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File: 804 KB, 1200x800, red-pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22883483 No.22883483 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fascinated by the organic rise and fall of the MGTOW, Red Pill, PUA, Neoreaction, and Manosphere spaces. From 2007 - 2017 there was truly a completely grassroots, organic movement of sorts that sprung up entirely on the internet. It wasn't just the big names like Roosh, Roissy, Rollo Tomassi, Vox Day, SoSuave, Aaron Clarey, Moldbug, SoSuave, Mystery, Return of Kings, r/theredpill - it was literally 1000s of independent blogs, self-published books, social media posts, etc.

I think the manosphere and its associated thinkers influenced modern discourse a lot more than is commonly thought. Everything from "incelism" to Trumpism to modern New Conservatism in the USA to "game" being a common word to "lifting culture" was heavily influenced by the manosphere movement. To me it's fascinating because it seemed to simply fade away as organically as it arose. I'd be curious to hear other's thoughts on this, as to cause, where it went, if it disappeared or was merely subsumed, etc.

>> No.22883508

It's the reactionary movement to third wave feminism. Both are equally worthless.

>> No.22883529

fpbp and /thread

>> No.22883533

I agree that it was primarily a reactionary movement but I don't think it's "worthless" merely in the sense of cultural influence: it laid the groundwork for the 2015+ "alt right" Trump movement, as well as provided a lexicon that was co-opted by everyone from Peterson to Tate to Destiny to Rogan and other 100s of millions of followers of them; purely in that sense, for popularizing things like game and "alpha/beta" and "don't get married" and pickup, it's notable. Even politicians like Vance and Hawley and Cotton have borrowed a lot of policy ideas and talking points from the movement.

>> No.22883551

Dumb shallow marxoid retard

>> No.22883559

And what happened in 2017? Beginning of the incel crisis. The red pill is just a phase between the blue pill and the black pill.

>> No.22883561

What's also interesting to me is how it's essentially completely faded away. 99% of all the above mentioned blogs and authors, even the ones who published multiple books, are completely gone with no trace essentially.

>> No.22883564

All those people are worthless and the world would be better without them

>> No.22883584

>incel crisis
I think the manosphere/redpill movement was a early reaction against the demographic, economic, technological, and social trends which will lead to the coming Western depopulation crisis of the 2030s and 40s; the blackpill, which stemmed from the PUA/manosphere/MGTOW/Dark Enlightenment spaces and is fundamentally derivative, is essentially an acceptance of these trends.

>> No.22883667


>> No.22883688

>picking up women and men going their own way is reactionary
the absolute state of the Western man

if western men are opressed by women is their own fault because of their own Stocholm syndrome

>> No.22883692

I'm oppressed by your spelling, mate.

>> No.22883714

Everybody consuming that content grew up, and either found their own way or didn't. Then a new generation around the same age as they were started consuming similar content independently, from new creators.

>> No.22883730

>What's also interesting to me is how it's essentially completely faded away
It didn't fade away. It just became something else.
The message was sent. The work is done.
We're yet to see fully the ill outcome of decades of misguided public policies.
As this anon is saying here>>22883584

>> No.22883748

Roastie hands typed this post

>> No.22883753

I also said third wave feminism is worthless but whatever your ideology tells you.

>> No.22883771

Public policy might have had some effects on our relationships and the breaking up of the family particularly for minority groups, but a lot of this is just the natural course of human progress (progress in this sense meaning accumulation of wealth and technological advancement). It wasn’t public policy that gave women independence, it was factories, and it isn’t public policy that made women all but unattainable for a majority of men it was the internet. Frankly I think it is a good thing, the end game of this process is a replacement for women.

>> No.22883792

I think that to an extent many of these ideas were a long time coming and just met their eventual pinnacle to now. I think a large amount of people growing up saw many miserable marriages for instance, and learned to at least be more cautious about what you get involved in. So you have many individuals who experience similar things in youth then grow up and just start agreeing with eachother about all that. I guess I'm trying to say that it goes back further. Redpill is the umbrella term it took on, things are not as they made it seem the world is actually different.. Plus the fact that yeah third wave feminism (and current radfems who are crazy) are obsessed with cutting men's balls to make them "civilized."

Right now it seems like both the manosphere and feminists are converging in their repudiation of the old wanton ways. Feminists are coming full circle and are posing their arguments as anything that gives a man satisfaction is slavery for them, and so they want sex work banned and age of consent to be higher. While the men also want a more modest space, you see some of these dudes clinging to Islam or Catholicism, health + fitness has gotten more extreme, oh and both sides seem to be very forward about their prejudices. This is all gleaned from shitter btw so perhaps I'm way off or just looking at irrelevant shit. But I do tend to think it is what it is and where you find some, you'll probably find lots more in other places.

>> No.22883794

I haven't showered in 6 days and my dick smells like death

>> No.22883806

NRx was the most interesting of the lot to me, mostly because they seemed to have a vision of a world beyond the struggle. Everybody was doing critique, everybody was criticizing the liberal order, not everybody was envisioning what might replace it. The fundamental principle that the future might be built in a way that used the past as a guide for what to do felt compelling.

