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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 349 KB, 1000x748, lit top 100 2023 graphic 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22882711 No.22882711 [Reply] [Original]

POLL: https://forms.gle/x44jyD3qXPhSiDVQ

Any ties from here on out will be sorted alphabetically.
Here's the unedited sheet. I removed duplicate novels from the same submissions and reformatted submissions in a local excel file. I'll post that with the final chart.
Sorry about the delay!

>> No.22882714

URL Didn't seem to work. Here's an alternate link.

>> No.22882742


Vote Wagner's Ring.

>> No.22882745


>> No.22882751

I'm not doing that.

>> No.22882762

Why would anyone vote for a musician on a literature chart?

>> No.22882770

Oh I'm sorry I didn't know the literary works of Aeschylus and Homer are forbidden because music accompanied them.

>> No.22882785

From a quick glance, it looks like the 2023 list is similar to last years...

>> No.22882802

Because the music is not essential to them? unlike Wagner's works.

>> No.22882806

No Call of the Crocodile this year. We're maturing.

>> No.22882816

I see 50% more votes than last year. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

>> No.22882819

Music was essential to Greek tragedy as an artwork. It was a performing art. This is not even contentious. And in the same way the texts of both Wagner and Greek tragedy can be appreciated on their own.

>> No.22882840

Céline got a good year it seems

>> No.22882844

It was essential for them. Not for us. That's why their music has not survived while the written text has.
If Wagner's librettos have literary value beyond their musical one then the former will out last later. So far it doesn't seem to be the case.
I'm not saying that they can't be anjoyed as a whole. I'm saying that it can't not be enyojed separately from its musical dimension.

>> No.22882848

Meant for:

>> No.22882881

Lol at the wagnerfag trying to say the Greek playwrights were musicians.

>> No.22882950

You are brown.

>> No.22882975

It‘s literally true you retard

>> No.22882983
File: 71 KB, 853x480, 1694817880937019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g*rmoid wannabe cope

>> No.22883012

>If Wagner's librettos have literary value beyond their musical one then the former will out last later.
That's utterly retarded. You're assuming the music and words can't be equally worth preserving. Or that the music for Greek tragedy wasn't lost because of many different reasons like its oral basis, primitive notation and the chaos of the ancient world. And if the music was of an inferior value in Greek tragedy that in no way means it wasn't still worth preserving, or limits the quality of music accompanying literature into Christian Europe.

>> No.22883015

Kikes projecting their governance rackets as sacred and getting assblasted over the German tendency to rightfully break it are so weird.

>> No.22883059

>I'm saying that it can't not be enyojed separately from its musical dimension.
Which the entire history of his literary appreciation and influence contradicts....

This is just YOUR problem anon. Stop trying to force it onto others.

>> No.22883061

>the German tendency to rightfully break it

>> No.22883072

>wagner faggot derailing another thread

Par the course. He probably only likes him for his proto Nazi aesthetic anyway

>> No.22883078

That's such a reddit thing to say.

>> No.22883103

And yet it didn't. Surely series of pleasant sounds would be more likely to be preserved than symbols written in a foreign language.
Except that it didn't happen.That's why a thousand years into the future when Wagner's music has been all but forgotten people will look at his librettos and see nothing but the accidental symbols that accompanied his music instead of the other way around.

>> No.22883117

>thinks music is just a series of pleasant sounds
>thinks classical music will be forgotten in a thousand years
You're beyond retarded. It's not worth spoonfeeding you anymore.

>> No.22883194

I would rather it be formatted where we pick our top 5 from the shortlisted options. Hated having to choose between Catch 22 and Dead Souls.

>> No.22883200

The term "influence" is almost meaningless, specially in the arts. If you chose to use it is because a) you don't ignorant of it or b) you are being mischievous.
I'm sure you have many examples where one artist influenced another in a different field and if not you are at least preparing some sort of reply but as i said previously: Wagner is not studied in Literature departments for a very obvious reason. For the same reason he's studied in Musicology departments. As you and your apreciation (if i'm correct in believing you didn't just joined the conversation and are looking at things to nitpick) of Wager will probably confirm is that his contributions to Music have been much greater than his contributions to the world of Literature (if he has any at all).

>> No.22883203

Was I supposed to log in to vote tie breaker? Because I voted tie breakers without logging in and want to make sure my vote went through.

>> No.22883211

>thinks music is just a series of pleasant sounds
Either you lack basic reading comprehension or you instantly forget everything you write after writing it. I don't know which one is worse.

>> No.22883226

>I'm sure you have many examples where one artist influenced another in a different field and if not you are at least preparing some sort of reply but as i said previously: Wagner is not studied in Literature departments for a very obvious reason.
Reading comprehension levels are awful. People are telling you that Wagner had influence on writers as a writer. No one is claiming his importance for literature as a musician. And, once again (this was mentioned in the previous thread but got no response), Wagner is studied in many literature departments.

I don't know what you're trying to get out of this by consistently ignoring everything that contradicts what you say.

>> No.22883240

All this arguing and Wagner isn’t going to even make the list. It’s just one sperg with no life. Ignore him

>> No.22883261

Too many things I want to vote for in the three vote section...

>> No.22883267

>Dynamic link not found

>> No.22883281

I expect nothing less from a child that tries his hardest to ignore the difference between anciant plays and modern operas.

>> No.22883353

Pretty poor showing and selections this year. Too bad.

>> No.22883526

Check the second post in the thread. Sent another URL that should work.

