animals? lol

>> No.22886213

But no atheist says they don't believe in God BECAUSE of that one verse. It's a clear overreaction from you. Nobody argues that you should give up your faith because a bat is not a bird, they have other arguments. Stuff like this is used because it's funny, not as a main argument against the Bible.
I'm OP btw, so I know best why I created this thread.

>> No.22886221

Would you ask that too if they put a dragonfly and a bee in a list of birds?

>> No.22886229

>You're the one who first made the claim that they are not her biological children
I don't know why you're saying this because you can scroll up the thread and see that this is incorrect. Why would someone bring up that they're not her biological children if someone didn't already say that they are? The people in Mark 6:3 could be his step-brothers from Joseph's previous marriage. I never said they're his cousins.

>> No.22886242

you only think it's a list of birds because the translator used the word fowl to describe them. the next lines of the verse ensures your understanding that it is simply about flying creatures

>> No.22886268

Yes, but I was not the anon making that claim in the first place, so I'm not moving any goalposts. I argued against the point you made, but have never at any point claimed to have infallible proof that they are Mary's biological children. I've said that I'm not dogmatic about this and HOPE that she did remain virgin. Fact is that we don't know. And you don't know if those people are Joseph's children from a previous marriage because it doesn't say so anywhere in the Bible. The problem here is that the Catholic church has made a dogma out of such flimsy evidence and enforced a belief on people about something of which there's no solid proof.

>> No.22886278

>the next lines of the verse ensures your understanding that it is simply about flying creatures
Fair enough

>> No.22886285

Right, we don't know if you're a Protestant who believes in Sola Scriptura. That's one of the reasons I'm not a Protestant. Where do you think the canon of the Bible came from? Catholicism has sacred tradition.

>> No.22886331

Wait a minute, I see your point. I did in fact make that claim (though it wasn't intended as such) and doing so moved the goalpost later on. My apologies. Yes, I believe in Sola Scriptura and would like to discuss it, but it's way too late where I am (Europe). Have to go bed. God bless..

>> No.22886342

>bearing false witness
ur going 2 hell bruh

>> No.22886347

I probably could've been clearer earlier, as I've been doing other things all day as I checked the thread, so I was rushing some of my posts. Goodnight and god bless.

>> No.22886351

Most new age (and new thought) authors are men.

>> No.22886477
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Why hasn't anyone successfully prayed atheism away and ended it yet?

>> No.22886479

You don't know that

>> No.22886489

Seems that God supports atheism too.

>> No.22886498

Atheism is internal to Christianity and is the way that the latter develops itself into higher forms.

>> No.22886504

That would explain why the Catholic Church hierarchy aids and abets pedophile priests. They obviously don't believe in Hell.

>> No.22886519

You're speaking to me as if I believe in the Church: I don't. I believe in God, Christ, Hegel, and Kierkegaard.

>> No.22886537

Joseph and Mary had children after Jesus was born.

>> No.22887069

The Bible has mistakes because it was written by people. The Bible wasn't dictated by God, nor was it written by Him. The Bible was written by people that found God and were inspired by God. Obviously they're still people, who make mistakes. Some mistakes in a book full of wisdom doesn't discredit the entire book.

>> No.22887096

“Wow! The Bible doesn’t agree with how modern humans subjectively group up animals! This must mean they’re retarded and wrong!”

>> No.22887173

Muslims claim the Koran was written by God and is flawless.

>> No.22887192

Christian fundamentalists think that about the Bible too

>> No.22887202

how can u breathe?

>> No.22887432

>Implying a story being in the Bible makes the actions described automatically righteous.

>> No.22887502
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what the fuck?

>> No.22887592

>that bats aren't birds is a subjective and modern idea!!!
The absolute state of christcuckery

>> No.22887599
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Islam has a completely different concept of their scripture.
For Christians Jesus is the word of God, for Muslims it's the Quran. So, the equivalent of Jesus in Islam is not Muhammad, but the Quran.
No Christian believes that the Bible itself is the word of God, but that it's Jesus, he is the word of God's incarnate.

>> No.22887612


>> No.22887620

Whats the original hebrew say?