>> No.22883811

As you're suggesting with your tense it was stillborn. The problem of where to go is overrated when you haven't figured out how to leave where you are, and NRx wssn't willing to be honest about how to do that.

>> No.22883825

I agree that neoreaction was probably the most intellectually substantial of the movements. It seemed to take a lot of different threads and link them together, though not cohesively. I'm forgetting how much it was linked both to crypto-futurism and HBD a la Land/Charles Murray. I think there is a lot of innovation in connecting Carlyle, von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Spengler, Mencken, etc. Additionally neoreaction wasn't hostile to social thinkers like Illich, Putnam, Dalrymple but fundmentally it remained disjointed - it was the bastard child of anarcholibertarian thinkers, Objectivism, "rad trad" sedevacantism, and modern PUA/redpill lingo.

Interestingly enough for all its lack of substance I think whole institutes a la Cato/City Journal/Claremont via Tucker Carlson, Anton, BAP etc. are basically descendants of Moldbug and online NRx blogs.

>> No.22883830
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24 yo American woman here. After I graduated from Wellesley I needed to find myself, and decided to forgo yoga training and travel the world and write about my experiences and the impact they have on my life. (I haven't been outside the country since I volunteered in Costa Rica for a week in during the summer in High School, where I learned how hard some people have it).

I've been all over Europe (s/o to Truow!) and I'm currently in Barcelona, where I love the incredible architecture, the breathtaking art history, the luscious music, the exquisite tapas, the vibrant nightlife and the chance to explore my sexuality with the interesting people I meet. The freedom is like nothing I've experienced before. Everybody should experience this, and I think there's no doubt that travel makes you a richer person.

I recently got this tattoo in cool parlor after clubbing in Kreuzberg (in Berlin) (this is me on a beach in Morocco), which I think defines the kind of character I want to be. It reminds me never to take things for granted because we all face challenges, and no matter how hard life can seem, you need to stay grounded.

>> No.22883831

I'll add on to this that the weakness of the manosphere was that it was fundamentally conservative, even if it often rejected conservative politics. It was always "standing athwart of history and yelling stop" and that's why the nihilistic, individualist-focused blackpill was the endgame. It never envisioned a substantial picture of modern community life that adapted to economic and cultural realities besides "RETVRN" and that's probably why it burned itself out.

>> No.22883835

Yes. Technology plays a part on this definitely.
But there's also a dire culture and awful laws passed on by foolish congressmen to boot.
And you know, them boomers won't live to see the florishing of their mistakes, but their scarce children will suffer its consequencies regardless.

And certain aspects aren't new at all:
"Under Augustus, the leges Juliae of 18–17 BC attempted to elevate both the morals and the numbers of the upper classes in Rome and to increase the population by encouraging marriage and having children (lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus). They also established adultery as a private and public crime (lex Julia de adulteriis).
To encourage population expansion, the leges Juliae offered inducements to marriage and imposed penalties upon the celibate. Augustus instituted the "Law of the three sons" which held those in high regard who produced three male offspring. Marrying-age celibates and young widows who would not marry were prohibited from receiving inheritances and from attending public games."

I'm waiting for a new Augustus. I'd write for another Augustus.
I hate playing Mr. Mores. I'm not exactly an upright citizen. But I fail to see a good byproduct to all of this.

>> No.22883838

very much the general ethos the manosphere was reacting against kek.

>> No.22883839

God, I fucking hate internet "culture".

>> No.22883843

What do you like?

>> No.22884033

If you are looking for historical parallels you may be interested in the Libertine movement pre-enlightenment. As to the "rise and fall" aspect I will say this as something of a hedonist, but hedonism is rarely concerned with sustainability, only some hedonists develop the insight needed to achieve a sustainable model for their preferred tastes, the rest are literally operating on a "right here right now" operandi. The moniker may not apply to everyone who contributed to the movement but it does to the vast majority of them, the endgame of pure hedonism is usually nihilism. This has been documented for most of history and even the Greeks had trouble trying to break this circuit of thinking. To put this in 4chin lingo this is analogous to the red pill to black pill shift. If a hedonist can achieve the insight needed to build a sustainable model they usually exit the hedonist loop as an Epicurean. I will give the movement credit for how long it was able to go but I am not surprised by the end result.

>> No.22884085

Nature, old books, old music, old movies.

>> No.22884176

>grassroots, organic movement
lol beta men who live to please women are just cringe

>> No.22884244


>> No.22884309 [DELETED] 

it didn't "fade away" organically, mgtow was banned from every platform. there is like one forum for it left. i'm not sure what was so threatening about dudes not wanting to get married or be simps. i guess it pissed off both feminists and tradcucks so got attacked from every side.

>> No.22884511

the “red pill” is more popular than ever, or the manosphere in general. the difference is that it is almost entirely focused on the relationship and dating spaces. have you not heard of Andrew Tate? even some of the old guard like Rollo is more popular than ever thanks to YouTube, but he’s been reduced to a shock jock with tiktok clips.
you guys are confused about it dying because all of the political analysis about the bankers, race realism, anything beyond the standard GOP voter’s mind wasn’t really essential. and all of the more “intellectual” attempts at philosophy were worthless. nobody gives a shit about moldbug or molyneux. although, there are still guys in that mode that are slightly successful in their private hugboxes. the Bronze Age pervert guy, kantbot, icycalm.
there is even a counter reactionary aspect among women (mostly black women who are now propagandizing all the other women) to become the best gold diggers possible in response to the red pill

>> No.22884522

One more thing…you didn’t hear it from me, but the FBI has COINTELPRO files on pretty much every major manosphere guy

>> No.22884557

One can't help but feel that the manosphere was made to make men hate women the way neo-feminism was made to make women hate men.