>> No.22883535

There's a difference between someone having a stupid opinion and someone refusing to acknowledge an opinion because it proves them wrong. It doesn't matter what you think of the prior, it is no where near as childish as the latter. What you have done through all these threads is mind numbingly repeat the same dumb talking points and ignore the most easily provable facts. And here, finally, you resort to an awful strawman. Nowhere did I deny the difference between opera and Greek Tragedy. It's a very particular claim, not general at all, to claim Wagner, or Strauss, or Berg, set to music texts of high literary quality, as distinct from the majority of opera composers.

This is the level of insanity that Wagner-haters are driven to.

>> No.22883669

Hey OP, Iliad and Ulysses are equal at 20 votes. Some faggot anon put in his vote as 'Ilias' instead of Iliad. Put it in the tie breaker.

>> No.22883676

The top 10 this year: -

1) Moby Dick
2) Brothers Karamazov
3) Holy Bible
4) Don Quixote
5) Blood meridian/Stoner
7) Lolita/Shakespeare's plays
9) Ulysses/Iliad

>> No.22883680
File: 4 KB, 409x65, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe I caught that. I have the Iliad at 21 votes. I might've miscounted and added an additional vote. I'll double check once my girlfriend heads to bed.

>> No.22883752

Shut the fuck up, you obtuse faggot. You've been absolutely BTFO'd by knowledgeable anons in the previous two or three threads.

>> No.22883766

He pretty comfortably made the list. Some of us have seen the light.

>> No.22883772

The only faggot derailing this thread is the retard who won't be convinced Wagner's Ring libretto has literary value, which any serious scholar will tell you it has.

>> No.22883941
File: 8 KB, 200x200, bugs wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is it with people absolutely adoring and hating Wagner? I like him myself, but it's so strange how contentious his reputation is even so many years after his death. You don't see people sperging out like this over Shakespeare or Goethe or any other big figure in literature/drama.

>> No.22883957

Wagner is not on that level

>> No.22884055

Because he's a controversial cult figure. Shakespeare and Goethe aren't controversial, but Wagner has always been. Some people attract cultists more than others, and Wagner is definitely up there. I love Wagner, but I don't worship him. The cult of Wagner is strong and annoying, and people sometimes react to the cult more than they do the person that's worshipped. Like the anon ITT refusing to accept Wagner's poetic librettos may have literary value and could be read without the music. I think he's reacting more to the Wagnerfags than he is to the facts. The Wagnerfags get offended and attack him, and then he becomes defensive and keeps doubling down. It's like one big negative circlejerk.

>> No.22884294

Same reason we have to deal with mein kampf making the list every year
I don't mind it as it adds flavor, but I can't in good faith pretend his work as a political theorist has any value and he is only discussed due to that whole holocausr debacle, much like I am painfully aware Warner is only relevant to the board this year due to his antisemitic writings rather than his merits as a writer

>> No.22884738

Thanks OP

>> No.22884846

You used to have to memorize Wagner's libretto to be considered educated in Germany. He's absolutely Germany's Shakespeare. Goethe and Schiller have always been for pseuds.

Also, you're Jewish.

>> No.22884877

Uncalled for. You do realize I'm only against cultish behavior, but otherwise love Wagner? You can read, right?

>> No.22885654

>The Wagnerfags get offended and attack him, and then he becomes defensive and keeps doubling down.
I just don't get this negative framing of Wagnerism. All he did was respond to someone obviously wrong. That would be the norm for any other writer who was seriously misjudged in value. If that's 'cultism' then it's a necessary one since there will always be people irrationally seething at people enjoying Wagner.

>> No.22885691

curious as to what anon posted Stella Maris as nr 1, because most people I think would put it last in a ranking of McCarthy's novels

>> No.22885738

That's not what I mean by cultism. I mention two unrelated problems.

>> No.22885793
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, 1688964604110950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wagner, says Dieter Borchmeyer boldly, is ‘the most controversial artist in the entire history of culture,’ one whose works and personality provoke, even a century later, disagreements of a depth that still militate against his works ever becoming classics. One never speaks of ‘Shakespeareans’ or ‘Mozartians’ the way one speaks of Wagnerians, and 'although there are no anti-Shakespearians or anti-Mozartians, there is a party of anti-Wagnerians that is even more militant than in Wagner's day.' Faced with Wagner, he says, even otherwise serious scholars ‘take leave of their senses … and start to rant.’

>> No.22886103

The Quran
Nahj Al-Balagha
Al-Sahiffa Al-Sajjadiyya
The Mu'allaqat
Kafka's The Metamorphosis

>> No.22886452
File: 169 KB, 900x718, emperor cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been loving the arguments over Wagner rather than the usual few shitpost submissions people rally behind.
Thanks for the handful of entertaining threads Wagner-fag. Cheers.

>> No.22886589
File: 15 KB, 640x468, tolstoy23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tolstoybros... get your votes in.

>> No.22886593

I voted for Dostoevsky. Nothing personal.

>> No.22886747

C and P is such a fucking draaaaaag
like nigga do something besides being a whiny lil bitch
if u voted Dostohomo, fuck u lil nigga
Captcha: JN4 STD

>> No.22887008

Anna Karenina is an even more lengthy drag

>> No.22887364

How refreshing, I’m glad we’re all breaking out of the echo chamber.

>> No.22887521
File: 1.23 MB, 1820x4348, 1559245672554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 10 years ago. /lit/ has changed

>> No.22887546

And not for the better.

