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22884792 No.22884792 [Reply] [Original]

>0 days without a Lovecraft thread

>> No.22884842

I am reading At the Mountains of Madness. It’s decent horror but I don’t see why this guy deserves a thread 24/7 like he’s Homer or something

>> No.22885037
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Because he's racist and racism is based.

>> No.22885040

I hate racism non ironically. That isn’t cool and epic that he named his cat a potty word or had a hissy fit when he first saw a neighborhood of Brooklyn Italians. It makes him look like an asocial spaz.

>> No.22885056

It was pretty normal to see New York as a new Babylon in which all the races of the earth were being churned up into some indistinct stew. New York was the cloaca gentium, the asshole of races, digesting everyone who came in and shitting out a mongrel race of "New Yorkers." In that way it was a synecdoche for America itself, at least post-Civil War America which had collectively decided to be a cloaca gentium.

This is probably a planned demolition. Use anarcho-tranny to destroy the middle class and upper middle class whites with their proud cultural traditions and desires for autonomy between the elite technocratic minority at the top and the "rising tide of color" (Lothrop Stoddard) at the bottom, let the tide rise and drown all the middle class whites throughout the 20th century, until all that's left is a minority of elites governing a completely indistinct mass. Then cull the mass, leaving only the elites and some kind of slave race or, more likely, variety of races at the bottom. It makes one wonder whether thew whole 19th-21st centuries haven't been in the control of what Rudolf Steiner calls an ahrimanic force, preparing the way for a humanity that has abandoned any concern for essence and transformed itself into a "putty" to be manipulated by Ahriman himself. The elites who think they are going to occupy leadership roles at the end of this process are just useful idiots.

>> No.22885061

I love asocial spazzs