>> No.22884559


>> No.22884565

Lel leftists say the darnedest things

>> No.22884597

Would that actually surprise anyone? Of course our benevolent intelligent services keep tabs on dangerous domestic terrorists.

>> No.22884612

>Of course our benevolent intelligent services keep tabs on dangerous domestic terrorists.
This, like parents of children. https://www.wsj.com/articles/about-those-domestic-terrorists-national-school-boards-association-merrick-garland-memo-fbi-11635285900

>> No.22884636

I'm not even American, but that makes perfect sense. Most competent state-sec organizations also keep tabs on gym/dojo owners and any religious clergy. They are community hubs, you get intel on tons of people through them, order of magnitude more efficient than sifting through sand for individual schizos or spies.

>> No.22884639

If by organic fall you mean that the vast majority of it was banned everywhere or utterly demonized unless they left or totally changed everything about their content.

All for the crime of saying that men shouldn't kill themselves when they are fucked by the unfair family court system.
For the crime of saying you shouldn't sacrifice yourself for a system that only wants to use you up and abuse you while you get nothing out of it in return.
That you shouldn't revolve your life around trying to make a woman happy, even to your utter destruction.

But all that shit is lost.
Now it's all alpha male bullshit about being a high value man being sold to teenagers who don't know any better.
Rather than saving lives and convincing men who are in the darkest parts of their existent not to end it all. That they have value. That life has value, and that value isn't measured by external shit like the women on your arm, the toys in your garage, or money in your bank account. Since all that shit can be wiped away in seconds due to shit you have no control over. It's the truth that you still have value even without all that stuff. That life is still worth living without all that stuff.
God damn it, it was at it's core about living your life for yourself since it's the only thing you have for certain in this often cruel and unfair world. Not because it will get you laid or finally be cool or some other dumb bullshit. But because everything else can be taken away or used to hurt and enslave you.

But people don't or won't get it because it's not in their intrest to get it.
Nope, gets in the way of grifting in one way or another so shut it down. Make shit up, and misrepresent.

God I hate when people bring up this topic now days. They don't know shit and aren't intrested in the truth.

>> No.22884669

>Now it's all alpha male bullshit about being a high value man being sold to teenagers who don't know any better.
Well, duh. They guys figured out that inventing a genitals market and selling themselves as marketing experts on it to every guy who wants more poon is more profitable than helping depressed dudes. Helping depressed people is a bad business overall, they take a lot and don't spend much, that's why no institutions ever give a shit about them, at best it's about grifting from their relatives with bullshit rehab or bullshit pills.

>Nope, gets in the way of grifting in one way or another so shut it down.
Nobody shut it down, the authors and gurus did it themselves - they decided to live their live for themselves, which in their case means seeking the most efficient ways to convert their gullible audience into money to spend on hookers and blow.

>> No.22884705

>Nobody shut it down,
You weren't around for all the bans then.
Some like TFM are still on alt-tech but banned from everythiing mainstream.
Others like RGE totally changed their content
But a lot of others gave up after being banned a few times from every major platform.

>> No.22884797

Why are you pumping neoreactionaries with incels? Moldbug's writings were about monarchy, not masculinity tips for the autistic.

>> No.22884810
File: 177 KB, 1400x1400, curtis-yarvin-cz54HvpYZWP-_mIaodNpDAO.1400x1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you lumping neoreactionaries with incels? Moldbug's writings were about monarchy, not masculinity tips for the autistic.

>> No.22884816

Why are you lumping neoreactionaries with incels? Moldbug's writings were about monarchy, not masculinity tips for the autistic.

>> No.22884865
File: 39 KB, 801x590, IMG_0125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you lumping neoreactionaries with incels? Moldbug's writings were about monarchy, not masculinity tips for the autistic.

>> No.22884868 [DELETED] 

haha moldburg you shill yourself on this site you wake up with fleas deal with it

>> No.22884871

Why are you lumping neoreactionaries with incels? Moldbug's writings were about monarchy, not masculinity tips for the autistic.

>> No.22884876

>Moldbug's writings were about monarchy, not masculinity tips for the autistic.
the target audience for both is dorky teenage boys

>> No.22885151
File: 81 KB, 640x360, ffedfa875602d61dafcf57e6346ec979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are obsessed with cutting men's balls to make them "civilized."
>anything that gives a man satisfaction is slavery for them
May I ask where you hear these things?For context I'm an actual Leftist, I have a great deal of friends who are trannies, gay, nonwhite, etc, etc.
The only places I ever see claims like this are 4chan and the occasional gun enthusiast podcast. Never from the people they're about.

>> No.22885161

That's a big room

>> No.22885164

You don't have a job? Why would you want to go so long without showering?