>> No.22887591

yeah it was a better time when camus went number too

>> No.22887788

>The Stranger
Harry Potter series was #54 ten years ago. That's fucking embarrassing for a serious literature board. This year, it got ZERO votes. I'd say it changed for the better.

>> No.22888561


>> No.22888701

What the fuck is BAP's book doing there?? I thought self published retarded meme books werent allowed. Fix this.

>> No.22888991

>holocausr debacle
You know the holohoax didn't happen, right, anon?

>> No.22889153

Then what the fuck do I have left to like the nazis for? The aesthetic?

>> No.22889169

Yeah, should delete crap like Gardner, BAP, and Mein Kampf. Meme books shouldn't be allowed, only serious literature. Fix this shit, OP.

>> No.22889180

eh, it's an accurate representation of what people here like
personally i hate that shit but it's dishonest to post a top 100 without them if you're aiming to capture this board's preferences

>> No.22889196

No anon you don't understand, if we don't get rid of the entries that add flavor to an otherwise dry and boring scholarly list the faggots at r/truelit will laugh at us and make me feel insecure for browsing this site

>> No.22889268

Mein Kampf is an actual historical text. BAP Is just some shitty twitter meme. And people (OP?) in past threads were saying meme shit like Gardner was not allowed

>> No.22889290

wrong bitch

>> No.22889356

we should make a top 100 chart with only meme books

>> No.22889472

>eh, it's an accurate representation of what people here like
But it's not, and it's not serious literature.
>meme books
Better that than to include meme books into the real chart.

>> No.22889687

I assumed meme books would be filtered out like usual. >>22882711

>> No.22889703

>But it's not, and it's not serious literature.
those are two different things
i agree it's not serious literature (whatever that means) but who said this chart was just about serious literature?
as for if people actually like it, are you straight up denying that people here like main kampf and BAP? i wish that was the case but the state of the board clearly indicates otherwise

>> No.22889970

>whatever that means
You know what it means.
>who said this chart was just about serious literature?
Well, if you're a literature board, it's expected you discuss good literature. Of what use would reading and discussing bad literature be? It's counterproductive and makes no sense.
>are you straight up denying that people here like main kampf and BAP?
Those people's opinions shouldn't count, and they're not human in my eyes because they lack a consciousness, therefore yes, I'm denying that people like them.

>> No.22889989

Usually two are made. One with all the votes and a filtered one. I'll most likely make both.

>> No.22890060

will you make a 101-200 chart as well?

>> No.22890070

>Usually two are made
Not really. It happened once because one autist got mad at MK taking the top post so he remade the whole chart

>> No.22890088

Usually only one is made because the memes get filtered out. But that time the clowns making the list did not filter them out and left them on the list so people had to retroactively make a real list.

>> No.22890103

I'll try to. Most likely I'll post it later down the line.

LOL. I'll make one with and without meme submissions. Might as well keep democracy pure even if the voters are retarded,

>> No.22890115

>all Shakespeare plays counted as one
>not even first place
/lit/ bros, I thought we were cultured...

>> No.22890164

Have you seen the board? What year do you think it is?

>> No.22890438

Yeah, it's unbelievable that the world's best classics consistently reach the top. We need more modern slop in it to freshen it up (for some reason).

>> No.22890456

I don’t get how people expect the chart to be different. Most readers are here because they are into serious literature. They are also most likely in their 20’s so they are limited on the amount of books they’ve read. Most serious readers want to read the acclaimed books early on. Those books are also acclaimed for a reason. Also keep in mind there is little point in voting for books that have a slim chance of making the list. Plenty of anons here like books outside of the usual suspects. A consensus list will always be the lowest common denominator though and the books with the farthest reach

>> No.22890481

Yeah, I agree with you. My response towards the other anon was sarcastic. Seems retarded to me to assume the chart would change drastically. If anything, it's pretty good to track what books were exceptionally trending for any given year.

>> No.22890548

>Plenty of anons here like books outside of the usual suspects
tfw only one nomination for The True History of the Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Diaz

>> No.22890569

I’ve learned that it is pointless voting for books where you’ll likely be the only vote. I usually only vote one book like that as a homage but otherwise it’s better to pad votes or books that have somewhat of a chance. I’ve always thought “what are your 10 favorite books” threads are better than this end of year voting. You get more diversity and refined taste

>> No.22890914

Bible bros, how are we not #1?

>> No.22891642

Why is Stoner so high? It was good, but not nearly that good. I've never understood why anons found it so depressing either.

>> No.22891708

I guess your taste doesn’t match everyone else’s. Did you think the list would be composed of your favorite books?

>> No.22891758

That doesn't answer my question you dumb fucking monkey nigger.

>> No.22892622


>> No.22892720

Perhaps a system could be implemented that weights each entry according to their placement when voted in. Like the book you list first gets five points and so on. Granted, this will assure that mein kampf and qu'ran will be grossly overvalued, but it may be worth it to shake up the list a bit and allow for new entries

>> No.22892744

Would using these votes (since they list authors with each book) be able to make a ranked list of /lit/ top writers?

>> No.22892752

how the fuck do I add Ulysses to this? Where's Joyce?

>> No.22892798

We've already tried that, and as you pointed out, MK was first that year

>> No.22893292

Not really. Iirc that year you could submit the same book for every entry, so you coild vote the same book up to ten times. Also there was no requirement to sign in, so it was heavily spammed

>> No.22893368

Voting is over, dumbass

>> No.22893396

Godammit how the fuck did i miss this? All the time i wasted on shitty threads and i miss the most important thread of the year. Serves me right.