>> No.22887625

Your mom

>> No.22887700
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The point is the wife/mother looked back toward Sodom and Gomorrah and was punished for it. It represents her inability to turn away from the realm of sexual immorality. Likewise her daughters turn into sex freaks because of the sin of their now lost mother. Basically don't give in to temptations unless you want future generations to be screwed up.

>> No.22887709

>God wrote the perfect book for us to understand everything
>Noooo stop misunderstanding the book it's just uhhhhhh misinterpreted/mistranslated, etc
Do Christchads really?

>> No.22887807

What's wrong with it? Don't you understand it shows how Sodomah was poisoned by sexual inmorality and the damnation it brings? Lot was the only righteous man in that whole city.
If you wanted to complain about weird jewish morality you should have chose the passages about Jacob jewing Essau out of his birthright

>> No.22888058
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Fish have fins, therefore whales are fish
Birds have wings, therefore bats are birds
Simple as

>> No.22888162
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Penguins have fins,
therefore penguins are fish
Flying fish have wings,
therefore flying fish are birds
Simple as

>> No.22888433

No, penguins are birds and flying fish are fish. Can't you just tell? Maybe you're losing connection to The Divine Logos

>> No.22888494

You said having fins is what makes an animal a fish, and having wings is what makes it a bird. Can't you just tell? Maybe you're losing connection to the meaning of your own words

>> No.22888511

all of those animals most likely had some major parasite or disease factor that made them dangerous to eat
remember retards, we just had a global pandemic blamed on a Chinese person eating a bat. go make an apologetic for that, morons

>> No.22888592

Matthew 1:25 says Joseph "knew her not until her firstborn son was born" meaning he didn't have sex with her until after Jesus was born. Her being a virgin was only important during her pregnancy with Jesus. She didn't stay a virgin and had children later.

>> No.22888886

Define chair, you can't find a definition to include every instance. Natural science is silly in this way, as it serves no purpose to narrow down the categories to extreme to make the system fit, since the point of the categories are for regular people anyway. At some point one must chalk it down to intutition, as we have always done, continue to do still even with our scientific categories and always will

>> No.22888968

It's ok, Esau forgives Jacob in the end and they reconcile. For some reason though, Talmudic exegesis has a really negative (and, to me, unreasonable) take on Esau.

>> No.22888972

Not literature

>> No.22889055

Look up the word "brother" it translates as well to "relative"
As to Psalm 69
>You, God, know my folly;
>my guilt is not hidden from you.
do you think this is about Jesus?

>> No.22889144
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for those that really want answers about most things Bible, these seem good links

>> No.22889170

>Define chair
"A chair is a type of seat, typically designed for one person and consisting of one or more legs, a flat or slightly angled seat and a back-rest."
>you can't find a definition to include every instance. Natural science is silly in this way
The only silly one is you. An animal that has lungs is not a fish, even if it has fins and an animal that doesn't lay eggs is not a bird, even it has wings. Every 4 year old understand this.

>> No.22889193

Taxonomy isn't universal, retard.

>> No.22889198

Ok, show me a system where a whale is a fish and a bat is a bird

>> No.22889222
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>At some point one must chalk it down to intutition, as we have always done
Your intuition tells you that the whale looks more like A than like B? What kind of fucked up intuition do you have?

>> No.22889249

Greg's taxonomy.

Birds: turkey, chicken, swift, robin, bat
Fish: tuna, carp, swordfish, seahorse, whale

>> No.22889433

What in the name of fuck is Greg's taxonomy? Any resources with his reasoning?

>> No.22889448

I'm Greg. Taxonomy is an invention. I invented Greg's taxonomy. Modern taxonomy was invented by Carl Linnaeus. Nothing wrong with modern taxonomy, but the point is that it's not something that existed before Linnaeus invented it.

>> No.22889484

Your taxonomy has no basis in reality. A taxonomy can't be arbitrary, it has to follow a system. And there is no system in calling a whale a fish. It would be like calling otters ducks.

>> No.22889491

Any invention can be arbitrary. I just invented an arbitrary taxonomy. You literally saw it >>22889249

>> No.22889501

In my taxonomy you're an ape

>> No.22889518

Thank you. So you follow the scientific classification of hominids.