>> No.22885171
File: 70 KB, 750x513, mh-60r-aoew-anechoic-test-chamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad Anons have to sleep in the Helicopter Spike Chamber
>Verification not required.

>> No.22885175

This manmade horror is beyond my comprehension

>> No.22885198

>the incel crisis.

>> No.22885249

The correct board for this is /r9k/

>> No.22885319

I love how Moldbug had a freakout when the Supreme Court overturned Roe. You'll notice a lot of these guys are very uncomfortable with social conservatism and religiously-motivated actions, for all their claims to be right-wing. It's a tell that they can't necessarily be trusted, because what's more "traditional" than the Church?

>> No.22885512

a large amount of these guys wrote books. Unqualified Reservations, Game, Bang, The Rational Male, Enjoy the Decline, The Game, No More Mr. Nice Guy - many of the manosphere figures wrote extensively, some were quite successful (Rational Male for example has likely sold millions of copies on Amazon)

>> No.22885523

Not to mention that there were also plenty of essays written. Seven or so years ago you could find numerous websites that hosted essays of cultural critique, observation, and theorizing about the way forward. Social Matter, Thermidor, Jacobite, places like that. The whole scene was actually surprisingly literary, in that the written word was the primary means of communicating ideas. Videos weren't really a thing back then.

>> No.22885526

I think most of these men matured and realised there were bigger battles and the sources of struggle in their youth were from the loss of tradition, identity, religion, etc. Game could get you laid but it couldn't make your life feel worth living.

>> No.22885667

blackpill (genetic determinism) is better

>> No.22885676

I'm a leftist but don't associate with the rejects you associate with

>> No.22885684

theres nothing organic about the "fall," youtube started aggressively banning and hiding all videos and only showing fake "prank adjacent" style videos of "funny pickup lines on girl at mall". when rsd got banned was around the time it happened. google and reddit and others did similarly and ruined it as a movement by making it extremely hard to get visibility and traction

>> No.22886173

>You weren't around for all the bans then.
This. Some people were banned while others just saw the "Heat" approaching, and wisely exited.

>> No.22886395

A nice message but being poor is one of the worst things you can experience. Better to tell men they need to stack it, I loathe the hippy faggots and retarded moral niggers who told me otherwise as a youngin.

>> No.22886419

Meh you're just a natsoc egg

>> No.22886431

yeah but you're supposed to do honest work instead of scamming others. i get it, the economy these days doesn't make that an easy feat, but still.

>> No.22886432

I guess Stalin was a Nazi too. What a nuanced and enriched view of history you have.

>> No.22886435

>socialism in one country
>removed jews from positions of authority

>> No.22886439

Thanks for the 80iq take. You people make leftism look like a joke.

>> No.22886440

>seemed to simply fade away as organically as it arose.
Yeah if you see being aggressively deplatformed and hounded by journo rats as fading away organically.

>> No.22886457

Unqualified Reservations, Thermidor, Social Matter and Jacobite are all NRx publications. They have almost nothing to do with the PUA shit.

>> No.22886480

It's kind of strange how it feels like nothing is really going on at the moment in the zeitgeist, despite all the things that have happened since then, and despite the fact that the factors which provoked the emergence of these movements haven't really gone away or even backed down but rather worsened across the board. Things have only gotten worse but it is as if people have accepted it as the new normal. It's like we collectively decided to roll the clock back to the late 00s, early 2010s consensus and pretend as if nothing had happened since then.

>> No.22886490

People realized that the state isn't weak and is in fact willing to use any level of subterfuge and violence to maintain power. What can you do? There is no political solution and state secret police means you can't discuss physical solutions.

>> No.22886508

I'm not talking about politics, I'm talking about culture. Things haven't been this consensual in a long while, probably not since the 90s.

>> No.22886518

There is no political solution -> there is no cultural solution
It isn't consensual just because it's quiet, many knobs have been turned to quiet down or isolate dissidence

>> No.22886521

I don't think anything has been rolled back. The social fabric is just torn to shreds. Men aren't naturally inclined towards being players and achievers, they're naturally inclined towards being indolent and degenerate. Selling them on a grand narrative of personal and collective accomplishment is a difficult task that comes at massive cost, it doesn't just happen by itself. Things will just keep on rotting until the third world is everywhere is my prediction.

>> No.22886533

NRx has always been connected to the manosphere, specifically the MGTOW and crypto and HBD overlap. Moldbug/Hestia Society were both heavily influenced by Steve Sailer andF Roger Devlin who are manosphere adjacent

>> No.22886561

Ironically, 4chan is organically taking the only actionable solution, which is to spread cynicism and undermine trust in the establishment. At a critical mass of distrust, it will simply collapse or become weak enough to easily topple.

The only way they can counter this is by outlawing criticism, which will just make people trust the government even less. They know they are on the clock, which is why they've picked up the pace on poisoning the population.

>> No.22886576

By that logic Stirner was a Marxist.

>> No.22886582

Body without organs, the capital keeps flowing to target markets and doesn’t give a fuck fuck you no changes needed

>> No.22886606

This is also why their continued push at demoralisation will be their undoing. They continue giving people something to complain about. If they stopped being sadistic bastards, most dissidence would vanish over night.