>> No.22893977

We have only improved over time, let's hope for this year

>> No.22894288
File: 58 KB, 500x608, morrissey pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt I'll be able to get the chart in January 1st. Expect it a few days after.

>> No.22894327

It's ok OP take your time, thanks again for doing this. Happy new year

>> No.22894385

It's fine fren

>> No.22894731

I'm gonna turn your skull into dirt. Drop what you're doing and get it done

>> No.22894807

Happy new year anons

>> No.22895059

thanks for your efforts OP
also checked
happy new year fren

>> No.22895132
File: 18 KB, 296x445, oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best true crime book of the century let alone year,

>> No.22895332

No worries mate. Love your work.

>> No.22895521

Happy new year anon

>> No.22895647

holy reddit

>> No.22896331
File: 75 KB, 970x767, WonderWhatHesGoingToDoWithThatShotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will definitely be a few days late. I was planning on finishing it tonight, however, a few too many shots and my girlfriend sleeping over are in the way of that.
Expect it January 3rd.
Happy new years. Cheers, lads!

>> No.22896386

Only 7 votes for The Metamorphosis? You guys are actually all braindead simpletons

>> No.22896392

The Trial is way better dude

>> No.22896567


What if all my favorite books are in the long lists at the bottom?

>> No.22897119


>> No.22897252

Once the new chart is posted could we do one where you can only name books that you read in 2023? I'd be interested to see how the all-time list compares to what we've specifically read in the last year.

>> No.22897259

Would re-reads count? Me going back to proust has taken up quote a bit of last year and I also read moby dick and ulysses again

>> No.22897478

I'd say so, I think the purpose would be to act as a snapshot of what anons have been enjoying recently, regardless of if you've read it before.

>> No.22898212

Only 300 votes ? Just how barren is this place ?

>> No.22898304

There was no advertisement.

>> No.22898312

I bought 2 billboards and 3 newspaper slots…

Not sure what you wanted. There was a thread about it for almost 2 weeks

Interesting to see this place has ~60 readers

>> No.22898478

Was it this bad always ?

>> No.22898481

Please choose nice covers for the books and don't make it look like shit. Also a nice readable font. Thanks.

>> No.22898500

Verdana font

>> No.22898585

Looking forward to it anon

>> No.22898591

Well it's about that many who
>saw the thread
>clicked on it
>actually voted (despite google sign in)
I'd guess this board overall has a couple hundred users (not sure how many lurkers) which is about what one would expect for a classic literature community on 4chan

>> No.22898602

How many migrants who settled here who don’t read?

>> No.22898611

No one here reads, anons just LARP

>> No.22899302

Not blaming you, it was just a choice or an inability to advertise anymore than you did. It's not bad for there to only be 300 participants.

>> No.22899335

needing a google sign in probably hurts it a little.

>> No.22899976


>> No.22900114

mostly just removes spam

>> No.22900611


>> No.22900842

Why not just use posts here to determine this? Alternatively, just use something less shitty. Google is noted to be terrible and there are plenty alternatives for community-based data gathering like this. Anyways, here's my list:
>Ulysses (James Joyce)
>A History of Central Banking (Stephen M. Goodson)
>Something Wicked This Way Comes (Ray Bradbury)
I wasn't going to includ Goodson's book, but it really underlines today's issues that the average person is going through in a way that Marx really doesn't have the tools for. I won't include my alternative and this is my only post in this thread.

>> No.22901212 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 669x501, IMG_2305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this was actually a legit /lit/ list and not reddit then Call of the Crocodile would be number 1 followed by Infinite Jest for number 2. Those two books are the most talked about books here. See pic.

>> No.22901227 [DELETED] 

Judging by the posts it’s been hijacked by normies. Enjoy your boring dry list of assigned high school level books.

>> No.22901256

Shut up and fuck off Gardner

>> No.22901479

using google is a great way to filter schizos, as your post proves

>> No.22901648

Yeah I much prefer an illiterate schizo's ramblings than the classics

>> No.22901667 [DELETED] 

Same. F Gardner is the Hemingway of /lit./ I already know what all the classics are. I read them when I was a teenager and all normalfags read them.

>> No.22901671

It’s best to ignore trolls. They live off of you’s

>> No.22901691 [DELETED] 
File: 688 KB, 877x880, IMG_1944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect anti-Gardner posting is due to how politically incorrect F Gardner’s latest books were, namely Kabbalah of the Crocodile. Horror’s Call has always been an edgelord series but it has gone completely off the rails with the latest few installments. The seethe about it was unreal with Kabbalah of the Crocodile at least. It even leaked over to /pol/ for a period of time.

>> No.22901706
File: 72 KB, 654x1000, Brothers Karamazov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we use the Katz translation for The Brothers Karamazov?

>> No.22901710

>I suspect anti-Gardner posting is due to how politically incorrect F Gardner’s latest books were
Yeah, that'll be it, you fucking retard. How about being against shills who spam their shit books?

>> No.22901716

Go back to sleep, Michael

>> No.22901726 [DELETED] 

F Gardner or at least Call of the Crocodile is ridiculously famous. Do you not remember the time Gardner’s series got to the front page of Reddit? /lit/ fucking exploded while that happened

>> No.22901736

No, I had already quit /lit/ whenever that happened precisely because of retarded astroturfing campaigns like that. Self-serve ads were a mistake.