>> No.22889532

Hominids are not apes. What kind of fucking retard am I even talking to here?

>> No.22889535


>> No.22889611

That part of the Psalm would obviously be referring to David. It's very normal to have multiple applications in the Psalter, even in the same Psalm (Luke 24:44). The Messianic part would be verses 7-9. The disciples make that connection in John 2:17.

>> No.22890262

Atheists make threads like this because they're probably troons, fags, sodomites, negros, Jews, or all of the above (likely) and the Bible clearly forbids their lifestyle. So, instead of just living in hell (outside of God's grace) they have to try and make Christianity wrong somehow. Ignore threads like this unless you're just going to troll them.

>> No.22890725

You worship a God who set up reality so that "the path to hell is wide and most travel it while the path to Heaven is narrow and few find it". Such a God is manifestly evil on balance.

>> No.22890935

because that's how you read it with your skeptic bias.
>13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
not controlling your urges is more difficult; especially as society degrades further and further with more and more people of your kind. this is a choice of man, not god. in a world of free will, love is a choice and genuine. the downside to this is the manifestation of hedonism and materialism to lead man astray.

>> No.22891097

Where do man's urges come from? Where did this "world of free will" come from? Why is it that the structure of reality is such that most people go astray and only few find the path? This is, by definition, a structural problem with reality which would fall squarely on the shoulders of God, not on men who were made so weak and find themselves in circumstances stacked against them.

>> No.22891819

If you really define hell as "outside of God's grace" you're not a real Christian either, you fucking soft watered-down nufag.

>> No.22891828

>If you really define hell as "outside of God's grace" you're not a real Christian either, you fucking soft watered-down nufag.

To live outside of God's grace is to be in Hell. You're not understanding anything, you just want to be mad at someone for how much you ruin your own life.

>> No.22891830

You don't rely on your own understanding. That's a mistake.

>> No.22891892

Ok, so there is no real hell where people burn? It only means outside of God's grace?
Then you're a new age watered-down soi christian.

>> No.22891899 [DELETED] 

Ah, so total subservience to authority. Like a slave, you must not think, or reason, or understand. Only obey. This is the fact of the noble creature we know as man? This is ends for the ultimate design of our race? Nay. Lift your eyes above this abjection. Stand on your own feet and proclaim you will use your will to forge the best path you can, with compassion and wisdom, as best as you are capable of. Reach upwards, do not accept your place as a slave in the dirt. Do not let preachers poison your mind with shame that you do not deserve, with blame that you are blameless for. Nature made things bleak, but Nature has gifted us with the small glimmer, the tiniest hope that we can lift ourselves above the lowly stamp of our origin. Reject the false idols of religion, forge your own path in solidarity with your fellow man to carve out an existence worth having in the cold and uncaring universe. Anything less is to squander one of the most precious opportunities to ever exist.

>> No.22891904

Ah, so total subservience to authority. Like a slave, you must not think, or reason, or understand. Only obey. This is the fate of the noble creature we know as man? This is ends for the ultimate design of our race? Nay. Lift your eyes above this abjection. Stand on your own feet and proclaim you will use your will to forge the best path you can, with compassion and wisdom, as best as you are capable of. Reach upwards, do not accept your place as a slave in the dirt. Do not let preachers poison your mind with shame that you do not deserve, with blame that you are blameless for. Nature made things bleak, but Nature has gifted us with the small glimmer, the tiniest hope that we can lift ourselves above the lowly stamp of our origin. Reject the false idols of religion, forge your own path in solidarity with your fellow man to carve out an existence worth having in the cold and uncaring universe. Anything less is to squander one of the most precious opportunities to ever exist.

>> No.22891981

Yes traditionally Hell means severe punishments for sins and lack of salvation. Christians were creative in their ideas of torture but it all came back to showing loyalty by being approving of punishment. Spreading progressive images of Hell would probably get you maimed or killed during most of Christian history.

>> No.22892007

>Why do you call the priest father when Jesus literally said “call no man father”
Tbf, not all Christian sects do this.

>> No.22892020

That's not what I said. You built a straw man.