>> No.22886878

The struggle and preserving of the well-being of a new generation of young men to understand and warn society oblivious to the reckless behaviour of women advocated by feminists, pop culture, pop psychology, society and "white knights" (later known as simps).

>> No.22887101
File: 91 KB, 997x665, flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem of where to go is overrated when you haven't figured out how to leave where you are, and NRx wssn't willing to be honest about how to do that.

It's because they were all still too patriotic, and thus were blinded by the fact that the only way we move forward--whether "we" is men, Christians, the West, Europe, humanity in general--is by getting rid of the United States.

Any real future is going to HAVE to be a post-American future. The United States is the clog in the drain of history, sticking everything in place like Fukuyama's wet dream. The United States is going to have to be gotten rid of for a new era of history to dawn, and for things to start moving and growing and changing again. That is the flaw in NRx you mentioned; they were so caught up in "fixing" the United States that they didn't realize you CAN'T fix the United States in the way they want, because the United States is the source of all their problems to begin with.

Anyone hoping for a brave new world should be rooting for the downfall of the United States.

>> No.22887110

Shut the fuck up, Ahmed.

>> No.22887121

>Organic Fall

>> No.22887122

makes sense to me but the trouble is, it's not guaranteed that whatever will replace it will be necessarily good. instead of augustus rallying the proles for the new american empire, we could just get the formalism of progressivism with diversive and inclusive gulags run by tranissaries.

>> No.22887124

>Organic Fall

>> No.22887169

Yes, all you are able to do is repeat your assertions. Complete inability to engage. No nuance. Presumed to be lobotomized.

>> No.22887259

I don't think it really died, Andrew Tate is like a neo-redpiller. Get rich and strong so that you can prove your superiority, women are a means to becoming superior rather than the end, women are good status symbols and pleasure objects but nothing more, don't value the law or knowledge unless they're helping you crush your competition, etc. A lot of manosphere guys became crypto guys and are now either AI guys or anti-conservative rightists.
Looksmaxxing, which is mainstream among zoomers, is like the synthesis of manosphere and incel thinking. They accept the incel framing of life (sexual activeness is what makes someone human and anyone who disagrees is a coping failure, aesthetic defects make you subhuman, attractiveness is the only thing that people really care about in others and this is solely determined by genetic traits because they show innate superiority or inferiority, women will no longer tolerate any imperfection because of dating apps so neurosis over your flaws is always correct, etc.) but have the redpiller mindset of manipulating people to win, but instead of "studying game" and intentionally developing dark triad traits, they're into jaw implants, hair transplants, using bots to make them look more popular on social media, using shoe lifts to look taller and so on.

>> No.22887423

what can make you feel a life worth living? just basic build a family or help others?

>> No.22887524
File: 98 KB, 1280x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but he's right. Third wave feminists and "manosphere" faggots are cut from the same cloth of retarded millennial filth that can't get their shit together and therefore can't grow up and therefore feel compelled to blame others for their shortcomings like bratty children. To be fair, computer technology and the internet transformed the path to maturity in radical ways and millennials are the "lost" generation as a result of this, but these groups are the ones who refuse to go to therapy and really put in the effort to adapt, mature, and become socially responsible.

>> No.22887527

>go to therapy
Cringe lmao. Especially on this board, can there be anything more cringe to a reader than trust the experts? We are experts here retard.

>> No.22887533

You're right, therapy is cringe. Third wave feminists and "manosphere" faggots are even MORE cringe than therapy, though, which means it's perfect for them. When you're a manchild / womanchild who can't get your shit together on your own, you need a parental figure to spank your ass and give you direction in life.

>> No.22887647


>> No.22888888


>> No.22888896


>> No.22889406

I feel like genetic determinism is too strict and needs environmental consideration to be valid. Like your height and looks aren't purely genetic but an interaction between your genes and upbringing including the chemicals your mother was exposed to while you were in utero, or how much nutrition you got in your childhood.

>> No.22889620


>> No.22890209

Get fucked boomer cunt. Your generation is a piece of shit and so are your piece of shit pets. A Millennial is way more mature than your average boomer toddler. You are going to wish that you never supported a single letter of neoliberalism, 3rd wave feminism and globalisation.

>> No.22890211

How in the fuck is this off-topic blog post still up?

>> No.22891106

Dafuq you mean? There is more petty division than ever. No one can stop bitching about anything

>> No.22891198

You have it easier than boomers ever did, yet you still choose to be a whiny dipshit. Guess that's what happens when you're born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you don't learn gratitude.

>> No.22891930


>> No.22891985

only half of the boomers suck ass and they at least made this world despite refusing to share it, millennials are just a failed generation altogether and did nothing of value. if anything they actively harmed it by centralizing the internet into corporations via web 2.0.

>> No.22891998

I don't get why people blame generations for what is a feature of Capital.

>> No.22892192

America's future Caesar is probably a Millennial.

>> No.22892199

Dont make me laugh fuckface. T
Boomers made nothing. It was all handed to them by the Greatest and Silent generations. They are degenerate slobs, you are a degerate slob.