>> No.22901766

I don't give a shit about "internet breaking" nonsense.

>> No.22901767 [DELETED] 

It was the opposite of astroturfing. Reddit was seething at how popular Gardner was getting. It was extremely unreal. As of this place memed him into being an actual famous author.

>> No.22901787

Leak it deak. It's already the third.

>> No.22901793

Stop replying to him, retards

>> No.22901803

This. If you can’t stop retards and spammers from posting you can at least not reply to them to throw gas on the fire. Do your part and don’t give them what they want

>> No.22902023 [DELETED] 

This. If Call of the Crocodile and actual /lit/ books are not on the list then it’s illegitimate. I could care less about the non-/lit/ material.

>> No.22902913

When's the actual chart come out?

>> No.22903235

sent :^)

>> No.22903254
File: 115 KB, 757x825, 1667898658066913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The choices are a bit weird no? Why am I having to choose between sometimes 3/4 books and like 20 in another? Also why are we counting some as collections like lumping all of Beckett's trilogy together and Shakesphere's works as if they're just one? Also I ctrl-f'd Ulysses and it wasn't there? Am I going schizo or something?

>> No.22903283

it’s just tiebreakers, newfriend

>> No.22903327
File: 100 KB, 873x1332, 1661700073243767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein kampf has historic value, /lit/ history. Banning it makes you seem like a bitter leftists who is going to sneak Capital on there at the last minute.

The votes were locked unless you gave them a Google account. All the lurkers and a lot of posters said no to that.

>> No.22903579


>> No.22903586

removing le ebin trolling from the list does not make one a bitter leftist

>> No.22903612


>> No.22903619

Correct. I'm not remotely a "leftist", but even if it's not trolling, and the people submitting it are serious about it (LOL), it should be removed. It has no literary value and it's not philosophy (unlike Das Kapital).

>> No.22903646

Kant is gonna win right bros?

>> No.22904119

So? when is it dropping

>> No.22904136

It's over

>> No.22904304

Is the OP still binge drinking?

>> No.22904333

He is binge cooming

>> No.22904629


>> No.22904640

>t. bitter leftists

Mein kampf is as philosophically important and accurate as Capital. That is too say, not very much. Yet they are the books which most influenced the twentieth century. That's a reasonable justification for top book, even if as literature they are not good. Plato's Republic and (many books of) the Bible are also not great literature, but they would be reasonable choices. I mean Proust might not even make it in the top 100. People aren't judging on literary merit.

(Communist manifesto is probably the real influence. It's unlikely very many actually read that absolute bore that is Capital.)

>> No.22904650

The voting is for favorites, not most influential

>> No.22904767

Nobody cares.

>> No.22904791


>> No.22904806

Infinite JestGODS, are we ready to win again?

>> No.22904881

It just says "top of all time" and is otherwise undefined. Who knows how anons are defining it, by influence is reasonable I suppose.

>> No.22905192

lurk more

>> No.22905216

Is it over or are we back?

>> No.22905219
File: 323 KB, 1170x1450, 1697547889839203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.22905269


Process the data you coward.

>> No.22905334

>t. Midwit

>> No.22905644

I'm glad that's coming back in fashion.

Ha, sure son, you got me. You both did. Good job.

>> No.22905660

>Plato's Republic and (many books of) the Bible are also not great literature
Imagine being this small minded in your understanding of what makes great literature.

>> No.22905719

This is 4chan, not Harvard; people want the schizo list, not Steven Pinker's. BAP is way too irrelevant to make the cut, but you can make a good case for including Mein Kampf

>> No.22905733

Imagine having a reading comprehension so poor, you can't understand a novel technical definition.

>> No.22906337

It's over

>> No.22906738

guess it's over

>> No.22907208

>people want the schizo list
Speak for yourself.
>not Steven Pinker's
Good thing we're not getting that either.

>> No.22907210

OP said January 3. Which it will be ready when it's ready.

>> No.22907215

If a twitter faggot book is included in the list I move that we consider it illegitimate. By we I mean all members of /lit/ who aren't faggots.

>> No.22907218

That definitely counts as a meme book as well, yes.

>> No.22907545

>Speak for yourself.
If you prefer the Harvard list, here it is, no need to make another one:

>> No.22907559

It's so fucking over.

>> No.22907566

>Open it
>First thing i see is A Handmaid Tale
>Close it
Thanks for reassuring me that modern academia is a joke

>> No.22907631

I didn't say I prefer the Harvard list, no. You can read, I hope.

>> No.22907658

Who's compiling this list? George RR Martin????

>> No.22907662

the feds took your email and left

>> No.22907665

Google account*

>> No.22907688

We're going to be seeing Reddit threads and news reports saying shit like:

If your son reads these books he's a nazi

And the books will literally be Blood Meridian and Call of the Crocodile

>> No.22907700

It's January 5th.

>> No.22907706

Patience. I doubt anyone else wants to do the works OP is doing

>> No.22907737

I can read. Please elaborate. You don't want the academic canon, but you think "Mein Kampf," the autobiography of arguably the most influential person in the past 100 years, is too schizo to belong on the 4chan list. What kind of list do you want?


>> No.22907743

So I see /lit/ has not read any new books this year either and it's the same ol' shit from 3 centuries ago on the list. How exciting!

>> No.22907760 [DELETED] 

Why is it just engrained lore that an exclamation mark means a post is complete shit? Unfallable.