>> No.22892030

All they had to do was not eat from a single fuckin' tree. Smfh senpai.

>> No.22893054

The circumference of the inner rim could easily be 3 while the outer rim is pi, if it's built a certain way. Three-dimensional objects aren't wireframes built out of lines and the inner rim will have a smaller circumference. This ratio of pi to 3 could signify the width of the rim as well.

>> No.22893072

That's one of the worst arguments I've ever seen for your position, anon.

>> No.22893319

>fell for the artistic depictions of hell being literal meme
You probably think Satan is literally a red winged demon too lol. Nowhere in all of the OT/NT does it describe hell as how you or many Christians believe it to be.

I want to insult your intelligence, but I won't. You show a clear lack in understanding of your own religion.

>> No.22893364

John 7 starts with his brothers encouraging him to go up to the Feast of Tabernacles.

>> No.22893376

>Moby Dick say whale is fish
>but reddit say whale is mammal
>book bad

>> No.22893710

I don't think that MD implies that whales lay eggs, he knew they were mammals, he probably just thought that a mammal could also be a fish.

>> No.22894573

Moby-Dick is a work of fiction, anon.

>> No.22894686
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stunning argument, 'tismo

>> No.22894710

You are an Amerimutt who doesn't understand the context of Greek words. Paul uses the same word for "brother" (adelphoi) to apply to numbers of followers of Jesus that are obviously too high to refer to Jesus' biological brothers.

>> No.22894716

No, Christians believe the Bible is the divinely-inspired word of God. They believe in its infallibility because although it was written by men, they were acting in accordance with the Holy Spirit, so it might as well have been written by God.
Jesus being the “word” is just a bad translation of the word Logos. It doesn’t mean Jesus is the “word of God,” instead of the Bible, that doesn’t even make any sense.

>> No.22894721

>No Christian believes that the Bible itself is the word of God
Protestants especially in America literally worship "the Bible" to the point that they adopt willfully contradictory teachings about it to justify their worship.

Hell they don't even worship just the Bible as much as they worship a specific version of the Bible authorized by some sodomite in England.

>> No.22894724
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modern scientific classifications are completely arbitrary anon. the idea that "a thing has to meet this exact criteria to be a bird, and if if it means this other criteria its something else" was non existent in ancient times

>> No.22894762

Mistranslation is the far bigger issue. You’ll have people arguing for decades over the saying “blessed are the meek” when the same word Praeis is used later in Matthew and translated as “humble.”
You can be as skeptical as you want whenever Christians give wildly abstract interpretations of every verse you throw at them, but the mistranslation problem is way more important if we’re going to argue about what the text actually means.

>> No.22894768

Not an issue if the Holy Spirit is guiding into all truth (John 16:13).

>> No.22894795

American Bible worship is pretty strange, it definitely feels blasphemous at times. They worship the Law and base their faith just as much on the Old Testament as the personhood of Jesus. They’re basically Jewish, hence why they act the way they do.

>> No.22894819


>> No.22894888

So there is no such thing as misinterpretation of Jesus’s teachings because of the Holy Spirit? Who’s to say what’s in accordance with the Holy Spirit and what isn’t?
Stupid idea. The Scofield Bible was made with the express purpose of turning American Christians into zionists. I don’t think the Holy Spirit had much of a hand in that.

>> No.22894973
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>Who’s to say what’s in accordance with the Holy Spirit and what isn’t?
The Holy Spirit is to say, obviously. It's not up to any of us, but God. Didn't I just tell you? God is real, so this is entirely possible and indeed happens. In Luke it says this:

"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?"
- Luke 11:9-13.

So then, you might very well have not because you ask not, or because you "ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts." It's as simple as that.

>The Scofield Bible was made with the express purpose of turning American Christians into zionists. I don’t think the Holy Spirit had much of a hand in that.
You'd probably be surprised how many people are too concerned with what others are doing rather than focusing on their own walk, and they never seek guidance from God at all, while seeking the truth as such, studying and praying. In some cases their whole lives perhaps they never do this. It really is that direct, I believe.

>> No.22895276

>Mistranslation is the far bigger issue.
If the Bible is to be believed this issue was caused by God himself with the Tower of Babel.