>> No.22892552

Maybe it's because the generation became near-synonymous with both America and Capital

>> No.22892681

There is no such thing as "capital" and basically nothing happening has anything to do with "capitalism"

>> No.22893361

I think the manosphere was a victim of its own success: see Trumpism

>> No.22894091

It was men who liberated women over the course of several centuries. Women never had their "revolution," they only ever just adopt the beliefs of men in power. This is why MGTOW is retarded. They blame women for the modern state of dating, for divorce rates and birth rates, for butch feminism, for female hypergamy... except, men created all this, and INTENTIONALLY so.

>> No.22894150

All feminism is worthless. Until every man of breeding age has a complimentary wife there is no justice in the world.

>> No.22894154

He likes having sex with his male relatives

>> No.22894161

Skill issue

>> No.22894169

Good thing we’re too geographically isolated for you to do anything, retard. I’ve noticed the internet right went from “fuck the Jews” to “fuck America” in a matter of a few years. Just get circumcised and marry your cousins already.

>> No.22894182

The FBI is also a waste of taxpayer money

>> No.22894317

>complimentary wife
Just buy a fleshlight. You'll get the same experience, since a woman forced to have sex with you will love you as much as plastic does.

>> No.22894512

Except a flashlight can’t give you sons

>> No.22894552

I'm not sure if there's a name for it, but these things always last a certain amount of time, and the main beliefs that make up the group philosophy comes from a few big players. At some point, these people leave and the group changes or dissolves, and something new shows up in its place, generally more polished but less authentic. People emulate the main message, but for the purpose of making money rather than eliciting some kind of social change.

Most of the content that made up the manosphere was genuine emotional reactions to a perceived problem. This has been replaced with something more cultivated. You can see similar phenomena with things like ARGs, which used to be a real thing but exist solely in the realm of youtube theorists, a subreddit and probably some discord conversations. There's more interest in what it looks like than what it is, and the newcomers can't tell the difference because they never saw what it was before it changed. You can also see this with the resurgence of fashion from other times, music that incorporates old tropes, and a hundred other things.

>> No.22894592

What's the point of having sons in the modern age when there's no woman who loves you around?

>> No.22894891

Agree. Another big shift was from anonymity in the manosphere (ie true believers) to "brands" (Tate, Peterson, Fresh n Fit, etc). The days of pseudonyms on Roosh V Forum and Blogger producing essay length in depth political and social analysis is long gone. Now it's all monetization and clicks.

>> No.22894964

Absolute retard

>> No.22894977

>women all but unattainable for a majority of men it was the internet
incel shit is the definition of "i have an issue so therefore everyone must have it"

>> No.22896206

Please explain to be what good faith engagement with "roastie hands typed this post" looks like.

>> No.22896249

Feminism is the only good thing happening from 200 years of democracy.
Feminism is good because it destroy the grotesque male narrative that men are the stronger sex. The truth is that women sit at the top of the sex market. Women are sex capitalists. It's women who organize the competition . It's men who compete for women and not women who compete for men. So they are right to be very strict about the rules. And since they are the queens, and 99% of men just live to provide for them, they have the luxury of rebuking any male quest they want and imposing on men various duties.
The even bigger picture is that Men never really managed to tame the female sexual cravings. Women cannot be contained in coats of conventions, the female sexual libido is too strong and too violent for this. A women is pure sexual energy. When she discovers this, when she peels off the phony social layers, she merges with her true whorish self and she will never ever be the same.
This is why all societies are flawed inherently. And it doesn't help that all men are eager to please women sexually and non-sexually. democracy is even worse.

>> No.22896254

I love how americans seethe when they are told the historical fact that they have no history, no culture. America is just a country for the british bourgeois tax evaders to base society on GDP kek. It's pathetic that all americans have in their shitty life is the romanticisation of bourgeois democracy

>> No.22896264

yeah aside from 1765-1955 there was never any american history or culture clearly. what is called america today has nothing at all to do with the historic american nation and actively despises it, there's no reason to confuse the two unless you're a retarded mongrel.

>> No.22896315

Travel is only good if you can afford it and I’m pretty sure you sucked off a few dudes so they’d pay your expenses.

>> No.22896318

Women should be forbidden to touch money in all cases.

>> No.22896320

Why do we even need a history, mudshit? Serious question. The time is now, old “man”

>> No.22896759

>Do whatever you want in this life as long as it makes you happy, fuck what anyone tells you
>No consideration of things like social responsibility, sacrifice or restraint
When did the main objective of life in the West become about pleasure?
Many claim it started with the French Revolution (or the 1960s) but when I was younger this was not how things were. Zoomers were not around for it, which is why they lash out when it's mentioned, and bring up relatively minor issues of the past (housewives on pills, or 1 out of 10,000,000 Americans being a serial killer in 1980) as if that was present in every family or something that completely shaped the society.

>> No.22896917

My work is closed thru Jan and I never shower the whole month.

>> No.22896921

2/3 of men 18-30 don’t have sex

>> No.22896929

There's no way this is actually true

>> No.22897008

The only people who doubt it are impotent seething commies. To think they could have championed the issues of straight men and had an army on their hands like no other, to think in all their century of efforts to inorganically create popular revolt these internet weirdos just came and inorganically (as you inceltears people believe) rallied the majority of young men to their cause in just a few short years.