>> No.22907811

>You don't want the academic canon, but you think "Mein Kampf," the autobiography of arguably the most influential person in the past 100 years, is too schizo to belong on the 4chan list.
You people can really only think in black and white, huh? But if you want to know, Bloom's list is closer to someone with good taste.

>> No.22907813

>How can a list that shows what is considered the best books show what is considered the best books?
>How can this happen?
Don't know dude, maybe it's the same case as to why The Godfather always appears in a list for the best movies of all time for decades, that in a sea of infinite stories, only a little fraction of them can be considered timeless masterpieces.

>> No.22907815

Then why does No Longer Human appear in every chart? It is by no means a masterpiece.

>> No.22907820

Not really black and white. Mein Kampf is pretty much in the grey zone

>> No.22907825

Haven't read it so I can't say much about it.
What I'm trying to say is that expecting an anual "best x of all time" list to be 100% different than the others is ridiculous.

>> No.22907899

I’d bet most of the anons who voted for MK last year did so because Nazis based and not because they read it or thought it good

>> No.22907929

>Plato's Republic and (many books of) the Bible are also not great literature
Incredibly wrong. On a purely literary level Plato is on the level of Homer. And the KJV is on par with Shakespeare.

>> No.22907940

It's the same books in slightly different order every year.
Maybe the list should be about books released in 2023 we already know about infinite jest.

>> No.22907945

It’s a favorites list and the anons here favor the classics. Unsure why you’re surprised. If you want a forum for more recent books it is probably best to go elsewhere

>> No.22908302

No Longer Human is based.

>> No.22908311

I'm gonna beat you're scrawny ass, OP

>> No.22908317 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 669x501, IMG_2305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call of the Crocodile is number 1
Infinite Jest is number 2

Those are the most talked about books on /lit/

>> No.22908318

Was this intentional? Am I supposed to laugh? Haha very funny, "you're" hahaha

>> No.22908321

It's only based if you're 14

>> No.22908355

>On a purely literary level Plato is on the level of Homer.
kek absolute nigger

>> No.22908362

I'm not 14 though.

>> No.22908384

Your reading comprehension is terrible. Not a surprise.

>> No.22908418

Not really. I'm just capable of reading history without getting triggered like a 14 year old kike faggot

>> No.22908530


>> No.22908643

Did OP ditch us? How do we respond?

>> No.22908860

Maybe he was the Perry High School shooter

>> No.22909125

Don't leave us, OP. Deliver the goods.

>> No.22909305

Yeah, I'm sure you are.
>reading history

>> No.22909734

Fuck you bloody

>> No.22909755

It’s over. The vote was never real. Op was just making fun of us.

>> No.22909779

He just wanted book recommendations

>> No.22909782

all the data is right there in the spreadsheet just do it yourself ffs

>> No.22909845
File: 679 KB, 1102x501, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on it now. A close friend had a family emergency so I've been helping him out over the past few days. Should have it done soon.
Adobe has also given me a time limit... so that plays a part in needing to get it done quickly.

>> No.22909854

Sorry to hear that, forgive our impatience.

>> No.22909861

No worries mate. I've been on this site far too long to get upset in threads.

>> No.22909875

lmao, I hope you lose the ability to make this and the chart for this year never gets made.

>> No.22909882
File: 98 KB, 267x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book of the year has been added.

>> No.22909908 [SPOILER] 

Top 10:
1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. The Holy Bible
3. Moby Dick
4. Blood Meridian
5. Stoner
6. Lolita
7. Ulysses
8. Don Quixote
9. Faust
10. Infinite Jest

Top Authors:
1. Dostoevsky
2. Melville
3. Tolstoy
4. Homer
5. Nabokov

>> No.22909914

>Top Authors
Uhhh Godbros...??

>> No.22909930

I was just kidding OP, you're doing incredible work. In the meantime I'll keep posting
>it's over

>> No.22909936

Alright, I guess it's time to read Blood Meridian

>> No.22909939

>Gravity’s Rainbow not 1
>not top 3
>or top 5
>not even top 10
shit fucking list

>> No.22909950

How tf is Faust 9th and 13th?

>> No.22909966

What are you on about?

>> No.22909976

Nice bait. This is not the list.

>> No.22909994

Wagnerbros, we made it.

>> No.22910010

Dont know how OP is counting votes but I ran it through Excel and that's what I got. Cleaned the data a bit too but didn't put in as much effort.

>> No.22910015

>You're a schizo if you don't want a company to have acccess to your data, goy
lol no one is buying what you're selling, lad.

>> No.22910023

This list>>22909908 is bullshit.
That's the top 10.

>> No.22910027

First of all, thank you

>> No.22910038

That's not the top you illiterate.
Making a snack. I’ll post a screenshot of it in a moment.

>> No.22910042

I did it through excel as well. A massive portion isn’t formatted correctly or duplicate novels per submission. I'll post my documents alongside the final chart.

>> No.22910050

Except it is. Even the tiebreakers line up accordingly.

>> No.22910051

OP was compromised by the FBI

>> No.22910053
File: 1.58 MB, 1240x980, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I have so far. Work deadline is coming up so I'm going to take a little break.

[Submission Votes](Poll Votes)

I meant the top of the cart dingus. Read the bloody placement numbers.

>> No.22910055

Made a spelling error ... I'll see myself out. I've lost.

>> No.22910060

There's really no excuse for Shakespeare not being on top. I know it's not an objective measurement of value, but if every English speaker put him in their five, as they should have, it would have been decisive.

>> No.22910061

Lovely work, thank you anon
p.s. Jesus, this board has become a meme. Only tiktok braindead dummies would have voted those books that are now at the top. I bet not even half of the cunts who voted Moby Dick have even read its first page.

>> No.22910075

Plenty of people can acknowledge Shakespeare is great but that doesn’t mean he’s necessarily a favorite

>> No.22910079

>filtered by Moby dick
>claims Moby dick is tiktok
Cope and seethe.

>> No.22910082

Please use nice covers bro.

>> No.22910087

this place has gone downhill since the trump election

>> No.22910091

>there is a party of anti-Wagnerians that is even more militant than in Wagner's day.' Faced with Wagner, he says, even otherwise serious scholars ‘take leave of their senses … and start to rant.’
those people are known as jews

>> No.22910093

Trying to find nice ones for the majority of them. Don't have time to scroll through pages of images though. If there's any you guys find ugly send alternative covers to the thread and I'll replace them.
I'm scaling images down to have a height of 280 pixels so keep resolutions equal to or greater.

>> No.22910102

Thank you OP

>> No.22910107 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 669x501, IMG_2305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite Jest low on the list
>No meme books or even Call of the Crocodile

We did it Reddit! Man did you really cave to the normalfags fast.

>> No.22910108

>Moby Dick
>tiktok friendly
Looks ok.
>as they should have
kys Nigel
Huh? Be specific, retard.

>> No.22910112

found the zoomzoom blacked lover little faggot

>> No.22910114

There are betters covers for Lolita for example. That shitty green one is trash.

>> No.22910117

nta but you should kindly kys

>> No.22910118
File: 22 KB, 333x500, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change the W&P one for this

>> No.22910119 [DELETED] 

I can understand IJ but there’s no way to reconcile no CotC as it’s literally the most reposted book on all of /lit/

>> No.22910123

based opinion
turbobased opinion
I meant that Moby Dick got voted only because its a book they saw recomended and talked about on social media, not actually read it
thank you for your effort

>> No.22910124

Post them, then. Men cant read minds, lady.

>> No.22910128 [DELETED] 

Most people cave to peer pressure.

>> No.22910129

>its a book they saw recomended and talked about on social media, not actually read it

>> No.22910130

Nabokov published it with a blank cover purposefully. He had another in mind, however, his main wish was that there were “no girls”. It's meant to be a portrait of the man. Most covers I've seen have rejected his intent. I'm going to stick to the cover I've used.

>> No.22910133

That's a good thing. We are improving and moving away from Reddit postmodernism.

>> No.22910134

There is only one person who resposts CotC and is it's author

>> No.22910135 [DELETED] 

It’s just one guy who spams how much he hates Call of the Crocodile. DFW has a niche fanbase. Same for Gardner.

>> No.22910142
File: 26 KB, 327x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but I find this one the best.

>> No.22910144

There wasn't a single vote for Call of the Crocodile. Afraid that's on all of us, including you, anon.

>> No.22910145 [DELETED] 

Calling bullshit. I’ve seen YouTube reviews of it memed on here plenty of times.

>> No.22910146

Nice try, Frank.

>> No.22910151

OP here, I think it's a nice cover but not a good cover for Lolita.
My reasoning is here:

>> No.22910150 [DELETED] 

Liar. I voted for it.

>> No.22910152
File: 199 KB, 600x958, 2a34d8_1c8a8d7f9e7f44d38a4cbdea92554c3cmv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh whatever. Besides this way you don't have to work more. I was actually thinking of this.

>> No.22910153

Good choice. That's the iconic first edition

>> No.22910154

Were you asleep when the poll took place?

>> No.22910155 [DELETED] 



>> No.22910156

I'll go back through it—not that one vote will change anything. I don’t remember seeing one unless you posted it after I had begun counting.

>> No.22910157

Nta but thoughts on >>22910118

>> No.22910159

I'm using it. I quite like that one. Here's to hoping you'll be able to notice the chandelier once it’s shrunken down.

>> No.22910164

I love this cover so much

>> No.22910168

Thanks! Also I hope you make a new thread once the chart Is done as opposed to posting it here. I'm going to bed now. Good night everyone.

>> No.22910178

I will. No need to worry, anon.
Sleep well!

>> No.22910199
File: 426 KB, 1684x2531, 81O5RyLOXyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better resolution if OP needs it

>> No.22910220

your work is much appreciated OP, looking forward to seeing the final chart.
the board's attitudes towards pynchon have been shifting these past few years. hard to say why, but there's certainly not as much discussion being held around GR in comparison to the other two texts in the meme trilogy.
on the bright side, M&D made it into this year's top 50. perhaps it's still possible to recultivate the board's interest in pynchon.
make threads. discuss his novels. get other anons thinking. post pynchon.
i'm in agreement with this, you should keep the green lolita cover.

>> No.22910231

How's this list>>22883676 wrong, dumbass? It was made before the tiebreaks.

>> No.22910252

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.22910261

Isn't it called The Ring of [the] Nibelung?

>> No.22910265

Go back to your grave, Nabokov. Dostoyevsky won.

>> No.22910296 [DELETED] 

where I can find the list?
give me the list and I'll make one. but better

>> No.22910305

nvm I'm retarded

>> No.22910315

Yep, thanks for catching that.
Knocking these off back to back so I'm bound to make a few mistakes.