>> No.22897025

i didnt say i am a victim of sorts only that the subject is interesting. keep coping.

>> No.22897030


>> No.22897041

Post proof or fuck off

>> No.22897051
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>it was over

>> No.22897053

Redpill is just an extension of the blue pill. The naive belief that you can through hard work earn women's attraction. That women's attraction can be measured by how much you lift or make money or practice day game. It's a dangerous belief that leads to men embarrassing themselves. It's not far away from bluepill which tells you to smile and be positive to attract ladies.

Being blackpilled is much safer. You know for sure whether women are attracted to you or not, and you dont need to make yourself a fool by trying to hit on women with silly day game.

>> No.22897056
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>before it even began

>> No.22897066

>Being blackpilled is much safer. You know for sure whether women are attracted to you or not
Every blackpill guy has some sort of mental illness that makes them obsessed with the angle of his cheekbones and shit like that, it's never a lucid assessment of how one actually looks

>> No.22897072
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if you're going to do anything
do it for yourself not others

>> No.22897075

Every redpill guy has some sort of mental illness that makes them obsessed with the amount of plates they can lift and shit like that, it's never a lucid assessment of how one actually lifts.

t. lifts to impress women

>> No.22897094
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like bringing peeza to my mouf?

>> No.22897213

I was a consumer of this content and shared most of the "redpill"-views. What made me lose interest was that after a while it just becomes a self-pitying circle jerk. After you've pitied yourself long and raged against society for long enough you have to start thinking "ok, so I'm not happy. What steps can I take to actually be happy then?". So I started to try to fix my own shit and keep to my own morals (if 99% of women are dirty disgusting roasties that are worth jack shit, then you just have to try extra hard to find that 1% of women that aren't, wherever they may be). After I fixed my own life and found a good woman to marry I didn't really have the time or inclination to sit around watching this kind of content (not as much, anyway).

>> No.22897221

In ten years, males that haven't had sex by the age of 18 will be offered castration/euthanasia since they're a burden on themselves and wider society. This is a positive development.

>> No.22897294

You want mass rape?

>> No.22897395

>When did the main objective of life in the West become about pleasure?
This reminds me of Orwell's review of Mein Kampf. He said that Hitler was so popular in Germany because he figured out "the falsity of the hedonistic attitude of life" that gripped the West. People feel much more alive living for the sake of something greater than themselves, be it for the sake of other people or a great cause. But today, this is considered fascist rhetoric used by politicians and grifters, and I think many people think that being a hedonist is at least better than being a fascist. For me, it's hard to listen to a phrase like "be a good American citizen for your country" without cringing in disgust, even though it should be common sense.

>> No.22897430

You wouldn’t do shit. You’d just sit and take the abuse.

>> No.22897458

Probably won't happen, young people are needed to pay for boomer pensions. The solution will probably be premium AI chatbots with expensive monthly subscriptions so that these guys are forced to work.
I do expect that sex-selective abortion against men will become normalized though.

>> No.22897477

I dunno maybe just kill the boomers

>> No.22897481

The only reason rape is illegal is because people care too much about the sentiments of females. Like who gives a shit?

>> No.22897484

You can “cope” a feel of my nutsack, nigger

>> No.22897486


>> No.22897493


I was reading all that stuff from about 2012 until Trump's election. It was perfectly clear to me that Trump was the culmination and vindication of all of it (never apologize, stand out from the crowd, people are naturally disgusted by scrawny bespectacled blue-haired men, all that sort of thing). Also, Obama being weak on ISIS and letting ebola into the country toward the end didn't help his side.

I especially enjoyed the atheistic nihilism with which Roissy approached his subject matter. He understood that we are all just concatenatations of atoms and that nature is excessively cruel. Dennis Mangan was more sober, but interesting. I never gave moldbug the time of day, always hated his stupid sci-fi references that he'd insert into his claptrap.

>> No.22897497

Women don’t actually have opinions, they only get wet from the first guy who is physically imposing upon them. The big problem is the state was created to intervene on their behalf.

>> No.22897507

Rape is a form of violent assault that can spread disease and leave the victim pregnant with the criminal's kid, thinking it's illegal simply because women find it distasteful is dumb.

>> No.22897509
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>> No.22897516

Roissy just sounds like updated Hobbes, devoid of originality. But I was there too, I was exiting my 20s at the time. However, nu atheism started to lose its appeal as it was clear those same “bespectacled, blue haired men” just preached that gospel from the other side of the political aisle, just with a normal hair color. But at the bottom of it, they were still the same geeks as the leftoids. I say this as someone who grew up scrawny and had those glasses in high school. I mean I don’t disregard all nerdy things (I’m a massive philosophy and history geek) but the pedantry became too much to bear.

>> No.22897521

The latter is a non-issue and the former can be taken care of with some personal responsibility, something few women are acquainted with, but men should know better.

You look like that and say that

>> No.22897534

you never read heartiste kek. the 16 laws of poon is one of the greatest short game texts ever written, took me from being a loser to getting every gf I had, up to my current fiancee.

>> No.22897546

decline of the moral majority (which tbf they kinda brought on themselves by focusing on the wrong things) + decline of decent unionized working class jobs so parents can't impart wisdom on their kids anymore + everything sucks now and doesn't seem like it'll get better without something major so can you really blame hedonists for wanting to drown it out?

>> No.22897666

nah most men shouldn't reproduce.

>> No.22897965

This sounds like a plot to a Houellebecq novel.

>> No.22897979

Is the burgerpill the actual final pill?

>> No.22897985

are you on about this?


I just read this shit and I will be good with girls?

>> No.22899182

Probably worried about black reproduction rates

>> No.22899351

Good goy. That’s what it boils down to you, for you at least. You have no argument you just hate men.

>> No.22899360

Who? I’ve had plenty of sex. I don’t know why I’m required to justify that to you, as it’s clear I’ve struck a nerve with a lot of “people” here.

>> No.22899364

I mean it would be if you have an inane impotent rage towards us, which its pretty apparent most people here do. Not my problem, though.

>> No.22899806

that's a good start. read Game, Bang, Day Bang, Models, No More Mr. Nice Guy, and When I Say No I Feel Guilty. Go from there

>> No.22899810

it's obvious you know jack shit about anything related to manosphere and PUA content. the classic stuff, not garbage like Peterson and Tate. Jefferies, RSD, etc. There's a lot of gold there and you can basically learn seductive, charisma, social skills, and good mental health from ground zero just by reading that basic content. Believe me or not, I don't care, but you zoomers only know
from youtube and discord and tiktok.

>> No.22899842

I’m 41. I’m aware of Bernard Chapin, Thinking Ape, Sandman, et al. Don’t try and act so condescending to me, college faggot. And a lot of that shit can’t be learned, especially if you have a developmental condition. It’s just snake oil to me. Dumb self-help nonsense with zero theoretical basis.

>> No.22899847

When you say Western depopulation are you referring to the great replacement conspiracy?

>> No.22899865

Just the chin, the only thing that matters to women really, all things fall behind the chin. You can be tall and incel, you can be rich and incel, you can be tough and incel, you absolutely cannot have a strong chin and be incel

>> No.22899866

Leftists will say this out of one side of their mouth but then berate you for implying women lack mental agency

>> No.22899870

Economics makes leftism look like a joke because it is retard

>> No.22899887
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, usi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jews are so deeply entrenched in 21st century America that for all intents and purpose the two have become interchangeable. The Jews are America. America is Jewish. Blue or red, it doesn't really matter. That is why I agree with what the previous anon posted - the USA's downfall is absolutely necessary. Like excising a cancerous tumor. The Jews have perfectly co-opted America's large influence to spread poison across the entire world. Your country is long gone, American. It is a shame.

>> No.22899897

America is also the home of the only genuine antijewish values, like freedom

>> No.22899964

Nobody outside of image board bubbles even heard of any of this.

>> No.22899967

Depends of what you define as "freedom". A country like Japan is hardly free by American standards, but it is not a shithole and is still holding out against Jewish influence, although less so these days, since American culture is so strong there. But I'd argue that America itself has long ceased to be the home of the free. Your freedom lasts as long as it doesn't go against Goldstein's interests. But I guarantee you will feel more free in one of the Eastern European shitholes, like Romania and Bulgaria, or Greece, where governments are weaker and the laws loosely enforced, yet not to the point where you life and livelihood are in danger. Same could be said about countries like Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Civilization still exists, yet it is not suffocated by Jewish agenda. Unfortunately, that has already started to take root over there as well. And that is in large part due to the cultural influence of the United States. Deliberate act, of course. Deracination is woven into the essence of America's politics and cultural exports. Places like the UK, Belgium, and Sweden have already fallen victim to it. It will happen all over the Westernised world eventually, unless stopped soon. Which is why I said I agree with the previous anon. Perhaps Americans can take their country back from the Jewish lobby, but I just can't see it happening.

>> No.22899982

I forgot to mention that in the countries I pointed out there still exist things like local communities, traditional families and gender roles, and national pride. All things that Jews deeply despise.

>> No.22899995

The biggest problem with your thesis, is that is opposing viewpoint is a careening free fall into third worldism. Regardless of what you think, the entire project of Israeli decolonization won’t end with the elimination of the Jews. Oh no, it won’t be finished until the entire world is cleansed of anyone whose ancestors might have wronged a feminist, a queer or a groid, or any so-called “dregs of society”. Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.22900006

Lel is that a threat, jew?

>> No.22900013

Eastern euros arrested andrew tate, he would have been safe here

>> No.22900036

Did I mistakenly strike a nerve? You sound like red, white, and blue pilled burger sitting on a mountain of your so called impotent rage, go ahead burger, lecture us or pill us on this with your canned speech about impotent rage.

>> No.22900093

Not a jew just pointing out facts zoomie.

Nah I just enjoy getting a rise out of gypsies like you because it makes my dick rock hard

>> No.22900227
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That is the response I like to see.

>> No.22900250

>a large amount of these guys wrote books
Nobody's talking about any of their books.

>> No.22900411


>> No.22900432
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Who is correct black pillers or red pillers?