>> No.22910326

can I get finished ranking OP? I want to make a chart too

>> No.22910333

I'll post all the documents with the finished chart and then you lot can go wild.

>> No.22910345


>> No.22910407
File: 1.57 MB, 1325x982, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signing off for the day. I'll attempt to wrap it up tomorrow—worried about Adobe kicking me off of Photoshop before I'm able to finish.
Here's what it's currently looking like. If anyone notices any errors or general criticism let me know.
Finally, I said it above but I'll say it again. If you'd prefer I use another cover for any novel post them in the thread. To prevent pixellation send images ≥ 280px vertically.

>> No.22910412

good job

>> No.22910422
File: 1.07 MB, 980x1468, 1588294027915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you use a different Moby-Dick cover? for example pic rel? Something that feels more epic idk. You also forgot to add the author of the Bible, his name is Jesus Christ hehe :D

>> No.22910423

Looks good.

>> No.22910424

Never saw this cover, I'll use it. I love it, bloody menacing portrayal of the whale.

>> No.22910525

Now we move on to the next step of the master plan where we require Shakespeare to be number 1.

>> No.22910539

>I meant that Moby Dick got voted only because its a book they saw recomended and talked about on social media, not actually read it
Stop projecting faggot

>> No.22910540

Infinite Jest is far more deserving of waning prestige than Gravity's Rainbow, and I don't even like Pynchon half as much as other people seem to.

>> No.22910570

I see Mishima is making a huge comeback. And Hollocaustbecq went from 90s to 30s in a few years. Crazy.

>> No.22910636


>> No.22910640


>> No.22910660

I'm a little over halfway through Moby Dick so far. Honestly, I'm liking Starbuck and Stubb more than Ahab up to this point. Stubb especially is fucking kino.

>> No.22910671

Missed the boat on vooting, but let me just say, the consistent lack of The Magus on these lists is a slap in the face. It should at least make the top 100. I'd personally put it in the top 20.

>> No.22910711

lol I was kidding but thanks, you're a friendly anon

>> No.22910719

The ending was a little disappointing to me, knocked it down for me. The first 2/3s were good though

>> No.22910737
File: 58 KB, 414x640, IMG_7015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over half a century of Lolita covers and we’re still gonna use the original greenback?

>> No.22910752

>this board has become a meme
For moby dick? The one book that's been the board's favorite since forever? The one book for which the board has even made an annotated version?

>> No.22910794

>It's meant to be a portrait of the man.
No it isn't. It was supposed to be some kind of landscape

>> No.22910857

>the consistent lack of The Magus on these lists is a slap in the face
That would be my fault sorry. Every time a thread comes up and anons get curious I mention it features cuckholding and BBC and that seems to put them off for some reason

>> No.22910866

The narrative is meant to be a portrait of the man. The cover being a women changes the assumed focus of the story.
You're correct though, it was meant to be clouds if I remember.

>> No.22910880

All post election tourism aka redditor influx.

>> No.22911062

Not bad to be fair, can't really complain about that top 10 in terms of content. Would have liked to see Ulysses higher up though, it's 100% better than Stoner, that's for certain. Pale Fire deserves to be much higher as well.
>No Junger at all
Maybe next year trenchbros.....

>> No.22911117

I'm half way through Moby Dick and it's one of the few /lit/ approved classics which actually lives up to it's billing.

>> No.22911147

>>No Junger at all
>Maybe next year trenchbros.....
Damn, that one hurts

>> No.22911159
File: 113 KB, 1080x1080, 1642288740706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only tiktok braindead dummies would have voted those books that are now at the top
>Onlt people with literally no attention span and an addiction to short-format entertainment would have voted for Moby Dick, The Bible, Brothers and fucking Ulysses

>> No.22911192
File: 111 KB, 667x1000, StormOfSteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from just pic related, he has a lot of top-tier books. Very underrated ironically enough simply because of how good Storm of Steel is.

>> No.22911204


>> No.22911315

Where can I find charts from other years?

>> No.22911329

>no Gaddis for the first time in 9 years
I don't recognize this place anymore.

>> No.22911415

Junger might still be in, he's got 4 votes and the last thing OP worked on has 5. Depends if people voted for him in the tiebreaker.

>> No.22911512

Kino list so far. Better than last year.

>> No.22911515

Any recs?
A toast! A toast to /lit/!

>> No.22911727

The sticky thread. It has a lot of other things too, you should read it.

>> No.22911799

>any recs
Apart from SoS his other non-fiction work is well worth reading: The Worker, The Peace, War as an Inner Experience etc. all cover different topics and all are concise and lack any nonsensical padding you often get in philosophical texts. His non-fiction isn't exactly Shakespeare, but again, they're compact, easy to read, and have interesting political and philosophical points, themes, questions, etc. etc. You really can't go wrong with Junger to be honest.

>> No.22911958

I don't think the book advocates it, it just depicts it. Perhaps a cope.

>> No.22911981

Better already than last year I'd say.

>> No.22912196

Thank you, I'll check some of those

>> No.22912310

>Master and Margarita and East of Eden still on the list.

>> No.22912383
File: 120 KB, 955x945, 1675048223575419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Gaddis for the first time in 9 years
BASED. Fuck that guy.

>> No.22912521
File: 28 KB, 290x464, 011_isaac_tobin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest this one.

>> No.22912526
File: 20 KB, 290x464, 007_jennifer_heuer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
